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// File: crn_image.h
// See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h
#pragma once
#include "crn_color.h"
#include "crn_vec.h"
#include "crn_pixel_format.h"
#include "crn_rect.h"
namespace crnlib
template<typename color_type>
class image
typedef color_type color_t;
typedef crnlib::vector<color_type> pixel_buf_t;
image() :
// pitch is in PIXELS, not bytes.
image(uint width, uint height, uint pitch = UINT_MAX, const color_type& background = color_type::make_black(), uint flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags) :
CRNLIB_ASSERT((width > 0) && (height > 0));
if (pitch == UINT_MAX)
pitch = width;
m_pixel_buf.resize(pitch * height);
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
m_pitch = pitch;
m_total = m_pitch * m_height;
m_pPixels = &m_pixel_buf.front();
// pitch is in PIXELS, not bytes.
image(color_type* pPixels, uint width, uint height, uint pitch = UINT_MAX, uint flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags)
alias(pPixels, width, height, pitch, flags);
image& operator= (const image& other)
if (this == &other)
return *this;
if (other.m_pixel_buf.empty())
// This doesn't look very safe - let's make a new instance.
//m_pPixels = other.m_pPixels;
const uint total_pixels = other.m_pitch * other.m_height;
if ((total_pixels) && (other.m_pPixels))
m_pixel_buf.insert(0, other.m_pPixels, m_pixel_buf.size());
m_pPixels = &m_pixel_buf.front();
m_pPixels = NULL;
m_pixel_buf = other.m_pixel_buf;
m_pPixels = &m_pixel_buf.front();
m_width = other.m_width;
m_height = other.m_height;
m_pitch = other.m_pitch;
m_total = other.m_total;
m_comp_flags = other.m_comp_flags;
return *this;
image(const image& other) :
m_width(0), m_height(0), m_pitch(0), m_total(0), m_comp_flags(pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags), m_pPixels(NULL)
*this = other;
// pitch is in PIXELS, not bytes.
void alias(color_type* pPixels, uint width, uint height, uint pitch = UINT_MAX, uint flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags)
m_pPixels = pPixels;
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
m_pitch = (pitch == UINT_MAX) ? width : pitch;
m_total = m_pitch * m_height;
m_comp_flags = flags;
// pitch is in PIXELS, not bytes.
bool grant_ownership(color_type* pPixels, uint width, uint height, uint pitch = UINT_MAX, uint flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags)
if (pitch == UINT_MAX)
pitch = width;
if ((!pPixels) || (!width) || (!height) || (pitch < width))
return false;
if (pPixels == get_ptr())
return false;
if (!m_pixel_buf.grant_ownership(pPixels, height * pitch, height * pitch))
return false;
m_pPixels = pPixels;
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
m_pitch = pitch;
m_total = pitch * height;
m_comp_flags = flags;
return true;
void clear()
m_pPixels = NULL;
m_width = 0;
m_height = 0;
m_pitch = 0;
m_total = 0;
m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags;
inline bool is_valid() const { return m_total > 0; }
inline pixel_format_helpers::component_flags get_comp_flags() const { return static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(m_comp_flags); }
inline void set_comp_flags(pixel_format_helpers::component_flags new_flags) { m_comp_flags = new_flags; }
inline void reset_comp_flags() { m_comp_flags = pixel_format_helpers::cDefaultCompFlags; }
inline bool is_component_valid(uint index) const { CRNLIB_ASSERT(index < 4U); return utils::is_flag_set(m_comp_flags, index); }
inline void set_component_valid(uint index, bool state) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(index < 4U); utils::set_flag(m_comp_flags, index, state); }
inline bool has_rgb() const { return is_component_valid(0) || is_component_valid(1) || is_component_valid(2); }
inline bool has_alpha() const { return is_component_valid(3); }
inline bool is_grayscale() const { return utils::is_bit_set(m_comp_flags, pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGrayscale); }
