// File: crn_dxt_hc.cpp // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h #include "crn_core.h" #include "crn_dxt_hc.h" #include "crn_image_utils.h" #include "crn_console.h" #include "crn_dxt_fast.h" #define CRNLIB_USE_FAST_DXT 1 #define CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES 0 namespace crnlib { static color_quad_u8 g_tile_layout_colors[cNumChunkTileLayouts] = { color_quad_u8(255,90,32,255), color_quad_u8(64,210,192,255), color_quad_u8(128,16,225,255), color_quad_u8(255,192,200,255), color_quad_u8(255,128,200,255), color_quad_u8(255,0,0,255), color_quad_u8(0,255,0,255), color_quad_u8(0,0,255,255), color_quad_u8(255,0,255,255) }; dxt_hc::dxt_hc() : m_num_chunks(0), m_pChunks(NULL), m_num_alpha_blocks(0), m_has_color_blocks(false), m_has_alpha0_blocks(false), m_has_alpha1_blocks(false), m_main_thread_id(crn_get_current_thread_id()), m_canceled(false), m_pTask_pool(NULL), m_prev_phase_index(-1), m_prev_percentage_complete(-1) { utils::zero_object(m_encoding_hist); } dxt_hc::~dxt_hc() { } void dxt_hc::clear() { m_num_chunks = 0; m_pChunks = NULL; m_chunk_encoding.clear(); m_num_alpha_blocks = 0; m_has_color_blocks = false; m_has_alpha0_blocks = false; m_has_alpha1_blocks = false; m_color_selectors.clear(); m_alpha_selectors.clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < cNumCompressedChunkVecs; i++) m_compressed_chunks[i].clear(); utils::zero_object(m_encoding_hist); m_total_tiles = 0; m_color_clusters.clear(); m_alpha_clusters.clear(); m_color_selectors.clear(); m_alpha_selectors.clear(); m_chunk_blocks_using_color_selectors.clear(); m_chunk_blocks_using_alpha_selectors.clear(); m_color_endpoints.clear(); m_alpha_endpoints.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_tile_vis.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_color_quantized.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_alpha_quantized.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_color_selectors.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_color_selectors.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_color_selectors.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_alpha_selectors.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_alpha_selectors.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_alpha_selectors.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_alpha_selectors.clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final.clear(); m_canceled = false; m_prev_phase_index = -1; m_prev_percentage_complete = -1; } bool dxt_hc::compress(const params& p, uint num_chunks, const pixel_chunk* pChunks, task_pool& task_pool) { m_pTask_pool = &task_pool; m_main_thread_id = crn_get_current_thread_id(); bool result = compress_internal(p, num_chunks, pChunks); m_pTask_pool = NULL; return result; } bool dxt_hc::compress_internal(const params& p, uint num_chunks, const pixel_chunk* pChunks) { if ((!num_chunks) || (!pChunks)) return false; if ((m_params.m_format == cDXT1A) || (m_params.m_format == cDXT3)) return false; clear(); m_params = p; m_num_chunks = num_chunks; m_pChunks = pChunks; switch (m_params.m_format) { case cDXT1: { m_has_color_blocks = true; break; } case cDXT5: { m_has_color_blocks = true; m_has_alpha0_blocks = true; m_num_alpha_blocks = 1; break; } case cDXT5A: { m_has_alpha0_blocks = true; m_num_alpha_blocks = 1; break; } case cDXN_XY: case cDXN_YX: { m_has_alpha0_blocks = true; m_has_alpha1_blocks = true; m_num_alpha_blocks = 2; break; } default: { return false; } } determine_compressed_chunks(); if (m_has_color_blocks) { if (!determine_color_endpoint_clusters()) return false; if (!determine_color_endpoint_codebook()) return false; } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { if (!determine_alpha_endpoint_clusters()) return false; if (!determine_alpha_endpoint_codebook()) return false; } create_quantized_debug_images(); if (m_has_color_blocks) { if (!create_selector_codebook(false)) return false; } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { if (!create_selector_codebook(true)) return false; } if (m_has_color_blocks) { if (!refine_quantized_color_selectors()) return false; if (!refine_quantized_color_endpoints()) return false; } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { if (!refine_quantized_alpha_endpoints()) return false; if (!refine_quantized_alpha_selectors()) return false; } create_final_debug_image(); if (!create_chunk_encodings()) return false; return true; } void dxt_hc::compress_dxt1_block( dxt1_endpoint_optimizer::results& results, uint chunk_index, const image_u8& chunk, uint x_ofs, uint y_ofs, uint width, uint height, uint8* pColor_Selectors) { chunk_index; color_quad_u8 pixels[cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight]; for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++) pixels[x + y * width] = chunk(x_ofs + x, y_ofs + y); //double s = image_utils::compute_std_dev(width * height, pixels, 0, 3); #if CRNLIB_USE_FAST_DXT uint low16, high16; dxt_fast::compress_color_block(width * height, pixels, low16, high16, pColor_Selectors); results.m_low_color = static_cast<uint16>(low16); results.m_high_color = static_cast<uint16>(high16); results.m_alpha_block = false; results.m_error = INT_MAX; results.m_pSelectors = pColor_Selectors; #else dxt1_endpoint_optimizer optimizer; dxt1_endpoint_optimizer::params params; params.m_block_index = chunk_index; params.m_pPixels = pixels; params.m_num_pixels = width * height; params.m_pixels_have_alpha = false; params.m_use_alpha_blocks = false; params.m_perceptual = m_params.m_perceptual; params.m_highest_quality = false;//false; params.m_endpoint_caching = false; results.m_pSelectors = pColor_Selectors; optimizer.compute(params, results); #endif } void dxt_hc::compress_dxt5_block( dxt5_endpoint_optimizer::results& results, uint chunk_index, const image_u8& chunk, uint x_ofs, uint y_ofs, uint width, uint height, uint component_index, uint8* pAlpha_selectors) { chunk_index; color_quad_u8 pixels[cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight]; for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++) pixels[x + y * width] = chunk(x_ofs + x, y_ofs + y); #if 0 //CRNLIB_USE_FAST_DXT uint low, high; dxt_fast::compress_alpha_block(width * height, pixels, low, high, pAlpha_selectors, component_index); results.m_pSelectors = pAlpha_selectors; results.m_error = INT_MAX; results.m_first_endpoint = static_cast<uint8>(low); results.m_second_endpoint = static_cast<uint8>(high); results.m_block_type = 0; #else dxt5_endpoint_optimizer optimizer; dxt5_endpoint_optimizer::params params; params.m_block_index = chunk_index; params.m_pPixels = pixels; params.m_num_pixels = width * height; params.m_comp_index = component_index; params.m_use_both_block_types = false; params.m_quality = cCRNDXTQualityNormal; results.m_pSelectors = pAlpha_selectors; optimizer.compute(params, results); #endif } void dxt_hc::determine_compressed_chunks_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { pData_ptr; const uint thread_index = static_cast<uint>(data); image_u8 orig_chunk; image_u8 decomp_chunk[cNumChunkEncodings]; orig_chunk.resize(cChunkPixelWidth, cChunkPixelHeight); for (uint i = 0; i < cNumChunkEncodings; i++) decomp_chunk[i].resize(cChunkPixelWidth, cChunkPixelHeight); image_utils::error_metrics color_error_metrics[cNumChunkEncodings]; dxt1_endpoint_optimizer::results color_optimizer_results[cNumChunkTileLayouts]; uint8 layout_color_selectors[cNumChunkTileLayouts][cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight]; image_utils::error_metrics alpha_error_metrics[2][cNumChunkEncodings]; dxt5_endpoint_optimizer::results alpha_optimizer_results[2][cNumChunkTileLayouts]; uint8 layout_alpha_selectors[2][cNumChunkTileLayouts][cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight]; uint first_layout = 0; uint last_layout = cNumChunkTileLayouts; uint first_encoding = 0; uint last_encoding = cNumChunkEncodings; if (!m_params.m_hierarchical) { first_layout = cFirst4x4ChunkTileLayout; first_encoding = cNumChunkEncodings - 1; } for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if (m_canceled) return; if ((crn_get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread_id) && ((chunk_index & 511) == 0)) { if (!update_progress(0, chunk_index, m_num_chunks)) return; } if (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads()) { if ((chunk_index % (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads() + 1)) != thread_index) continue; } uint level_index = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < m_params.m_num_levels; i++) { if ((chunk_index >= m_params.m_levels[i].m_first_chunk) && (chunk_index < m_params.m_levels[i].m_first_chunk + m_params.m_levels[i].m_num_chunks)) { level_index = i; break; } } for (uint cy = 0; cy < cChunkPixelHeight; cy++) for (uint cx = 0; cx < cChunkPixelWidth; cx++) orig_chunk(cx, cy) = m_pChunks[chunk_index](cx, cy); if (m_has_color_blocks) { for (uint l = first_layout; l < last_layout; l++) { utils::zero_object(layout_color_selectors[l]); compress_dxt1_block( color_optimizer_results[l], chunk_index, orig_chunk, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_x_ofs, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_y_ofs, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_width, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_height, layout_color_selectors[l]); } } float alpha_layout_std_dev[2][cNumChunkTileLayouts]; utils::zero_object(alpha_layout_std_dev); for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { for (uint l = first_layout; l < last_layout; l++) { utils::zero_object(layout_alpha_selectors[a][l]); compress_dxt5_block( alpha_optimizer_results[a][l], chunk_index, orig_chunk, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_x_ofs, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_y_ofs, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_width, g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_height, m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a], layout_alpha_selectors[a][l]); for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { float mean = 0.0f; float variance = 0.0f; for (uint cy = 0; cy < g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_height; cy++) { for (uint cx = 0; cx < g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_width; cx++) { uint s = orig_chunk(cx + g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_x_ofs, cy + g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]]; mean += s; variance += s * s; } // cx } //cy float scale = 1.0f / (g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_width * g_chunk_tile_layouts[l].m_height); mean *= scale; variance *= scale; variance -= mean * mean; alpha_layout_std_dev[a][l] = sqrt(variance); } //a } } for (uint e = first_encoding; e < last_encoding; e++) { for (uint t = 0; t < g_chunk_encodings[e].m_num_tiles; t++) { const uint layout_index = g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_layout_index; CRNLIB_ASSERT( (layout_index >= first_layout) && (layout_index < last_layout) ); if (m_has_color_blocks) { const dxt1_endpoint_optimizer::results& color_results = color_optimizer_results[layout_index]; const uint8* pColor_selectors = layout_color_selectors[layout_index]; color_quad_u8 block_colors[cDXT1SelectorValues]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(color_results.m_low_color >= color_results.m_high_color); // it's okay if color_results.m_low_color == color_results.m_high_color, because in this case only selector 0 should be used dxt1_block::get_block_colors4(block_colors, color_results.m_low_color, color_results.m_high_color); for (uint cy = 0; cy < g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_height; cy++) { for (uint cx = 0; cx < g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_width; cx++) { uint s = pColor_selectors[cx + cy * g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_width]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(s < cDXT1SelectorValues); decomp_chunk[e](cx + g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_x_ofs, cy + g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_y_ofs) = block_colors[s]; } } } for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { const dxt5_endpoint_optimizer::results& alpha_results = alpha_optimizer_results[a][layout_index]; const uint8* pAlpha_selectors = layout_alpha_selectors[a][layout_index]; uint block_values[cDXT5SelectorValues]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(alpha_results.m_first_endpoint >= alpha_results.m_second_endpoint); dxt5_block::get_block_values8(block_values, alpha_results.m_first_endpoint, alpha_results.m_second_endpoint); for (uint cy = 0; cy < g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_height; cy++) { for (uint cx = 0; cx < g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_width; cx++) { uint s = pAlpha_selectors[cx + cy * g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_width]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(s < cDXT5SelectorValues); decomp_chunk[e](cx + g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_x_ofs, cy + g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]] = static_cast<uint8>(block_values[s]); } } } } // t if (m_params.m_hierarchical) { if (m_has_color_blocks) color_error_metrics[e].compute(decomp_chunk[e], orig_chunk, 0, 3); for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) alpha_error_metrics[a][e].compute(decomp_chunk[e], orig_chunk, m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a], 1); } } // e uint best_encoding = cNumChunkEncodings - 1; if (m_params.m_hierarchical) { float quality[cNumChunkEncodings]; utils::zero_object(quality); float best_quality = 0.0f; best_encoding = 0; for (uint e = 0; e < cNumChunkEncodings; e++) { if (m_has_color_blocks) { float adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating = m_params.m_adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating; if ((level_index) && (adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating > .25f)) { //adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating = math::lerp(adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating * .5f, .3f, (level_index - 1) / math::maximum(1.0f, float(m_params.m_num_levels - 2))); adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating = math::maximum(.25f, adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating / powf(3.0f, static_cast<float>(level_index))); } float color_derating = math::lerp( 0.0f, adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating, (g_chunk_encodings[e].m_num_tiles - 1) / 3.0f ); quality[e] = (float)math::maximum<double>(color_error_metrics[e].mPeakSNR - color_derating, 0.0f); } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { quality[e] *= m_params.m_adaptive_tile_color_alpha_weighting_ratio; float alpha_derating = math::lerp( 0.0f, m_params.m_adaptive_tile_alpha_psnr_derating, (g_chunk_encodings[e].m_num_tiles - 1) / 3.0f ); float max_std_dev = 0.0f; for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { quality[e] += (float)math::maximum<double>(alpha_error_metrics[a][e].mPeakSNR - alpha_derating, 0.0f); for (uint t = 0; t < g_chunk_encodings[e].m_num_tiles; t++) { float std_dev = alpha_layout_std_dev[a][ g_chunk_encodings[e].m_tiles[t].m_layout_index ]; max_std_dev = math::maximum(max_std_dev, std_dev); } } #if 0 // rg [4/28/09] - disabling this because it's fucking up dxt5_xgbr normal maps const float l = 6.0f; const float k = .5f; if (max_std_dev > l) { float s = max_std_dev - l; quality[e] -= (k * s); } #endif } if (quality[e] > best_quality) { best_quality = quality[e]; best_encoding = e; } } } atomic_increment32(&m_encoding_hist[best_encoding]); atomic_exchange_add32(&m_total_tiles, g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_num_tiles); for (uint q = 0; q < cNumCompressedChunkVecs; q++) { if (q == cColorChunks) { if (!m_has_color_blocks) continue; } else if (q > m_num_alpha_blocks) continue; compressed_chunk& output = m_compressed_chunks[q][chunk_index]; output.m_encoding_index = static_cast<uint8>(best_encoding); output.m_num_tiles = static_cast<uint8>(g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_num_tiles); for (uint t = 0; t < g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_num_tiles; t++) { const uint layout_index = g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_tiles[t].m_layout_index; output.m_tiles[t].m_layout_index = static_cast<uint8>(layout_index); output.m_tiles[t].m_pixel_width = static_cast<uint8>(g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_tiles[t].m_width); output.m_tiles[t].m_pixel_height = static_cast<uint8>(g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_tiles[t].m_height); if (q == cColorChunks) { const dxt1_endpoint_optimizer::results& color_results = color_optimizer_results[layout_index]; const uint8* pColor_selectors = layout_color_selectors[layout_index]; output.m_tiles[t].m_endpoint_cluster_index = 0; output.m_tiles[t].m_first_endpoint = color_results.m_low_color; output.m_tiles[t].m_second_endpoint = color_results.m_high_color; memcpy(output.m_tiles[t].m_selectors, pColor_selectors, cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight); output.m_tiles[t].m_alpha_encoding = color_results.m_alpha_block; } else { const uint a = q - cAlpha0Chunks; const dxt5_endpoint_optimizer::results& alpha_results = alpha_optimizer_results[a][layout_index]; const uint8* pAlpha_selectors = layout_alpha_selectors[a][layout_index]; output.m_tiles[t].m_endpoint_cluster_index = 0; output.m_tiles[t].m_first_endpoint = alpha_results.m_first_endpoint; output.m_tiles[t].m_second_endpoint = alpha_results.m_second_endpoint; memcpy(output.m_tiles[t].m_selectors, pAlpha_selectors, cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight); output.m_tiles[t].m_alpha_encoding = alpha_results.m_block_type != 0; } } // t } // q if (m_params.m_debugging) { for (uint y = 0; y < cChunkPixelHeight; y++) for (uint x = 0; x < cChunkPixelWidth; x++) m_dbg_chunk_pixels[chunk_index](x, y) = decomp_chunk[best_encoding](x, y); for (uint t = 0; t < g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_num_tiles; t++) { const uint layout_index = g_chunk_encodings[best_encoding].m_tiles[t].m_layout_index; const chunk_tile_desc& tile_desc = g_chunk_tile_layouts[layout_index]; for (uint ty = 0; ty < tile_desc.m_height; ty++) for (uint tx = 0; tx < tile_desc.m_width; tx++) m_dbg_chunk_pixels_tile_vis[chunk_index](tile_desc.m_x_ofs + tx, tile_desc.m_y_ofs + ty) = g_tile_layout_colors[layout_index]; } } } // chunk_index } bool dxt_hc::determine_compressed_chunks() { utils::zero_object(m_encoding_hist); for (uint i = 0; i < cNumCompressedChunkVecs; i++) m_compressed_chunks[i].clear(); if (m_has_color_blocks) m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks].resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + a].resize(m_num_chunks); if (m_params.m_debugging) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels.resize(m_num_chunks); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_tile_vis.