// File: crn_dds_texture.cpp - Actually supports both .DDS and .KTX. Probably will rename this eventually. // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h #include "crn_core.h" #include "crn_mipmapped_texture.h" #include "crn_cfile_stream.h" #include "crn_image_utils.h" #include "crn_console.h" #include "crn_texture_comp.h" #include "crn_ktx_texture.h" #define CRND_HEADER_FILE_ONLY #include "../inc/crn_decomp.h" namespace crnlib { const vec2I g_vertical_cross_image_offsets[6] = { vec2I(2, 1), vec2I(0, 1), vec2I(1, 0), vec2I(1, 2), vec2I(1, 1), vec2I(1, 3) }; mip_level::mip_level() : m_width(0), m_height(0), m_comp_flags(pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags), m_format(PIXEL_FMT_INVALID), m_pImage(NULL), m_pDXTImage(NULL), m_orient_flags(cDefaultOrientationFlags) { } mip_level::mip_level(const mip_level& other) : m_width(0), m_height(0), m_comp_flags(pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags), m_format(PIXEL_FMT_INVALID), m_pImage(NULL), m_pDXTImage(NULL), m_orient_flags(cDefaultOrientationFlags) { *this = other; } mip_level& mip_level::operator= (const mip_level& rhs) { clear(); m_width = rhs.m_width; m_height = rhs.m_height; m_comp_flags = rhs.m_comp_flags; m_format = rhs.m_format; m_orient_flags = rhs.m_orient_flags; if (rhs.m_pImage) m_pImage = crnlib_new<image_u8>(*rhs.m_pImage); if (rhs.m_pDXTImage) m_pDXTImage = crnlib_new<dxt_image>(*rhs.m_pDXTImage); return *this; } mip_level::~mip_level() { crnlib_delete(m_pImage); crnlib_delete(m_pDXTImage); } void mip_level::clear() { m_width = 0; m_height = 0; m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags; m_format = PIXEL_FMT_INVALID; m_orient_flags = cDefaultOrientationFlags; if (m_pImage) { crnlib_delete(m_pImage); m_pImage = NULL; } if (m_pDXTImage) { crnlib_delete(m_pDXTImage); m_pDXTImage = NULL; } } void mip_level::assign(image_u8* p, pixel_format fmt, orientation_flags_t orient_flags) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(p); clear(); m_pImage = p; m_width = p->get_width(); m_height = p->get_height(); m_orient_flags = orient_flags; if (fmt != PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) m_format = fmt; else { if (p->is_grayscale()) m_format = p->is_component_valid(3) ? PIXEL_FMT_A8L8 : PIXEL_FMT_L8; else m_format = p->is_component_valid(3) ? PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8 : PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; } m_comp_flags = p->get_comp_flags(); //pixel_format_helpers::get_component_flags(m_format); } void mip_level::assign(dxt_image* p, pixel_format fmt, orientation_flags_t orient_flags) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(p); clear(); m_pDXTImage = p; m_width = p->get_width(); m_height = p->get_height(); m_orient_flags = orient_flags; if (fmt != PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) m_format = fmt; else m_format = pixel_format_helpers::from_dxt_format(p->get_format()); m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::get_component_flags(m_format); } bool mip_level::pack_to_dxt(const image_u8& img, pixel_format fmt, bool cook, const dxt_image::pack_params& orig_params, orientation_flags_t orient_flags) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(fmt)); if (!pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(fmt)) return false; dxt_image::pack_params p(orig_params); if (pixel_format_helpers::is_pixel_format_non_srgb(fmt) || (img.get_comp_flags() & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap) || (img.get_comp_flags() & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagLumaChroma)) { // Disable perceptual colorspace metrics when packing to swizzled or non-RGB pixel formats. p.m_perceptual = false; } image_u8 tmp_img(img); clear(); m_format = fmt; if (cook) cook_image(tmp_img); if ((pixel_format_helpers::is_alpha_only(fmt)) && (!tmp_img.has_alpha())) tmp_img.set_alpha_to_luma(); dxt_format dxt_fmt = pixel_format_helpers::get_dxt_format(fmt); dxt_image* pDXT_image = crnlib_new<dxt_image>(); if (!pDXT_image->init(dxt_fmt, tmp_img, p)) { clear(); return false; } assign(pDXT_image, fmt, orient_flags); return true; } bool mip_level::pack_to_dxt(pixel_format fmt, bool cook, const dxt_image::pack_params& p) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(fmt)); if (!pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(fmt)) return false; image_u8 tmp_img; image_u8* pImage = get_unpacked_image(tmp_img, cUnpackFlagUncook); return pack_to_dxt(*pImage, fmt, cook, p, m_orient_flags); } bool mip_level::unpack_from_dxt(bool uncook) { if (!m_pDXTImage) return false; image_u8* pNew_img = crnlib_new<image_u8>(); image_u8* pImg = get_unpacked_image(*pNew_img, uncook ? cUnpackFlagUncook : 0); pImg; CRNLIB_ASSERT(pImg == pNew_img); assign(pNew_img, PIXEL_FMT_INVALID, m_orient_flags); return true; } bool mip_level::is_flipped() const { return ((m_orient_flags & (cOrientationFlagXFlipped | cOrientationFlagYFlipped)) != 0); } bool mip_level::is_x_flipped() const { return ((m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagXFlipped) != 0); } bool mip_level::is_y_flipped() const { return ((m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagYFlipped) != 0); } bool mip_level::can_unflip_without_unpacking() const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!is_packed()) return true; bool can_unflip = true; if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagXFlipped) { if (!m_pDXTImage->can_flip(0)) can_unflip = false; } if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagYFlipped) { if (!m_pDXTImage->can_flip(1)) can_unflip = false; } return can_unflip; } bool mip_level::unflip(bool allow_unpacking_to_flip, bool uncook_if_necessary_to_unpack) { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!is_flipped()) return false; if (is_packed()) { if (can_unflip_without_unpacking()) { if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagXFlipped) { m_pDXTImage->flip_x(); m_orient_flags = static_cast<orientation_flags_t>(m_orient_flags & ~cOrientationFlagXFlipped); } if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagYFlipped) { m_pDXTImage->flip_y(); m_orient_flags = static_cast<orientation_flags_t>(m_orient_flags & ~cOrientationFlagYFlipped); } return true; } if (!allow_unpacking_to_flip) return false; } unpack_from_dxt(uncook_if_necessary_to_unpack); if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagXFlipped) { m_pImage->flip_x(); m_orient_flags = static_cast<orientation_flags_t>(m_orient_flags & ~cOrientationFlagXFlipped); } if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagYFlipped) { m_pImage->flip_y(); m_orient_flags = static_cast<orientation_flags_t>(m_orient_flags & ~cOrientationFlagYFlipped); } return true; } bool mip_level::set_alpha_to_luma() { if (m_pDXTImage) unpack_from_dxt(true); m_pImage->set_alpha_to_luma(); m_comp_flags = m_pImage->get_comp_flags(); if (m_pImage->is_grayscale()) m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8L8; else m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8; return true; } bool mip_level::convert(image_utils::conversion_type conv_type) { if (m_pDXTImage) unpack_from_dxt(true); image_utils::convert_image(*m_pImage, conv_type); m_comp_flags = m_pImage->get_comp_flags(); if (m_pImage->is_grayscale()) m_format = m_pImage->has_alpha() ? PIXEL_FMT_A8L8 : PIXEL_FMT_L8; else m_format = m_pImage->has_alpha() ? PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8 : PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; return true; } bool mip_level::convert(pixel_format fmt, bool cook, const dxt_image::pack_params& p) { if (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(fmt)) return pack_to_dxt(fmt, cook, p); image_u8 tmp_img; image_u8* pImg = get_unpacked_image(tmp_img, cUnpackFlagUncook); image_u8* pImage = crnlib_new<image_u8>(); pImage->set_comp_flags(pixel_format_helpers::get_component_flags(fmt)); if (!pImage->resize(pImg->get_width(), pImg->get_height())) return false; for (uint y = 0; y < pImg->get_height(); y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < pImg->get_width(); x++) { color_quad_u8 c((*pImg)(x, y)); if ((pixel_format_helpers::is_alpha_only(fmt)) && (!pImg->has_alpha())) { c.a = static_cast<uint8>(c.get_luma()); } else { if (pImage->is_grayscale()) { uint8 g = static_cast<uint8>(c.get_luma()); c.r = g; c.g = g; c.b = g; } if (!pImage->is_component_valid(3)) c.a = 255; } (*pImage)(x, y) = c; } } assign(pImage, fmt, m_orient_flags); return true; } void mip_level::cook_image(image_u8& img) const { image_utils::conversion_type conv_type = image_utils::get_conversion_type(true, m_format); if (conv_type != image_utils::cConversion_Invalid) image_utils::convert_image(img, conv_type); } void mip_level::uncook_image(image_u8& img) const { image_utils::conversion_type conv_type = image_utils::get_conversion_type(false, m_format); if (conv_type != image_utils::cConversion_Invalid) image_utils::convert_image(img, conv_type); } image_u8* mip_level::get_unpacked_image(image_u8& tmp, uint unpack_flags) const { if (!is_valid()) return NULL; if (m_pDXTImage) { m_pDXTImage->unpack(tmp); tmp.set_comp_flags(m_comp_flags); if (unpack_flags & cUnpackFlagUncook) uncook_image(tmp); } else if ((unpack_flags & cUnpackFlagUnflip) && (m_orient_flags & (cOrientationFlagXFlipped | cOrientationFlagYFlipped))) tmp = *m_pImage; else return m_pImage; if (unpack_flags & cUnpackFlagUnflip) { if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagXFlipped) tmp.flip_x(); if (m_orient_flags & cOrientationFlagYFlipped) tmp.flip_y(); } return &tmp; } bool mip_level::flip_x() { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (m_pDXTImage) return m_pDXTImage->flip_x(); else if (m_pImage) { m_pImage->flip_x(); return true; } return false; } bool mip_level::flip_y() { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (m_pDXTImage) return m_pDXTImage->flip_y(); else if (m_pImage) { m_pImage->flip_y(); return true; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- mipmapped_texture::mipmapped_texture() : m_width(0), m_height(0), m_comp_flags(pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags), m_format(PIXEL_FMT_INVALID), m_source_file_type(texture_file_types::cFormatInvalid) { } mipmapped_texture::~mipmapped_texture() { free_all_mips(); } void mipmapped_texture::clear() { free_all_mips(); m_name.clear(); m_width = 0; m_height = 0; m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags; m_format = PIXEL_FMT_INVALID; m_source_file_type = texture_file_types::cFormatInvalid; m_last_error.clear(); } void mipmapped_texture::free_all_mips() { for (uint i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); i++) for (uint j = 0; j < m_faces[i].size(); j++) crnlib_delete(m_faces[i][j]); m_faces.clear(); } mipmapped_texture::mipmapped_texture(const mipmapped_texture& other) : m_width(0), m_height(0), m_comp_flags(pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags), m_format(PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) { *this = other; } mipmapped_texture& mipmapped_texture::operator= (const mipmapped_texture& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; clear(); m_name = rhs.m_name; m_width = rhs.m_width; m_height = rhs.m_height; m_comp_flags = rhs.m_comp_flags; m_format = rhs.m_format; m_faces.resize(rhs.m_faces.