// File: crn_clusterizer.h // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h #pragma once #include "crn_matrix.h" namespace crnlib { template<typename VectorType> class clusterizer { public: clusterizer() : m_overall_variance(0.0f), m_split_index(0), m_heap_size(0), m_quick(false) { } void clear() { m_training_vecs.clear(); m_codebook.clear(); m_nodes.clear(); m_overall_variance = 0.0f; m_split_index = 0; m_heap_size = 0; m_quick = false; } void reserve_training_vecs(uint num_expected) { m_training_vecs.reserve(num_expected); } void add_training_vec(const VectorType& v, uint weight) { m_training_vecs.push_back( std::make_pair(v, weight) ); } typedef bool (*progress_callback_func_ptr)(uint percentage_completed, void* pData); bool generate_codebook(uint max_size, progress_callback_func_ptr pProgress_callback = NULL, void* pProgress_data = NULL, bool quick = false) { if (m_training_vecs.empty()) return false; m_quick = quick; double ttsum = 0.0f; vq_node root; root.m_vectors.reserve(m_training_vecs.size()); for (uint i = 0; i < m_training_vecs.size(); i++) { const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[i].first; const uint weight = m_training_vecs[i].second; root.m_centroid += (v * (float)weight); root.m_total_weight += weight; root.m_vectors.push_back(i); ttsum += v.dot(v) * weight; } root.m_variance = (float)(ttsum - (root.m_centroid.dot(root.m_centroid) / root.m_total_weight)); root.m_centroid *= (1.0f / root.m_total_weight); m_nodes.clear(); m_nodes.reserve(max_size * 2 + 1); m_nodes.push_back(root); m_heap.resize(max_size + 1); m_heap[1] = 0; m_heap_size = 1; m_split_index = 0; uint total_leaves = 1; m_left_children.reserve(m_training_vecs.size() + 1); m_right_children.reserve(m_training_vecs.size() + 1); int prev_percentage = -1; while ((total_leaves < max_size) && (m_heap_size)) { int worst_node_index = m_heap[1]; m_heap[1] = m_heap[m_heap_size]; m_heap_size--; if (m_heap_size) down_heap(1); split_node(worst_node_index); total_leaves++; if ((pProgress_callback) && ((total_leaves & 63) == 0) && (max_size)) { int cur_percentage = (total_leaves * 100U + (max_size / 2U)) / max_size; if (cur_percentage != prev_percentage) { if (!(*pProgress_callback)(cur_percentage, pProgress_data)) return false; prev_percentage = cur_percentage; } } } m_codebook.clear(); m_overall_variance = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < m_nodes.size(); i++) { vq_node& node = m_nodes[i]; if (node.m_left != -1) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(node.m_right != -1); continue; } CRNLIB_ASSERT((node.m_left == -1) && (node.m_right == -1)); node.m_codebook_index = m_codebook.size(); m_codebook.push_back(node.m_centroid); m_overall_variance += node.m_variance; } m_heap.clear(); m_left_children.clear(); m_right_children.clear(); return true; } inline uint get_num_training_vecs() const { return m_training_vecs.size(); } const VectorType& get_training_vec(uint index) const { return m_training_vecs[index].first; } uint get_training_vec_weight(uint index) const { return m_training_vecs[index].second; } typedef crnlib::vector< std::pair<VectorType, uint> > training_vec_array; const training_vec_array& get_training_vecs() const { return m_training_vecs; } training_vec_array& get_training_vecs() { return m_training_vecs; } inline float get_overall_variance() const { return m_overall_variance; } inline uint get_codebook_size() const { return m_codebook.size(); } inline const VectorType& get_codebook_entry(uint index) const { return m_codebook[index]; } VectorType& get_codebook_entry(uint index) { return m_codebook[index]; } typedef crnlib::vector<VectorType> vector_vec_type; inline const vector_vec_type& get_codebook() const { return m_codebook; } uint find_best_codebook_entry(const VectorType& v) const { uint cur_node_index = 0; for ( ; ; ) { const vq_node& cur_node = m_nodes[cur_node_index]; if (cur_node.m_left == -1) return cur_node.m_codebook_index; const vq_node& left_node = m_nodes[cur_node.m_left]; const vq_node& right_node = m_nodes[cur_node.m_right]; float left_dist = left_node.m_centroid.squared_distance(v); float