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* Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project *
* Copyright 2018 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. *
* Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. *
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstring>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "xenia/base/assert.h"
#include "xenia/base/hash.h"
#include "xenia/base/mutex.h"
#include "xenia/gpu/d3d12/d3d12_shader.h"
#include "xenia/gpu/d3d12/d3d12_shared_memory.h"
#include "xenia/gpu/register_file.h"
#include "xenia/gpu/texture_info.h"
#include "xenia/gpu/texture_util.h"
#include "xenia/gpu/xenos.h"
#include "xenia/ui/d3d12/d3d12_api.h"
#include "xenia/ui/d3d12/d3d12_provider.h"
namespace xe {
namespace gpu {
namespace d3d12 {
class D3D12CommandProcessor;
// Manages host copies of guest textures, performing untiling, format and endian
// conversion of textures stored in the shared memory, and also handling
// invalidation.
// Mipmaps are treated the following way, according to the GPU hang message
// found in game executables explaining the valid usage of BaseAddress when
// streaming the largest LOD (it says games should not use 0 as the base address
// when the largest LOD isn't loaded, but rather, either allocate a valid
// address for it or make it the same as mip_address):
// - If the texture has a base address, but no mip address, it's not mipmapped -
// the host texture has only the largest level too.
// - If the texture has different non-zero base address and mip address, a host
// texture with mip_max_level+1 mipmaps is created - mip_min_level is ignored
// and treated purely as sampler state because there are tfetch instructions
// working directly with LOD values - including fetching with an explicit LOD.
// However, the max level is not ignored because any mip count can be
// specified when creating a texture, and another texture may be placed after
// the last one.
// - If the texture has a mip address, but the base address is 0 or the same as
// the mip address, a mipmapped texture is created, but min/max LOD is clamped
// to the lower bound of 1 - the game is expected to do that anyway until the
// largest LOD is loaded.
// TODO(Triang3l): Attach the largest LOD to existing textures with a valid
// mip_address but no base ever used yet (no base_address) to save memory
// because textures are streamed this way anyway.
class TextureCache {
struct TextureKey {
// Dimensions minus 1 are stored similarly to how they're stored in fetch
// constants so fewer bits can be used, while the maximum size (8192 for 2D)
// can still be encoded (a 8192x sky texture is used in 4D530910).
// Physical 4 KB page with the base mip level, disregarding A/C/E address
// range prefix.
uint32_t base_page : 17; // 17 total
xenos::DataDimension dimension : 2; // 19
uint32_t width_minus_1 : 13; // 32
uint32_t height_minus_1 : 13; // 45
uint32_t tiled : 1; // 46
uint32_t packed_mips : 1; // 47
// Physical 4 KB page with mip 1 and smaller.
uint32_t mip_page : 17; // 64
// (Layers for stacked and 3D, 6 for cube, 1 for other dimensions) - 1.
uint32_t depth_or_array_size_minus_1 : 10; // 74
uint32_t pitch : 9; // 83
uint32_t mip_max_level : 4; // 87
xenos::TextureFormat format : 6; // 93
xenos::Endian endianness : 2; // 95
// Whether this texture is signed and has a different host representation
// than an unsigned view of the same guest texture.
uint32_t signed_separate : 1; // 96
// Whether this texture is a resolution-scaled resolve target.
uint32_t scaled_resolve : 1; // 97
// Least important in ==, so placed last.
uint32_t is_valid : 1; // 98
TextureKey() { MakeInvalid(); }
TextureKey(const TextureKey& key) {
std::memcpy(this, &key, sizeof(*this));
TextureKey& operator=(const TextureKey& key) {
std::memcpy(this, &key, sizeof(*this));
return *this;
void MakeInvalid() {
// Zero everything, including the padding, for a stable hash.
