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// File: example2.cpp - This example uses the crn_decomp.h stand-alone header file library
// to transcode .CRN files directly to .DDS, with no intermediate recompression step to DXTn.
// This tool does NOT depend on the crnlib library at all. It only needs the low-level
// decompression/transcoding functionality defined in inc/crn_decomp.h.
// This is the basic functionality a game engine would need to employ at runtime to utilize
// .CRN textures (excluding writing the output DDS file - instead you would provide the DXTn
// bits directly to OpenGL/D3D).
// See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
// CRN transcoder library.
#include "crn_decomp.h"
// .DDS file format definitions.
#include "dds_defs.h"
// A simple high-precision, platform independent timer class.
#include "timer.h"
using namespace crnlib;
static int print_usage()
printf("Description: Transcodes .CRN to .DDS files using crn_decomp.h.\n");
printf("Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Tenacious Software LLC\n");
printf("Usage: example2 [source_file] [options]\n");
printf("-out filename - Force output filename.\n");
static int error(const char* pMsg, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, pMsg);
char buf[512];
vsprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), pMsg, args);
printf("%s", buf);
// Loads an entire file into an allocated memory block.
static crn_uint8 *read_file_into_buffer(const char *pFilename, crn_uint32 &size)
size = 0;
FILE* pFile = NULL;
fopen_s(&pFile, pFilename, "rb");
if (!pFile)
return NULL;
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(pFile);
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
crn_uint8 *pSrc_file_data = static_cast<crn_uint8*>(malloc(std::max(1U, size)));
if ((!pSrc_file_data) || (fread(pSrc_file_data, size, 1, pFile) != 1))
size = 0;
return NULL;
return pSrc_file_data;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("example2 - Version v%u.%02u Built " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ "\n", CRNLIB_VERSION / 100, CRNLIB_VERSION % 100);
if (argc < 2)
return print_usage();
// Parse command line options
const char *pSrc_filename = argv[1];
char out_filename[FILENAME_MAX] = { '\0' };
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i][0] == '/')
argv[i][0] = '-';
if (!_stricmp(argv[i], "-out"))
if (++i >= argc)
return error("Expected output filename!");
strcpy_s(out_filename, sizeof(out_filename), argv[i]);
return error("Invalid option: %s\n", argv[i]);
// Split the source filename into its various components.
char drive_buf[_MAX_DRIVE], dir_buf[_MAX_DIR], fname_buf[_MAX_FNAME], ext_buf[_MAX_EXT];
if (_splitpath_s(pSrc_filename, drive_buf, _MAX_DRIVE, dir_buf, _MAX_DIR, fname_buf, _MAX_FNAME, ext_buf, _MAX_EXT))
return error("Invalid source filename!\n");
// Load the source file into memory.
printf("Loading source file: %s\n", pSrc_filename);
crn_uint32 src_file_size;
crn_uint8 *pSrc_file_data = read_file_into_buffer(pSrc_filename, src_file_size);
if (!pSrc_file_data)
return error("Unable to read source file\n");
// Decompress/transcode CRN to DDS.
// DDS files are organized in face-major order, like this:
// Face0: Mip0, Mip1, Mip2, etc.
// Face1: Mip0, Mip1, Mip2, etc.
// etc.
// While CRN files are organized in mip-major order, like this:
// Mip0: Face0, Face1, Face2, Face3, Face4, Face5
// Mip1: Face0, Face1, Face2, Face3, Face4, Face5
// etc.
printf("Transcoding CRN to DDS\n");
crnd::crn_texture_info tex_info;
if (!crnd::crnd_get_texture_info(pSrc_file_data, src_file_size, &tex_info))
return error("crnd_get_texture_info() failed!\n");
timer tm;
crnd::crnd_unpack_context pContext = crnd::crnd_unpack_begin(pSrc_file_data, src_file_size);
double total_unpack_begin_time = tm.get_elapsed_ms();
if (!pContext)
return error("crnd_unpack_begin() failed!\n");
// Now create the DDS file.
char dst_filename[FILENAME_MAX];
sprintf_s(dst_filename, sizeof(dst_filename), "%s%s%s.dds", drive_buf, dir_buf, fname_buf);
if (out_filename[0]) strcpy(dst_filename, out_filename);
printf("Writing DDS file: %s\n", dst_filename);
FILE *pDDS_file = fopen(dst_filename, "wb");
if (!pDDS_file)
return error("Failed creating destination file!\n");
// Write the 4-byte DDS signature (not endian safe, but whatever this is a sample).
fwrite(&crnlib::cDDSFileSignature, sizeof(crnlib::cDDSFileSignature), 1, pDDS_file);
// Prepare the DDS header.