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < m_faces.size(); i++) { m_faces[i].resize(rhs.m_faces[i].size()); for (uint j = 0; j < rhs.m_faces[i].size(); j++) m_faces[i][j] = crnlib_new<mip_level>(*rhs.m_faces[i][j]); } CRNLIB_ASSERT((!is_valid()) || check()); return *this; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_dds(data_stream_serializer& serializer) { if (!read_dds_internal(serializer)) { clear(); return false; } return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_dds_internal(data_stream_serializer& serializer) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(serializer.get_little_endian()); clear(); set_last_error("Not a DDS file"); uint8 hdr[4]; if (!serializer.read(hdr, sizeof(hdr))) return false; if (memcmp(hdr, "DDS ", 4) != 0) return false; DDSURFACEDESC2 desc; if (!serializer.read(&desc, sizeof(desc))) return false; if (!c_crnlib_little_endian_platform) utils::endian_switch_dwords(reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&desc), sizeof(desc) / sizeof(uint32)); if (desc.dwSize != sizeof(desc)) return false; if ((!desc.dwHeight) || (!desc.dwWidth) || (desc.dwHeight > cDDSMaxImageDimensions) || (desc.dwWidth > cDDSMaxImageDimensions)) return false; m_width = desc.dwWidth; m_height = desc.dwHeight; uint num_mip_levels = 1; if ((desc.dwFlags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT) && (desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_MIPMAP) && (desc.dwMipMapCount)) { num_mip_levels = desc.dwMipMapCount; if (num_mip_levels > utils::compute_max_mips(desc.dwWidth, desc.dwHeight)) return false; } uint num_faces = 1; if (desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_COMPLEX) { if (desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP) { const uint all_faces_mask = DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ; if ((desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 & all_faces_mask) != all_faces_mask) { set_last_error("Incomplete cubemaps unsupported"); return false; } num_faces = 6; } else if (desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 & DDSCAPS2_VOLUME) { set_last_error("Volume textures unsupported"); return false; } } if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8) { // It's difficult to even make P8 textures with existing tools: // nvdxt just hangs // dxtex.exe just makes all-white textures // So screw it. set_last_error("Palettized textures unsupported"); return false; } dxt_format dxt_fmt = cDXTInvalid; if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC) { // http://code.google.com/p/nvidia-texture-tools/issues/detail?id=41 // ATI2 YX: 0 (0x00000000) // ATI2 XY: 1498952257 (0x59583241) (BC5) // ATI Compressonator obeys this stuff, nvidia's tools (like readdxt) don't - oh great switch (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC) { case PIXEL_FMT_DXT1: { m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT1; dxt_fmt = cDXT1; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT2: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT3: { m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT3; dxt_fmt = cDXT3; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT4: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5: { switch (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount) { case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY: m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY; break; case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR: m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR; break; case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR: m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR; break; case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR: m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR; break; default: m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT5; break; } dxt_fmt = cDXT5; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_3DC: { if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == CRNLIB_PIXEL_FMT_FOURCC('A', '2', 'X', 'Y')) { dxt_fmt = cDXN_XY; m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXN; } else { dxt_fmt = cDXN_YX; // aka ATI2 m_format = PIXEL_FMT_3DC; } break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5A: { m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT5A; dxt_fmt = cDXT5A; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_ETC1: { m_format = PIXEL_FMT_ETC1; dxt_fmt = cETC1; break; } default: { dynamic_string err_msg(cVarArg, "Unsupported DDS FOURCC format: 0x%08X", desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC); set_last_error(err_msg.get_ptr()); return false; } } } else if ((desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount < 8) || (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount > 32) || (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount & 7)) { set_last_error("Unsupported bit count"); return false; } else if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_RGB) { if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_LUMINANCE) { if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8L8; else m_format = PIXEL_FMT_L8; } else if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8; else m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; } else if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) { if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_LUMINANCE) m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8L8; else m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8; } else if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_LUMINANCE) { m_format = PIXEL_FMT_L8; } else if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHA) { m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8; } else { set_last_error("Unsupported format"); return false; } m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::get_component_flags(m_format); uint bits_per_pixel = desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount; if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC) bits_per_pixel = pixel_format_helpers::get_bpp(m_format); set_last_error("Load failed"); uint default_pitch; if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC) default_pitch = (((desc.dwWidth + 3) & ~3) * ((desc.dwHeight + 3) & ~3) * bits_per_pixel) >> 3; else default_pitch = (desc.dwWidth * bits_per_pixel) >> 3; uint pitch = 0; if ( ( desc.dwFlags & DDSD_PITCH ) && ( !( desc.dwFlags & DDSD_LINEARSIZE ) ) ) { pitch = desc.lPitch; } if (!pitch) pitch = default_pitch; #if 0 else if (pitch & 3) { // MS's DDS docs say the pitch must be DWORD aligned - but this isn't always the case. // ATI Compressonator writes images with non-DWORD aligned pitches, and the DDSWithoutD3DX sample from MS doesn't compute the proper DWORD aligned pitch when reading DDS // files, so the docs must be wrong/outdated. console::warning("DDS file's pitch is not divisible by 4 - trying to load anyway."); } #endif // Check for obviously wacky source pitches (probably a corrupted/invalid file). else if (pitch > default_pitch * 8) { set_last_error("Invalid pitch"); return false; } crnlib::vector<uint8> load_buf; uint mask_size[4]; mask_size[0] = math::bitmask_size(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask); mask_size[1] = math::bitmask_size(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask); mask_size[2] = math::bitmask_size(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask); mask_size[3] = math::bitmask_size(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask); uint mask_ofs[4]; mask_ofs[0] = math::bitmask_ofs(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask); mask_ofs[1] = math::bitmask_ofs(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask); mask_ofs[2] = math::bitmask_ofs(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask); mask_ofs[3] = math::bitmask_ofs(desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask); if ((desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_LUMINANCE) && (!mask_size[0])) { mask_size[0] = desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount >> 3; if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) mask_size[0] /= 2; } m_faces.resize(num_faces); bool dxt1_alpha = false; for (uint face_index = 0; face_index < num_faces; face_index++) { m_faces[face_index].resize(num_mip_levels); for (uint level_index = 0; level_index < num_mip_levels; level_index++) { const uint width = math::maximum<uint>(desc.dwWidth >> level_index, 1U); const uint height = math::maximum<uint>(desc.dwHeight >> level_index, 1U); mip_level* pMip = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); m_faces[face_index][level_index] = pMip; if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC) { const uint bytes_per_block = pixel_format_helpers::get_dxt_bytes_per_block(m_format); const uint num_blocks_x = (width + 3) >> 2; const uint num_blocks_y = (height + 3) >> 2; const uint actual_level_pitch = num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y * bytes_per_block; const uint level_pitch = level_index ? actual_level_pitch : pitch; dxt_image* pDXTImage = crnlib_new<dxt_image>(); if (!pDXTImage->init(dxt_fmt, width, height, false)) { crnlib_delete(pDXTImage); CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } CRNLIB_ASSERT(pDXTImage->get_element_vec().size() * sizeof(dxt_image::element) == actual_level_pitch); if (!serializer.read(&pDXTImage->get_element_vec()[0], actual_level_pitch)) { crnlib_delete(pDXTImage); return false; } // DDS image in memory are always assumed to be little endian - the same as DDS itself. //if (c_crnlib_big_endian_platform) // utils::endian_switch_words(reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(&pDXTImage->get_element_vec()[0]), actual_level_pitch / sizeof(uint16)); if (level_pitch > actual_level_pitch) { if (!serializer.skip(level_pitch - actual_level_pitch)) { crnlib_delete(pDXTImage); return false; } } if ((m_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1) && (!dxt1_alpha)) dxt1_alpha = pDXTImage->has_alpha(); pMip->assign(pDXTImage, m_format); } else { image_u8* pImage = crnlib_new<image_u8>(width, height); pImage->set_comp_flags(m_comp_flags); const uint bytes_per_pixel = desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount >> 3; const uint actual_line_pitch = width * bytes_per_pixel; const uint line_pitch = level_index ? actual_line_pitch : pitch; if (load_buf.size() < line_pitch) load_buf.resize(line_pitch); color_quad_u8 q(0, 0, 0, 255); for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (!serializer.read(&load_buf[0], line_pitch)) { crnlib_delete(pImage); return false; } color_quad_u8* pDst = pImage->get_scanline(y); for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++) { const uint8* pPixel = &load_buf[x * bytes_per_pixel]; uint c = 0; // Assumes DDS is always little endian. for (uint l = 0; l < bytes_per_pixel; l++) c |= (pPixel[l] << (l * 8U)); for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!mask_size[i]) continue; uint mask = (1U << mask_size[i]) - 1U; uint bits = (c >> mask_ofs[i]) & mask; uint v = (bits * 255 + (mask >> 1)) / mask; q.set_component(i, v); } if (desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_LUMINANCE) { q.g = q.r; q.b = q.r; } *pDst++ = q; } } pMip->assign(pImage, m_format); CRNLIB_ASSERT(pMip->get_comp_flags() == m_comp_flags); } } } clear_last_error(); if (dxt1_alpha) change_dxt1_to_dxt1a(); return true; } void mipmapped_texture::change_dxt1_to_dxt1a() { if (m_format != PIXEL_FMT_DXT1) return; m_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A; m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::get_component_flags(m_format); for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces[f].size(); l++) { if (m_faces[f][l]->get_dxt_image()) { m_faces[f][l]->set_format(m_format); m_faces[f][l]->set_comp_flags(m_comp_flags); m_faces[f][l]->get_dxt_image()->change_dxt1_to_dxt1a(); } } } } bool mipmapped_texture::check() const { uint levels = 0; orientation_flags_t orient_flags = cDefaultOrientationFlags; for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) { if (!f) { levels = m_faces[f].size(); if ((levels) && (m_faces[f][0])) orient_flags = m_faces[f][0]->get_orientation_flags(); } else if (m_faces[f].size() != levels) return false; for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces[f].size(); l++) { mip_level* p = m_faces[f][l]; if (!p) return false; if (!p->is_valid()) return false; if (p->get_orientation_flags() != orient_flags) return false; if (!l) { if (m_width != p->get_width()) return false; if (m_height != p->get_height()) return false; } if (p->get_comp_flags() != m_comp_flags) return false; if (p->get_format() != m_format) return false; if (p->get_image()) { if (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(p->get_format())) return false; if (p->get_image()->get_width() != p->get_width()) return false; if (p->get_image()->get_height() != p->get_height()) return false; if (p->get_image()->get_comp_flags() != m_comp_flags) return false; } else if (!pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(p->get_format())) return false; } } return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::write_dds(data_stream_serializer& serializer) const { if (!m_width) { set_last_error("Nothing to write"); return false; } set_last_error("write_dds() failed"); if (!serializer.write("DDS ", sizeof(uint32))) return false; DDSURFACEDESC2 desc; utils::zero_object(desc); desc.dwSize = sizeof(desc); desc.dwFlags = DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT | DDSD_CAPS; desc.dwWidth = m_width; desc.dwHeight = m_height; desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize = sizeof(desc.ddpfPixelFormat); if (get_num_levels() > 1) { desc.dwMipMapCount = get_num_levels(); desc.dwFlags |= DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT; desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= (DDSCAPS_MIPMAP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX); } if (get_num_faces() > 1) { desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 |= DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP; desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 |= DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ|DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ; } bool dxt_format = false; if (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(m_format)) { dxt_format = true; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags |= DDPF_FOURCC; switch (m_format) { case PIXEL_FMT_ETC1: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_ETC1; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 0; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXN: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_3DC; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = PIXEL_FMT_DXN; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT1; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 0; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = (uint32)PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR; break; } default: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = (uint32)m_format; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 0; break; } } uint bits_per_pixel = pixel_format_helpers::get_bpp(m_format); desc.lPitch = (((desc.dwWidth + 3) & ~3) * ((desc.dwHeight + 3) & ~3) * bits_per_pixel) >> 3; desc.dwFlags |= DDSD_LINEARSIZE; } else { switch (m_format) { case PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags |= (DDPF_RGB | DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS); desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 32; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask = 0xFF0000; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask = 0x00FF00; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask = 0x0000FF; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask = 0xFF000000; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags |= DDPF_RGB; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 24; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask = 0xFF0000; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask = 0x00FF00; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask = 0x0000FF; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_A8: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags |= DDPF_ALPHA; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 8; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask = 0xFF; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_L8: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags |= DDPF_LUMINANCE; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 8; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask = 0xFF; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_A8L8: { desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags |= DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS | DDPF_LUMINANCE; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = 16; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask = 0xFF; desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask = 0xFF00; break; } default: { CRNLIB_ASSERT(false); return false; } } uint bits_per_pixel = desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount; desc.lPitch = (desc.dwWidth * bits_per_pixel) >> 3; desc.dwFlags |= DDSD_LINEARSIZE; } if (!c_crnlib_little_endian_platform) utils::endian_switch_dwords(reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&desc), sizeof(desc) / sizeof(uint32)); if (!serializer.write(&desc, sizeof(desc))) return false; if (!c_crnlib_little_endian_platform) utils::endian_switch_dwords(reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&desc), sizeof(desc) / sizeof(uint32)); crnlib::vector<uint8> write_buf; const bool can_unflip_packed_texture = can_unflip_without_unpacking(); if ((is_packed()) && (is_flipped()) && (!can_unflip_without_unpacking())) { console::warning("mipmapped_texture::write_dds: One or more faces/miplevels cannot be unflipped without unpacking. Writing flipped .DDS texture."); } for (uint face = 0; face < get_num_faces(); face++) { for (uint level = 0; level < get_num_levels(); level++) { const mip_level* pLevel = get_level(face, level); if (dxt_format) { const uint width = pLevel->get_width(); const uint height = pLevel->get_height(); CRNLIB_ASSERT(width == math::maximum<uint>(1, m_width >> level)); CRNLIB_ASSERT(height == math::maximum<uint>(1, m_height >> level)); const dxt_image* p = pLevel->get_dxt_image(); dxt_image tmp; if ((can_unflip_packed_texture) && (pLevel->get_orientation_flags() & (cOrientationFlagXFlipped | cOrientationFlagYFlipped))) { tmp = *p; if (pLevel->get_orientation_flags() & cOrientationFlagXFlipped) { if (!tmp.flip_x()) console::warning("mipmapped_texture::write_dds: Unable to unflip compressed texture on X axis"); } if (pLevel->get_orientation_flags() & cOrientationFlagYFlipped) { if (!tmp.flip_y()) console::warning("mipmapped_texture::write_dds: Unable to unflip compressed texture on Y axis"); } p = &tmp; } const uint num_blocks_x = (width + 3) >> 2; const uint num_blocks_y = (height + 3) >> 2; CRNLIB_ASSERT(num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y * p->get_elements_per_block() == p->get_total_elements()); width, height, num_blocks_x, num_blocks_y; const uint size_in_bytes = p->get_total_elements() * sizeof(dxt_image::element); if (size_in_bytes > write_buf.size()) write_buf.resize(size_in_bytes); memcpy(&write_buf[0], p->get_element_ptr(), size_in_bytes); // DXT data is always little endian in memory, just like the DDS format. // (Except for ETC1, which contains big endian 64-bit QWORD's). //if (!c_crnlib_little_endian_platform) // utils::endian_switch_words(reinterpret_cast<WORD*>(&write_buf[0]), size_in_bytes / sizeof(WORD)); if (!serializer.write(&write_buf[0], size_in_bytes)) return false; } else { const uint width = pLevel->get_width(); const uint height = pLevel->get_height(); const image_u8* p = pLevel->get_image(); image_u8 tmp; if (pLevel->get_orientation_flags() & (cOrientationFlagXFlipped | cOrientationFlagYFlipped)) { p = pLevel->get_unpacked_image(tmp, cUnpackFlagUnflip); } const uint bits_per_pixel = desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount; const uint bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel >> 3; const uint pitch = width * bytes_per_pixel; if (pitch > write_buf.size()) write_buf.resize(pitch); for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) { const color_quad_u8* pSrc = p->get_scanline(y); const color_quad_u8* pEnd = pSrc + width; uint8* pDst = &write_buf[0]; do { const color_quad_u8& c = *pSrc; uint x = 0; switch (m_format) { case PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8: { x = (c.a << 