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint i = 0; i < m_num_chunks; i++) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels[i].clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_tile_vis[i].clear(); } } m_total_tiles = 0; for (uint i = 0; i <= m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads(); i++) m_pTask_pool->queue_object_task(this, &dxt_hc::determine_compressed_chunks_task, i); m_pTask_pool->join(); if (m_canceled) return false; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) { console::info("Total Pixels: %u, Chunks: %u, Blocks: %u, Adapted Tiles: %u", m_num_chunks * cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight, m_num_chunks, m_num_chunks * cChunkBlockWidth * cChunkBlockHeight, m_total_tiles); console::info("Chunk encoding type symbol_histogram: "); for (uint e = 0; e < cNumChunkEncodings; e++) console::info("%u ", m_encoding_hist[e]); console::info("Blocks per chunk encoding type: "); for (uint e = 0; e < cNumChunkEncodings; e++) console::info("%u ", m_encoding_hist[e] * cChunkBlockWidth * cChunkBlockHeight); } #endif return true; } void dxt_hc::assign_color_endpoint_clusters_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { const uint thread_index = (uint)data; assign_color_endpoint_clusters_state& state = *static_cast<assign_color_endpoint_clusters_state*>(pData_ptr); for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if (m_canceled) return; if ((crn_get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread_id) && ((chunk_index & 63) == 0)) { if (!update_progress(2, chunk_index, m_num_chunks)) return; } if (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads()) { if ((chunk_index % (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads() + 1)) != thread_index) continue; } compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { uint cluster_index = state.m_vq.find_best_codebook_entry_fs(state.m_training_vecs[chunk_index][tile_index]); chunk.m_endpoint_cluster_index[tile_index] = static_cast<uint16>(cluster_index); } } } bool dxt_hc::determine_color_endpoint_clusters() { if (!m_has_color_blocks) return true; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Generating color training vectors"); #endif const float r_scale = .5f; const float b_scale = .25f; vec6F_tree_vq vq; crnlib::vector< crnlib::vector<vec6F> > training_vecs; training_vecs.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if ((chunk_index & 255) == 0) { if (!update_progress(1, chunk_index, m_num_chunks)) return false; } const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; training_vecs[chunk_index].resize(chunk.m_num_tiles); for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; tree_clusterizer<vec3F> palettizer; for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { const color_quad_u8& c = m_pChunks[chunk_index](layout.m_x_ofs + x, layout.m_y_ofs + y); vec3F v; if (m_params.m_perceptual) { v.set(c[0] * 1.0f/255.0f, c[1] * 1.0f/255.0f, c[2] * 1.0f/255.0f); v[0] *= r_scale; v[2] *= b_scale; } else { v.set(c[0] * 1.0f/255.0f, c[1] * 1.0f/255.0f, c[2] * 1.0f/255.0f); } palettizer.add_training_vec(v, 1); } } palettizer.generate_codebook(2); uint tile_weight = tile.m_pixel_width * tile.m_pixel_height; tile_weight = static_cast<uint>(tile_weight * m_pChunks[chunk_index].m_weight); vec3F v[2]; utils::zero_object(v); for (uint i = 0; i < palettizer.get_codebook_size(); i++) v[i] = palettizer.get_codebook_entry(i); if (palettizer.get_codebook_size() == 1) v[1] = v[0]; if (v[0].length() > v[1].length()) utils::swap(v[0], v[1]); vec6F vv; for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vv[i*3+0] = v[i][0]; vv[i*3+1] = v[i][1]; vv[i*3+2] = v[i][2]; } vq.add_training_vec(vv, tile_weight); training_vecs[chunk_index][tile_index] = vv; } } #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Begin color cluster analysis"); timer t; t.start(); #endif uint codebook_size = math::minimum<uint>(m_total_tiles, m_params.m_color_endpoint_codebook_size); vq.generate_codebook(codebook_size); #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) { double total_time = t.get_elapsed_secs(); console::info("Codebook gen time: %3.3fs, Total color clusters: %u", total_time, vq.get_codebook_size()); } #endif m_color_clusters.resize(vq.get_codebook_size()); #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Begin color cluster assignment"); #endif assign_color_endpoint_clusters_state state(vq, training_vecs); for (uint i = 0; i <= m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads(); i++) m_pTask_pool->queue_object_task(this, &dxt_hc::assign_color_endpoint_clusters_task, i, &state); m_pTask_pool->join(); if (m_canceled) return false; for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { uint cluster_index = chunk.m_endpoint_cluster_index[tile_index]; m_color_clusters[cluster_index].m_tiles.push_back( std::make_pair(chunk_index, tile_index) ); } } #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Completed color cluster assignment"); #endif return true; } void dxt_hc::determine_alpha_endpoint_clusters_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { const uint thread_index = static_cast<uint>(data); const determine_alpha_endpoint_clusters_state& state = *static_cast<determine_alpha_endpoint_clusters_state*>(pData_ptr); for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if (m_canceled) return; if ((crn_get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread_id) && ((chunk_index & 63) == 0)) { if (!update_progress(7, m_num_chunks * a + chunk_index, m_num_chunks * m_num_alpha_blocks)) return; } if (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads()) { if ((chunk_index % (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads() + 1)) != thread_index) continue; } compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + a][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { uint cluster_index = state.m_vq.find_best_codebook_entry_fs(state.m_training_vecs[a][chunk_index][tile_index]); chunk.m_endpoint_cluster_index[tile_index] = static_cast<uint16>(cluster_index); } } } } bool dxt_hc::determine_alpha_endpoint_clusters() { if (!m_num_alpha_blocks) return true; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Generating alpha training vectors"); #endif determine_alpha_endpoint_clusters_state state; for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { state.m_training_vecs[a].resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if ((chunk_index & 63) == 0) { if (!update_progress(6, m_num_chunks * a + chunk_index, m_num_chunks * m_num_alpha_blocks)) return false; } const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + a][chunk_index]; state.m_training_vecs[a][chunk_index].resize(chunk.m_num_tiles); for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; tree_clusterizer<vec1F> palettizer; for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { uint c = m_pChunks[chunk_index](layout.m_x_ofs + x, layout.m_y_ofs + y)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]]; vec1F v(c * 1.0f/255.0f); palettizer.add_training_vec(v, 1); } } palettizer.generate_codebook(2); const uint tile_weight = tile.m_pixel_width * tile.m_pixel_height; vec1F v[2]; utils::zero_object(v); for (uint i = 0; i < palettizer.get_codebook_size(); i++) v[i] = palettizer.get_codebook_entry(i); if (palettizer.get_codebook_size() == 1) v[1] = v[0]; if (v[0] > v[1]) utils::swap(v[0], v[1]); vec2F vv(v[0][0], v[1][0]); state.m_vq.add_training_vec(vv, tile_weight); state.m_training_vecs[a][chunk_index][tile_index] = vv; } // tile_index } // chunk_index } // a #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Begin alpha cluster analysis"); timer t; t.start(); #endif uint codebook_size = math::minimum<uint>(m_total_tiles, m_params.m_alpha_endpoint_codebook_size); state.m_vq.generate_codebook(codebook_size); #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) { double total_time = t.get_elapsed_secs(); console::info("Codebook gen time: %3.3fs, Total alpha clusters: %u", total_time, state.m_vq.get_codebook_size()); } #endif m_alpha_clusters.resize(state.m_vq.get_codebook_size()); #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Begin alpha cluster assignment"); #endif for (uint i = 0; i <= m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads(); i++) m_pTask_pool->queue_object_task(this, &dxt_hc::determine_alpha_endpoint_clusters_task, i, &state); m_pTask_pool->join(); if (m_canceled) return false; for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + a][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const uint cluster_index = chunk.m_endpoint_cluster_index[tile_index]; m_alpha_clusters[cluster_index].m_tiles.push_back( std::make_pair(chunk_index, tile_index | (a << 16)) ); } } } #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Completed alpha cluster assignment"); #endif return true; } void dxt_hc::determine_color_endpoint_codebook_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { pData_ptr; const uint thread_index = static_cast<uint>(data); if (!m_has_color_blocks) return; crnlib::vector<color_quad_u8> pixels; pixels.reserve(512); crnlib::vector<uint8> selectors; uint total_pixels = 0; uint total_empty_clusters = 0; for (uint cluster_index = 0; cluster_index < m_color_clusters.size(); cluster_index++) { if (m_canceled) return; if ((crn_get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread_id) && ((cluster_index & 63) == 0)) { if (!update_progress(3, cluster_index, m_color_clusters.size())) return; } if (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads()) { if ((cluster_index % (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads() + 1)) != thread_index) continue; } tile_cluster& cluster = m_color_clusters[cluster_index]; if (cluster.m_tiles.empty()) { total_empty_clusters++; continue; } pixels.resize(0); for (uint t = 0; t < cluster.m_tiles.size(); t++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[t].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[t].second; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk_index < m_num_chunks); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < cChunkMaxTiles); const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles); const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) pixels.push_back( m_pChunks[chunk_index](layout.m_x_ofs + x, layout.m_y_ofs + y) ); } total_pixels += pixels.size(); selectors.resize(pixels.size()); dxt1_endpoint_optimizer::params params; params.m_block_index = cluster_index; params.m_pPixels = &pixels[0]; params.m_num_pixels = pixels.size(); params.m_pixels_have_alpha = false; params.m_use_alpha_blocks = false; params.m_perceptual = m_params.m_perceptual; params.m_quality = cCRNDXTQualityUber; params.m_endpoint_caching = false; dxt1_endpoint_optimizer::results results; results.m_pSelectors = &selectors[0]; dxt1_endpoint_optimizer optimizer; const bool all_transparent = optimizer.compute(params, results); all_transparent; cluster.m_first_endpoint = results.m_low_color; cluster.m_second_endpoint = results.m_high_color; cluster.m_alpha_encoding = results.m_alpha_block; cluster.m_error = results.m_error; uint pixel_index = 0; for (uint t = 0; t < cluster.m_tiles.size(); t++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[t].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[t].second; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk_index < m_num_chunks); compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles); CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_endpoint_cluster_index[tile_index] == cluster_index); const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; layout; compressed_tile& quantized_tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const uint total_pixels = tile.m_pixel_width * tile.m_pixel_height; quantized_tile.m_endpoint_cluster_index = cluster_index; quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint = results.m_low_color; quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint = results.m_high_color; //quantized_tile.m_error = results.m_error; quantized_tile.m_alpha_encoding = results.m_alpha_block; quantized_tile.m_pixel_width = tile.m_pixel_width; quantized_tile.m_pixel_height = tile.m_pixel_height; quantized_tile.m_layout_index = tile.m_layout_index; memcpy(quantized_tile.m_selectors, &selectors[pixel_index], total_pixels); pixel_index += total_pixels; } } //CRNLIB_ASSERT(total_pixels == (m_num_chunks * cChunkPixelWidth * cChunkPixelHeight)); #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) { if (total_empty_clusters) console::warning("Total empty color clusters: %u", total_empty_clusters); } #endif } bool dxt_hc::determine_color_endpoint_codebook() { if (!m_has_color_blocks) return true; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Computing optimal color cluster endpoints"); #endif for (uint i = 0; i <= m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads(); i++) m_pTask_pool->queue_object_task(this, &dxt_hc::determine_color_endpoint_codebook_task, i, NULL); m_pTask_pool->join(); return !m_canceled; } void dxt_hc::determine_alpha_endpoint_codebook_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { pData_ptr; const uint thread_index = static_cast<uint>(data); crnlib::vector<color_quad_u8> pixels; pixels.reserve(512); crnlib::vector<uint8> selectors; selectors.reserve(512); uint total_empty_clusters = 0; for (uint cluster_index = 0; cluster_index < m_alpha_clusters.size(); cluster_index++) { if (m_canceled) return; if ((crn_get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread_id) && ((cluster_index & 63) == 0)) { if (!update_progress(8, cluster_index, m_alpha_clusters.size())) return; } if (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads()) { if ((cluster_index % (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads() + 1)) != thread_index) continue; } tile_cluster& cluster = m_alpha_clusters[cluster_index]; if (cluster.m_tiles.empty()) { total_empty_clusters++; continue; } pixels.resize(0); for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second & 0xFFFFU; const uint alpha_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second >> 16U; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk_index < m_num_chunks); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < cChunkMaxTiles); CRNLIB_ASSERT(alpha_index < m_num_alpha_blocks); const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + alpha_index][chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_endpoint_cluster_index[tile_index] == cluster_index); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles); const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; color_quad_u8 c(cClear); for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { c[0] = m_pChunks[chunk_index](layout.m_x_ofs + x, layout.m_y_ofs + y)[ m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[alpha_index] ]; pixels.push_back(c); } } } selectors.resize(pixels.size()); dxt5_endpoint_optimizer::params params; params.m_block_index = cluster_index; params.m_pPixels = &pixels[0]; params.m_num_pixels = pixels.size(); params.m_comp_index = 0; params.m_quality = cCRNDXTQualityUber; params.m_use_both_block_types = false; dxt5_endpoint_optimizer::results results; results.m_pSelectors = &selectors[0]; dxt5_endpoint_optimizer optimizer; const bool all_transparent = optimizer.compute(params, results); all_transparent; cluster.m_first_endpoint = results.m_first_endpoint; cluster.m_second_endpoint = results.m_second_endpoint; cluster.m_alpha_encoding = results.m_block_type != 0; cluster.m_error = results.m_error; uint pixel_index = 0; for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second & 0xFFFFU; const uint alpha_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second >> 16U; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk_index < m_num_chunks); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < cChunkMaxTiles); CRNLIB_ASSERT(alpha_index < m_num_alpha_blocks); compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + alpha_index][chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_endpoint_cluster_index[tile_index] == cluster_index); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles); const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; layout; compressed_tile& quantized_tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const uint total_pixels = tile.m_pixel_width * tile.m_pixel_height; quantized_tile.m_endpoint_cluster_index = cluster_index; quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint = results.m_first_endpoint; quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint = results.m_second_endpoint; //quantized_tile.m_error = results.m_error; quantized_tile.m_alpha_encoding = results.m_block_type != 0; quantized_tile.m_pixel_width = tile.m_pixel_width; quantized_tile.m_pixel_height = tile.m_pixel_height; quantized_tile.m_layout_index = tile.m_layout_index; memcpy(quantized_tile.m_selectors, &selectors[pixel_index], total_pixels); pixel_index += total_pixels; } } // cluster_index #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) { if (total_empty_clusters) console::warning("Total empty alpha clusters: %u", total_empty_clusters); } #endif } bool dxt_hc::determine_alpha_endpoint_codebook() { if (!m_num_alpha_blocks) return true; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Computing optimal alpha cluster endpoints"); #endif for (uint i = 0; i <= m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads(); i++) m_pTask_pool->queue_object_task(this, &dxt_hc::determine_alpha_endpoint_codebook_task, i, NULL); m_pTask_pool->join(); return !m_canceled; } void dxt_hc::create_quantized_debug_images() { if (!m_params.m_debugging) return; if (m_has_color_blocks) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels_color_quantized.resize(m_num_chunks); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_color_selectors.resize(m_num_chunks); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_color_selectors.