RenderCache: Account for MSAA when calculating tile sizes.
Add a new flag to enable native MSAA (this does not work properly at the moment)
This commit is contained in:
@ -149,7 +149,8 @@ CachedTileView::CachedTileView(ui::vulkan::VulkanDevice* device,
vulkan_format = DepthRenderTargetFormatToVkFormat(edram_format);
assert_true(vulkan_format != VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED);
assert_true(bpp == 4);
// FIXME(DrChat): Was this check necessary?
// assert_true(bpp == 4);
// Create the image with the desired properties.
VkImageCreateInfo image_info;
@ -165,8 +166,7 @@ CachedTileView::CachedTileView(ui::vulkan::VulkanDevice* device,
image_info.extent.depth = 1;
image_info.mipLevels = 1;
image_info.arrayLayers = 1;
// image_info.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
if (FLAGS_vulkan_native_msaa) {
auto msaa_samples = static_cast<MsaaSamples>(key.msaa_samples);
switch (msaa_samples) {
case MsaaSamples::k1X:
@ -181,7 +181,10 @@ CachedTileView::CachedTileView(ui::vulkan::VulkanDevice* device,
} else {
image_info.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
sample_count = image_info.samples;
image_info.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
image_info.usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT |
@ -243,7 +246,10 @@ CachedTileView::CachedTileView(ui::vulkan::VulkanDevice* device,
image_barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
image_barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
image_barrier.image = image;
image_barrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
image_barrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask =
image_barrier.subresourceRange.baseMipLevel = 0;
image_barrier.subresourceRange.levelCount = 1;
image_barrier.subresourceRange.baseArrayLayer = 0;
@ -338,6 +344,7 @@ CachedRenderPass::CachedRenderPass(VkDevice device,
std::memcpy(&config, &desired_config, sizeof(config));
VkSampleCountFlagBits sample_count;
if (FLAGS_vulkan_native_msaa) {
switch (desired_config.surface_msaa) {
case MsaaSamples::k1X:
sample_count = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
@ -352,6 +359,9 @@ CachedRenderPass::CachedRenderPass(VkDevice device,
} else {
sample_count = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
// Initialize all attachments to default unused.
// As we set layout(location=RT) in shaders we must always provide 4.
@ -538,7 +548,7 @@ bool RenderCache::dirty() const {
dirty |= cur_regs.pa_sc_window_scissor_br !=
dirty |= (cur_regs.rb_depthcontrol & (0x4 | 0x2)) !=
dirty |= (cur_regs.rb_depthcontrol & (0x4 | 0x2)) <
(regs[XE_GPU_REG_RB_DEPTHCONTROL].u32 & (0x4 | 0x2));
return dirty;
@ -561,7 +571,6 @@ const RenderState* RenderCache::BeginRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
bool dirty = false;
dirty |= SetShadowRegister(®s.rb_modecontrol, XE_GPU_REG_RB_MODECONTROL);
dirty |= SetShadowRegister(®s.rb_surface_info, XE_GPU_REG_RB_SURFACE_INFO);
dirty |= SetShadowRegister(®s.rb_color_mask, XE_GPU_REG_RB_COLOR_MASK);
dirty |= SetShadowRegister(®s.rb_color_info, XE_GPU_REG_RB_COLOR_INFO);
dirty |= SetShadowRegister(®s.rb_color1_info, XE_GPU_REG_RB_COLOR1_INFO);
dirty |= SetShadowRegister(®s.rb_color2_info, XE_GPU_REG_RB_COLOR2_INFO);
@ -572,7 +581,7 @@ const RenderState* RenderCache::BeginRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
dirty |= SetShadowRegister(®s.pa_sc_window_scissor_br,
dirty |=
(regs.rb_depthcontrol & (0x4 | 0x2)) !=
(regs.rb_depthcontrol & (0x4 | 0x2)) <
(register_file_->values[XE_GPU_REG_RB_DEPTHCONTROL].u32 & (0x4 | 0x2));
regs.rb_depthcontrol =
register_file_->values[XE_GPU_REG_RB_DEPTHCONTROL].u32 & (0x4 | 0x2);
@ -593,14 +602,8 @@ const RenderState* RenderCache::BeginRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
return nullptr;
// Speculatively see if targets are actually used so we can skip copies
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
uint32_t color_mask = (regs.rb_color_mask >> (i * 4)) & 0xF;
config->color[i].used =
config->mode_control == xenos::ModeControl::kColorDepth &&
color_mask != 0;
config->depth_stencil.used = !!(regs.rb_depthcontrol & (0x4 | 0x2));
// Initial state update.