right_dist = right_node.m_centroid.squared_distance(v); if (left_dist < right_dist) cur_node_index = cur_node.m_left; else cur_node_index = cur_node.m_right; } } const VectorType& find_best_codebook_entry(const VectorType& v, uint max_codebook_size) const { uint cur_node_index = 0; for ( ; ; ) { const vq_node& cur_node = m_nodes[cur_node_index]; if ((cur_node.m_left == -1) || ((cur_node.m_codebook_index + 1) >= (int)max_codebook_size)) return cur_node.m_centroid; const vq_node& left_node = m_nodes[cur_node.m_left]; const vq_node& right_node = m_nodes[cur_node.m_right]; float left_dist = left_node.m_centroid.squared_distance(v); float right_dist = right_node.m_centroid.squared_distance(v); if (left_dist < right_dist) cur_node_index = cur_node.m_left; else cur_node_index = cur_node.m_right; } } uint find_best_codebook_entry_fs(const VectorType& v) const { float best_dist = math::cNearlyInfinite; uint best_index = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < m_codebook.size(); i++) { float dist = m_codebook[i].squared_distance(v); if (dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best_index = i; if (best_dist == 0.0f) break; } } return best_index; } void retrieve_clusters(uint max_clusters, crnlib::vector< crnlib::vector<uint> >& clusters) const { clusters.resize(0); clusters.reserve(max_clusters); crnlib::vector<uint> stack; stack.reserve(512); uint cur_node_index = 0; for ( ; ; ) { const vq_node& cur_node = m_nodes[cur_node_index]; if ( (cur_node.is_leaf()) || ((cur_node.m_codebook_index + 2) > (int)max_clusters) ) { clusters.resize(clusters.size() + 1); clusters.back() = cur_node.m_vectors; if (stack.empty()) break; cur_node_index = stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); continue; } cur_node_index = cur_node.m_left; stack.push_back(cur_node.m_right); } } private: training_vec_array m_training_vecs; struct vq_node { vq_node() : m_centroid(cClear), m_total_weight(0), m_left(-1), m_right(-1), m_codebook_index(-1), m_unsplittable(false) { } VectorType m_centroid; uint64 m_total_weight; float m_variance; crnlib::vector<uint> m_vectors; int m_left; int m_right; int m_codebook_index; bool m_unsplittable; bool is_leaf() const { return m_left < 0; } }; typedef crnlib::vector<vq_node> node_vec_type; node_vec_type m_nodes; vector_vec_type m_codebook; float m_overall_variance; uint m_split_index; crnlib::vector<uint> m_heap; uint m_heap_size; bool m_quick; void insert_heap(uint node_index) { const float variance = m_nodes[node_index].m_variance; uint pos = ++m_heap_size; if (m_heap_size >= m_heap.size()) m_heap.resize(m_heap_size + 1); for ( ; ; ) { uint parent = pos >> 1; if (!parent) break; float parent_variance = m_nodes[m_heap[parent]].m_variance; if (parent_variance > variance) break; m_heap[pos] = m_heap[parent]; pos = parent; } m_heap[pos] = node_index; } void down_heap(uint pos) { uint child; uint orig = m_heap[pos]; const float orig_variance = m_nodes[orig].m_variance; while ((child = (pos << 1)) <= m_heap_size) { if (child < m_heap_size) { if (m_nodes[m_heap[child]].m_variance < m_nodes[m_heap[child + 1]].m_variance) child++; } if (orig_variance > m_nodes[m_heap[child]].m_variance) break; m_heap[pos] = m_heap[child]; pos = child; } m_heap[pos] = orig; } void compute_split_estimate(VectorType& left_child_res, VectorType& right_child_res, const vq_node& parent_node) { VectorType furthest(0); double furthest_dist = -1.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first; double dist = v.squared_distance(parent_node.m_centroid); if (dist > furthest_dist) { furthest_dist = dist; furthest = v; } } VectorType opposite(0); double opposite_dist = -1.