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint i = 0; i < m_num_chunks; i++) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels_color_quantized[i].clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_color_selectors[i].clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_color_selectors[i].clear(); } } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels_alpha_quantized.resize(m_num_chunks); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_alpha_selectors.resize(m_num_chunks); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_alpha_selectors.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint i = 0; i < m_num_chunks; i++) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels_alpha_quantized[i].clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_alpha_selectors[i].clear(); m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_alpha_selectors[i].clear(); } } for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if (m_has_color_blocks) { pixel_chunk& output_chunk_color_quantized = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_color_quantized[chunk_index]; pixel_chunk& output_chunk_selectors = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_color_selectors[chunk_index]; pixel_chunk& output_chunk_orig_selectors = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_color_selectors[chunk_index]; const compressed_chunk& color_chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < color_chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& quantized_tile = color_chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[quantized_tile.m_layout_index]; const uint8* pColor_Selectors = quantized_tile.m_selectors; color_quad_u8 block_colors[cDXT1SelectorValues]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint >= quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint); dxt1_block::get_block_colors(block_colors, static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint), static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint)); for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { const uint selector = pColor_Selectors[x + y * layout.m_width]; output_chunk_selectors(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs) = selector*255/(cDXT1SelectorValues-1); output_chunk_orig_selectors(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs) = color_chunk.m_tiles[tile_index].m_selectors[x + y * layout.m_width] * 255 / (cDXT1SelectorValues-1); output_chunk_color_quantized(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs) = block_colors[selector]; } } } } for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { pixel_chunk& output_chunk_alpha_quantized = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_alpha_quantized[chunk_index]; pixel_chunk& output_chunk_selectors = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_quantized_alpha_selectors[chunk_index]; pixel_chunk& output_chunk_orig_selectors = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_orig_alpha_selectors[chunk_index]; const compressed_chunk& alpha_chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + a][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < alpha_chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& quantized_tile = alpha_chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[quantized_tile.m_layout_index]; const uint8* pAlpha_selectors = quantized_tile.m_selectors; uint block_values[cDXT5SelectorValues]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint >= quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint); dxt5_block::get_block_values(block_values, quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint, quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint); for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { const uint selector = pAlpha_selectors[x + y * layout.m_width]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(selector < cDXT5SelectorValues); output_chunk_selectors(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]] = static_cast<uint8>(selector*255/(cDXT5SelectorValues-1)); output_chunk_orig_selectors(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]] = static_cast<uint8>(alpha_chunk.m_tiles[tile_index].m_selectors[x + y * layout.m_width]*255/(cDXT5SelectorValues-1)); output_chunk_alpha_quantized(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]] = static_cast<uint8>(block_values[selector]); } } } } // a } } void dxt_hc::create_selector_codebook_task(uint64 data, void* pData_ptr) { const uint thread_index = static_cast<uint>(data); const create_selector_codebook_state& state = *static_cast<create_selector_codebook_state*>(pData_ptr); for (uint comp_chunk_index = state.m_comp_index_start; comp_chunk_index <= state.m_comp_index_end; comp_chunk_index++) { const uint alpha_index = state.m_alpha_blocks ? (comp_chunk_index - cAlpha0Chunks) : 0; const uint alpha_pixel_comp = state.m_alpha_blocks ? m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[alpha_index] : 0; for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if (m_canceled) return; if ((crn_get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread_id) && ((chunk_index & 127) == 0)) { if (!update_progress(12 + comp_chunk_index, chunk_index, m_num_chunks)) return; } if (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads()) { if ((chunk_index % (m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads() + 1)) != thread_index) continue; } compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[comp_chunk_index][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { compressed_tile& quantized_tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[quantized_tile.m_layout_index]; const uint tile_blocks_x = layout.m_width >> 2; const uint tile_blocks_y = layout.m_height >> 2; const uint tile_block_ofs_x = layout.m_x_ofs >> 2; const uint tile_block_ofs_y = layout.m_y_ofs >> 2; if (state.m_alpha_blocks) { uint block_values[cDXT5SelectorValues]; dxt5_block::get_block_values(block_values, quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint, quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint); for (uint by = 0; by < tile_blocks_y; by++) { for (uint bx = 0; bx < tile_blocks_x; bx++) { #if 0 uint best_index = selector_vq.find_best_codebook_entry_fs(training_vecs[comp_chunk_index][(tile_block_ofs_x+bx)+(tile_block_ofs_y+by)*2][chunk_index]); #else const dxt_pixel_block& block = m_pChunks[chunk_index].m_blocks[tile_block_ofs_y + by][tile_block_ofs_x + bx]; uint best_error = UINT_MAX; uint best_index = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < state.m_selectors_cb.size(); i++) { const selectors& s = state.m_selectors_cb[i]; uint total_error = 0; for (uint y = 0; y < cBlockPixelHeight; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < cBlockPixelWidth; x++) { int a = block.m_pixels[y][x][alpha_pixel_comp]; int b = block_values[s.m_selectors[y][x]]; int error = a - b; error *= error; total_error += error; if (total_error > best_error) goto early_out; } // x } //y early_out: if (total_error < best_error) { best_error = total_error; best_index = i; if (best_error == 0) break; } } // i #endif CRNLIB_ASSERT( (tile_block_ofs_x + bx) < 2 ); CRNLIB_ASSERT( (tile_block_ofs_y + by) < 2 ); chunk.m_selector_cluster_index[tile_block_ofs_y + by][tile_block_ofs_x + bx] = static_cast<uint16>(best_index); { scoped_spinlock lock(state.m_chunk_blocks_using_selectors_lock); state.m_chunk_blocks_using_selectors[best_index].push_back( block_id(chunk_index, alpha_index, tile_index, tile_block_ofs_x + bx, tile_block_ofs_y + by ) ); } // std::make_pair(chunk_index, (tile_index << 16) | ((tile_block_ofs_y + by) << 8) | (tile_block_ofs_x + bx) ) ); } // bx } // by } else { color_quad_u8 block_colors[cDXT1SelectorValues]; dxt1_block::get_block_colors4(block_colors, static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint), static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint)); const bool block_with_alpha = quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint == quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint; for (uint by = 0; by < tile_blocks_y; by++) { for (uint bx = 0; bx < tile_blocks_x; bx++) { const dxt_pixel_block& block = m_pChunks[chunk_index].m_blocks[tile_block_ofs_y + by][tile_block_ofs_x + bx]; uint best_error = UINT_MAX; uint best_index = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < state.m_selectors_cb.size(); i++) { const selectors& s = state.m_selectors_cb[i]; uint total_error = 0; for (uint y = 0; y < cBlockPixelHeight; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < cBlockPixelWidth; x++) { const color_quad_u8& a = block.m_pixels[y][x]; uint selector_index = s.m_selectors[y][x]; if ((block_with_alpha) && (selector_index == 3)) total_error += 999999; const color_quad_u8& b = block_colors[selector_index]; uint error = color::color_distance(m_params.m_perceptual, a, b, false); total_error += error; if (total_error > best_error) goto early_out2; } // x } //y early_out2: if (total_error < best_error) { best_error = total_error; best_index = i; if (best_error == 0) break; } } // i CRNLIB_ASSERT( (tile_block_ofs_x + bx) < 2 ); CRNLIB_ASSERT( (tile_block_ofs_y + by) < 2 ); chunk.m_selector_cluster_index[tile_block_ofs_y + by][tile_block_ofs_x + bx] = static_cast<uint16>(best_index); { scoped_spinlock lock(state.m_chunk_blocks_using_selectors_lock); state.m_chunk_blocks_using_selectors[best_index].push_back( block_id(chunk_index, 0, tile_index, tile_block_ofs_x + bx, tile_block_ofs_y + by ) ); } // std::make_pair(chunk_index, (tile_index << 16) | ((tile_block_ofs_y + by) << 8) | (tile_block_ofs_x + bx) ) ); } // bx } // by } // if alpha_blocks } // tile_index } // chunk_index } // comp_chunk_index } bool dxt_hc::create_selector_codebook(bool alpha_blocks) { #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Computing selector training vectors"); #endif const uint cColorDistToWeight = 2000; const uint cAlphaErrorToWeight = 8; vec16F_tree_vq selector_vq; uint comp_index_start = cColorChunks; uint comp_index_end = cColorChunks; if (alpha_blocks) { comp_index_start = cAlpha0Chunks; comp_index_end = cAlpha0Chunks + m_num_alpha_blocks - 1; } crnlib::vector<vec16F> training_vecs[cNumCompressedChunkVecs][4]; for (uint comp_chunk_index = comp_index_start; comp_chunk_index <= comp_index_end; comp_chunk_index++) { for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) training_vecs[comp_chunk_index][i].resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if ((chunk_index & 63) == 0) { if (!update_progress(9 + comp_chunk_index, chunk_index, m_num_chunks)) return false; } const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[comp_chunk_index][chunk_index]; uint8 block_selectors[cChunkBlockWidth][cChunkBlockHeight][cBlockPixelWidth * cBlockPixelHeight]; uint block_weight[cChunkBlockWidth][cChunkBlockHeight]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& quantized_tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; uint weight; if (comp_chunk_index == cColorChunks) { const color_quad_u8 first_color(dxt1_block::unpack_color(static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint), true)); const color_quad_u8 second_color(dxt1_block::unpack_color(static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint), true)); const uint dist = color::color_distance(m_params.m_perceptual, first_color, second_color, false); weight = dist / cColorDistToWeight; weight = static_cast<uint>(weight * m_pChunks[chunk_index].m_weight); } else { int first_endpoint = quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint; int second_endpoint = quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint; int error = first_endpoint - second_endpoint; error = error * error; weight = static_cast<uint>(error / cAlphaErrorToWeight); } const uint cMaxWeight = 2048; weight = math::clamp<uint>(weight, 1U, cMaxWeight); // umm, this is a hack float f = math::lerp(1.15f, 1.0f, chunk.m_encoding_index / float(cNumChunkEncodings - 1)); weight = (uint)(weight * f); const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[quantized_tile.m_layout_index]; for (uint y = 0; y < (layout.m_height >> 2); y++) for (uint x = 0; x < (layout.m_width >> 2); x++) block_weight[x + (layout.m_x_ofs >> 2)][y + (layout.m_y_ofs >> 2)] = weight; const uint8* pSelectors = quantized_tile.m_selectors; for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { const uint cy = y + layout.m_y_ofs; for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { const uint selector = pSelectors[x + y * layout.m_width]; if (comp_chunk_index == cColorChunks) CRNLIB_ASSERT(selector < cDXT1SelectorValues); else CRNLIB_ASSERT(selector < cDXT5SelectorValues); const uint cx = x + layout.m_x_ofs; block_selectors[cx >> 2][cy >> 2][(cx & 3) + (cy & 3) * 4] = static_cast<uint8>(selector); } // x } // y } // tile_index vec16F v; for (uint y = 0; y < cChunkBlockHeight; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < cChunkBlockWidth; x++) { for (uint i = 0; i < cBlockPixelWidth * cBlockPixelHeight; i++) { uint s = block_selectors[x][y][i]; float f; if (comp_chunk_index == cColorChunks) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(s < cDXT1SelectorValues); f = (g_dxt1_to_linear[s] + .5f) * 1.0f/4.0f; } else { CRNLIB_ASSERT(s < cDXT5SelectorValues); f = (g_dxt5_to_linear[s] + .5f) * 1.0f/8.0f; } CRNLIB_ASSERT((f >= 0.0f) && (f <= 1.0f)); v[i] = f; } // i selector_vq.add_training_vec(v, block_weight[x][y]); training_vecs[comp_chunk_index][x+y*2][chunk_index] = v; } // x } // y } // chunk_index } // comp_chunk_index timer t; t.start(); selector_vq.generate_codebook(alpha_blocks ? m_params.m_alpha_selector_codebook_size : m_params.m_color_selector_codebook_size); #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) { double total_time = t.get_elapsed_secs(); console::info("Codebook gen time: %3.3fs, Selector codebook size: %u", total_time, selector_vq.get_codebook_size()); } #endif selectors_vec& selectors_cb = alpha_blocks ? m_alpha_selectors : m_color_selectors; selectors_cb.resize(selector_vq.get_codebook_size()); for (uint i = 0; i < selector_vq.get_codebook_size(); i++) { const vec16F& v = selector_vq.get_codebook_entry(i); for (uint j = 0; j < cBlockPixelWidth * cBlockPixelHeight; j++) { int s; if (alpha_blocks) { s = math::clamp<int>(static_cast<int>(v[j] * 8.0f), 0, 7); s = g_dxt5_from_linear[s]; } else { s = math::clamp<int>(static_cast<int>(v[j] * 4.0f), 0, 3); s = g_dxt1_from_linear[s]; } selectors_cb[i].m_selectors[j >> 2][j & 3] = static_cast<uint8>(s); } // j } // i chunk_blocks_using_selectors_vec& chunk_blocks_using_selectors = alpha_blocks ? m_chunk_blocks_using_alpha_selectors : m_chunk_blocks_using_color_selectors; chunk_blocks_using_selectors.clear(); chunk_blocks_using_selectors.resize(selectors_cb.size()); create_selector_codebook_state state(*this, alpha_blocks, comp_index_start, comp_index_end, selector_vq, chunk_blocks_using_selectors, selectors_cb); for (uint i = 0; i <= m_pTask_pool->get_num_threads(); i++) m_pTask_pool->queue_object_task(this, &dxt_hc::create_selector_codebook_task, i, &state); m_pTask_pool->join(); return !m_canceled; } bool dxt_hc::refine_quantized_color_selectors() { if (!m_has_color_blocks) return true; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Refining quantized color selectors"); #endif uint total_refined_selectors = 0; uint total_refined_pixels = 0; uint total_selectors = 0; for (uint selector_index = 0; selector_index < m_color_selectors.size(); selector_index++) { if ((selector_index & 255) == 0) { if (!update_progress(15, selector_index, m_color_selectors.size())) return false; } if (m_chunk_blocks_using_color_selectors[selector_index].empty()) continue; selectors& sel = m_color_selectors[selector_index]; for (uint y = 0; y < cBlockPixelHeight; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < cBlockPixelWidth; x++) { uint best_s = 0; uint best_error = UINT_MAX; for (uint s = 0; s < cDXT1SelectorValues; s++) { uint total_error = 0; for (uint block_iter = 0; block_iter < m_chunk_blocks_using_color_selectors[selector_index].size(); block_iter++) { const block_id& id = m_chunk_blocks_using_color_selectors[selector_index][block_iter]; const uint chunk_index = id.m_chunk_index; const uint tile_index = id.m_tile_index; const uint chunk_block_x = id.m_block_x; const uint chunk_block_y = id.m_block_y; CRNLIB_ASSERT((chunk_block_x < cChunkBlockWidth) && (chunk_block_y < cChunkBlockHeight)); const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles); CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_selector_cluster_index[chunk_block_y][chunk_block_x] == selector_index); const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; //const chunk_tile_desc& tile_desc = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; color_quad_u8 block_colors[cDXT1SelectorValues]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_first_endpoint >= tile.m_second_endpoint); dxt1_block::get_block_colors4(block_colors, static_cast<uint16>(tile.m_first_endpoint), static_cast<uint16>(tile.m_second_endpoint)); if ((tile.m_first_endpoint == tile.m_second_endpoint) && (s == 3)) total_error += 999999; const color_quad_u8& orig_pixel = m_pChunks[chunk_index](chunk_block_x * cBlockPixelWidth + x, chunk_block_y * cBlockPixelHeight + y); const color_quad_u8& quantized_pixel = block_colors[s]; const uint error = color::color_distance(m_params.m_perceptual, orig_pixel, quantized_pixel, false); total_error += error; } // block_iter if (total_error < best_error) { best_error = total_error; best_s = s; } } // s if (sel.m_selectors[y][x] != best_s) { total_refined_selectors++; total_refined_pixels += m_chunk_blocks_using_color_selectors[selector_index].size(); sel.m_selectors[y][x] = static_cast<uint8>(best_s); } total_selectors++; } //x } //y } // selector_index #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Total refined pixels: %u, selectors: %u out of %u", total_refined_pixels, total_refined_selectors, total_selectors); #endif return true; } bool dxt_hc::refine_quantized_alpha_selectors() { if (!m_num_alpha_blocks) return true; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Refining quantized alpha selectors"); #endif uint total_refined_selectors = 0; uint total_refined_pixels = 0; uint total_selectors = 0; for (uint selector_index = 0; selector_index < m_alpha_selectors.size(); selector_index++) { if ((selector_index & 255) == 0) { if (!update_progress(16, selector_index, m_alpha_selectors.size())) return false; } if (m_chunk_blocks_using_alpha_selectors[selector_index].empty()) continue; selectors& sel = m_alpha_selectors[selector_index]; for (uint y = 0; y < cBlockPixelHeight; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < cBlockPixelWidth; x++) { uint best_s = 0; uint best_error = UINT_MAX; for (uint s = 0; s < cDXT5SelectorValues; s++) { uint total_error = 0; for (uint block_iter = 0; block_iter < m_chunk_blocks_using_alpha_selectors[selector_index].size(); block_iter++) { const block_id& id = m_chunk_blocks_using_alpha_selectors[selector_index][block_iter]; const uint chunk_index = id.m_chunk_index; const uint tile_index = id.m_tile_index; const uint chunk_block_x = id.m_block_x; const uint chunk_block_y = id.m_block_y; const uint alpha_index = id.m_alpha_index; CRNLIB_ASSERT(alpha_index < m_num_alpha_blocks); CRNLIB_ASSERT((chunk_block_x < cChunkBlockWidth) && (chunk_block_y < cChunkBlockHeight)); const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[alpha_index + cAlpha0Chunks][chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles); CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_selector_cluster_index[chunk_block_y][chunk_block_x] == selector_index); const compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; //const chunk_tile_desc& tile_desc = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; uint block_values[cDXT5SelectorValues]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_first_endpoint >= tile.m_second_endpoint); dxt5_block::get_block_values(block_values, tile.m_first_endpoint, tile.m_second_endpoint); int orig_value = m_pChunks[chunk_index](chunk_block_x * cBlockPixelWidth + x, chunk_block_y * cBlockPixelHeight + y)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[alpha_index]]; int quantized_value = block_values[s]; int error = (orig_value - quantized_value); error *= error; total_error += error; } // block_iter if (total_error < best_error) { best_error = total_error; best_s = s; } } // s if (sel.m_selectors[y][x] != best_s) { total_refined_selectors++; total_refined_pixels += m_chunk_blocks_using_alpha_selectors[selector_index].size(); sel.m_selectors[y][x] = static_cast<uint8>(best_s); } total_selectors++; } //x } //y } // selector_index #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Total refined pixels: %u, selectors: %u out of %u", total_refined_pixels, total_refined_selectors, total_selectors); #endif return true; } bool dxt_hc::refine_quantized_color_endpoints() { if (!m_has_color_blocks) return true; uint total_refined_tiles = 0; uint total_refined_pixels = 0; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Refining quantized color endpoints"); #endif for (uint cluster_index = 0; cluster_index < m_color_clusters.size(); cluster_index++) { if ((cluster_index & 255) == 0) { if (!update_progress(17, cluster_index, m_color_clusters.size())) return false; } tile_cluster& cluster = m_color_clusters[cluster_index]; uint total_pixels = 0; for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second; compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_first_endpoint == cluster.m_first_endpoint); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_second_endpoint == cluster.m_second_endpoint); total_pixels += (tile.m_pixel_width * tile.m_pixel_height); } if (!total_pixels) continue; crnlib::vector<color_quad_u8> pixels; crnlib::vector<uint8> selectors; pixels.reserve(total_pixels); selectors.reserve(total_pixels); for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second; compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const pixel_chunk& src_pixels = m_pChunks[chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_first_endpoint == cluster.m_first_endpoint); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_second_endpoint == cluster.m_second_endpoint); const chunk_tile_desc& tile_layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; for (uint y = 0; y < tile.m_pixel_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < tile.m_pixel_width; x++) { selectors.push_back(tile.m_selectors[x + y * tile.m_pixel_width]); pixels.push_back(src_pixels(x + tile_layout.m_x_ofs, y + tile_layout.m_y_ofs)); } } } dxt_endpoint_refiner refiner; dxt_endpoint_refiner::params p; dxt_endpoint_refiner::results r; p.m_perceptual = m_params.m_perceptual; p.m_pSelectors = &selectors[0]; p.m_pPixels = &pixels[0]; p.m_num_pixels = total_pixels; p.m_dxt1_selectors = true; p.m_error_to_beat = cluster.m_error; p.m_block_index = cluster_index; if (!refiner.refine(p, r)) continue; total_refined_tiles++; total_refined_pixels += total_pixels; cluster.m_error = r.m_error; cluster.m_first_endpoint = r.m_low_color; cluster.m_second_endpoint = r.m_high_color; for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second; compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; tile.m_first_endpoint = r.m_low_color; tile.m_second_endpoint = r.m_high_color; } } #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Total refined pixels: %u, endpoints: %u out of %u", total_refined_pixels, total_refined_tiles, m_color_clusters.size()); #endif return true; } bool dxt_hc::refine_quantized_alpha_endpoints() { if (!m_num_alpha_blocks) return true; uint total_refined_tiles = 0; uint total_refined_pixels = 0; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Refining quantized alpha endpoints"); #endif for (uint cluster_index = 0; cluster_index < m_alpha_clusters.size(); cluster_index++) { if ((cluster_index & 255) == 0) { if (!update_progress(18, cluster_index, m_alpha_clusters.size())) return false; } tile_cluster& cluster = m_alpha_clusters[cluster_index]; uint total_pixels = 0; for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second & 0xFFFFU; const uint alpha_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second >> 16U; compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + alpha_index][chunk_index]; compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_first_endpoint == cluster.m_first_endpoint); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_second_endpoint == cluster.m_second_endpoint); total_pixels += (tile.m_pixel_width * tile.m_pixel_height); } if (!total_pixels) continue; crnlib::vector<color_quad_u8> pixels; crnlib::vector<uint8> selectors; pixels.reserve(total_pixels); selectors.reserve(total_pixels); for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second & 0xFFFFU; const uint alpha_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second >> 16U; compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + alpha_index][chunk_index]; compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const pixel_chunk& src_pixels = m_pChunks[chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_first_endpoint == cluster.m_first_endpoint); CRNLIB_ASSERT(tile.m_second_endpoint == cluster.m_second_endpoint); const chunk_tile_desc& tile_layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[tile.m_layout_index]; for (uint y = 0; y < tile.m_pixel_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < tile.m_pixel_width; x++) { selectors.push_back(tile.m_selectors[x + y * tile.m_pixel_width]); pixels.push_back(color_quad_u8(src_pixels(x + tile_layout.m_x_ofs, y + tile_layout.m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[alpha_index]])); } } } dxt_endpoint_refiner refiner; dxt_endpoint_refiner::params p; dxt_endpoint_refiner::results r; p.m_perceptual = m_params.m_perceptual; p.m_pSelectors = &selectors[0]; p.m_pPixels = &pixels[0]; p.m_num_pixels = total_pixels; p.m_dxt1_selectors = false; p.m_error_to_beat = cluster.m_error; p.m_block_index = cluster_index; if (!refiner.refine(p, r)) continue; total_refined_tiles++; total_refined_pixels += total_pixels; cluster.m_error = r.m_error; cluster.m_first_endpoint = r.m_low_color; cluster.m_second_endpoint = r.m_high_color; for (uint tile_iter = 0; tile_iter < cluster.m_tiles.size(); tile_iter++) { const uint chunk_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].first; const uint tile_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second & 0xFFFFU; const uint alpha_index = cluster.m_tiles[tile_iter].second >> 16U; compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + alpha_index][chunk_index]; compressed_tile& tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; tile.m_first_endpoint = r.m_low_color; tile.m_second_endpoint = r.m_high_color; } } #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) console::info("Total refined pixels: %u, endpoints: %u out of %u", total_refined_pixels, total_refined_tiles, m_alpha_clusters.size()); #endif return true; } void dxt_hc::create_final_debug_image() { if (!m_params.m_debugging) return; m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint i = 0; i < m_num_chunks; i++) m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final[i].clear(); if (m_has_color_blocks) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_color_selectors.