current_state_.render_pass = render_pass;
current_state_.render_pass_handle = render_pass->handle;
@ -610,7 +613,7 @@ const RenderState* RenderCache::BeginRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
// Depth
auto depth_target = current_state_.framebuffer->depth_stencil_attachment;
if (depth_target && current_state_.config.depth_stencil.used) {
UpdateTileView(command_buffer, depth_target, true);
// UpdateTileView(command_buffer, depth_target, true);
// Color
@ -620,7 +623,7 @@ const RenderState* RenderCache::BeginRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
UpdateTileView(command_buffer, target, true);
// UpdateTileView(command_buffer, target, true);
if (!render_pass) {
@ -693,12 +696,23 @@ bool RenderCache::ParseConfiguration(RenderConfiguration* config) {
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_8_8_8_8_GAMMA:
config->color[i].format = ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_8_8_8_8;
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_unknown:
config->color[i].format = ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10;
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_FLOAT_unknown:
config->color[i].format = ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_FLOAT;
// Make sure all unknown bits are unset.
// RDR sets bit 0x00400000
// assert_zero(color_info[i] & ~0x000F0FFF);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
config->color[i].edram_base = 0;
config->color[i].format = ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_8_8_8_8;
config->color[i].used = false;
@ -708,9 +722,13 @@ bool RenderCache::ParseConfiguration(RenderConfiguration* config) {
config->depth_stencil.edram_base = regs.rb_depth_info & 0xFFF;
config->depth_stencil.format =
static_cast<DepthRenderTargetFormat>((regs.rb_depth_info >> 16) & 0x1);
// Make sure all unknown bits are unset.
// assert_zero(regs.rb_depth_info & ~0x00010FFF);
} else {
config->depth_stencil.edram_base = 0;
config->depth_stencil.format = DepthRenderTargetFormat::kD24S8;
config->depth_stencil.used = false;
return true;
@ -753,15 +771,22 @@ bool RenderCache::ConfigureRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
// If no framebuffer was found in the cache create a new one.
if (!framebuffer) {
uint32_t tile_width = config->surface_msaa == MsaaSamples::k4X ? 40 : 80;
uint32_t tile_height = config->surface_msaa != MsaaSamples::k1X ? 8 : 16;
CachedTileView* target_color_attachments[4] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
TileViewKey color_key;
color_key.tile_offset = config->color[i].edram_base;
color_key.tile_width = xe::round_up(config->surface_pitch_px, 80) / 80;
color_key.tile_height = xe::round_up(config->surface_height_px, 16) / 16;
color_key.tile_width =
xe::round_up(config->surface_pitch_px, tile_width) / tile_width;
color_key.tile_height = std::min(
2560 / tile_height, 160u); // xe::round_up(config->surface_height_px,
// tile_height) / tile_height;
color_key.color_or_depth = 1;
color_key.msaa_samples = static_cast<uint16_t>(config->surface_msaa);
color_key.msaa_samples =
0; // static_cast<uint16_t>(config->surface_msaa);
color_key.edram_format = static_cast<uint16_t>(config->color[i].format);
target_color_attachments[i] =
FindOrCreateTileView(command_buffer, color_key);
@ -774,12 +799,13 @@ bool RenderCache::ConfigureRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
TileViewKey depth_stencil_key;
depth_stencil_key.tile_offset = config->depth_stencil.edram_base;
depth_stencil_key.tile_width =
xe::round_up(config->surface_pitch_px, 80) / 80;
depth_stencil_key.tile_height =
xe::round_up(config->surface_height_px, 16) / 16;
xe::round_up(config->surface_pitch_px, tile_width) / tile_width;
depth_stencil_key.tile_height = std::min(
2560 / tile_height, 160u); // xe::round_up(config->surface_height_px,
// tile_height) / tile_height;
depth_stencil_key.color_or_depth = 0;
depth_stencil_key.msaa_samples =
0; // static_cast<uint16_t>(config->surface_msaa);
depth_stencil_key.edram_format =
auto target_depth_stencil_attachment =
@ -819,6 +845,11 @@ CachedTileView* RenderCache::FindOrCreateTileView(
void RenderCache::UpdateTileView(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
CachedTileView* view, bool load,
bool insert_barrier) {
uint32_t tile_width =
view->key.msaa_samples == uint16_t(MsaaSamples::k4X) ? 40 : 80;