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first; double dist = v.squared_distance(furthest); if (dist > opposite_dist) { opposite_dist = dist; opposite = v; } } left_child_res = (furthest + parent_node.m_centroid) * .5f; right_child_res = (opposite + parent_node.m_centroid) * .5f; } void compute_split_pca(VectorType& left_child_res, VectorType& right_child_res, const vq_node& parent_node) { if (parent_node.m_vectors.size() == 2) { left_child_res = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[0]].first; right_child_res = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[1]].first; return; } const uint N = VectorType::num_elements; matrix<N, N, float> covar; covar.clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const VectorType v(m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first - parent_node.m_centroid); const VectorType w(v * (float)m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].second); for (uint x = 0; x < N; x++) for (uint y = x; y < N; y++) covar[x][y] = covar[x][y] + v[x] * w[y]; } float one_over_total_weight = 1.0f / parent_node.m_total_weight; for (uint x = 0; x < N; x++) for (uint y = x; y < N; y++) covar[x][y] *= one_over_total_weight; for (uint x = 0; x < (N - 1); x++) for (uint y = x + 1; y < N; y++) covar[y][x] = covar[x][y]; VectorType axis;//(1.0f); if (N == 1) axis.set(1.0f); else { for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) axis[i] = math::lerp(.75f, 1.25f, i * (1.0f / math::maximum<int>(N - 1, 1))); } VectorType prev_axis(axis); for (uint iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++) { VectorType x; double max_sum = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) { double sum = 0; for (uint j = 0; j < N; j++) sum += axis[j] * covar[i][j]; x[i] = static_cast<float>(sum); max_sum = math::maximum(max_sum, fabs(sum)); } if (max_sum != 0.0f) x *= static_cast<float>(1.0f / max_sum); VectorType delta_axis(prev_axis - x); prev_axis = axis; axis = x; if (delta_axis.norm() < .0025f) break; } axis.normalize(); VectorType left_child(0.0f); VectorType right_child(0.0f); double left_weight = 0.0f; double right_weight = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const float weight = (float)m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].second; const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first; double t = (v - parent_node.m_centroid) * axis; if (t < 0.0f) { left_child += v * weight; left_weight += weight; } else { right_child += v * weight; right_weight += weight; } } if ((left_weight > 0.0f) && (right_weight > 0.0f)) { left_child_res = left_child * (float)(1.0f / left_weight); right_child_res = right_child * (float)(1.0f / right_weight); } else { compute_split_estimate(left_child_res, right_child_res, parent_node); } } #if 0 void compute_split_pca2(VectorType& left_child_res, VectorType& right_child_res, const vq_node& parent_node) { if (parent_node.m_vectors.size() == 2) { left_child_res = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[0]].first; right_child_res = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[1]].first; return; } const uint N = VectorType::num_elements; VectorType furthest; double furthest_dist = -1.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first; double dist = v.squared_distance(parent_node.m_centroid); if (dist > furthest_dist) { furthest_dist = dist; furthest = v; } } VectorType opposite; double opposite_dist = -1.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first; double dist = v.squared_distance(furthest); if (dist > opposite_dist) { opposite_dist = dist; opposite = v; } } VectorType axis(opposite - furthest); if (axis.normalize() < .000125f) { left_child_res = (furthest + parent_node.m_centroid) * .5f; right_child_res = (opposite + parent_node.m_centroid) * .5f; return; } for (uint iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) { double next_axis[N]; utils::zero_object(next_axis); for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const double weight = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].second; VectorType v(m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first - parent_node.m_centroid); double dot = (v * axis) * weight; for (uint j = 0; j < N; j++) next_axis[j] += dot * v[j]; } double w = 0.0f; for (uint j = 0; j < N; j++) w += next_axis[j] * next_axis[j]; if (w > 0.0f) { w = 1.0f / sqrt(w); for (uint j = 0; j < N; j++) axis[j] = static_cast<float>(next_axis[j] * w); } else break; } VectorType left_child(0.0f); VectorType right_child(0.0f); double left_weight = 0.0f; double right_weight = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const float weight = (float)m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].second; const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first; double t = (v - parent_node.m_centroid) * axis; if (t < 0.0f) { left_child += v * weight; left_weight += weight; } else { right_child += v * weight; right_weight += weight; } } if ((left_weight > 0.0f) && (right_weight > 0.0f)) { left_child_res = left_child * (float)(1.0f / left_weight); right_child_res = right_child * (float)(1.0f / right_weight); } else { left_child_res = (furthest + parent_node.m_centroid) * .5f; right_child_res = (opposite + parent_node.m_centroid) * .5f; } } #endif // thread safety warning: shared state! crnlib::vector<uint> m_left_children; crnlib::vector<uint> m_right_children; void split_node(uint index) { vq_node& parent_node = m_nodes[index]; if (parent_node.m_vectors.size() == 1) return; VectorType left_child, right_child; if (m_quick) compute_split_estimate(left_child, right_child, parent_node); else compute_split_pca(left_child, right_child, parent_node); uint64 left_weight = 0; uint64 right_weight = 0; float prev_total_variance = 1e+10f; float left_variance = 0.0f; float right_variance = 0.0f; const uint cMaxLoops = m_quick ? 2 : 8; for (uint total_loops = 0; total_loops < cMaxLoops; total_loops++) { m_left_children.resize(0); m_right_children.resize(0); VectorType new_left_child(cClear); VectorType new_right_child(cClear); double left_ttsum = 0.0f; double right_ttsum = 0.0f; left_weight = 0; right_weight = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < parent_node.m_vectors.size(); i++) { const VectorType& v = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].first; const uint weight = m_training_vecs[parent_node.m_vectors[i]].second; double left_dist2 = left_child.squared_distance(v); double right_dist2 = right_child.squared_distance(v); if (left_dist2 < right_dist2) { m_left_children.push_back(parent_node.m_vectors[i]); new_left_child += (v * (float)weight); left_weight += weight; left_ttsum += v.dot(v) * weight; } else { m_right_children.push_back(parent_node.m_vectors[i]); new_right_child += (v * (float)weight); right_weight += weight; right_ttsum += v.dot(v) * weight; } } if ((!left_weight) || (!right_weight)) { parent_node.m_unsplittable = true; return; } left_variance = (float)(left_ttsum - (new_left_child.dot(new_left_child) / left_weight)); right_variance = (float)(right_ttsum - (new_right_child.dot(new_right_child) / right_weight)); new_left_child *= (1.0f / left_weight); new_right_child *= (1.0f / right_weight); left_child = new_left_child; left_weight = left_weight; right_child = new_right_child; right_weight = right_weight; float total_variance = left_variance + right_variance; if (total_variance < .00001f) break; //const float variance_delta_thresh = .00001f; const float variance_delta_thresh = .00125f; if (((prev_total_variance - total_variance) / total_variance) < variance_delta_thresh) break; prev_total_variance = total_variance; } const uint left_child_index = m_nodes.size(); const uint right_child_index = m_nodes.size() + 1; parent_node.m_left = m_nodes.size(); parent_node.m_right = m_nodes.size() + 1; parent_node.m_codebook_index = m_split_index; m_split_index++; m_nodes.resize(m_nodes.size() + 2); // parent_node is invalid now, because m_nodes has been changed vq_node& left_child_node = m_nodes[left_child_index]; vq_node& right_child_node = m_nodes[right_child_index]; left_child_node.m_centroid = left_child; left_child_node.m_total_weight = left_weight; left_child_node.m_vectors.swap(m_left_children); left_child_node.m_variance = left_variance; if ((left_child_node.m_vectors.size() > 1) && (left_child_node.m_variance > 0.0f)) insert_heap(left_child_index); right_child_node.m_centroid = right_child; right_child_node.m_total_weight = right_weight; right_child_node.m_vectors.swap(m_right_children); right_child_node.m_variance = right_variance; if ((right_child_node.m_vectors.size() > 1) && (right_child_node.m_variance > 0.0f)) insert_heap(right_child_index); } }; } // namespace crnlib