Make XThread use its guest KTHREAD object in the pcr in r13
Shuffle around some code in XThread
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,18 +106,17 @@ uint32_t XThread::GetCurrentThreadHandle() {
return thread->handle();
uint32_t XThread::GetCurrentThreadId(const uint8_t* pcr) {
return xe::load_and_swap<uint32_t>(pcr + 0x2D8 + 0x14C);
uint32_t XThread::GetCurrentThreadId() {
XThread* thread = XThread::GetCurrentThread();
return thread->guest_object<X_KTHREAD>()->thread_id;
uint32_t XThread::last_error() {
uint8_t* p = memory()->TranslateVirtual(thread_state_address_);
return xe::load_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x160);
return guest_object<X_KTHREAD>()->last_error;
void XThread::set_last_error(uint32_t error_code) {
uint8_t* p = memory()->TranslateVirtual(thread_state_address_);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x160, error_code);
guest_object<X_KTHREAD>()->last_error = error_code;
void XThread::set_name(const std::string& name) {
@ -129,9 +128,15 @@ void XThread::set_name(const std::string& name) {
uint8_t next_cpu = 0;
uint8_t GetFakeCpuNumber(uint8_t proc_mask) {
if (!proc_mask) {
return 0; // is this reasonable?
if (next_cpu > 6) {
next_cpu = 0;
return next_cpu; // is this reasonable?
assert_false(proc_mask & 0xC0);
@ -143,15 +148,12 @@ uint8_t GetFakeCpuNumber(uint8_t proc_mask) {
X_STATUS XThread::Create() {
// Thread kernel object
// This call will also setup the native pointer for us.
auto guest_object = CreateNative<X_KTHREAD>(sizeof(X_KTHREAD));
if (!guest_object) {
auto guest_thread = CreateNative<X_KTHREAD>();
if (!guest_thread) {
XELOGW("Unable to allocate thread object");
guest_object->header.type = 6;
StashNative(&guest_object->header, this);
auto module = kernel_state()->GetExecutableModule();
// Allocate thread scratch.
@ -210,8 +212,7 @@ X_STATUS XThread::Create() {
// 0x160: last error
// So, at offset 0x100 we have a 4b pointer to offset 200, then have the
// structure.
pcr_address_ = memory()->SystemHeapAlloc(0x2D8 + 0xAB0);
thread_state_address_ = pcr_address_ + 0x2D8;
pcr_address_ = memory()->SystemHeapAlloc(0x2D8);
if (!pcr_address_) {
XELOGW("Unable to allocate thread state block");
@ -232,27 +233,11 @@ X_STATUS XThread::Create() {
uint8_t proc_mask =
static_cast<uint8_t>(creation_params_.creation_flags >> 24);
// Processor Control Region
struct XPCR {
xe::be<uint32_t> tls_ptr; // 0x0
char unk_04[0x2C]; // 0x4
xe::be<uint32_t> pcr_ptr; // 0x30
char unk_34[0x3C]; // 0x34
xe::be<uint32_t> stack_base_ptr; // 0x70 Stack base address (high addr)
xe::be<uint32_t> stack_end_ptr; // 0x74 Stack end (low addr)
char unk_78[0x88]; // 0x78
xe::be<uint32_t> teb_ptr; // 0x100
char unk_104[0x8]; // 0x104
xe::be<uint8_t> current_cpu; // 0x10C
char unk_10D[0x43]; // 0x10D
xe::be<uint32_t> dpc_active; // 0x150
XPCR* pcr = memory()->TranslateVirtual<XPCR*>(pcr_address_);
X_KPCR* pcr = memory()->TranslateVirtual<X_KPCR*>(pcr_address_);
pcr->tls_ptr = tls_address_;
pcr->pcr_ptr = pcr_address_;
pcr->teb_ptr = thread_state_address_;
pcr->current_thread = guest_object();
pcr->stack_base_ptr =
thread_state_->stack_address() + thread_state_->stack_size();
@ -262,19 +247,16 @@ X_STATUS XThread::Create() {
pcr->dpc_active = 0; // DPC active bool?
// Setup the thread state block (last error/etc).
// TODO: This is actually a KTHREAD object. Use the one from CreateNative
// instead.