uint32_t tile_height =
view->key.msaa_samples != uint16_t(MsaaSamples::k1X) ? 8 : 16;
if (insert_barrier) {
VkBufferMemoryBarrier barrier;
@ -834,7 +865,10 @@ void RenderCache::UpdateTileView(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
barrier.buffer = edram_buffer_;
barrier.offset = view->key.tile_offset * 5120;
barrier.size = view->key.tile_width * 80 * view->key.tile_height * 16 * 4;
barrier.size = view->key.tile_width * tile_width * view->key.tile_height *
tile_height * view->key.color_or_depth
? 4
: 1;
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(command_buffer, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT,
&barrier, 0, nullptr);
@ -850,8 +884,8 @@ void RenderCache::UpdateTileView(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
region.imageOffset = {0, 0, 0};
region.imageExtent = {view->key.tile_width * 80u, view->key.tile_height * 16u,
region.imageExtent = {view->key.tile_width * tile_width,
view->key.tile_height * tile_height, 1};
if (load) {
vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(command_buffer, edram_buffer_, view->image,
@ -912,12 +946,27 @@ void RenderCache::EndRenderPass() {
[](CachedTileView const* a, CachedTileView const* b) { return *a < *b; });
for (auto view : cached_views) {
UpdateTileView(current_command_buffer_, view, false, false);
// UpdateTileView(current_command_buffer_, view, false, false);
current_command_buffer_ = nullptr;
void RenderCache::UpdateState() {
// Keep track of whether color attachments were used or not in this pass.
uint32_t rb_color_mask = register_file_->values[XE_GPU_REG_RB_COLOR_MASK].u32;
uint32_t rb_depthcontrol =
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
uint32_t color_mask = (rb_color_mask >> (i * 4)) & 0xF;
current_state_.config.color[i].used |=
current_state_.config.mode_control == xenos::ModeControl::kColorDepth &&
color_mask != 0;
current_state_.config.depth_stencil.used |= !!(rb_depthcontrol & (0x4 | 0x2));
void RenderCache::ClearCache() {
// TODO(benvanik): caching.
@ -999,47 +1048,39 @@ void RenderCache::BlitToImage(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
bool color_or_depth, uint32_t format,
VkFilter filter, VkOffset3D offset,
VkExtent3D extents) {
if (color_or_depth) {
// Adjust similar formats for easier matching.
switch (static_cast<ColorRenderTargetFormat>(format)) {
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_8_8_8_8_GAMMA:
format = uint32_t(ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_8_8_8_8);
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_unknown:
format = uint32_t(ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10);
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_FLOAT_unknown:
format = uint32_t(ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_FLOAT);
uint32_t tile_width = num_samples == MsaaSamples::k4X ? 40 : 80;
uint32_t tile_height = num_samples != MsaaSamples::k1X ? 8 : 16;
// Grab a tile view that represents the source image.
TileViewKey key;
key.color_or_depth = color_or_depth ? 1 : 0;
key.msaa_samples = static_cast<uint16_t>(num_samples);
key.msaa_samples = 0; // static_cast<uint16_t>(num_samples);
key.edram_format = format;
key.tile_offset = edram_base;
key.tile_width = xe::round_up(pitch, 80) / 80;
key.tile_height = xe::round_up(height, 16) / 16;
key.tile_width = xe::round_up(pitch, tile_width) / tile_width;
key.tile_height =
std::min(2560 / tile_height,
160u); // xe::round_up(height, tile_height) / tile_height;
auto tile_view = FindOrCreateTileView(command_buffer, key);
// Issue a memory barrier before we update this tile view.
VkBufferMemoryBarrier buffer_barrier;
buffer_barrier.srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT;
buffer_barrier.dstAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT;
buffer_barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
buffer_barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
buffer_barrier.buffer = edram_buffer_;
buffer_barrier.offset = edram_base * 5120;
// TODO: Calculate this accurately (need texel size)
buffer_barrier.size = extents.width * extents.height * 4;
vkCmdPipelineBarrier(command_buffer, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT,
&buffer_barrier, 0, nullptr);
// Update the tile view with current EDRAM contents.
// TODO: Heuristics to determine if this copy is avoidable.
// TODO(DrChat): Stencil copies.