inline void set_grayscale(bool state) { utils::set_bit(m_comp_flags, pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGrayscale, state); }
void set_all(const color_type& c)
for (uint i = 0; i < m_total; i++)
m_pPixels[i] = c;
void flip_x()
const uint half_width = m_width / 2;
for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < half_width; x++)
color_type c((*this)(x, y));
(*this)(x, y) = (*this)(m_width - 1 - x, y);
(*this)(m_width - 1 - x, y) = c;
void flip_y()
const uint half_height = m_height / 2;
for (uint y = 0; y < half_height; y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
color_type c((*this)(x, y));
(*this)(x, y) = (*this)(x, m_height - 1 - y);
(*this)(x, m_height - 1 - y) = c;
void convert_to_grayscale()
for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
color_type c((*this)(x, y));
typename color_type::component_t l = static_cast< typename color_type::component_t >(c.get_luma());
c.r = l;
c.g = l;
c.b = l;
(*this)(x, y) = c;
void swizzle(uint r, uint g, uint b, uint a)
for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
const color_type& c = (*this)(x, y);
(*this)(x, y) = color_type(c[r], c[g], c[b], c[a]);
void set_alpha_to_luma()
for (uint y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
color_type c((*this)(x, y));
typename color_type::component_t l = static_cast< typename color_type::component_t >(c.get_luma());
c.a = l;
(*this)(x, y) = c;
set_component_valid(3, true);
bool extract_block(color_type* pDst, uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, bool flip_xy = false) const
if ((x >= m_width) || (y >= m_height))
return false;
if (flip_xy)
for (uint y_ofs = 0; y_ofs < h; y_ofs++)
for (uint x_ofs = 0; x_ofs < w; x_ofs++)
pDst[x_ofs * h + y_ofs] = get_clamped(x_ofs + x, y_ofs + y); // 5/4/12 - this was incorrectly x_ofs * 4
else if (((x + w) > m_width) || ((y + h) > m_height))
for (uint y_ofs = 0; y_ofs < h; y_ofs++)
for (uint x_ofs = 0; x_ofs < w; x_ofs++)
*pDst++ = get_clamped(x_ofs + x, y_ofs + y);
const color_type* pSrc = get_scanline(y) + x;
for (uint i = h; i; i--)
memcpy(pDst, pSrc, w * sizeof(color_type));
pDst += w;
pSrc += m_pitch;
return true;
// No clipping!
void unclipped_fill_box(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, const color_type& c)
if (((x + w) > m_width) || ((y + h) > m_height))
color_type* p = get_scanline(y) + x;
for (uint i = h; i; i--)
color_type* q = p;
for (uint j = w; j; j--)
*q++ = c;
p += m_pitch;
void draw_rect(int x, int y, uint width, uint height, const color_type& c)
draw_line(x, y, x + width - 1, y, c);
draw_line(x, y, x, y + height - 1, c);
draw_line(x + width - 1, y, x + width - 1, y + height - 1, c);
draw_line(x, y + height - 1, x + width - 1, y + height - 1, c);
// No clipping!
bool unclipped_blit(uint src_x, uint src_y, uint src_w, uint src_h, uint dst_x, uint dst_y, const image& src)
if ((!is_valid()) || (!src.is_valid()))
return false;
if ( ((src_x + src_w) > src.get_width()) || ((src_y + src_h) > src.get_height()) )
return false;
if ( ((dst_x + src_w) > get_width()) || ((dst_y + src_h) > get_height()) )
return false;
const color_type* pS = &src(src_x, src_y);
color_type* pD = &(*this)(dst_x, dst_y);
const uint bytes_to_copy = src_w * sizeof(color_type);
for (uint i = src_h; i; i--)
memcpy(pD, pS, bytes_to_copy);
pS += src.get_pitch();
pD += get_pitch();
return true;
// With clipping.
bool blit(int dst_x, int dst_y, const image& src)
if ((!is_valid()) || (!src.is_valid()))
return false;
int src_x = 0;
int src_y = 0;
if (dst_x < 0)
src_x = -dst_x;
if (src_x >= static_cast<int>(src.get_width()))
return false;
dst_x = 0;
if (dst_y < 0)
src_y = -dst_y;
if (src_y >= static_cast<int>(src.get_height()))
return false;
dst_y = 0;
if ((dst_x >= (int)m_width) || (dst_y >= (int)m_height))
return false;
uint width = math::minimum(m_width - dst_x, src.get_width() - src_x);
uint height = math::minimum(m_height - dst_y, src.get_height() - src_y);
bool success = unclipped_blit(src_x, src_y, width, height, dst_x, dst_y, src);
return true;
// With clipping.
