// File: crn_value.h // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h #pragma once #include "crn_strutils.h" #include "crn_dynamic_string.h" #include "crn_vec.h" namespace crnlib { enum value_data_type { cDTInvalid, cDTString, cDTBool, cDTInt, cDTUInt, cDTFloat, cDTVec3F, cDTVec3I, cDTTotal }; extern const char* gValueDataTypeStrings[cDTTotal + 1]; class value { public: value() : m_type(cDTInvalid) { } value(const char* pStr) : m_pStr(crnlib_new<dynamic_string>(pStr)), m_type(cDTString) { } value(const dynamic_string& str) : m_pStr(crnlib_new<dynamic_string>(str)), m_type(cDTString) { } explicit value(bool v) : m_bool(v), m_type(cDTBool) { } value(int v) : m_int(v), m_type(cDTInt) { } value(uint v) : m_uint(v), m_type(cDTUInt) { } value(float v) : m_float(v), m_type(cDTFloat) { } value(const vec3F& v) : m_pVec3F(crnlib_new<vec3F>(v)), m_type(cDTVec3F) { } value(const vec3I& v) : m_pVec3I(crnlib_new<vec3I>(v)), m_type(cDTVec3I) { } ~value() { switch (m_type) { case cDTString: crnlib_delete(m_pStr); break; case cDTVec3F: crnlib_delete(m_pVec3F); break; case cDTVec3I: crnlib_delete(m_pVec3I); break; default: break; } } value(const value& other) : m_type(cDTInvalid) { *this = other; } value& operator= (const value& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; change_type(other.m_type); switch (other.m_type) { case cDTString: m_pStr->set(*other.m_pStr); break; case cDTBool: m_bool = other.m_bool; break; case cDTInt: m_int = other.m_int; break; case cDTUInt: m_uint = other.m_uint; break; case cDTFloat: m_float = other.m_float; break; case cDTVec3F: m_pVec3F->set(*other.m_pVec3F); break; case cDTVec3I: m_pVec3I->set(*other.m_pVec3I); break; default: break; } return *this; } inline value_data_type get_data_type() const { return m_type; } void clear() { clear_dynamic(); m_type = cDTInvalid; } void set_string(const char* pStr) { set_str(pStr); } void set_int(int v) { clear_dynamic(); m_type = cDTInt; m_int = v; } void set_uint(uint v) { clear_dynamic(); m_type = cDTUInt; m_uint = v; } void set_bool(bool v) { clear_dynamic(); m_type = cDTBool; m_bool = v; } void set_float(float v) { clear_dynamic(); m_type = cDTFloat; m_float = v; } void set_vec(const vec3F& v) { change_type(cDTVec3F); m_pVec3F->set(v); } void set_vec(const vec3I& v) { change_type(cDTVec3I); m_pVec3I->set(v); } bool parse(const char* p) { if ((!p) || (!p[0])) { clear(); return false; } if (_stricmp(p, "false") == 0) { set_bool(false); return true; } else if (_stricmp(p, "true") == 0) { set_bool(true); return true; } if (p[0] == '\"') { dynamic_string str; str = p + 1; if (!str.is_empty()) { if (str[str.get_len() - 1] == '\"') { str.left(str.get_len() - 1); set_str(str); return true; } } } if (strchr(p, ',') != NULL) { float fx = 0, fy = 0, fz = 0; #ifdef _MSC_VER if (sscanf_s(p, "%f,%f,%f", &fx, &fy, &fz) == 3) #else if (sscanf(p, "%f,%f,%f", &fx, &fy, &fz) == 3) #endif { bool as_float = true; int ix = 0, iy = 0, iz = 0; #ifdef _MSC_VER if (sscanf_s(p, "%i,%i,%i", &ix, &iy, &iz) == 3) #else if (sscanf(p, "%i,%i,%i", &ix, &iy, &iz) == 3) #endif { if ((ix == fx) && (iy == fy) && (iz == fz)) as_float = false; } if (as_float) set_vec(vec3F(fx, fy, fz)); else set_vec(vec3I(ix, iy, iz)); return true; } } const char* q = p; bool success = string_to_uint(q, m_uint); if ((success) && (*q == 0)) { set_uint(m_uint); return true; } q = p; success = string_to_int(q, m_int); if ((success) && (*q == 0)) { set_int(m_int); return true; } q = p; success = string_to_float(q, m_float); if ((success) && (*q == 0)) { set_float(m_float); return true; } set_string(p); return true; } dynamic_string& get_as_string(dynamic_string& dst) const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: dst.clear(); break; case cDTString: dst = *m_pStr; break; case cDTBool: dst = m_bool ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; break; case cDTInt: dst.format("%i", m_int); break; case cDTUInt: dst.format("%u", m_uint); break; case cDTFloat: dst.format("%f", m_float); break; case cDTVec3F: dst.format("%f,%f,%f", (*m_pVec3F)[0], (*m_pVec3F)[1], (*m_pVec3F)[2]); break; case cDTVec3I: dst.format("%i,%i,%i", (*m_pVec3I)[0], (*m_pVec3I)[1], (*m_pVec3I)[2]); break; default: break; } return dst; } bool get_as_int(int& val, uint component = 0) const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: { val = 0; return false; } case cDTString: { const char* p = m_pStr->get_ptr(); return string_to_int(p, val); } case cDTBool: val = m_bool; break; case cDTInt: val = m_int; break; case cDTUInt: { if (m_uint > INT_MAX) { val = 0; return false; } val = m_uint; break; } case cDTFloat: { if ((m_float < INT_MIN) || (m_float > INT_MAX)) { val = 0; return false; } val = (int)m_float; break; } case cDTVec3F: { if (component > 2) { val = 0; return false; } if (((*m_pVec3F)[component] < INT_MIN) || ((*m_pVec3F)[component] > INT_MAX)) { val = 0; return false; } val = (int)(*m_pVec3F)[component]; break; } case cDTVec3I: { if (component > 2) { val = 0; return false; } val = (int)(*m_pVec3I)[component]; break; } default: break; } return true; } bool get_as_uint(uint& val, uint component = 0) const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: { val = 0; return false; } case cDTString: { const char* p = m_pStr->get_ptr(); return string_to_uint(p, val); } case cDTBool: { val = m_bool; break; } case cDTInt: { if (m_int < 0) { val = 0; return false; } val = (uint)m_int; break; } case cDTUInt: { val = m_uint; break; } case cDTFloat: { if ((m_float < 0) || (m_float > UINT_MAX)) { val = 0; return false; } val = (uint)m_float; break; } case cDTVec3F: { if (component > 2) { val = 0; return false; } if (((*m_pVec3F)[component] < 0) || ((*m_pVec3F)[component] > UINT_MAX)) { val = 0; return false; } val = (uint)(*m_pVec3F)[component]; break; } case cDTVec3I: { if (component > 2) { val = 0; return false; } if ((*m_pVec3I)[component] < 0) { val = 0; return false; } val = (uint)(*m_pVec3I)[component]; break; } default: break; } return true; } bool get_as_bool(bool& val, uint component = 0) const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: { val = false; return false; } case cDTString: { const char* p = m_pStr->get_ptr(); return string_to_bool(p, val); } case cDTBool: { val = m_bool; break; } case cDTInt: { val = (m_int != 0); break; } case cDTUInt: { val = (m_uint != 0); break; } case cDTFloat: { val = (m_float != 0); break; } case cDTVec3F: { if (component > 2) { val = false; return false; } val = ((*m_pVec3F)[component] != 0); break; } case cDTVec3I: { if (component > 2) { val = false; return false; } val = ((*m_pVec3I)[component] != 0); break; } default: break; } return true; } bool get_as_float(float& val, uint component = 0) const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: { val = 0; return false; } case cDTString: { const char* p = m_pStr->get_ptr(); return string_to_float(p, val); } case cDTBool: { val = m_bool; break; } case cDTInt: { val = (float)m_int; break; } case cDTUInt: { val = (float)m_uint; break; } case cDTFloat: { val = m_float; break; } case cDTVec3F: { if (component > 2) { val = 0; return false; } val = (*m_pVec3F)[component]; break; } case cDTVec3I: { if (component > 2) { val = 0; return false; } val = (float)(*m_pVec3I)[component]; break; } default: break; } return true; } bool get_as_vec(vec3F& val) const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: { val.clear(); return false; } case cDTString: { const char* p = m_pStr->get_ptr(); float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; #ifdef _MSC_VER if (sscanf_s(p, "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z) == 3) #else if (sscanf(p, "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z) == 3) #endif { val.set(x, y, z); return true; } else { val.clear(); return false; } } case cDTBool: { val.set(m_bool); break; } case cDTInt: { val.set(static_cast<float>(m_int)); break; } case cDTUInt: { val.set(static_cast<float>(m_uint)); break; } case cDTFloat: { val.set(m_float); break; } case cDTVec3F: { val = *m_pVec3F; break; } case cDTVec3I: { val.set((float)(*m_pVec3I)[0], (float)(*m_pVec3I)[1], (float)(*m_pVec3I)[2]); break; } default: break; } return true; } bool get_as_vec(vec3I& val) const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: { val.clear(); return false; } case cDTString: { const char* p = m_pStr->get_ptr(); float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; #ifdef _MSC_VER if (sscanf_s(p, "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z) == 3) #else if (sscanf(p, "%f,%f,%f", &x, &y, &z) == 3) #endif { if ((x < INT_MIN) || (x > INT_MAX) || (y < INT_MIN) || (y > INT_MAX) || (z < INT_MIN) || (z > INT_MAX)) { val.clear(); return false; } val.set((int)x, (int)y, (int)z); return true; } else { val.clear(); return false; } break; } case cDTBool: { val.set(m_bool); break; } case cDTInt: { val.set(m_int); break; } case cDTUInt: { val.set(m_uint); break; } case cDTFloat: { val.set((int)m_float); break; } case cDTVec3F: { val.set((int)(*m_pVec3F)[0], (int)(*m_pVec3F)[1], (int)(*m_pVec3F)[2]); break; } case cDTVec3I: { val = *m_pVec3I; break; } default: break; } return true; } bool set_zero() { switch (m_type) { case cDTInvalid: { return false; } case cDTString: { m_pStr->empty(); break; } case cDTBool: { m_bool = false; break; } case cDTInt: { m_int = 0; break; } case cDTUInt: { m_uint = 0; break; } case cDTFloat: { m_float = 0; break; } case cDTVec3F: { m_pVec3F->clear(); break; } case cDTVec3I: { m_pVec3I->clear(); break; } default: break; } return true; } bool is_vector() const { switch (m_type) { case cDTVec3F: case cDTVec3I: return true; default: break; } return false; } uint get_num_components() const { switch (m_type) { case cDTVec3F: case cDTVec3I: return 3; default: break; } return 1; } bool is_numeric() const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInt: case cDTUInt: case cDTFloat: case cDTVec3F: case cDTVec3I: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool is_float() const { switch (m_type) { case cDTFloat: case cDTVec3F: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool is_integer() const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInt: case cDTUInt: case cDTVec3I: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool is_signed() const { switch (m_type) { case cDTInt: case cDTFloat: case cDTVec3F: case cDTVec3I: return true; default: break; } return false; } bool is_string() const { return m_type == cDTString; } int serialize(void* pBuf, uint buf_size, bool little_endian) const { uint buf_left = buf_size; uint8 t = (uint8)m_type; if (!utils::write_obj(t, pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; switch (m_type) { case cDTString: { int bytes_written = m_pStr->serialize(pBuf, buf_left, little_endian); if (bytes_written < 0) return -1; pBuf = static_cast<uint8*>(pBuf) + bytes_written; buf_left -= bytes_written; break; } case cDTBool: { if (!utils::write_obj(m_bool, pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } case cDTInt: case cDTUInt: case cDTFloat: { if (!utils::write_obj(m_float, pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } case cDTVec3F: { for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (!utils::write_obj((*m_pVec3F)[i], pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } case cDTVec3I: { for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (!utils::write_obj((*m_pVec3I)[i], pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } default: break; } return buf_size - buf_left; } int deserialize(const void* pBuf, uint buf_size, bool little_endian) { uint buf_left = buf_size; uint8 t; if (!utils::read_obj(t, pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; if (t >= cDTTotal) return -1; m_type = static_cast<value_data_type>(t); switch (m_type) { case cDTString: { change_type(cDTString); int bytes_read = m_pStr->deserialize(pBuf, buf_left, little_endian); if (bytes_read < 0) return -1; pBuf = static_cast<const uint8*>(pBuf) + bytes_read; buf_left -= bytes_read; break; } case cDTBool: { if (!utils::read_obj(m_bool, pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } case cDTInt: case cDTUInt: case cDTFloat: { if (!utils::read_obj(m_float, pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } case cDTVec3F: { change_type(cDTVec3F); for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (!utils::read_obj((*m_pVec3F)[i], pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } case cDTVec3I: { change_type(cDTVec3I); for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (!utils::read_obj((*m_pVec3I)[i], pBuf, buf_left, little_endian)) return -1; break; } default: break; } return buf_size - buf_left; } void swap(value& other) { for (uint i = 0; i < cUnionSize; i++) std::swap(m_union[i], other.m_union[i]); std::swap(m_type, other.m_type); } private: void clear_dynamic() { if (m_type == cDTVec3F) { crnlib_delete(m_pVec3F); m_pVec3F = NULL; m_type = cDTInvalid; } else if (m_type == cDTVec3I) { crnlib_delete(m_pVec3I); m_pVec3I = NULL; m_type = cDTInvalid; } else if (m_type == cDTString) { crnlib_delete(m_pStr); m_pStr = NULL; m_type = cDTInvalid; } } void change_type(value_data_type type) { if (type != m_type) { clear_dynamic(); m_type = type; switch (m_type) { case cDTString: m_pStr = crnlib_new<dynamic_string>(); break; case cDTVec3F: m_pVec3F = crnlib_new<vec3F>(); break; case cDTVec3I: m_pVec3I = crnlib_new<vec3I>(); break; default: break; } } } void set_str(const dynamic_string& s) { if (m_type == cDTString) m_pStr->set(s); else { clear_dynamic(); m_type = cDTString; m_pStr = crnlib_new<dynamic_string>(s); } } void set_str(const char* p) { if (m_type == cDTString) m_pStr->set(p); else { clear_dynamic(); m_type = cDTString; m_pStr = crnlib_new<dynamic_string>(p); } } enum { cUnionSize = 1 }; union { bool m_bool; int m_int; uint m_uint; float m_float; vec3F* m_pVec3F; vec3I* m_pVec3I; dynamic_string* m_pStr; uint m_union[cUnionSize]; }; value_data_type m_type; }; } // namespace crnlib