/** ****************************************************************************** * Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2013 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. * * Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. * ****************************************************************************** */ 'use strict'; var module = angular.module('xe.session', []); module.service('Session', function( $rootScope, $q, $http, $state, log, Breakpoint, FileDataSource, RemoteDataSource) { var State = function(session) { this.session = session; this.clear(); }; State.prototype.clear = function() { this.cache_ = { moduleList: [], modules: {}, moduleFunctionLists: {}, functions: {}, threadStates: {}, threadList: [] }; }; State.prototype.sync = function() { var cache = this.cache_; var dataSource = this.session.dataSource; if (!dataSource) { var d = $q.defer(); d.resolve(); return d.promise; } var ps = []; // Update all modules/functions. var modulesUpdated = $q.defer(); ps.push(modulesUpdated.promise); dataSource.getModuleList().then((function(list) { cache.moduleList = list; // Update module information. var moduleFetches = []; list.forEach(function(module) { if (cache.modules[module.name]) { return; } var moduleFetch = $q.defer(); moduleFetches.push(moduleFetch.promise); dataSource.getModule(module.name). then(function(moduleInfo) { cache.modules[module.name] = moduleInfo; moduleFetch.resolve(); }, function(e) { moduleFetch.reject(e); }); }); // Update function lists for each module. list.forEach(function(module) { var cached = cache.moduleFunctionLists[module.name]; var functionListFetch = $q.defer(); moduleFetches.push(functionListFetch); dataSource.getFunctionList(module.name, cached ? cached.version : 0). then(function(result) { if (cached) { cached.version = result.version; for (var n = 0; n < result.list.length; n++) { cached.list.push(result.list[n]); } } else { cached = cache.moduleFunctionLists[module.name] = { version: result.version, list: result.list }; } functionListFetch.resolve(); }, function(e) { functionListFetch.reject(e); }); }); $q.all(moduleFetches).then(function() { modulesUpdated.resolve(); }, function(e) { modulesUpdated.reject(); }); }).bind(this), function(e) { modulesUpdated.reject(e); }); // Update threads/thread states. var threadsUpdated = $q.defer(); ps.push(threadsUpdated.promise); dataSource.getThreadStates().then((function(states) { cache.threadStates = states; cache.threadList = []; for (var threadId in states) { cache.threadList.push(states[threadId]); } threadsUpdated.resolve(); }).bind(this), function(e) { threadsUpdated.reject(e); }); var d = $q.defer(); $q.all(ps).then((function() { d.resolve(); }).bind(this), (function(e) { d.reject(e); }).bind(this)); return d.promise; }; State.prototype.getModuleList = function() { return this.cache_.moduleList; }; State.prototype.getModule = function(moduleName) { return this.cache_.modules[moduleName] || null; }; State.prototype.getFunctionList = function(moduleName) { var cached = this.cache_.moduleFunctionLists[moduleName]; return cached ? cached.list : []; }; State.prototype.getFunction = function(address) { return this.cache_.functions[address] || null; }; State.prototype.fetchFunction = function(address) { var cache = this.cache_; var d = $q.defer(); var cached = cache.functions[address]; if (cached) { d.resolve(cached); return d.promise; } var dataSource = this.session.dataSource; if (!dataSource) { d.reject(new Error('Not online.')); return d.promise; } dataSource.getFunction(address).then(function(result) { cache.functions[address] = result; d.resolve(result); }, function(e) { d.reject(e); }); return d.promise; } Object.defineProperty(State.prototype, 'threadList', { get: function() { return this.cache_.threadList || []; } }); State.prototype.getThreadStates = function() { return this.cache_.threadStates || {}; }; State.prototype.getThreadState = function(threadId) { return this.cache_.threadStates[threadId] || null; }; var Session = function(id, opt_dataSource) { this.id = id; this.breakpoints = {}; this.breakpointsById = {}; this.dataSource = opt_dataSource || null; this.state = new State(this); this.activeThread = null; this.paused = false; this.loadState(); }; Session.prototype.dispose = function() { this.saveState(); this.disconnect(); }; Session.prototype.loadState = function() { var raw = window.localStorage[this.id]; if (!raw) { return; } var json = JSON.parse(raw); if (!json) { return; } var breakpointList = json.breakpoints; this.breakpoints = {}; for (var n = 0; n < breakpointList.length; n++) { var breakpointJson = breakpointList[n]; var breakpoint = Breakpoint.fromJSON(breakpointJson); this.breakpoints[breakpointJson.address] = breakpoint; this.breakpointsById[breakpoint.id] = breakpoint; } }; Session.prototype.saveState = function() { var json = { id: this.id, breakpoints: [] }; for (var key in this.breakpointsById) { var breakpoint = this.breakpointsById[key]; if (breakpoint.type != Breakpoint.TEMP) { json.breakpoints.push(breakpoint.toJSON()); } } window.localStorage[this.id] = JSON.stringify(json); }; Session.DEFAULT_HOST = ''; Session.getHost = function(opt_host) { return opt_host || Session.DEFAULT_HOST; }; Session.query = function(opt_host) { var url = 'http://' + Session.getHost(opt_host); var p = $http({ method: 'GET', url: url + '/sessions', cache: false, timeout: 500, responseType: 'json' }); var d = $q.defer(); p.then(function(response) { if (!response.data || !response.data.length) { d.reject(new Error('No session data')); return; } d.resolve(response.data); }, function(e) { d.reject(e); }); return