bool blit(int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, const image& src)
if ((!is_valid()) || (!src.is_valid()))
return false;
rect src_rect(src_x, src_y, src_x + src_w, src_y + src_h);
if (!src_rect.intersect(src.get_bounds()))
return false;
rect dst_rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_x + src_rect.get_width(), dst_y + src_rect.get_height());
if (!dst_rect.intersect(get_bounds()))
return false;
bool success = unclipped_blit(
src_rect.get_left(), src_rect.get_top(),
math::minimum(src_rect.get_width(), dst_rect.get_width()), math::minimum(src_rect.get_height(), dst_rect.get_height()),
dst_rect.get_left(), dst_rect.get_top(), src);
return true;
// In-place resize of image dimensions (cropping).
bool resize(uint new_width, uint new_height, uint new_pitch = UINT_MAX, const color_type background = color_type::make_black())
if (new_pitch == UINT_MAX)
new_pitch = new_width;
if ((new_width == m_width) && (new_height == m_height) && (new_pitch == m_pitch))
return true;
if ((!new_width) || (!new_height) || (!new_pitch))
return false;
pixel_buf_t existing_pixels;
if (!m_pixel_buf.try_resize(new_height * new_pitch))
return false;
for (uint y = 0; y < new_height; y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < new_width; x++)
if ((x < m_width) && (y < m_height))
m_pixel_buf[x + y * new_pitch] = existing_pixels[x + y * m_pitch];
m_pixel_buf[x + y * new_pitch] = background;
m_width = new_width;
m_height = new_height;
m_pitch = new_pitch;
m_total = new_pitch * new_height;
m_pPixels = &m_pixel_buf.front();
return true;
inline uint get_width() const { return m_width; }
inline uint get_height() const { return m_height; }
inline uint get_total_pixels() const { return m_width * m_height; }
inline rect get_bounds() const { return rect(0, 0, m_width, m_height); }
inline uint get_pitch() const { return m_pitch; }
inline uint get_pitch_in_bytes() const { return m_pitch * sizeof(color_type); }
// Returns pitch * height, NOT width * height!
inline uint get_total() const { return m_total; }
inline uint get_block_width(uint block_size) const { return (m_width + block_size - 1) / block_size; }
inline uint get_block_height(uint block_size) const { return (m_height + block_size - 1) / block_size; }
inline uint get_total_blocks(uint block_size) const { return get_block_width(block_size) * get_block_height(block_size); }
inline uint get_size_in_bytes() const { return sizeof(color_type) * m_total; }
inline const color_type* get_pixels() const { return m_pPixels; }
inline color_type* get_pixels() { return m_pPixels; }
inline const color_type& operator() (uint x, uint y) const
CRNLIB_ASSERT((x < m_width) && (y < m_height));
return m_pPixels[x + y * m_pitch];
inline color_type& operator() (uint x, uint y)
CRNLIB_ASSERT((x < m_width) && (y < m_height));
return m_pPixels[x + y * m_pitch];
inline const color_type& get_unclamped(uint x, uint y) const
CRNLIB_ASSERT((x < m_width) && (y < m_height));
return m_pPixels[x + y * m_pitch];
inline const color_type& get_clamped(int x, int y) const
x = math::clamp<int>(x, 0, m_width - 1);
y = math::clamp<int>(y, 0, m_height - 1);
return m_pPixels[x + y * m_pitch];
// Sample image with bilinear filtering.
// (x,y) - Continuous coordinates, where pixel centers are at (.5,.5), valid image coords are [0,width] and [0,height].