24) | (c.r << 16) | (c.g << 8) | c.b; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8: { x = (c.r << 16) | (c.g << 8) | c.b; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_A8: { x = c.a; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_A8L8: { x = (c.a << 8) | c.get_luma(); break; } case PIXEL_FMT_L8: { x = c.get_luma(); break; } default: break; } pDst[0] = static_cast<uint8>(x); if (bytes_per_pixel > 1) { pDst[1] = static_cast<uint8>(x >> 8); if (bytes_per_pixel > 2) { pDst[2] = static_cast<uint8>(x >> 16); if (bytes_per_pixel > 3) pDst[3] = static_cast<uint8>(x >> 24); } } pSrc++; pDst += bytes_per_pixel; } while (pSrc != pEnd); if (!serializer.write(&write_buf[0], pitch)) return false; } } } } clear_last_error(); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_ktx(data_stream_serializer& serializer) { clear(); set_last_error("Unable to read KTX file"); ktx_texture kt; if (!kt.read_from_stream(serializer)) return false; if ((kt.get_depth() > 1) || (kt.get_array_size() > 1)) { set_last_error("read_ktx: Depth and array textures are not supported"); return false; } // Must be 1D, 2D, or a cubemap, with or without mipmaps. m_width = kt.get_width(); m_height = kt.get_height(); uint num_mip_levels = kt.get_num_mips(); uint num_faces = kt.get_num_faces(); uint32 crnlib_fourcc = 0; dynamic_string crnlib_fourcc_str; if (kt.get_key_value_as_string("CRNLIB_FOURCC", crnlib_fourcc_str)) { if (crnlib_fourcc_str.get_len() == 4) { for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) crnlib_fourcc = (crnlib_fourcc << 8) | crnlib_fourcc_str[i]; } } const bool is_compressed_texture = kt.is_compressed(); dxt_format dxt_fmt = cDXTInvalid; pixel_packer unpacker; if (is_compressed_texture) { switch (kt.get_ogl_internal_fmt()) { case KTX_ETC1_RGB8_OES: dxt_fmt = cETC1; break; case KTX_RGB_S3TC: case KTX_RGB4_S3TC: case KTX_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case KTX_COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: dxt_fmt = cDXT1; break; case KTX_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case KTX_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: dxt_fmt = cDXT1A; break; case KTX_RGBA_S3TC: case KTX_RGBA4_S3TC: case KTX_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: case KTX_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: dxt_fmt = cDXT3; break; case KTX_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: case KTX_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: case KTX_RGBA_DXT5_S3TC: case KTX_RGBA4_DXT5_S3TC: dxt_fmt = cDXT5; break; case KTX_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT: dxt_fmt = cDXN_YX; if (crnlib_fourcc == PIXEL_FMT_DXN) { dxt_fmt = cDXN_XY; } break; case KTX_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_LATC1_EXT: dxt_fmt = cDXT5A; break; default: set_last_error("Unsupported KTX internal format"); return false; } m_format = pixel_format_helpers::from_dxt_format(dxt_fmt); if (m_format == PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) { set_last_error("Unsupported KTX internal compressed format"); return false; } if (crnlib_fourcc != 0) { switch (crnlib_fourcc) { case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR: { if (dxt_fmt == cDXT5) { m_format = static_cast<pixel_format>(crnlib_fourcc); } break; } } } } else { m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8; const uint type_size = get_ogl_type_size(kt.get_ogl_type()); const uint type_bits = type_size * 8; // Normal component order: 1,2,3,4 (*last* component packed into LSB of output type) // Reversed component order: 4,3,2,1 (*first* component packed into LSB of output type) if (is_packed_pixel_ogl_type(kt.get_ogl_type())) { switch (kt.get_ogl_type()) { // 24bpp packed formats case KTX_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2: unpacker.init("B2G3R3"); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV: unpacker.init("R3G3B2"); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: unpacker.init("B5G6R5"); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV: unpacker.init("R5G6B5"); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; // 32bpp packed formats case KTX_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: unpacker.init("A4B4G4R4"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV: unpacker.init("R4G4B4A4"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: unpacker.init("A1B5G5R5"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV: unpacker.init("R5G5B5A1"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8: unpacker.init("A8B8G8R8"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV: unpacker.init("R8G8B8A8"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2: unpacker.init("A2B10G10R10"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV: unpacker.init("R10G10B10A2"); break; case KTX_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV: unpacker.init("R9G9B9A5"); break; default: set_last_error("Unsupported KTX packed pixel type"); return false; } unpacker.set_pixel_stride(get_ogl_type_size(kt.get_ogl_type())); } else { switch (kt.get_ogl_fmt()) { case 1: case KTX_RED: case KTX_RED_INTEGER: case KTX_R8: case KTX_R8UI: { unpacker.init("R", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; } case KTX_GREEN: case KTX_GREEN_INTEGER: { unpacker.init("G", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; } case KTX_BLUE: case KTX_BLUE_INTEGER: { unpacker.init("B", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; } case KTX_ALPHA: { unpacker.init("A", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8; break; } case KTX_LUMINANCE: { unpacker.init("Y", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_L8; break; } case 2: case KTX_RG: case KTX_RG8: case KTX_RG_INTEGER: { unpacker.init("RG", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8L8; break; } case KTX_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: { unpacker.init("YA", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_A8L8; break; } case 3: case KTX_SRGB: case KTX_RGB: case KTX_RGB_INTEGER: case KTX_RGB8: case KTX_SRGB8: { unpacker.init("RGB", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; } case KTX_BGR: case KTX_BGR_INTEGER: { unpacker.init("BGR", -1, type_bits); m_format = PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; break; } case 4: case KTX_RGBA_INTEGER: case KTX_RGBA: case KTX_SRGB_ALPHA: case KTX_SRGB8_ALPHA8: case KTX_RGBA8: { unpacker.init("RGBA", -1, type_bits); break; } case KTX_BGRA: case KTX_BGRA_INTEGER: { unpacker.init("BGRA", -1, type_bits); break; } default: set_last_error("Unsupported KTX pixel format"); return false; } unpacker.set_pixel_stride(unpacker.get_num_comps() * get_ogl_type_size(kt.get_ogl_type())); } CRNLIB_ASSERT(unpacker.is_valid()); } m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::get_component_flags(m_format); m_faces.resize(num_faces); bool x_flipped = false; bool y_flipped = true; dynamic_string orient; if ((kt.get_key_value_as_string("KTXorientation", orient)) && (orient.get_len() >= 7)) { // 0123456 // "S=r,T=d" if ((orient[0] == 'S') && (orient[1] == '=') && (orient[3] == ',') && (orient[4] == 'T') && (orient[5] == '=')) { if (tolower(orient[2]) == 'l') x_flipped = true; else if (tolower(orient[2]) == 'r') x_flipped = false; if (tolower(orient[6]) == 'u') y_flipped = true; else if (tolower(orient[6]) == 'd') y_flipped = false; } } orientation_flags_t orient_flags = cDefaultOrientationFlags; if (x_flipped) orient_flags = static_cast<orientation_flags_t>(orient_flags | cOrientationFlagXFlipped); if (y_flipped) orient_flags = static_cast<orientation_flags_t>(orient_flags | cOrientationFlagYFlipped); bool dxt1_alpha = false; for (uint face_index = 0; face_index < num_faces; face_index++) { m_faces[face_index].resize(num_mip_levels); for (uint level_index = 0; level_index < num_mip_levels; level_index++) { const uint width = math::maximum<uint>(m_width >> level_index, 1U); const uint height = math::maximum<uint>(m_height >> level_index, 1U); mip_level* pMip = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); m_faces[face_index][level_index] = pMip; const crnlib::vector<uint8>& image_data = kt.get_image_data(level_index, 0, face_index, 0); if (is_compressed_texture) { const uint bytes_per_block = pixel_format_helpers::get_dxt_bytes_per_block(m_format); const uint num_blocks_x = (width + 3) >> 2; const uint num_blocks_y = (height + 3) >> 2; const uint level_pitch = num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y * bytes_per_block; if (image_data.size() != level_pitch) return false; dxt_image* pDXTImage = crnlib_new<dxt_image>(); if (!pDXTImage->init(dxt_fmt, width, height, false)) { crnlib_delete(pDXTImage); CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } CRNLIB_ASSERT(pDXTImage->get_element_vec().size() * sizeof(dxt_image::element) == level_pitch); memcpy(&pDXTImage->get_element_vec()[0], image_data.get_ptr(), image_data.size()); if ((m_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1) && (!dxt1_alpha)) dxt1_alpha = pDXTImage->has_alpha(); pMip->assign(pDXTImage, m_format, orient_flags); } else { if (image_data.size() != (width * height * unpacker.get_pixel_stride())) return false; image_u8* pImage = crnlib_new<image_u8>(width, height); pImage->set_comp_flags(m_comp_flags); const uint8* pSrc = image_data.get_ptr(); color_quad_u8 q(0, 0, 0, 255); for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++) { color_quad_u8 c; pSrc = static_cast<const uint8*>(unpacker.unpack(pSrc, c)); pImage->set_pixel_unclipped(x, y, c); } } pMip->assign(pImage, m_format, orient_flags); CRNLIB_ASSERT(pMip->get_comp_flags() == m_comp_flags); } } } clear_last_error(); if (dxt1_alpha) change_dxt1_to_dxt1a(); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::write_ktx(data_stream_serializer& serializer) const { if (!m_width) { set_last_error("Nothing to write"); return false; } set_last_error("write_ktx() failed"); uint32 ogl_internal_fmt = 0, ogl_fmt = 0, ogl_type = 0; pixel_packer packer; if (is_packed()) { switch (get_format()) { case PIXEL_FMT_DXT1: { ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A: { ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT2: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT3: { ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT4: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR: { ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_3DC: case PIXEL_FMT_DXN: { ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5A: { ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_LATC1_EXT; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_ETC1: { ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_ETC1_RGB8_OES; break; } default: { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } } } else { ogl_type = KTX_UNSIGNED_BYTE; switch (get_format()) { case PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8: ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_RGB8; ogl_fmt = KTX_RGB; packer.init("R8G8B8"); break; case PIXEL_FMT_L8: ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_LUMINANCE8; ogl_fmt = KTX_LUMINANCE; packer.init("G8"); break; case PIXEL_FMT_A8: ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_ALPHA8; ogl_fmt = KTX_ALPHA; packer.init("A8"); break; case PIXEL_FMT_A8L8: ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8; ogl_fmt = KTX_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; packer.init("Y8A8"); break; case PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8: ogl_internal_fmt = KTX_RGBA8; ogl_fmt = KTX_RGBA; packer.init("R8G8B8A8"); break; default: { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } } } ktx_texture kt; bool success; if (determine_texture_type() == cTextureTypeCubemap) success = kt.init_cubemap(get_width(), get_num_levels(), ogl_internal_fmt, ogl_fmt, ogl_type); else success = kt.init_2D(get_width(), get_height(), get_num_levels(), ogl_internal_fmt, ogl_fmt, ogl_type); if (!success) return false; dynamic_string fourcc_str(cVarArg, "%c%c%c%c", m_format & 0xFF, (m_format >> 8) & 0xFF, (m_format >> 16) & 0xFF, (m_format >> 24) & 0xFF); kt.add_key_value("CRNLIB_FOURCC", fourcc_str.get_ptr()); const mip_level* pLevel0 = get_level(0, 0); dynamic_string ktx_orient_str(cVarArg, "S=%c,T=%c", (pLevel0->get_orientation_flags() & cOrientationFlagXFlipped) ? 'l' : 'r', (pLevel0->get_orientation_flags() & cOrientationFlagYFlipped) ? 'u' : 'd'); kt.add_key_value("KTXorientation", ktx_orient_str.get_ptr()); for (uint face_index = 0; face_index < get_num_faces(); face_index++) { for (uint level_index = 0; level_index < get_num_levels(); level_index++) { const mip_level* pLevel = get_level(face_index, level_index); const uint mip_width = pLevel->get_width(); const uint mip_height = pLevel->get_height(); if (is_packed()) { const dxt_image* p = pLevel->get_dxt_image(); kt.add_image(face_index, level_index, p->get_element_ptr(), p->get_size_in_bytes()); } else { const image_u8* p = pLevel->get_image(); crnlib::vector<uint8> tmp(mip_width * mip_height * packer.get_pixel_stride()); uint8* pDst = tmp.get_ptr(); for (uint y = 0; y < mip_height; y++) for (uint x = 0; x < mip_width; x++) pDst = (uint8*)packer.pack(p->get_unclamped(x, y), pDst); kt.add_image(face_index, level_index, tmp.get_ptr(), tmp.size_in_bytes()); } } } if (!kt.write_to_stream(serializer)) return false; clear_last_error(); return true; } void mipmapped_texture::assign(face_vec& faces) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(!faces.empty()); if (faces.empty()) return; free_all_mips(); #ifdef CRNLIB_BUILD_DEBUG for (uint i = 1; i < faces.size(); i++) CRNLIB_ASSERT(faces[i].size() == faces[0].size()); #endif mip_level* p = faces[0][0]; m_width = p->get_width(); m_height = p->get_height(); m_comp_flags = p->get_comp_flags(); m_format = p->get_format(); m_faces.swap(faces); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); } void mipmapped_texture::assign(mip_level* pLevel) { face_vec faces(1, mip_ptr_vec(1, pLevel)); assign(faces); } void mipmapped_texture::assign(image_u8* p, pixel_format fmt, orientation_flags_t orient_flags) { mip_level* pLevel = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); pLevel->assign(p, fmt, orient_flags); assign(pLevel); } void mipmapped_texture::assign(dxt_image* p, pixel_format fmt, orientation_flags_t orient_flags) { mip_level* pLevel = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); pLevel->assign(p, fmt, orient_flags); assign(pLevel); } void mipmapped_texture::set(texture_file_types::format source_file_type, const mipmapped_texture& mipmapped_texture) { clear(); *this = mipmapped_texture; m_source_file_type = source_file_type; } image_u8* mipmapped_texture::get_level_image(uint face, uint level, image_u8& img, uint unpack_flags) const { if (!is_valid()) return NULL; const mip_level* pLevel = get_level(face, level); return pLevel->get_unpacked_image(img, unpack_flags); } void mipmapped_texture::swap(mipmapped_texture& img) { utils::swap(m_width, img.m_width); utils::swap(m_height, img.m_height); utils::swap(m_comp_flags, img.m_comp_flags); utils::swap(m_format, img.m_format); m_faces.swap(img.m_faces); m_last_error.swap(img.m_last_error); utils::swap(m_source_file_type, img.m_source_file_type); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); } texture_type mipmapped_texture::determine_texture_type() const { if (!is_valid()) return cTextureTypeUnknown; if (get_num_faces() == 6) return cTextureTypeCubemap; else if (is_vertical_cross()) return cTextureTypeVerticalCrossCubemap; else if (is_normal_map()) return cTextureTypeNormalMap; return cTextureTypeRegularMap; } void mipmapped_texture::discard_mips() { for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) { if (m_faces[f].size() > 1) { for (uint l = 1; l < m_faces[f].size(); l++) crnlib_delete(m_faces[f][l]); m_faces[f].resize(1); } } CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); } void mipmapped_texture::init(uint width, uint height, uint levels, uint faces, pixel_format fmt, const char* pName, orientation_flags_t orient_flags) { clear(); CRNLIB_ASSERT((width > 0) && (height > 0) && (levels > 0)); CRNLIB_ASSERT((faces == 1) || (faces == 6)); m_width = width; m_height = height; m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::get_component_flags(fmt); m_format = fmt; if (pName) m_name.set(pName); m_faces.resize(faces); for (uint f = 0; f < faces; f++) { m_faces[f].resize(levels); for (uint l = 0; l < levels; l++) { m_faces[f][l] = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); const uint mip_width = math::maximum(1U, width >> l); const uint mip_height = math::maximum(1U, height >> l); if (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(fmt)) { dxt_image* p = crnlib_new<dxt_image>(); p->init(pixel_format_helpers::get_dxt_format(fmt), mip_width, mip_height, true); m_faces[f][l]->assign(p, m_format, orient_flags); } else { image_u8* p = crnlib_new<image_u8>(mip_width, mip_height); p->set_comp_flags(m_comp_flags); m_faces[f][l]->assign(p, m_format, orient_flags); } } } CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); } void mipmapped_texture::discard_mipmaps() { if (!is_valid()) return; discard_mips(); } bool mipmapped_texture::convert(pixel_format fmt, bool cook, const dxt_image::pack_params& p) { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (fmt == get_format()) return true; uint total_pixels = 0; for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces[f].size(); l++) total_pixels += m_faces[f][l]->get_total_pixels(); uint num_pixels_processed = 0; uint progress_start = p.m_progress_start; for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces[f].size(); l++) { const uint num_pixels = m_faces[f][l]->get_total_pixels(); uint progress_range = (num_pixels * p.m_progress_range) / total_pixels; dxt_image::pack_params tmp_params(p); tmp_params.m_progress_start = math::clamp<uint>(progress_start, 0, p.m_progress_range); tmp_params.m_progress_range = math::clamp<uint>(progress_range, 0, p.m_progress_range - tmp_params.m_progress_start); progress_start += tmp_params.m_progress_range; if (!m_faces[f][l]->convert(fmt, cook, tmp_params)) { clear(); return false; } num_pixels_processed += num_pixels; } } m_format = get_level(0, 0)->get_format(); m_comp_flags = get_level(0, 0)->get_comp_flags(); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); if (p.m_pProgress_callback) { if (!p.m_pProgress_callback(p.m_progress_start + p.m_progress_range, p.m_pProgress_callback_user_data_ptr)) return false; } return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::convert(pixel_format fmt, const dxt_image::pack_params& p) { return convert(fmt, true, p); } bool mipmapped_texture::convert(pixel_format fmt, bool cook, const dxt_image::pack_params& p, int qdxt_quality, bool hierarchical) { if ((!pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(fmt)) || (fmt == PIXEL_FMT_DXT3) || (fmt == PIXEL_FMT_ETC1)) { // QDXT doesn't support DXT3 or ETC1 yet. return convert(fmt, cook, p); } mipmapped_texture src_tex(*this); if (src_tex.is_packed()) src_tex.unpack_from_dxt(true); if (cook) { mipmapped_texture cooked_tex(src_tex); for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces[f].size(); l++) src_tex.m_faces[f][l]->cook_image(*cooked_tex.m_faces[f][l]->get_image()); src_tex.swap(cooked_tex); } qdxt1_params q1_params; q1_params.init(p, qdxt_quality, hierarchical); qdxt5_params q5_params; q5_params.init(p, qdxt_quality, hierarchical); if (pixel_format_helpers::is_pixel_format_non_srgb(fmt) || (m_comp_flags & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap) || (m_comp_flags & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagLumaChroma)) { // Disable perceptual colorspace metrics when packing to swizzled or non-RGB pixel formats. q1_params.m_perceptual = false; } task_pool tp; if (!tp.init(p.m_num_helper_threads)) return false; mipmapped_texture packed_tex; qdxt_state state(tp); if (!src_tex.qdxt_pack_init(state, packed_tex, q1_params, q5_params, fmt, false)) return false; if (!src_tex.qdxt_pack(state, packed_tex, q1_params, q5_params)) return false; swap(packed_tex); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::is_packed() const { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; return get_level(0, 0)->is_packed(); } bool mipmapped_texture::set_alpha_to_luma() { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; if (is_packed()) unpack_from_dxt(true); for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < get_num_levels(); l++) get_level(f, l)->set_alpha_to_luma(); m_format = get_level(0, 0)->get_format(); m_comp_flags = get_level(0, 0)->get_comp_flags(); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::convert(image_utils::conversion_type conv_type) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; if (is_packed()) unpack_from_dxt(true); for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < get_num_levels(); l++) get_level(f, l)->convert(conv_type); m_format = get_level(0, 0)->get_format(); m_comp_flags = get_level(0, 0)->get_comp_flags(); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::unpack_from_dxt(bool uncook) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; CRNLIB_ASSERT(pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(m_format)); if (!pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(m_format)) return false; for (uint f = 0; f < m_faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < get_num_levels(); l++) if (!get_level(f, l)->unpack_from_dxt(uncook)) return false; m_format = get_level(0, 0)->get_format(); m_comp_flags = get_level(0, 0)->get_comp_flags(); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::has_alpha() const { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; if (pixel_format_helpers::has_alpha(m_format)) return true; if ((m_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1) && (get_level(0, 0)->get_dxt_image())) { // Try scanning DXT1 mip levels to find blocks with transparent pixels. for (uint f = 0; f < get_num_faces(); f++) if (get_level(f, 0)->get_dxt_image()->has_alpha()) return true; } return false; } bool mipmapped_texture::is_normal_map() const { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; if (pixel_format_helpers::is_normal_map(get_format())) return true; const mip_level* pLevel = get_level(0, 0); if (pLevel->get_image()) return image_utils::is_normal_map(*pLevel->get_image(), m_name.get_ptr()); image_u8 tmp; pLevel->get_dxt_image()->unpack(tmp); return image_utils::is_normal_map(tmp, m_name.get_ptr()); } bool mipmapped_texture::is_vertical_cross() const { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; if (get_num_faces() > 1) return false; if (!