@ECHO OFF REM Copyright 2015 Ben Vanik. All Rights Reserved. SET DIR=%~dp0 SET XENIA_SLN=build\xenia\xenia.sln REM ============================================================================ REM Environment Validation REM ============================================================================ REM To make life easier we just require everything before we try running. CALL :check_git IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO ERROR: ECHO git must be installed and on PATH. GOTO :exit_error ) CALL :check_python IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO ERROR: ECHO Python 2.7 must be installed and on PATH: ECHO https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.9/python-2.7.9.msi GOTO :exit_error ) CALL :check_msvc IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO ERROR: ECHO Visual Studio 2015 must be installed. ECHO. ECHO The Community Edition is free and can be downloaded here: ECHO https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/visual-studio-2015-downloads-vs ECHO. ECHO Once installed, launch the 'Developer Command Prompt for VS2015' and run ECHO this script again. GOTO :exit_error ) REM ============================================================================ REM Command Parsing REM ============================================================================ SET _RESULT=-2 REM Ensure a command has been passed. IF -%1-==-- GOTO :show_help REM Dispatch to handler (:perform_foo). 2>NUL CALL :perform_%1 %* IF %_RESULT% EQU -2 GOTO :show_help IF %_RESULT% EQU -1 GOTO :exit_nop IF %_RESULT% EQU 0 GOTO :exit_success GOTO :exit_error :exit_success ECHO. ECHO OK EXIT /b 0 :exit_error ECHO. ECHO Error: %_RESULT% EXIT /b 1 :exit_nop ECHO. ECHO (no actions performed) EXIT /b 0 REM ============================================================================ REM xb help REM ============================================================================ :show_help SETLOCAL ECHO. ECHO Usage: xb COMMAND [options] ECHO. ECHO Commands: ECHO. ECHO xb setup ECHO Initializes dependencies and prepares build environment. ECHO. ECHO xb pull [--rebase] ECHO Fetches latest changes from github and rebuilds dependencies. ECHO. ECHO xb gyp ECHO Creates/updates xenia.sln and project files. Use after changing gypi. ECHO. ECHO xb edit ECHO Opens Visual Studio with `xenia.sln`. ECHO. ECHO xb build [--debug OR --release] [--force] ECHO Initializes dependencies and prepares build environment. ECHO. ECHO xb test [--debug OR --release] [--continue] ECHO Runs automated tests. Tests must have been built with `xb build`. ECHO. ECHO xb clean ECHO Cleans normal build artifacts to force a rebuild. ECHO. ECHO xb nuke ECHO Resets branch and build environment to defaults to unhose state. ECHO. ECHO xb lint [--all] ECHO Runs linter on local changes (or entire codebase). ECHO. ECHO xb format [--all] ECHO Runs linter/auto-formatter on local changes (or entire codebase). ECHO. ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb setup REM ============================================================================ :perform_setup SETLOCAL ECHO Setting up the build environment... ECHO. ECHO ^> git submodule update --init git submodule update --init IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to initialize git submodules ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ECHO. ECHO ^> generating projects... CALL :generate_projects IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to generate projects ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb pull REM ============================================================================ :perform_pull SETLOCAL SET REBASE=0 SHIFT :perform_pull_args IF "%~1"=="" GOTO :perform_pull_parsed IF "%~1"=="--" GOTO :perform_pull_parsed IF "%~1"=="--rebase" (SET REBASE=1) SHIFT GOTO :perform_pull_args :perform_pull_parsed ECHO Pulling latest changes and rebuilding dependencies... ECHO. ECHO ^> git checkout master git checkout master IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to checkout master ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ECHO. IF %REBASE% EQU 1 ( ECHO ^> git pull --rebase git pull --rebase ) ELSE ( ECHO ^> git pull git pull ) IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to pull latest changes from git ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ECHO. ECHO ^> git submodule update git submodule update IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to update git submodules ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ECHO. ECHO ^> generating projects... CALL :generate_projects IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to generate projects ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb gyp REM ============================================================================ :perform_gyp SETLOCAL ECHO Generating projects... ECHO. ECHO ^> generating projects... CALL :generate_projects IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to generate projects ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb edit REM ============================================================================ :perform_edit SETLOCAL ECHO Launching Visual Studio... ECHO. ECHO ^> generating projects... CALL :generate_projects IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to generate projects ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ECHO. ECHO ^> devenv %XENIA_SLN% START devenv %XENIA_SLN% ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb build REM ============================================================================ :perform_build SETLOCAL SET CONFIG="debug" SET FORCE=0 SHIFT :perform_build_args IF "%~1"=="" GOTO :perform_build_parsed IF "%~1"=="--" GOTO :perform_build_parsed IF "%~1"=="--debug" (SET CONFIG="debug") IF "%~1"=="--release" (SET CONFIG="release") IF "%~1"=="--force" (SET FORCE=1) SHIFT GOTO :perform_build_args :perform_build_parsed ECHO Building for config %CONFIG%... ECHO. ECHO ^> generating projects... CALL :generate_projects IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: failed