uint8_t* p = memory()->TranslateVirtual(thread_state_address_);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x000, 6);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x008, thread_state_address_ + 0x008);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x00C, thread_state_address_ + 0x008);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x010, thread_state_address_ + 0x010);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x014, thread_state_address_ + 0x010);
uint8_t* p = memory()->TranslateVirtual(guest_object());
guest_thread->header.type = 6;
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x040, thread_state_address_ + 0x018 + 8);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x044, thread_state_address_ + 0x018 + 8);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x048, thread_state_address_);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x04C, thread_state_address_ + 0x018);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x010, guest_object() + 0x010);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x014, guest_object() + 0x010);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x040, guest_object() + 0x018 + 8);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x044, guest_object() + 0x018 + 8);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x048, guest_object());
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x04C, guest_object() + 0x018);
xe::store_and_swap<uint16_t>(p + 0x054, 0x102);
xe::store_and_swap<uint16_t>(p + 0x056, 1);
@ -283,27 +265,27 @@ X_STATUS XThread::Create() {
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x060, thread_state_->stack_address());
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x068, tls_address_);
xe::store_and_swap<uint8_t>(p + 0x06C, 0);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x074, thread_state_address_ + 0x074);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x078, thread_state_address_ + 0x074);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x07C, thread_state_address_ + 0x07C);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x080, thread_state_address_ + 0x07C);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x074, guest_object() + 0x074);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x078, guest_object() + 0x074);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x07C, guest_object() + 0x07C);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x080, guest_object() + 0x07C);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x084,
xe::store_and_swap<uint8_t>(p + 0x08B, 1);
// D4 = APC
// FC = semaphore (ptr, 0, 2)
// A88 = APC
// 18 = timer
// 0xD4 = APC
// 0xFC = semaphore (ptr, 0, 2)
// 0xA88 = APC
// 0x18 = timer
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x09C, 0xFDFFD7FF);
p + 0x0D0, thread_state_->stack_address() + thread_state_->stack_size());
xe::store_and_swap<uint64_t>(p + 0x130, Clock::QueryGuestSystemTime());
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x144, thread_state_address_ + 0x144);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x148, thread_state_address_ + 0x144);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x144, guest_object() + 0x144);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x148, guest_object() + 0x144);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x14C, thread_id_);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x150, creation_params_.start_address);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x154, thread_state_address_ + 0x154);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x158, thread_state_address_ + 0x154);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x154, guest_object() + 0x154);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x158, guest_object() + 0x154);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x160, 0); // last error
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x16C, creation_params_.creation_flags);
xe::store_and_swap<uint32_t>(p + 0x17C, 1);
@ -331,6 +313,7 @@ X_STATUS XThread::Create() {
// Release the self-reference to the thread.
if (!thread_) {
// TODO(benvanik): translate error?
XELOGE("CreateThread failed");
@ -520,7 +503,8 @@ void XThread::DeliverAPCs() {
XELOGD("Completed delivery of APC to %.8X", uint32_t(apc->normal_routine));
XELOGD("Completed delivery of APC to %.8X (%.8X, %.8X, %.8X)",
normal_routine, normal_context, arg1, arg2);
// If special, free it.
if (needs_freeing) {
@ -614,6 +598,8 @@ void XThread::SetActiveCpu(uint32_t cpu_index) {
X_STATUS XThread::Resume(uint32_t* out_suspend_count) {
if (thread_->Resume(out_suspend_count)) {
} else {
@ -622,6 +608,8 @@ X_STATUS XThread::Resume(uint32_t* out_suspend_count) {
X_STATUS XThread::Suspend(uint32_t* out_suspend_count) {
if (thread_->Suspend(out_suspend_count)) {
} else {
@ -65,13 +65,35 @@ struct XAPC {
// Processor Control Region
struct X_KPCR {
xe::be<uint32_t> tls_ptr; // 0x0
char unk_04[0x2C]; // 0x4
xe::be<uint32_t> pcr_ptr; // 0x30
char unk_34[0x3C]; // 0x34
xe::be<uint32_t> stack_base_ptr; // 0x70 Stack base address (high addr)
xe::be<uint32_t> stack_end_ptr; // 0x74 Stack end (low addr)
char unk_78[0x88]; // 0x78
xe::be<uint32_t> current_thread; // 0x100
char unk_104[0x8]; // 0x104
xe::be<uint8_t> current_cpu; // 0x10C
char unk_10D[0x43]; // 0x10D
xe::be<uint32_t> dpc_active; // 0x150
struct X_KTHREAD {
X_DISPATCH_HEADER header; // 0x0
char unk_04[0xAA0]; // 0x4
char unk_10[0xAC]; // 0x10
uint8_t suspend_count; // 0xBC
char unk_BD[0x8F]; // 0xBD
xe::be<uint32_t> thread_id; // 0x14C
char unk_150[0x10]; // 0x150
xe::be<uint32_t> last_error; // 0x160
char unk_164[0x94C]; // 0x164
// This struct is actually quite long... so uh, not filling this out!
static_assert_size(X_KTHREAD, 0xAB0);
class XThread : public XObject {
@ -83,11 +105,10 @@ class XThread : public XObject {
static bool IsInThread(XThread* other);
static XThread* GetCurrentThread();
static uint32_t GetCurrentThreadHandle();
static uint32_t GetCurrentThreadId(const uint8_t* pcr);
static uint32_t GetCurrentThreadId();
uint32_t tls_ptr() const { return tls_address_; }
uint32_t pcr_ptr() const { return pcr_address_; }
uint32_t thread_state_ptr() const { return thread_state_address_; }
bool guest_thread() const { return guest_thread_; }
bool running() const { return running_; }
@ -149,9 +170,8 @@ class XThread : public XObject {
uint32_t scratch_size_ = 0;
uint32_t tls_address_ = 0;
uint32_t pcr_address_ = 0;
uint32_t thread_state_address_ = 0;
cpu::ThreadState* thread_state_ = nullptr;
bool guest_thread_ = false; // Launched into guest code.
bool guest_thread_ = false; // Launched into guest code?
bool running_ = false;
std::string name_;
@ -159,7 +179,7 @@ class XThread : public XObject {
int32_t priority_ = 0;
uint32_t affinity_ = 0;
std::atomic<uint32_t> irql_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> irql_ = 0;
xe::mutex apc_lock_;
NativeList* apc_list_ = nullptr;
Reference in New Issue