crnlib::DDSURFACEDESC2 dds_desc;
memset(&dds_desc, 0, sizeof(dds_desc));
dds_desc.dwSize = sizeof(dds_desc);
dds_desc.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT | ((tex_info.m_levels > 1) ? DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT : 0);
dds_desc.dwWidth = tex_info.m_width;
dds_desc.dwHeight = tex_info.m_height;
dds_desc.dwMipMapCount = (tex_info.m_levels > 1) ? tex_info.m_levels : 0;
dds_desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize = sizeof(crnlib::DDPIXELFORMAT);
dds_desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags = DDPF_FOURCC;
crn_format fundamental_fmt = crnd::crnd_get_fundamental_dxt_format(tex_info.m_format);
dds_desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = crnd::crnd_crn_format_to_fourcc(fundamental_fmt);
if (fundamental_fmt != tex_info.m_format)
// It's a funky swizzled DXTn format - write its FOURCC to dwRGBBitCount.
dds_desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount = crnd::crnd_crn_format_to_fourcc(tex_info.m_format);
dds_desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE;
if (tex_info.m_levels > 1)
dds_desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= (DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_MIPMAP);
if (tex_info.m_faces == 6)
dds_desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP |
// Set pitch/linearsize field (some DDS readers require this field to be non-zero).
int bits_per_pixel = crnd::crnd_get_crn_format_bits_per_texel(tex_info.m_format);
dds_desc.lPitch = (((dds_desc.dwWidth + 3) & ~3) * ((dds_desc.dwHeight + 3) & ~3) * bits_per_pixel) >> 3;
dds_desc.dwFlags |= DDSD_LINEARSIZE;
// Write the DDS header to the output file.
fwrite(&dds_desc, sizeof(dds_desc), 1, pDDS_file);
// Now transcode all face and mipmap levels into memory, one mip level at a time.
void *pImages[cCRNMaxFaces][cCRNMaxLevels];
crn_uint32 image_size_in_bytes[cCRNMaxLevels];
memset(pImages, 0, sizeof(pImages));
memset(image_size_in_bytes, 0, sizeof(image_size_in_bytes));
crn_uint32 total_unpacked_texels = 0;
double total_unpack_time = 0.0f;
for (crn_uint32 level_index = 0; level_index < tex_info.m_levels; level_index++)
// Compute the face's width, height, number of DXT blocks per row/col, etc.
const crn_uint32 width = std::max(1U, tex_info.m_width >> level_index);
const crn_uint32 height = std::max(1U, tex_info.m_height >> level_index);
const crn_uint32 blocks_x = std::max(1U, (width + 3) >> 2);
const crn_uint32 blocks_y = std::max(1U, (height + 3) >> 2);
const crn_uint32 row_pitch = blocks_x * crnd::crnd_get_bytes_per_dxt_block(tex_info.m_format);
const crn_uint32 total_face_size = row_pitch * blocks_y;
image_size_in_bytes[level_index] = total_face_size;
for (crn_uint32 face_index = 0; face_index < tex_info.m_faces; face_index++)
void *p = malloc(total_face_size);
if (!p)
for (crn_uint32 f = 0; f < cCRNMaxFaces; f++)
for (crn_uint32 l = 0; l < cCRNMaxLevels; l++)
return error("Out of memory!");
pImages[face_index][level_index] = p;
// Prepare the face pointer array needed by crnd_unpack_level().
void *pDecomp_images[cCRNMaxFaces];
for (crn_uint32 face_index = 0; face_index < tex_info.m_faces; face_index++)
pDecomp_images[face_index] = pImages[face_index][level_index];
// Now transcode the level to raw DXTn
if (!crnd::crnd_unpack_level(pContext, pDecomp_images, total_face_size, row_pitch, level_index))
for (crn_uint32 f = 0; f < cCRNMaxFaces; f++)
for (crn_uint32 l = 0; l < cCRNMaxLevels; l++)
return error("Failed transcoding texture!");
total_unpack_time += tm.get_elapsed_ms();
total_unpacked_texels += (blocks_x * blocks_y * 16);
printf("crnd_unpack_begin time: %3.3fms\n", total_unpack_begin_time);
printf("Total crnd_unpack_level time: %3.3fms\n", total_unpack_time);
double total_time = total_unpack_begin_time + total_unpack_time;
printf("Total transcode time: %3.3fms\n", total_time);
printf("Total texels transcoded: %u\n", total_unpacked_texels);
printf("Overall transcode throughput: %3.3f million texels/sec\n", (total_unpacked_texels / (total_time / 1000.0f)) / 1000000.0f);
// Now write the DXTn data to the DDS file in face-major order.
for (crn_uint32 face_index = 0; face_index < tex_info.m_faces; face_index++)
for (crn_uint32 level_index = 0; level_index < tex_info.m_levels; level_index++)
fwrite(pImages[face_index][level_index], image_size_in_bytes[level_index], 1, pDDS_file);
for (crn_uint32 f = 0; f < cCRNMaxFaces; f++)
for (crn_uint32 l = 0; l < cCRNMaxLevels; l++)
if (fclose(pDDS_file) == EOF)
return error("Failed writing to DDS file!\n");