std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
uint32_t GetWidth() const { return width_minus_1 + 1; }
uint32_t GetHeight() const { return height_minus_1 + 1; }
uint32_t GetDepthOrArraySize() const {
return depth_or_array_size_minus_1 + 1;
using Hasher = xe::hash::XXHasher<TextureKey>;
bool operator==(const TextureKey& key) const {
return !std::memcmp(this, &key, sizeof(*this));
bool operator!=(const TextureKey& key) const { return !(*this == key); }
// Keys that can be stored for checking validity whether descriptors for host
// shader bindings are up to date.
struct TextureSRVKey {
TextureKey key;
uint32_t host_swizzle;
uint8_t swizzled_signs;
// Sampler parameters that can be directly converted to a host sampler or used
// for binding checking validity whether samplers are up to date.
union SamplerParameters {
uint32_t value;
struct {
xenos::ClampMode clamp_x : 3; // 3
xenos::ClampMode clamp_y : 3; // 6
xenos::ClampMode clamp_z : 3; // 9
xenos::BorderColor border_color : 2; // 11
// For anisotropic, these are true.
uint32_t mag_linear : 1; // 12
uint32_t min_linear : 1; // 13
uint32_t mip_linear : 1; // 14
xenos::AnisoFilter aniso_filter : 3; // 17
uint32_t mip_min_level : 4; // 21
// Maximum mip level is in the texture resource itself.
SamplerParameters() : value(0) { static_assert_size(*this, sizeof(value)); }
bool operator==(const SamplerParameters& parameters) const {
return value == parameters.value;
bool operator!=(const SamplerParameters& parameters) const {
return value != parameters.value;
TextureCache(D3D12CommandProcessor& command_processor,
const RegisterFile& register_file,
D3D12SharedMemory& shared_memory, bool bindless_resources_used,
uint32_t draw_resolution_scale_x,
uint32_t draw_resolution_scale_y);
bool Initialize();
void Shutdown();
void ClearCache();
void TextureFetchConstantWritten(uint32_t index);
void BeginSubmission();
void BeginFrame();
void EndFrame();
// Must be called within a frame - creates and untiles textures needed by
// shaders and puts them in the SRV state. This may bind compute pipelines
// (notifying the command processor about that), so this must be called before
// binding the actual drawing pipeline.
void RequestTextures(uint32_t used_texture_mask);
// "ActiveTexture" means as of the latest RequestTextures call.
// Returns whether texture SRV keys stored externally are still valid for the
// current bindings and host shader binding layout. Both keys and
// host_shader_bindings must have host_shader_binding_count elements
// (otherwise they are incompatible - like if this function returned false).
bool AreActiveTextureSRVKeysUpToDate(
const TextureSRVKey* keys,
const D3D12Shader::TextureBinding* host_shader_bindings,
size_t host_shader_binding_count) const;
// Exports the current binding data to texture SRV keys so they can be stored
// for checking whether subsequent draw calls can keep using the same
// bindings. Write host_shader_binding_count keys.
void WriteActiveTextureSRVKeys(
TextureSRVKey* keys,
const D3D12Shader::TextureBinding* host_shader_bindings,
size_t host_shader_binding_count) const;
// Returns the post-swizzle signedness of a currently bound texture (must be
// called after RequestTextures).
uint8_t GetActiveTextureSwizzledSigns(uint32_t index) const {
return texture_bindings_[index].swizzled_signs;
bool IsActiveTextureResolved(uint32_t index) const {
const TextureBinding& binding = texture_bindings_[index];
if (binding.texture && binding.texture->IsResolved()) {
return true;
if (binding.texture_signed && binding.texture_signed->IsResolved()) {
return true;
return false;
void WriteActiveTextureBindfulSRV(
const D3D12Shader::TextureBinding& host_shader_binding,
uint32_t GetActiveTextureBindlessSRVIndex(
const D3D12Shader::TextureBinding& host_shader_binding);
SamplerParameters GetSamplerParameters(
const D3D12Shader::SamplerBinding& binding) const;
void WriteSampler(SamplerParameters parameters,
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE handle) const;
void MarkRangeAsResolved(uint32_t start_unscaled, uint32_t length_unscaled);
// In textures, resolution scaling is done for 8-byte portions of memory for
// 8bpp textures, and for 16-byte portions for textures of higher bit depths
// (these are the sizes of regions where contiguous texels in memory are also
// contiguous in the texture along the horizontal axis, so 64-bit and 128-bit
// loads / stores, for 8bpp and 16bpp+ respectively, can be used for untiling
// regardless of the resolution scale).