((math::is_power_of_2(m_height)) && (!math::is_power_of_2(m_width)) && (m_height / 4U == m_width / 3U))) return false; return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::resize(uint new_width, uint new_height, const resample_params& params) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; CRNLIB_ASSERT((new_width >= 1) && (new_height >= 1)); face_vec faces(get_num_faces()); for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) { faces[f].resize(1); faces[f][0] = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); } for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) { image_u8 tmp; image_u8* pImg = get_level(f, 0)->get_unpacked_image(tmp, cUnpackFlagUncook); image_u8* pMip = crnlib_new<image_u8>(); image_utils::resample_params rparams; rparams.m_dst_width = new_width; rparams.m_dst_height = new_height; rparams.m_filter_scale = params.m_filter_scale; rparams.m_first_comp = 0; rparams.m_num_comps = pImg->is_component_valid(3) ? 4 : 3; rparams.m_srgb = params.m_srgb; rparams.m_wrapping = params.m_wrapping; rparams.m_pFilter = params.m_pFilter; rparams.m_multithreaded = params.m_multithreaded; if (!image_utils::resample(*pImg, *pMip, rparams)) { crnlib_delete(pMip); for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < faces[f].size(); l++) crnlib_delete(faces[f][l]); return false; } if (params.m_renormalize) image_utils::renorm_normal_map(*pMip); pMip->set_comp_flags(pImg->get_comp_flags()); faces[f][0]->assign(pMip, PIXEL_FMT_INVALID, get_level(f, 0)->get_orientation_flags()); } assign(faces); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::generate_mipmaps(const generate_mipmap_params& params, bool force) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; uint num_levels = 1; { uint width = get_width(); uint height = get_height(); while ((width > params.m_min_mip_size) || (height > params.m_min_mip_size)) { width >>= 1U; height >>= 1U; num_levels++; } } if ((params.m_max_mips > 0) && (num_levels > params.m_max_mips)) num_levels = params.m_max_mips; if ((force) && (get_num_levels() > 1)) discard_mipmaps(); if (num_levels == get_num_levels()) return true; face_vec faces(get_num_faces()); for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) { faces[f].resize(num_levels); for (uint l = 0; l < num_levels; l++) faces[f][l] = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); } for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) { image_u8 tmp; image_u8* pImg = get_level(f, 0)->get_unpacked_image(tmp, cUnpackFlagUncook); for (uint l = 0; l < num_levels; l++) { const uint mip_width = math::maximum<uint>(1U, get_width() >> l); const uint mip_height = math::maximum<uint>(1U, get_height() >> l); image_u8* pMip = crnlib_new<image_u8>(); if (!l) *pMip = *pImg; else { image_utils::resample_params rparams; rparams.m_dst_width = mip_width; rparams.m_dst_height = mip_height; rparams.m_filter_scale = params.m_filter_scale; rparams.m_first_comp = 0; rparams.m_num_comps = pImg->is_component_valid(3) ? 4 : 3; rparams.m_srgb = params.m_srgb; rparams.m_wrapping = params.m_wrapping; rparams.m_pFilter = params.m_pFilter; rparams.m_multithreaded = params.m_multithreaded; if (!image_utils::resample(*pImg, *pMip, rparams)) { crnlib_delete(pMip); for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < faces[f].size(); l++) crnlib_delete(faces[f][l]); return false; } if (params.m_renormalize) image_utils::renorm_normal_map(*pMip); pMip->set_comp_flags(pImg->get_comp_flags()); } faces[f][l]->assign(pMip, PIXEL_FMT_INVALID, get_level(f, 0)->get_orientation_flags()); } } assign(faces); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::crop(uint x, uint y, uint width, uint height) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(is_valid()); if (!is_valid()) return false; if (get_num_faces() > 1) return false; if ((width < 1) || (height < 1)) return false; image_u8 tmp; image_u8* pImg = get_level(0, 0)->get_unpacked_image(tmp, cUnpackFlagUncook | cUnpackFlagUnflip); image_u8* pMip = crnlib_new<image_u8>(width, height); if (!pImg->extract_block(pMip->get_ptr(), x, y, width, height)) return false; face_vec faces(1); faces[0].resize(1); faces[0][0] = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); pMip->set_comp_flags(pImg->get_comp_flags()); faces[0][0]->assign(pMip); assign(faces); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::vertical_cross_to_cubemap() { if (!is_vertical_cross()) return false; const uint face_width = get_height() / 4; bool alpha_is_valid = has_alpha(); mipmapped_texture cubemap; pixel_format fmt = alpha_is_valid ? PIXEL_FMT_A8R8G8B8 : PIXEL_FMT_R8G8B8; cubemap.init(face_width, face_width, 1, 6, fmt, m_name.get_ptr(), cDefaultOrientationFlags); // +x -x +y -y +z -z // 0 1 2 // 0 +y // 1 -x +z +x // 2 -y // 3 -z for (uint face_index = 0; face_index < 6; face_index++) { const mip_level* pSrc = get_level(0, 0); image_u8 tmp_img; image_u8* pSrc_image = pSrc->get_unpacked_image(tmp_img, cUnpackFlagUncook | cUnpackFlagUnflip); const mip_level* pDst = get_level(face_index, 0); image_u8* pDst_image = pDst->get_image(); CRNLIB_ASSERT(pDst_image); const bool flipped = (face_index == 5); const uint x_ofs = g_vertical_cross_image_offsets[face_index][0] * face_width; const uint y_ofs = g_vertical_cross_image_offsets[face_index][1] * face_width; for (uint y = 0; y < face_width; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < face_width; x++) { const color_quad_u8& c = (*pSrc_image)(x_ofs + x, y_ofs + y); if (!flipped) (*pDst_image)(x, y) = c; else (*pDst_image)(face_width - 1 - x, face_width - 1 - y) = c; } } } swap(cubemap); CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::qdxt_pack_init(qdxt_state& state, mipmapped_texture& dst_tex, const qdxt1_params& dxt1_params, const qdxt5_params& dxt5_params, pixel_format fmt, bool cook) { if (!is_valid()) return false; state.m_qdxt1_params = dxt1_params; state.m_qdxt5_params[0] = dxt5_params; state.m_qdxt5_params[1] = dxt5_params; utils::zero_object(state.m_has_blocks); switch (fmt) { case PIXEL_FMT_DXT1: { state.m_has_blocks[0] = true; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A: { state.m_has_blocks[0] = true; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_use_alpha_blocks = true; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT4: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5: { state.m_has_blocks[0] = true; state.m_has_blocks[1] = true; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_use_alpha_blocks = false; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_comp_index = 3; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR: case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR: { state.m_has_blocks[0] = true; state.m_has_blocks[1] = true; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_use_alpha_blocks = false; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_perceptual = false; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_comp_index = 3; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_3DC: { state.m_has_blocks[1] = true; state.m_has_blocks[2] = true; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_comp_index = 1; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_comp_index = 0; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXN: { state.m_has_blocks[1] = true; state.m_has_blocks[2] = true; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_comp_index = 0; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_comp_index = 1; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5A: { state.m_has_blocks[1] = true; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_comp_index = 3; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_ETC1: { console::warning("mipmapped_texture::qdxt_pack_init: This method does not support ETC1"); return false; } default: { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } } const uint num_elements = state.m_has_blocks[0] + state.m_has_blocks[1] + state.m_has_blocks[2]; uint cur_progress_start = dxt1_params.m_progress_start; if (state.m_has_blocks[0]) { state.m_qdxt1_params.m_progress_start = cur_progress_start; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_progress_range = dxt1_params.m_progress_range / num_elements; cur_progress_start += state.m_qdxt1_params.m_progress_range; } if (state.m_has_blocks[1]) { state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_progress_start = cur_progress_start; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_progress_range = dxt1_params.m_progress_range / num_elements; cur_progress_start += state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_progress_range; } if (state.m_has_blocks[2]) { state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_progress_start = cur_progress_start; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_progress_range = dxt1_params.m_progress_range - cur_progress_start; } state.m_fmt = fmt; dst_tex.init(get_width(), get_height(), get_num_levels(), get_num_faces(), fmt, get_name().get_ptr(), cDefaultOrientationFlags); state.m_pixel_blocks.resize(0); image_utils::conversion_type cook_conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_Invalid; if (cook) { cook_conv_type = image_utils::get_conversion_type(true, fmt); if (pixel_format_helpers::is_alpha_only(fmt) && !pixel_format_helpers::has_alpha(m_format)) cook_conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_Y_To_A; } state.m_qdxt1_params.m_num_mips = 0; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_num_mips = 0; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_num_mips = 0; for (uint f = 0; f < get_num_faces(); f++) { for (uint l = 0; l < get_num_levels(); l++) { mip_level* pLevel = get_level(f, l); dst_tex.get_level(f, l)->set_orientation_flags(pLevel->get_orientation_flags()); image_u8 tmp_img; image_u8 img(*pLevel->get_unpacked_image(tmp_img, cUnpackFlagUncook)); if (cook_conv_type != image_utils::cConversion_Invalid) image_utils::convert_image(img, cook_conv_type); const uint num_blocks_x = (img.get_width() + 3) / 4; const uint num_blocks_y = (img.get_height() + 3) / 4; const uint total_blocks = num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y; const uint cur_size = state.m_pixel_blocks.size(); state.m_pixel_blocks.resize(cur_size + total_blocks); dxt_pixel_block* pDst_blocks = &state.m_pixel_blocks[cur_size]; { CRNLIB_ASSERT(state.m_qdxt1_params.m_num_mips < qdxt1_params::cMaxMips); qdxt1_params::mip_desc& mip_desc = state.m_qdxt1_params.m_mip_desc[state.m_qdxt1_params.m_num_mips]; mip_desc.m_first_block = cur_size; mip_desc.m_block_width = num_blocks_x; mip_desc.m_block_height = num_blocks_y; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_num_mips++; } for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(state.m_qdxt5_params[i].m_num_mips < qdxt5_params::cMaxMips); qdxt5_params::mip_desc& mip_desc = state.m_qdxt5_params[i].m_mip_desc[state.m_qdxt5_params[i].m_num_mips]; mip_desc.m_first_block = cur_size; mip_desc.m_block_width = num_blocks_x; mip_desc.m_block_height = num_blocks_y; state.m_qdxt5_params[i].m_num_mips++; } for (uint block_y = 0; block_y < num_blocks_y; block_y++) { const uint img_y = block_y << 2; for (uint block_x = 0; block_x < num_blocks_x; block_x++) { const uint img_x = block_x << 2; color_quad_u8* pDst_pixel = &pDst_blocks->m_pixels[0][0]; pDst_blocks++; for (uint by = 0; by < 4; by++) for (uint bx = 0; bx < 4; bx++) *pDst_pixel++ = img.get_clamped(img_x + bx, img_y + by); } // block_x } // block_y } // l } // f if (state.m_has_blocks[0]) { if (!state.m_qdxt1.init(state.m_pixel_blocks.size(), &state.m_pixel_blocks[0], state.m_qdxt1_params)) return false; } if (state.m_has_blocks[1]) { if (!state.m_qdxt5a.init(state.m_pixel_blocks.size(), &state.m_pixel_blocks[0], state.m_qdxt5_params[0])) return false; } if (state.m_has_blocks[2]) { if (!state.m_qdxt5b.init(state.m_pixel_blocks.size(), &state.m_pixel_blocks[0], state.m_qdxt5_params[1])) return false; } return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::qdxt_pack(qdxt_state& state, mipmapped_texture& dst_tex, const qdxt1_params& dxt1_params, const qdxt5_params& dxt5_params) { if (!is_valid()) return false; CRNLIB_ASSERT(dxt1_params.m_quality_level <= qdxt1_params::cMaxQuality); CRNLIB_ASSERT(dxt5_params.m_quality_level <= qdxt5_params::cMaxQuality); state.m_qdxt1_params.m_quality_level = dxt1_params.m_quality_level; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_pProgress_func = dxt1_params.m_pProgress_func; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_pProgress_data = dxt1_params.m_pProgress_data; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_quality_level = dxt5_params.m_quality_level; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_pProgress_func = dxt5_params.m_pProgress_func; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_pProgress_data = dxt5_params.m_pProgress_data; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_quality_level = dxt5_params.m_quality_level; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_pProgress_func = dxt5_params.m_pProgress_func; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_pProgress_data = dxt5_params.m_pProgress_data; const uint num_elements = state.m_has_blocks[0] + state.m_has_blocks[1] + state.m_has_blocks[2]; uint cur_progress_start = dxt1_params.m_progress_start; if (state.m_has_blocks[0]) { state.m_qdxt1_params.m_progress_start = cur_progress_start; state.m_qdxt1_params.m_progress_range = dxt1_params.m_progress_range / num_elements; cur_progress_start += state.m_qdxt1_params.m_progress_range; } if (state.m_has_blocks[1]) { state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_progress_start = cur_progress_start; state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_progress_range = dxt1_params.m_progress_range / num_elements; cur_progress_start += state.m_qdxt5_params[0].m_progress_range; } if (state.m_has_blocks[2]) { state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_progress_start = cur_progress_start; state.m_qdxt5_params[1].m_progress_range = dxt1_params.m_progress_range - cur_progress_start; } crnlib::vector<dxt1_block> dxt1_blocks; if (state.m_has_blocks[0]) { dxt1_blocks.resize(state.m_pixel_blocks.size()); float pow_mul = 1.0f; if (state.m_fmt == PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY) { // use a "deeper" codebook size curves when compressing chroma into DXT1, because it's not as important pow_mul = 1.5f; } else if (state.m_fmt == PIXEL_FMT_DXT5) { // favor color more than alpha pow_mul = .75f; } if (!state.m_qdxt1.pack(&dxt1_blocks[0], 1, state.m_qdxt1_params, pow_mul)) return false; } crnlib::vector<dxt5_block> dxt5_blocks[2]; for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (state.m_has_blocks[i + 1]) { dxt5_blocks[i].resize(state.m_pixel_blocks.size()); if (!(i ? state.m_qdxt5b : state.m_qdxt5a).pack(&dxt5_blocks[i][0], 1, state.m_qdxt5_params[i])) return false; } } uint cur_block_ofs = 0; for (uint f = 0; f < dst_tex.get_num_faces(); f++) { for (uint l = 0; l < dst_tex.get_num_levels(); l++) { mip_level* pDst_level = dst_tex.get_level(f, l); const uint num_blocks_x = (pDst_level->get_width() + 3) / 4; const uint num_blocks_y = (pDst_level->get_height() + 3) / 4; const uint total_blocks = num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y; dxt_image* pDst_dxt_image = pDst_level->get_dxt_image(); dxt_image::element* pDst = pDst_dxt_image->get_element_ptr(); for (uint block_index = 0; block_index < total_blocks; block_index++) { if (state.m_has_blocks[1]) memcpy(pDst, &dxt5_blocks[0][cur_block_ofs + block_index], 8); if (state.m_has_blocks[2]) memcpy(pDst + 1, &dxt5_blocks[1][cur_block_ofs + block_index], 8); if (state.m_has_blocks[0]) memcpy(pDst + state.m_has_blocks[1], &dxt1_blocks[cur_block_ofs + block_index], 8); pDst += pDst_dxt_image->get_elements_per_block(); } cur_block_ofs += total_blocks; } } if (dxt1_params.m_pProgress_func) { if (!dxt1_params.m_pProgress_func(dxt1_params.m_progress_start + dxt1_params.m_progress_range, dxt1_params.m_pProgress_data)) return false; } CRNLIB_ASSERT(dst_tex.check()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_from_file(const char* pFilename, texture_file_types::format file_format) { clear(); set_last_error("Can't open file"); bool success = false; cfile_stream in_stream; if (in_stream.open(pFilename)) { data_stream_serializer serializer(in_stream); success = read_from_stream(serializer, file_format); } return success; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_from_stream(data_stream_serializer& serializer, texture_file_types::format file_format) { clear(); if (!serializer.get_stream()) { set_last_error("Invalid stream"); return false; } if (file_format == texture_file_types::cFormatInvalid) file_format = texture_file_types::determine_file_format(serializer.get_name().get_ptr()); if (file_format == texture_file_types::cFormatInvalid) { set_last_error("Unsupported file format"); return false; } set_last_error("Image file load failed"); bool success = false; if (!texture_file_types::supports_mipmaps(file_format)) { success = read_regular_image(serializer, file_format); } else { switch (file_format) { case texture_file_types::cFormatDDS: { success = read_dds(serializer); break; } case texture_file_types::cFormatCRN: { success = read_crn(serializer); break; } case texture_file_types::cFormatKTX: { success = read_ktx(serializer); break; } default: { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); break; } } } if (success) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); m_source_file_type = file_format; set_name(serializer.get_name()); clear_last_error(); } return success; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_regular_image(data_stream_serializer &serializer, texture_file_types::format file_format) { file_format; image_u8* pImg = crnlib_new<image_u8>(); bool status = image_utils::read_from_stream(*pImg, serializer, 0); if (!status) { crnlib_delete(pImg); set_last_error("Failed loading image file"); return false; } mip_level* pLevel = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); pLevel->assign(pImg); assign(pLevel); set_name(serializer.get_name()); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_crn_from_memory(const void *pData, uint data_size, const char* pFilename) { clear(); set_last_error("Image file load failed"); if ((!pData) || (data_size < 1)) return false; crnd::crn_texture_info tex_info; tex_info.m_struct_size = sizeof(crnd::crn_texture_info); if (!crnd_get_texture_info(pData, data_size, &tex_info)) { set_last_error("crnd_get_texture_info() failed"); return false; } const pixel_format dds_fmt = (pixel_format)crnd::crnd_crn_format_to_fourcc(tex_info.m_format); if (dds_fmt == PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) { set_last_error("Unsupported DXT format"); return false; } const dxt_format dxt_fmt = pixel_format_helpers::get_dxt_format(dds_fmt); face_vec faces(tex_info.m_faces); for (uint f = 0; f < tex_info.m_faces; f++) { faces[f].resize(tex_info.m_levels); for (uint l = 0; l < tex_info.m_levels; l++) faces[f][l] = crnlib_new<mip_level>(); } const uint tex_num_blocks_x = (tex_info.m_width + 3) >> 2; const uint tex_num_blocks_y = (tex_info.m_height + 3) >> 2; vector<uint8> dxt_data; // Create temp buffer big enough to hold the largest mip level, and all faces if it's a cubemap. dxt_data.resize(tex_info.m_bytes_per_block * tex_num_blocks_x * tex_num_blocks_y * tex_info.m_faces); set_last_error("CRN unpack failed"); #if 0 timer t; double total_time = 0.0f; t.start(); #endif crnd::crnd_unpack_context pContext = crnd::crnd_unpack_begin(pData, data_size); #if 0 total_time += t.get_elapsed_secs(); #endif if (!pContext) { for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < faces[f].size(); l++) crnlib_delete(faces[f][l]); return false; } uint total_pixels = 0; void* pFaces[cCRNMaxFaces]; for (uint f = tex_info.m_faces; f < cCRNMaxFaces; f++) pFaces[f] = NULL; for (uint l = 0; l < tex_info.m_levels; l++) { const uint level_width = math::maximum<uint>(1U, tex_info.m_width >> l); const uint level_height = math::maximum<uint>(1U, tex_info.m_height >> l); const