void get_filtered(float x, float y, color_type& result) const
x -= .5f;
y -= .5f;
int ix = (int)floor(x);
int iy = (int)floor(y);
float wx = x - ix;
float wy = y - iy;
color_type a(get_clamped(ix, iy));
color_type b(get_clamped(ix + 1, iy));
color_type c(get_clamped(ix, iy + 1));
color_type d(get_clamped(ix + 1, iy + 1));
for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
double top = math::lerp<double>(a[i], b[i], wx);
double bot = math::lerp<double>(c[i], d[i], wx);
double m = math::lerp<double>(top, bot, wy);
if (!color_type::component_traits::cFloat)
m += .5f;
result.set_component(i, static_cast< typename color_type::parameter_t >(m));
void get_filtered(float x, float y, vec4F& result) const
x -= .5f;
y -= .5f;
int ix = (int)floor(x);
int iy = (int)floor(y);
float wx = x - ix;
float wy = y - iy;
color_type a(get_clamped(ix, iy));
color_type b(get_clamped(ix + 1, iy));
color_type c(get_clamped(ix, iy + 1));
color_type d(get_clamped(ix + 1, iy + 1));
for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float top = math::lerp<float>(a[i], b[i], wx);
float bot = math::lerp<float>(c[i], d[i], wx);
float m = math::lerp<float>(top, bot, wy);
result[i] = m;
inline void set_pixel_unclipped(uint x, uint y, const color_type& c)
CRNLIB_ASSERT((x < m_width) && (y < m_height));
m_pPixels[x + y * m_pitch] = c;
inline void set_pixel_clipped(int x, int y, const color_type& c)
if ((static_cast<uint>(x) >= m_width) || (static_cast<uint>(y) >= m_height))
m_pPixels[x + y * m_pitch] = c;
inline const color_type* get_scanline(uint y) const
CRNLIB_ASSERT(y < m_height);
return &m_pPixels[y * m_pitch];
inline color_type* get_scanline(uint y)
CRNLIB_ASSERT(y < m_height);
return &m_pPixels[y * m_pitch];
inline const color_type* get_ptr() const
return m_pPixels;
inline color_type* get_ptr()
return m_pPixels;
inline void swap(image& other)
utils::swap(m_width, other.m_width);
utils::swap(m_height, other.m_height);
utils::swap(m_pitch, other.m_pitch);
utils::swap(m_total, other.m_total);
utils::swap(m_comp_flags, other.m_comp_flags);
utils::swap(m_pPixels, other.m_pPixels);
void draw_line(int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye, const color_type& color)
if (xs > xe)
utils::swap(xs, xe);
utils::swap(ys, ye);
int dx = xe - xs, dy = ye - ys;
if (!dx)
if (ys > ye)
utils::swap(ys, ye);
for (int i = ys ; i <= ye ; i++)
set_pixel_clipped(xs, i, color);
else if (!dy)
for (int i = xs ; i < xe ; i++)
set_pixel_clipped(i, ys, color);
else if (dy > 0)
if (dy <= dx)
int e = 2 * dy - dx, e_no_inc = 2 * dy, e_inc = 2 * (dy - dx);
rasterize_line(xs, ys, xe, ye, 0, 1, e, e_inc, e_no_inc, color);
int e = 2 * dx - dy, e_no_inc = 2 * dx, e_inc = 2 * (dx - dy);
rasterize_line(xs, ys, xe, ye, 1, 1, e, e_inc, e_no_inc, color);
dy = -dy;
if (dy <= dx)
int e = 2 * dy - dx, e_no_inc = 2 * dy, e_inc = 2 * (dy - dx);
rasterize_line(xs, ys, xe, ye, 0, -1, e, e_inc, e_no_inc, color);
int e = 2 * dx - dy, e_no_inc = (2 * dx), e_inc = 2 * (dx - dy);
rasterize_line(xe, ye, xs, ys, 1, -1, e, e_inc, e_no_inc, color);
const pixel_buf_t& get_pixel_buf() const { return m_pixel_buf; }
pixel_buf_t& get_pixel_buf() { return m_pixel_buf; }
uint m_width;
uint m_height;
uint m_pitch;
uint m_total;
uint m_comp_flags;
color_type* m_pPixels;
pixel_buf_t m_pixel_buf;
void rasterize_line(int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye, int pred, int inc_dec, int e, int e_inc, int e_no_inc, const color_type& color)
int start, end, var;
if (pred)
start = ys; end = ye; var = xs;
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
set_pixel_clipped(var, i, color);
if (e < 0)
e += e_no_inc;
var += inc_dec;
e += e_inc;
start = xs; end = xe; var = ys;
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
set_pixel_clipped(i, var, color);
if (e < 0)
e += e_no_inc;
var += inc_dec;
e += e_inc;
typedef image<color_quad_u8> image_u8;
typedef image<color_quad_i16> image_i16;
typedef image<color_quad_u16> image_u16;
typedef image<color_quad_i32> image_i32;
typedef image<color_quad_u32> image_u32;
typedef image<color_quad_f> image_f;
template<typename color_type>
inline void swap(image<color_type>& a, image<color_type>& b)
} // namespace crnlib