static void ClampDrawResolutionScaleToSupportedRange(
uint32_t& scale_x, uint32_t& scale_y,
const ui::d3d12::D3D12Provider& provider);
uint32_t GetDrawResolutionScaleX() const { return draw_resolution_scale_x_; }
uint32_t GetDrawResolutionScaleY() const { return draw_resolution_scale_y_; }
bool IsDrawResolutionScaled() const {
return draw_resolution_scale_x_ > 1 || draw_resolution_scale_y_ > 1;
// Ensures the tiles backing the range in the buffers are allocated.
bool EnsureScaledResolveMemoryCommitted(uint32_t start_unscaled,
uint32_t length_unscaled);
// Makes the specified range of up to 1-2 GB currently accessible on the GPU.
// One draw call can access only at most one range - the same memory is
// accessible through different buffers based on the range needed, so aliasing
// barriers are required.
bool MakeScaledResolveRangeCurrent(uint32_t start_unscaled,
uint32_t length_unscaled);
// These functions create a view of the range specified in the last successful
// MakeScaledResolveRangeCurrent call because that function must be called
// before this.
void CreateCurrentScaledResolveRangeUintPow2SRV(
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE handle, uint32_t element_size_bytes_pow2);
void CreateCurrentScaledResolveRangeUintPow2UAV(
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE handle, uint32_t element_size_bytes_pow2);
void TransitionCurrentScaledResolveRange(D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES new_state);
void MarkCurrentScaledResolveRangeUAVWritesCommitNeeded() {
// Returns the ID3D12Resource of the front buffer texture (in
// PIXEL_SHADER_RESOURCE state), or nullptr in case of failure, and writes the
// description of its SRV. May call LoadTextureData, so the same restrictions
// (such as about descriptor heap change possibility) apply.
ID3D12Resource* RequestSwapTexture(
xenos::TextureFormat& format_out);
// Hard limit, originating from the half-pixel offset (two-pixel offset is too
// much, the resolve shaders, being generic for different scales, only
// duplicate the second pixel into the first, not the third), and also due to
// the bit counts used for passing the scale to shaders.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxDrawResolutionScaleAlongAxis = 3;
enum class LoadMode {
kUnknown = kCount
struct LoadModeInfo {
// Rules of data access in load shaders:
// - Source reading (from the shared memory or the scaled resolve buffer):
// - Guest data may be stored in a sparsely-allocated buffer, or, in
// Direct3D 12 terms, a tiled buffer. This means that some regions of
// the buffer may not be mapped. On tiled resources tier 1 hardware,
// accesing unmapped tiles results in undefined behavior, including a
// GPU page fault and device removal. So, shaders must not try to access
// potentially unmapped regions (that are outside the texture memory
// extents calculated on the CPU, taking into account that Xenia can't
// overestimate texture sizes freely since it must not try to upload
// unallocated pages on the CPU).
// - Buffer tiles have 64 KB size on Direct3D 12. Vulkan has its own
// alignment requirements for sparse binding. But overall, we're
// allocating pretty large regions.
// - Resolution scaling disabled:
// - Shared memory allocates regions of power of two sizes that map
// directly to the same portions of the 512 MB of the console's
// physical memory. So, a 64 KB-aligned host buffer region is also 64
// KB-aligned in the guest address space.
// - Tiled textures: 32x32x4-block tiles are always resident each as a
// whole. If the width is bigger than the pitch, the overflowing
// 32x32x4 tiles are also loaded as entire tiles. We do not have
// separate shaders for 2D and 3D. So, for tiled textures, it's safe
// to consider that if any location within a 32x32-aligned portion is
// within the texture bounds, the entire 32x32 portion also can be
// read.