to generate projects ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) IF %FORCE% EQU 1 ( SET DEVENV_COMMAND=/rebuild ) ELSE ( SET DEVENV_COMMAND=/build ) ECHO. ECHO ^> devenv %XENIA_SLN% %DEVENV_COMMAND% %CONFIG% devenv %XENIA_SLN% /nologo %DEVENV_COMMAND% %CONFIG% IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: build failed with errors ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb test REM ============================================================================ :perform_test SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion SET BUILD=1 SET CONFIG="debug" SET CONTINUE=0 SHIFT :perform_test_args IF "%~1"=="" GOTO :perform_test_parsed IF "%~1"=="--" GOTO :perform_test_parsed IF "%~1"=="--debug" (SET CONFIG="debug") IF "%~1"=="--release" (SET CONFIG="release") IF "%~1"=="--continue" (SET CONTINUE=1) SHIFT GOTO :perform_test_args :perform_test_parsed ECHO Running automated testing for config %CONFIG%... SET TEST_NAMES=xe-cpu-hir-test xe-cpu-ppc-test FOR %%G IN (%TEST_NAMES%) DO ( IF NOT EXIST build\xenia\%CONFIG%\%%G.exe ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: unable to find `%%G.exe` - ensure it is built. ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ) SET ANY_FAILED=0 FOR %%G IN (%TEST_NAMES%) DO ( ECHO. ECHO ^> build\xenia\%CONFIG%\%%G.exe build\xenia\%CONFIG%\%%G.exe IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( SET ANY_FAILED=1 IF %CONTINUE% EQU 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: test failed, aborting, use --continue to keep going ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: test failed but continuing due to --continue ) ) ) IF %ANY_FAILED% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: one or more tests failed ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb clean REM ============================================================================ :perform_clean SETLOCAL ECHO Cleaning normal build outputs... ECHO (use nuke to kill all artifacts) SET CONFIG_NAMES=Debug Release FOR %%G IN (%CONFIG_NAMES%) DO ( ECHO. ECHO ^> devenv %XENIA_SLN% /clean %%G devenv %XENIA_SLN% /nologo /clean %%G ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb nuke REM ============================================================================ :perform_nuke SETLOCAL ECHO Nuking all local changes... ECHO. REM rmdir build/ REM git checkout --hard /etc ECHO TODO(benvanik): blast away build/ for now ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb lint REM ============================================================================ :perform_lint SETLOCAL SET ALL=0 SHIFT :perform_lint_args IF "%~1"=="" GOTO :perform_lint_parsed IF "%~1"=="--" GOTO :perform_lint_parsed IF "%~1"=="--all" (SET ALL=1) SHIFT GOTO :perform_lint_args :perform_lint_parsed IF %ALL% EQU 1 ( ECHO Running code linter on all code... ) ELSE ( ECHO Running code linter on code staged in git index... ) ECHO. REM --all REM run lint ECHO TODO(benvanik): just `xb format` ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM xb format REM ============================================================================ :perform_format SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion SET ALL=0 SHIFT :perform_format_args IF "%~1"=="" GOTO :perform_format_parsed IF "%~1"=="--" GOTO :perform_format_parsed IF "%~1"=="--all" (SET ALL=1) SHIFT GOTO :perform_format_args :perform_format_parsed IF %ALL% EQU 1 ( ECHO Running code formatter on all code... ) ELSE ( ECHO Running code formatter on code staged in git index... ) SET CLANG_FORMAT="" SET LLVM_CLANG_FORMAT="C:\Program Files (x86)\LLVM\bin\clang-format.exe" IF EXIST %LLVM_CLANG_FORMAT% ( SET CLANG_FORMAT=%LLVM_CLANG_FORMAT% ) ELSE ( 1>NUL 2>NUL CMD /c where clang-format IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( SET CLANG_FORMAT="clang-format" ) ) IF %CLANG_FORMAT%=="" ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: clang-format is not on PATH or the standard location. ECHO LLVM is available from http://llvm.org/releases/download.html ECHO See docs/style_guide.md for instructions on how to get it. ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) IF %ALL% NEQ 1 ( ECHO. ECHO ^> git-clang-format CMD /c python third_party/clang-format/git-clang-format --binary=%CLANG_FORMAT% --commit=HEAD IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO ERROR: clang-format failed - ensure all files are staged ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ) ELSE ( SET ANY_ERRORS=0 ECHO. ECHO ^> clang-format (all) PUSHD src FOR /R %%G in (*.cc *.c *.h *.inl) DO ( ECHO ^> clang-format %%G CMD /C %CLANG_FORMAT% -i -style=file %%G IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( SET ANY_ERRORS=1 ) ) POPD IF %ANY_ERRORS% NEQ 0 ( ECHO FOOO ) ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof REM ============================================================================ REM Utilities REM ============================================================================ :check_python SETLOCAL 1>NUL 2>NUL CMD /c where python IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) CMD /c python -c "import sys; sys.exit(1 if not sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7) else 0)" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=1 GOTO :eof ) ENDLOCAL & SET _RESULT=0 GOTO :eof :check_git 1>NUL 2>NUL CMD /c where git SET _RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% GOTO :eof :check_msvc 1>NUL 2>NUL CMD /c where devenv SET _RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %_RESULT% NEQ 0 GOTO :eof SET _RESULT=1 IF "%VS140COMNTOOLS%" NEQ "" ( IF EXIST "%VS140COMNTOOLS%" ( REM VS2015 CTP/RC SET _RESULT=0 ) ) IF "%VS150COMNTOOLS%" NEQ "" ( IF EXIST "%VS150COMNTOOLS%" ( REM VS2015 SET _RESULT=0 ) ) GOTO :eof :generate_projects CALL third_party\gyp\gyp.bat -f msvs -G output_dir=. --depth=. --toplevel-dir=. --generator-output=build/xenia/ -G msvs_version=2015 -D windows_sdk_dir="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1" xenia.gyp SET _RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% GOTO :eof