VkBufferImageCopy buffer_copy;
buffer_copy.bufferOffset = edram_base * 5120;
buffer_copy.bufferImageHeight = 0;
buffer_copy.bufferRowLength = 0;
buffer_copy.imageSubresource = {0, 0, 0, 1};
buffer_copy.imageSubresource.aspectMask =
buffer_copy.imageExtent = {key.tile_width * 80u, key.tile_height * 16u, 1u};
buffer_copy.imageOffset = {0, 0, 0};
vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(command_buffer, edram_buffer_, tile_view->image,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, 1, &buffer_copy);
// Update the view with the latest contents.
// UpdateTileView(command_buffer, tile_view, true, true);
// Transition the image into a transfer destination layout, if needed.
// TODO: Util function for this
@ -1063,11 +1104,11 @@ void RenderCache::BlitToImage(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
nullptr, 1, &image_barrier);
// If we overflow we'll lose the device here.
assert_true(extents.width <= key.tile_width * 80u);
assert_true(extents.height <= key.tile_height * 16u);
assert_true(extents.width <= key.tile_width * tile_width);
assert_true(extents.height <= key.tile_height * tile_height);
// Now issue the blit to the destination.
if (num_samples == MsaaSamples::k1X) {
if (tile_view->sample_count == VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) {
VkImageBlit image_blit;
image_blit.srcSubresource = {0, 0, 0, 1};
image_blit.srcSubresource.aspectMask =
@ -1127,14 +1168,32 @@ void RenderCache::ClearEDRAMColor(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
// TODO: For formats <= 4 bpp, we can directly fill the EDRAM buffer. Just
// need to detect this and calculate a value.
// Adjust similar formats for easier matching.
switch (format) {
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_8_8_8_8_GAMMA:
format = ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_8_8_8_8;
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_unknown:
format = ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10;
case ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_FLOAT_unknown:
format = ColorRenderTargetFormat::k_2_10_10_10_FLOAT;
uint32_t tile_width = num_samples == MsaaSamples::k4X ? 40 : 80;
uint32_t tile_height = num_samples != MsaaSamples::k1X ? 8 : 16;
// Grab a tile view (as we need to clear an image first)
TileViewKey key;
key.color_or_depth = 1;
key.msaa_samples = static_cast<uint16_t>(num_samples);
key.msaa_samples = 0; // static_cast<uint16_t>(num_samples);
key.edram_format = static_cast<uint16_t>(format);
key.tile_offset = edram_base;
key.tile_width = xe::round_up(pitch, 80) / 80;
key.tile_height = xe::round_up(height, 16) / 16;
key.tile_width = xe::round_up(pitch, tile_width) / tile_width;
key.tile_height =
std::min(2560 / tile_height,
160u); // xe::round_up(height, tile_height) / tile_height;
auto tile_view = FindOrCreateTileView(command_buffer, key);
@ -1147,16 +1206,7 @@ void RenderCache::ClearEDRAMColor(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, &clear_value, 1, &range);
// Copy image back into EDRAM buffer
VkBufferImageCopy copy_range;
copy_range.bufferOffset = edram_base * 5120;
copy_range.bufferImageHeight = 0;
copy_range.bufferRowLength = 0;
copy_range.imageSubresource = {VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, 1};
copy_range.imageExtent = {key.tile_width * 80u, key.tile_height * 16u, 1u};
copy_range.imageOffset = {0, 0, 0};
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(command_buffer, tile_view->image,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, edram_buffer_, 1,
// UpdateTileView(command_buffer, tile_view, false, false);
void RenderCache::ClearEDRAMDepthStencil(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
@ -1168,14 +1218,19 @@ void RenderCache::ClearEDRAMDepthStencil(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
// TODO: For formats <= 4 bpp, we can directly fill the EDRAM buffer. Just
// need to detect this and calculate a value.
uint32_t tile_width = num_samples == MsaaSamples::k4X ? 40 : 80;
uint32_t tile_height = num_samples != MsaaSamples::k1X ? 8 : 16;
// Grab a tile view (as we need to clear an image first)
TileViewKey key;
key.color_or_depth = 0;
key.msaa_samples = static_cast<uint16_t>(num_samples);
key.msaa_samples = 0; // static_cast<uint16_t>(num_samples);
key.edram_format = static_cast<uint16_t>(format);
key.tile_offset = edram_base;
key.tile_width = xe::round_up(pitch, 80) / 80;
key.tile_height = xe::round_up(height, 16) / 16;
key.tile_width = xe::round_up(pitch, tile_width) / tile_width;
key.tile_height =
std::min(2560 / tile_height,
160u); // xe::round_up(height, tile_height) / tile_height;
auto tile_view = FindOrCreateTileView(command_buffer, key);
@ -1191,19 +1246,7 @@ void RenderCache::ClearEDRAMDepthStencil(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, &clear_value, 1, &range);
// Copy image back into EDRAM buffer
// TODO(DrChat): Stencil copies.