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint i = 0; i < m_num_chunks; i++) m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_color_selectors[i].clear(); } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_alpha_selectors.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint i = 0; i < m_num_chunks; i++) m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_alpha_selectors[i].clear(); } for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { pixel_chunk& output_chunk_final = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final[chunk_index]; if (m_has_color_blocks) { const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cColorChunks][chunk_index]; pixel_chunk& output_chunk_quantized_color_selectors = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_color_selectors[chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& quantized_tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[quantized_tile.m_layout_index]; color_quad_u8 block_colors[cDXT1SelectorValues]; dxt1_block::get_block_colors(block_colors, static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint), static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint)); for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { const uint chunk_x_ofs = x + layout.m_x_ofs; const uint chunk_y_ofs = y + layout.m_y_ofs; const uint block_x = chunk_x_ofs >> 2; const uint block_y = chunk_y_ofs >> 2; const selectors& s = m_color_selectors[chunk.m_selector_cluster_index[block_y][block_x]]; uint selector = s.m_selectors[chunk_y_ofs & 3][chunk_x_ofs & 3]; output_chunk_final(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs) = block_colors[selector]; output_chunk_quantized_color_selectors(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs) = g_tile_layout_colors[selector]; } } } } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { pixel_chunk& output_chunk_quantized_alpha_selectors = m_dbg_chunk_pixels_final_alpha_selectors[chunk_index]; for (uint a = 0; a < m_num_alpha_blocks; a++) { const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[cAlpha0Chunks + a][chunk_index]; for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& quantized_tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; const chunk_tile_desc& layout = g_chunk_tile_layouts[quantized_tile.m_layout_index]; uint block_values[cDXT5SelectorValues]; // purposely call the general version to debug single color alpah6 blocks CRNLIB_ASSERT(quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint >= quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint); dxt5_block::get_block_values(block_values, quantized_tile.m_first_endpoint, quantized_tile.m_second_endpoint); for (uint y = 0; y < layout.m_height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < layout.m_width; x++) { const uint chunk_x_ofs = x + layout.m_x_ofs; const uint chunk_y_ofs = y + layout.m_y_ofs; const uint block_x = chunk_x_ofs >> 2; const uint block_y = chunk_y_ofs >> 2; const selectors& s = m_alpha_selectors[chunk.m_selector_cluster_index[block_y][block_x]]; uint selector = s.m_selectors[chunk_y_ofs & 3][chunk_x_ofs & 3]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(selector < cDXT5SelectorValues); output_chunk_final(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]] = static_cast<uint8>(block_values[selector]); output_chunk_quantized_alpha_selectors(x + layout.m_x_ofs, y + layout.m_y_ofs)[m_params.m_alpha_component_indices[a]] = static_cast<uint8>(selector*255/(cDXT5SelectorValues-1)); } //x } // y } // tile_index } // a } } // chunk_index } bool dxt_hc::create_chunk_encodings() { m_chunk_encoding.resize(m_num_chunks); for (uint chunk_index = 0; chunk_index < m_num_chunks; chunk_index++) { if ((chunk_index & 255) == 0) { if (!update_progress(19, chunk_index, m_num_chunks)) return false; } chunk_encoding& encoding = m_chunk_encoding[chunk_index]; for (uint q = 0; q < cNumCompressedChunkVecs; q++) { bool skip = true; if (q == cColorChunks) { if (m_has_color_blocks) skip = false; } else if (q <= m_num_alpha_blocks) skip = false; if (skip) continue; CRNLIB_ASSERT(!m_compressed_chunks[q].empty()); const compressed_chunk& chunk = m_compressed_chunks[q][chunk_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_encoding_index < cNumChunkEncodings); encoding.m_encoding_index = static_cast<uint8>(chunk.m_encoding_index); CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_num_tiles <= cChunkMaxTiles); encoding.m_num_tiles = static_cast<uint8>(chunk.m_num_tiles); for (uint tile_index = 0; tile_index < chunk.m_num_tiles; tile_index++) { const compressed_tile& quantized_tile = chunk.m_quantized_tiles[tile_index]; if (!q) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(quantized_tile.m_endpoint_cluster_index < m_color_clusters.size()); } else { CRNLIB_ASSERT(quantized_tile.m_endpoint_cluster_index < m_alpha_clusters.size()); } encoding.m_endpoint_indices[q][tile_index] = static_cast<uint16>(quantized_tile.m_endpoint_cluster_index); } for (uint y = 0; y < cChunkBlockHeight; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < cChunkBlockWidth; x++) { const uint selector_index = chunk.m_selector_cluster_index[y][x]; if (!q) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(selector_index < m_color_selectors.size()); } else { CRNLIB_ASSERT(selector_index < m_alpha_selectors.size()); } encoding.m_selector_indices[q][y][x] = static_cast<uint16>(selector_index); } } } // q } // chunk_index if (m_has_color_blocks) { m_color_endpoints.resize(m_color_clusters.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < m_color_clusters.size(); i++) m_color_endpoints[i] = dxt1_block::pack_endpoints(m_color_clusters[i].m_first_endpoint, m_color_clusters[i].m_second_endpoint); } if (m_num_alpha_blocks) { m_alpha_endpoints.resize(m_alpha_clusters.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < m_alpha_clusters.size(); i++) m_alpha_endpoints[i] = dxt5_block::pack_endpoints(m_alpha_clusters[i].m_first_endpoint, m_alpha_clusters[i].m_second_endpoint); } return true; } void dxt_hc::create_debug_image_from_chunks(uint num_chunks_x, uint num_chunks_y, const pixel_chunk_vec& chunks, const chunk_encoding_vec *pChunk_encodings, image_u8& img, bool serpentine_scan, int comp_index) { if (chunks.empty()) { img.set_all(color_quad_u8::make_black()); return; } img.resize(num_chunks_x * cChunkPixelWidth, num_chunks_y * cChunkPixelHeight); for (uint y = 0; y < num_chunks_y; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < num_chunks_x; x++) { uint c = x + y * num_chunks_x; if ((serpentine_scan) && (y & 1)) c = (num_chunks_x - 1 - x) + y * num_chunks_x; if (comp_index >= 0) { for (uint cy = 0; cy < cChunkPixelHeight; cy++) for (uint cx = 0; cx < cChunkPixelWidth; cx++) img(x * cChunkPixelWidth + cx, y * cChunkPixelHeight + cy) = chunks[c](cx, cy)[comp_index]; } else { for (uint cy = 0; cy < cChunkPixelHeight; cy++) for (uint cx = 0; cx < cChunkPixelWidth; cx++) img(x * cChunkPixelWidth + cx, y * cChunkPixelHeight + cy) = chunks[c](cx, cy); } if (pChunk_encodings) { const chunk_encoding& chunk = (*pChunk_encodings)[c]; const chunk_encoding_desc &encoding_desc = g_chunk_encodings[chunk.m_encoding_index]; CRNLIB_ASSERT(chunk.m_num_tiles == encoding_desc.m_num_tiles); for (uint t = 0; t < chunk.m_num_tiles; t++) { const chunk_tile_desc &tile_desc = encoding_desc.m_tiles[t]; img.unclipped_fill_box( x*8 + tile_desc.m_x_ofs, y*8 + tile_desc.m_y_ofs, tile_desc.m_width + 1, tile_desc.m_height + 1, color_quad_u8(128, 128, 128, 255)); } } } } } bool dxt_hc::update_progress(uint phase_index, uint subphase_index, uint subphase_total) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(crn_get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread_id); if (!m_params.m_pProgress_func) return true; #if CRNLIB_ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES if (m_params.m_debugging) return true; #endif const int percentage_complete = (subphase_total > 1) ? ((100 * subphase_index) / (subphase_total - 1)) : 100; if (((int)phase_index == m_prev_phase_index) && (m_prev_percentage_complete == percentage_complete)) return !m_canceled; m_prev_percentage_complete = percentage_complete; bool status = (*m_params.m_pProgress_func)(phase_index, cTotalCompressionPhases, subphase_index, subphase_total, m_params.m_pProgress_func_data) != 0; if (!status) { m_canceled = true; return false; } return true; } } // namespace crnlib