// File: crn_sparse_bit_array.h
// See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h
#pragma once

namespace crnlib
   class sparse_bit_array
      sparse_bit_array(uint size);
      sparse_bit_array(sparse_bit_array& other);
      sparse_bit_array& operator= (sparse_bit_array& other);
      void clear();
      inline uint get_size() { return (m_num_groups << cBitsPerGroupShift); }
      void resize(uint size);
      sparse_bit_array& operator&= (const sparse_bit_array& other);
      sparse_bit_array& operator|= (const sparse_bit_array& other);
      sparse_bit_array& and_not(const sparse_bit_array& other);
      void swap(sparse_bit_array& other);
      void optimize();
      void set_bit_range(uint index, uint num);
      void clear_bit_range(uint index, uint num);
      void clear_all_bits();
      inline void set_bit(uint index)
         uint group_index = index >> cBitsPerGroupShift;
         CRNLIB_ASSERT(group_index < m_num_groups);
         uint32* pGroup = m_ppGroups[group_index];
         if (!pGroup)
            pGroup = alloc_group(true);
            m_ppGroups[group_index] = pGroup;
         uint bit_ofs = index & (cBitsPerGroup - 1);
         pGroup[bit_ofs >> 5] |= (1U << (bit_ofs & 31));
      inline void clear_bit(uint index)
         uint group_index = index >> cBitsPerGroupShift;
         CRNLIB_ASSERT(group_index < m_num_groups);

         uint32* pGroup = m_ppGroups[group_index];
         if (!pGroup)
            pGroup = alloc_group(true);
            m_ppGroups[group_index] = pGroup;

         uint bit_ofs = index & (cBitsPerGroup - 1);

         pGroup[bit_ofs >> 5] &= (~(1U << (bit_ofs & 31)));
      inline void set(uint index, bool value)
         uint group_index = index >> cBitsPerGroupShift;
         CRNLIB_ASSERT(group_index < m_num_groups);

         uint32* pGroup = m_ppGroups[group_index];
         if (!pGroup)
            pGroup = alloc_group(true);
            m_ppGroups[group_index] = pGroup;

         uint bit_ofs = index & (cBitsPerGroup - 1);

         uint bit = (1U << (bit_ofs & 31));
         uint c = pGroup[bit_ofs >> 5];
         uint mask = (uint)(-(int)value);
         pGroup[bit_ofs >> 5] = (c & ~bit) | (mask & bit);
      inline bool get_bit(uint index) const
         uint group_index = index >> cBitsPerGroupShift;
         CRNLIB_ASSERT(group_index < m_num_groups);

         uint32* pGroup = m_ppGroups[group_index];
         if (!pGroup)
            return 0;
         uint bit_ofs = index & (cBitsPerGroup - 1);

         uint bit = (1U << (bit_ofs & 31));

         return (pGroup[bit_ofs >> 5] & bit) != 0;
      inline uint32 get_uint32(uint index) const
         uint group_index = index >> cBitsPerGroupShift;
         CRNLIB_ASSERT(group_index < m_num_groups);

         uint32* pGroup = m_ppGroups[group_index];
         if (!pGroup)
            return 0;
         uint bit_ofs = index & (cBitsPerGroup - 1);

         return pGroup[bit_ofs >> 5];
      inline void set_uint32(uint index, uint32 value) const
         uint group_index = index >> cBitsPerGroupShift;
         CRNLIB_ASSERT(group_index < m_num_groups);

         uint32* pGroup = m_ppGroups[group_index];
         if (!pGroup)
            pGroup = alloc_group(true);
            m_ppGroups[group_index] = pGroup;

         uint bit_ofs = index & (cBitsPerGroup - 1);

         pGroup[bit_ofs >> 5] = value;
      int find_first_set_bit(uint index, uint num) const;

         cDWORDsPerGroupShift    = 4U,
         cDWORDsPerGroup         = 1U << cDWORDsPerGroupShift,

         cBitsPerGroupShift      = cDWORDsPerGroupShift + 5,
         cBitsPerGroup           = 1U << cBitsPerGroupShift,
         cBitsPerGroupMask       = cBitsPerGroup - 1U,

         cBytesPerGroup          = cDWORDsPerGroup * sizeof(uint32)
      uint get_num_groups() const { return m_num_groups; }
      uint32** get_groups() { return m_ppGroups; }
      uint m_num_groups;
      uint32** m_ppGroups;
      static inline uint32* alloc_group(bool clear)
         uint32* p = (uint32*)crnlib_malloc(cBytesPerGroup);
         if (clear) memset(p, 0, cBytesPerGroup);
         return p;
      static inline void free_group(void* p)
         if (p)

} // namespace crnlib