VkBufferImageCopy copy_range;
copy_range.bufferOffset = edram_base * 5120;
copy_range.bufferImageHeight = 0;
copy_range.bufferRowLength = 0;
copy_range.imageSubresource = {
copy_range.imageExtent = {key.tile_width * 80u, key.tile_height * 16u, 1u};
copy_range.imageOffset = {0, 0, 0};
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(command_buffer, tile_view->image,
VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, edram_buffer_, 1,
// UpdateTileView(command_buffer, tile_view, false, false);
void RenderCache::FillEDRAM(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, uint32_t value) {
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ class CachedTileView {
VkImageView image_view = nullptr;
// Memory buffer
VkDeviceMemory memory = nullptr;
// Image sample count
VkSampleCountFlagBits sample_count = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
CachedTileView(ui::vulkan::VulkanDevice* device,
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkDeviceMemory edram_memory,
@ -81,9 +83,9 @@ class CachedTileView {
struct RenderConfiguration {
// Render mode (color+depth, depth-only, etc).
xenos::ModeControl mode_control;
// Target surface pitch, in pixels.
// Target surface pitch multiplied by MSAA, in pixels.
uint32_t surface_pitch_px;
// ESTIMATED target surface height, in pixels.
// ESTIMATED target surface height multiplied by MSAA, in pixels.
uint32_t surface_height_px;
// Surface MSAA setting.
MsaaSamples surface_msaa;
@ -111,6 +113,9 @@ struct RenderState {
// Target framebuffer bound to the render pass.
CachedFramebuffer* framebuffer = nullptr;
VkFramebuffer framebuffer_handle = nullptr;
bool color_attachment_written[4] = {false};
bool depth_attachment_written = false;
// Manages the virtualized EDRAM and the render target cache.
@ -135,9 +140,13 @@ struct RenderState {
// 320px by rounding up to the next tile.
// MSAA and other settings will modify the exact pixel sizes, like 4X makes
// each tile effectively 40x8px, but they are still all 5120b. As we try to
// emulate this we adjust our viewport when rendering to stretch pixels as
// needed.
// each tile effectively 40x8px / 2X makes each tile 80x8px, but they are still
// all 5120b. As we try to emulate this we adjust our viewport when rendering to
// stretch pixels as needed.
// It appears that games also take advantage of MSAA stretching tiles when doing
// clears. Games will clear a view with 1/2X pitch/height and 4X MSAA and then
// later draw to that view with 1X pitch/height and 1X MSAA.
// The good news is that games cannot read EDRAM directly but must use a copy
// operation to get the data out. That gives us a chance to do whatever we
@ -269,6 +278,9 @@ class RenderCache {
// The command buffer will be transitioned out of the render pass phase.
void EndRenderPass();
// Updates current render state. Call this every draw with an open render pass
void UpdateState();
// Clears all cached content.
void ClearCache();
@ -346,13 +358,12 @@ class RenderCache {
struct ShadowRegisters {
uint32_t rb_modecontrol;
uint32_t rb_surface_info;
uint32_t rb_color_mask;
uint32_t rb_color_info;
uint32_t rb_color1_info;
uint32_t rb_color2_info;
uint32_t rb_color3_info;
uint32_t rb_depthcontrol;
uint32_t rb_depth_info;
uint32_t rb_depthcontrol;
uint32_t pa_sc_window_scissor_tl;
uint32_t pa_sc_window_scissor_br;
@ -11,3 +11,6 @@
DEFINE_bool(vulkan_renderdoc_capture_all, false,
"Capture everything with RenderDoc.");
DEFINE_bool(vulkan_native_msaa, true, "Use native MSAA");
DEFINE_bool(vulkan_dump_disasm, false,
"Dump shader disassembly. NVIDIA only supported.");
@ -15,5 +15,7 @@
Reference in New Issue