uint num_blocks_x = (level_width + 3U) >> 2U; const uint num_blocks_y = (level_height + 3U) >> 2U; const uint row_pitch = num_blocks_x * tex_info.m_bytes_per_block; const uint size_of_face = num_blocks_y * row_pitch; total_pixels += num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y * 4 * 4 * tex_info.m_faces; #if 0 t.start(); #endif for (uint f = 0; f < tex_info.m_faces; f++) pFaces[f] = &dxt_data[f * size_of_face]; if (!crnd::crnd_unpack_level(pContext, pFaces, dxt_data.size(), row_pitch, l)) { crnd::crnd_unpack_end(pContext); for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < faces[f].size(); l++) crnlib_delete(faces[f][l]); return false; } #if 0 total_time += t.get_elapsed_secs(); #endif for (uint f = 0; f < tex_info.m_faces; f++) { dxt_image* pDXT_image = crnlib_new<dxt_image>(); if (!pDXT_image->init( dxt_fmt, level_width, level_height, num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y * (tex_info.m_bytes_per_block / sizeof(dxt_image::element)), reinterpret_cast<dxt_image::element*>(pFaces[f]), true)) { crnlib_delete(pDXT_image); crnd::crnd_unpack_end(pContext); for (uint f = 0; f < faces.size(); f++) for (uint l = 0; l < faces[f].size(); l++) crnlib_delete(faces[f][l]); return false; } faces[f][l]->assign(pDXT_image, dds_fmt); } } #if 0 if (total_pixels) { console::info("read_crn_from_memory: Total pixels: %u, ms: %3.3fms, megapixels/sec: %3.3f", total_pixels, total_time * 1000.0f, total_pixels / total_time); } #endif crnd::crnd_unpack_end(pContext); assign(faces); set_name(pFilename); m_source_file_type = texture_file_types::cFormatCRN; clear_last_error(); return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::read_crn(data_stream_serializer& serializer) { crnlib::vector<uint8> crn_data; if (!serializer.read_entire_file(crn_data)) { set_last_error("Failed reading CRN file"); return false; } return read_crn_from_memory(crn_data.get_ptr(), crn_data.size(), serializer.get_name().get_ptr()); } bool mipmapped_texture::write_to_file( const char* pFilename, texture_file_types::format file_format, crn_comp_params* pComp_params, uint32 *pActual_quality_level, float *pActual_bitrate, uint32 image_write_flags) { if (pActual_quality_level) *pActual_quality_level = 0; if (pActual_bitrate) *pActual_bitrate = 0.0f; if (!is_valid()) { set_last_error("Unable to write empty texture"); return false; } if (file_format == texture_file_types::cFormatInvalid) file_format = texture_file_types::determine_file_format(pFilename); if (file_format == texture_file_types::cFormatInvalid) { set_last_error("Unknown file format"); return false; } bool success = false; if ( ((pComp_params) && (file_format == texture_file_types::cFormatDDS)) || (file_format == texture_file_types::cFormatCRN) ) { if (!pComp_params) return false; success = write_comp_texture(pFilename, *pComp_params, pActual_quality_level, pActual_bitrate); } else if (!texture_file_types::supports_mipmaps(file_format)) { success = write_regular_image(pFilename, image_write_flags); } else { if (pComp_params) { console::warning("mipmapped_texture::write_to_file: Ignoring CRN compression parameters (currently unsupported for this file type)."); } cfile_stream write_stream; if (!write_stream.open(pFilename, cDataStreamWritable | cDataStreamSeekable)) { set_last_error(dynamic_string(cVarArg, "Failed creating output file \"%s\"", pFilename).get_ptr()); return false; } data_stream_serializer serializer(write_stream); switch (file_format) { case texture_file_types::cFormatDDS: { success = write_dds(serializer); break; } case texture_file_types::cFormatKTX: { success = write_ktx(serializer); break; } default: { break; } } } return success; } bool mipmapped_texture::write_regular_image(const char* pFilename, uint32 image_write_flags) { image_u8 tmp; image_u8* pLevel_image = get_level_image(0, 0, tmp); if (!image_utils::write_to_file(pFilename, *pLevel_image, image_write_flags)) { set_last_error("File write failed"); return false; } return true; } void mipmapped_texture::print_crn_comp_params(const crn_comp_params& p) { console::debug("CRN compression params:"); console::debug(" File Type: %s", crn_get_file_type_ext(p.m_file_type)); console::debug(" Quality level: %u", p.m_quality_level); console::debug(" Target Bitrate: %f", p.m_target_bitrate); console::debug(" Faces: %u", p.m_faces); console::debug(" Width: %u", p.m_width); console::debug(" Height: %u", p.m_height); console::debug(" Levels: %u", p.m_levels); console::debug(" Pixel Format: %s", crn_get_format_string(p.m_format)); console::debug("Use manual CRN palette sizes: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagManualPaletteSizes)); console::debug("Color endpoints: %u", p.m_crn_color_endpoint_palette_size); console::debug("Color selectors: %u", p.m_crn_color_selector_palette_size); console::debug("Alpha endpoints: %u", p.m_crn_alpha_endpoint_palette_size); console::debug("Alpha selectors: %u", p.m_crn_alpha_selector_palette_size); console::debug("Flags:"); console::debug(" Perceptual: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagPerceptual)); console::debug(" Hierarchical: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagHierarchical)); console::debug(" UseBothBlockTypes: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagUseBothBlockTypes)); console::debug(" UseTransparentIndicesForBlack: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagUseTransparentIndicesForBlack)); console::debug(" DisableEndpointCaching: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDisableEndpointCaching)); console::debug("GrayscaleSampling: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagGrayscaleSampling)); console::debug(" UseDXT1ATransparency: %u", p.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDXT1AForTransparency)); console::debug("AdaptiveTileColorPSNRDerating: %2.2fdB", p.m_crn_adaptive_tile_color_psnr_derating); console::debug("AdaptiveTileAlphaPSNRDerating: %2.2fdB", p.m_crn_adaptive_tile_alpha_psnr_derating); console::debug("NumHelperThreads: %u", p.m_num_helper_threads); } bool mipmapped_texture::write_comp_texture(const char* pFilename, const crn_comp_params &orig_comp_params, uint32 *pActual_quality_level, float *pActual_bitrate) { crn_comp_params comp_params(orig_comp_params); if (pActual_quality_level) *pActual_quality_level = 0; if (pActual_bitrate) *pActual_bitrate = 0.0f; if (math::maximum(get_height(), get_width()) > cCRNMaxLevelResolution) { set_last_error("Texture resolution is too big!"); return false; } comp_params.m_faces = get_num_faces(); comp_params.m_levels = get_num_levels(); comp_params.m_width = get_width(); comp_params.m_height = get_height(); image_u8 temp_images[cCRNMaxFaces][cCRNMaxLevels]; for (uint f = 0; f < get_num_faces(); f++) { for (uint l = 0; l < get_num_levels(); l++) { image_u8* p = get_level_image(f, l, temp_images[f][l]); comp_params.m_pImages[f][l] = (crn_uint32*)p->get_ptr(); } } if (comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDebugging)) print_crn_comp_params(comp_params); timer t; t.start(); crnlib::vector<uint8> comp_data; if (!create_compressed_texture(comp_params, comp_data, pActual_quality_level, pActual_bitrate)) { set_last_error("CRN compression failed"); return false; } double total_time = t.get_elapsed_secs(); if (comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDebugging)) { console::debug("\nTotal compression time: %3.3fs", total_time); } cfile_stream out_stream; if (!out_stream.open(pFilename, cDataStreamWritable | cDataStreamSeekable)) { set_last_error("Failed opening file"); return false; } if (out_stream.write(comp_data.get_ptr(), comp_data.size()) != comp_data.size()) { set_last_error("Failed writing to file"); return false; } if (!out_stream.close()) { set_last_error("Failed writing to file"); return false; } return true; } uint mipmapped_texture::get_total_pixels_in_all_faces_and_mips() const { uint total_pixels = 0; for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) total_pixels += m_faces[l][m]->get_total_pixels(); return total_pixels; } void mipmapped_texture::set_orientation_flags(orientation_flags_t flags) { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) m_faces[l][m]->set_orientation_flags(flags); } bool mipmapped_texture::is_flipped() const { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) if (m_faces[l][m]->is_flipped()) return true; return false; } bool mipmapped_texture::is_x_flipped() const { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) if (m_faces[l][m]->is_x_flipped()) return true; return false; } bool mipmapped_texture::is_y_flipped() const { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) if (m_faces[l][m]->is_y_flipped()) return true; return false; } bool mipmapped_texture::can_unflip_without_unpacking() const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!is_packed()) return true; for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) if (!m_faces[l][m]->can_unflip_without_unpacking()) return false; return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::unflip(bool allow_unpacking_to_flip, bool uncook_if_necessary_to_unpack) { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (is_packed()) { // The texture is packed - make sure all faces/miplevels can be consistently unflipped. bool can_do_packed_unflip = can_unflip_without_unpacking(); if ((!can_do_packed_unflip) && (!allow_unpacking_to_flip)) return false; // If any face/miplevel can't unflip the packed bits, then just unpack the whole texture. if (!can_do_packed_unflip) unpack_from_dxt(uncook_if_necessary_to_unpack); } for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) if (!m_faces[l][m]->unflip(true, false)) return false; CRNLIB_VERIFY(check()); return true; } #if 0 bool mipmapped_texture::flip_x() { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) if (!m_faces[l][m]->flip_x()) return false; return true; } #endif bool mipmapped_texture::flip_y_helper() { for (uint l = 0; l < m_faces.size(); l++) for (uint m = 0; m < m_faces[l].size(); m++) if (!m_faces[l][m]->flip_y()) return false; return true; } bool mipmapped_texture::flip_y(bool update_orientation_flags) { mipmapped_texture temp_tex(*this); if (!temp_tex.flip_y_helper()) { temp_tex = *this; temp_tex.unpack_from_dxt(true); if (!temp_tex.flip_y_helper()) return false; } swap(temp_tex); if (update_orientation_flags) { for (uint f = 0; f < get_num_faces(); f++) { for (uint m = 0; m < get_face(f).size(); m++) { uint orient_flags = get_face(f)[m]->get_orientation_flags(); orient_flags ^= cOrientationFlagYFlipped; get_face(f)[m]->set_orientation_flags(static_cast<orientation_flags_t>(orient_flags)); } } } CRNLIB_ASSERT(check()); return true; } } // namespace crnlib