d.promise; }; Session.prototype.connect = function(opt_host) { this.disconnect(); var url = 'ws://' + Session.getHost(opt_host); log.info('Connecting to ' + url + '...'); log.setProgress(0); var d = $q.defer(); var dataSource = new RemoteDataSource(url, this); var p = dataSource.open(); p.then((function() { log.info('Connected!'); log.clearProgress(); this.setDataSource(dataSource).then((function() { d.resolve(this); }).bind(this), (function(e) { d.reject(e); }).bind(this)); }).bind(this), (function(e) { log.error('Unable to connect: ' + e); log.clearProgress(); d.reject(e); }).bind(this), function(update) { log.setProgress(update.progress); d.notify(update); }); return d.promise; }; Session.prototype.disconnect = function() { this.setDataSource(null); }; Session.prototype.setDataSource = function(dataSource) { var self = this; var d = $q.defer(); if (this.dataSource) { this.dataSource.dispose(); this.dataSource = null; } $rootScope.$emit('refresh'); if (!dataSource) { d.resolve(); return d.promise; } this.state.clear(); this.activeThread = null; this.dataSource = dataSource; this.dataSource.on('online', function() { // }, this); this.dataSource.on('offline', function() { this.setDataSource(null); }, this); var ps = []; // Add breakpoints. var breakpointList = []; for (var key in this.breakpoints) { var breakpoint = this.breakpoints[key]; if (breakpoint.enabled) { breakpointList.push(breakpoint); } } ps.push(this.dataSource.addBreakpoints(breakpointList)); // Perform a full sync. var syncDeferred = $q.defer(); ps.push(syncDeferred.promise); this.state.sync().then((function() { // Put a breakpoint at the entry point. // TODO(benvanik): make an option? var moduleList = this.state.getModuleList(); if (!moduleList.length) { log.error('No modules found!'); syncDeferred.reject(new Error('No modules found.')); return; } var moduleInfo = this.state.getModule(moduleList[0].name); if (!moduleInfo) { log.error('Main module not found!'); syncDeferred.reject(new Error('Main module not found.')); return; } var entryPoint = moduleInfo.exeEntryPoint; self.addTempBreakpoint(entryPoint, entryPoint); syncDeferred.resolve(); }).bind(this), (function(e) { syncDeferred.reject(e); }).bind(this)); $q.all(ps).then((function() { this.dataSource.makeReady().then(function() { d.resolve(); }, function(e) { log.error('Error making target ready: ' + e); d.reject(e); }); }).bind(this), (function(e) { log.error('Errors preparing target: ' + e); this.disconnect(); d.reject(e); }).bind(this)); return d.promise; }; Session.prototype.addBreakpoint = function(breakpoint) { this.breakpoints[breakpoint.address] = breakpoint; this.breakpointsById[breakpoint.id] = breakpoint; if (this.dataSource) { this.dataSource.addBreakpoint(breakpoint); } this.saveState(); return breakpoint; }; Session.prototype.addTempBreakpoint = function(fnAddress, address) { var breakpoint = new Breakpoint(); breakpoint.type = Breakpoint.Type.TEMP; breakpoint.fnAddress = fnAddress; breakpoint.address = address; breakpoint.enabled = true; return this.addBreakpoint(breakpoint); }; Session.prototype.addCodeBreakpoint = function(fnAddress, address) { var breakpoint = new Breakpoint(); breakpoint.type = Breakpoint.Type.CODE; breakpoint.fnAddress = fnAddress; breakpoint.address = address; breakpoint.enabled = true; return this.addBreakpoint(breakpoint); }; Session.prototype.removeBreakpoint = function(breakpoint) { delete this.breakpoints[breakpoint.address]; delete this.breakpointsById[breakpoint.id]; if (this.dataSource) { this.dataSource.removeBreakpoint(breakpoint.id); } this.saveState(); }; Session.prototype.toggleBreakpoint = function(breakpoint, enabled) { var oldEnabled = enabled; breakpoint.enabled = enabled; if (this.dataSource) { if (breakpoint.enabled) { this.dataSource.addBreakpoint(breakpoint); } else { this.dataSource.removeBreakpoint(breakpoint.id); } } this.saveState(); }; Session.prototype.onBreakpointHit = function(breakpointId, threadId) { // Now paused! this.paused = true; this.state.sync().then((function() { // Switch active thread. var thread = this.state.getThreadState(threadId); this.activeThread = thread; if (!breakpointId) { // Just a general pause. log.info('Execution paused.'); return; } var breakpoint = this.breakpointsById[breakpointId]; if (!breakpoint) { log.error('Breakpoint hit but not found.'); return; } // TODO(benvanik): stash current breakpoint/thread/etc. log.info('Breakpoint hit at 0x' + breakpoint.address.toString(16).toUpperCase() + '.'); $state.go('session.code.function', { sessionId: this.id, function: breakpoint.fnAddress.toString(16).toUpperCase(), a: breakpoint.address.toString(16).toUpperCase() }, { notify: true, reloadOnSearch: false }); }).bind(this), (function(e) { log.error('Unable to synchronize state,'); }).bind(this)); }; Session.prototype.continueExecution = function() { if (!this.dataSource) { return; } this.paused = false; this.dataSource.continueExecution().then(function() { log.info('Execution resumed.'); }, function(e) { log.error('Unable to continue: ' + e); }); }; Session.prototype.breakExecution = function() { if (!this.dataSource) { return; } this.paused = true; this.dataSource.breakExecution().then(function() { log.info('Execution paused.'); $rootScope.$emit('refresh'); }, function(e) { log.error('Unable to break: ' + e); }); }; Session.prototype.stepNext = function(threadId) { if (!this.dataSource) { return; } this.paused = false; this.dataSource.stepNext(threadId).then(function() { }, function(e) { log.error('Unable to step: ' + e); }); }; return Session; });