// File: crn_command_line_params.h
// See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h
#pragma once
#include "crn_value.h"
#include <map>

namespace crnlib
   // Returns the command line passed to the app as a string.
   // On systems where this isn't trivial, this function combines together the separate arguments, quoting and adding spaces as needed.
   void get_command_line_as_single_string(dynamic_string& cmd_line, int argc, char *argv[]);

   class command_line_params
      struct param_value
         inline param_value() : m_index(0), m_modifier(0) { }

         dynamic_string_array    m_values;
         uint                    m_index;
         int8                    m_modifier;

      typedef std::multimap<dynamic_string, param_value>    param_map;
      typedef param_map::const_iterator                     param_map_const_iterator;
      typedef param_map::iterator                           param_map_iterator;


      void clear();

      static bool split_params(const char* p, dynamic_string_array& params);

      struct param_desc
         const char*    m_pName;
         uint           m_num_values;
         bool           m_support_listing_file;

      bool parse(const dynamic_string_array& params, uint n, const param_desc* pParam_desc);
      bool parse(const char* pCmd_line, uint n, const param_desc* pParam_desc, bool skip_first_param = true);

      const dynamic_string_array& get_array() const { return m_params; }

      bool is_param(uint index) const;

      const param_map& get_map() const { return m_param_map; }

      uint get_num_params() const { return static_cast<uint>(m_param_map.size()); }

      param_map_const_iterator begin() const { return m_param_map.begin(); }
      param_map_const_iterator end() const { return m_param_map.end(); }

      uint find(uint num_keys, const char** ppKeys, crnlib::vector<param_map_const_iterator>* pIterators, crnlib::vector<uint>* pUnmatched_indices) const;

      void find(const char* pKey, param_map_const_iterator& begin, param_map_const_iterator& end) const;

      uint get_count(const char* pKey) const;

      // Returns end() if param cannot be found, or index is out of range.
      param_map_const_iterator get_param(const char* pKey, uint index) const;

      bool has_key(const char* pKey) const { return get_param(pKey, 0) != end(); }

      bool has_value(const char* pKey, uint index) const;
      uint get_num_values(const char* pKey, uint index) const;

      bool get_value_as_bool(const char* pKey, uint index = 0, bool def = false) const;

      int get_value_as_int(const char* pKey, uint index, int def, int l = INT_MIN, int h = INT_MAX, uint value_index = 0) const;
      float get_value_as_float(const char* pKey, uint index, float def = 0.0f, float l = -math::cNearlyInfinite, float h = math::cNearlyInfinite, uint value_index = 0) const;

      bool get_value_as_string(const char* pKey, uint index, dynamic_string& value, uint value_index = 0) const;
      const dynamic_string& get_value_as_string_or_empty(const char* pKey, uint index = 0, uint value_index = 0) const;

      dynamic_string_array   m_params;

      param_map              m_param_map;

      static bool load_string_file(const char* pFilename, dynamic_string_array& strings);

} // namespace crnlib