// - Linear textures: Pitch is aligned to 256 bytes. Row count, however,
// is not aligned to anything (unless the mip tail is being loaded).
// The overflowing last row in case `width > pitch`, however, is made
// resident up to the last texel in it. But row start alignment is
// 256, which is a power of two, and is smaller than the Direct3D 12
// tile size of 64 KB. So, if any block within a 256-aligned region is
// within the texture bounds, without resolution scaling, reading from
// any location in that 256-aligned region is safe.
// - Since we use the same shaders for tiled and linear textures (as
// well as 1D textures), this means that without resolution scaling,
// it's safe to access a min(256 bytes, 32 blocks)-aligned portion
// along X, but only within the same row of blocks, with bounds
// checking only for such portion as a whole, but without additional
// bounds checking inside of it.
// - Therefore, it's recommended that shaders read power-of-two amounts
// of blocks (so there will naturally be some alignment to some power
// of two), and this way, each thread may read at most 16 16bpb blocks
// or at most 32 8bpb or smaller blocks with in a single
// `if (x < width)` for the whole aligned range of the same length.
// - Resolution scaling enabled:
// - For simplicity, unlike in the shared memory, buffer tile boundaries
// are not aligned to powers of 2 the same way as guest addresses are.
// While for 2x2 resolution scaling it still happens to be the case
// because `host scaling unit address = guest scaling unit
// address << 2` (similarly for 2x1 and 1x2), for 3x or x3, it's not -
// a 64 KB host tile would represent 7281.777 guest bytes with 3x3
// (disregarding that sequences of texels that are adjacent in memory
// alongside the horizontal axis, not individual bytes, are scaled,
// but even in that case it's not scaling by 2^n still).
// - The above would affect the `width > pitch` case for linear
// textures, requiring overestimating the width in calculation of the
// range of the tiles to map, while not doing this overestimation on
// the guest memory extent calculation side (otherwise it may result
// in attempting to upload unallocated memory on the CPU). For
// example, let's take look at an extreme case of a 369x28 k_8 texture
// with pitch of 256 bytes. The last row, in guest memory, would be
// loaded from the [7168, 7281) range, or, with 3x3 resolution
// scaling, from bytes [64512, 65529). However, if we try to
// unconditionally load 2 pixels, like the texture is 370x28, we will
// be accessing the bytes [64512, 65538). But bytes 65536 and 65537
// will be in another 64 KB tile, which may be not mapped yet.
// However, none of this is an issue for one simple reason - resolving
// is only possible to tiled textures, so linear textures will never
// be resolution-scaled.
// - Tiled textures have potentially referenced guest 32x32-block tiles
// loaded in their entirety. So, just like for unscaled textures, if
// any block within a tile is available, the entire tile is as well.
// - Destination writing (to the linear buffer):
// - host_x_blocks_per_thread specifies how many pixels can be written
// without bounds checking within increments of that amount - the pitch
// of the destination buffer is manually overaligned if needed.
// Shader without resolution scaling.
const void* shader;
size_t shader_size;
// Shader with resolution scaling, if available. These shaders are separate
// so the majority of the textures are not affected by the code needed for
// resolution scale support, and also to check if the format allows
// resolution scaling.
const void* shader_scaled;
size_t shader_scaled_size;
// Log2 of the sizes, in bytes, of the source (guest) SRV and the
// destination (host) UAV accessed by the copying shader, since the shader
// may copy multiple blocks per one invocation.
uint32_t srv_bpe_log2;
uint32_t uav_bpe_log2;
// Number of host blocks (or texels for uncompressed) along X axis written
// by every compute shader thread - rows in the upload buffer are padded to
// at least this amount.
uint32_t host_x_blocks_per_thread;
struct HostFormat {
// Format info for the regular case.
// DXGI format (typeless when different signedness or number representation
// is used) for the texture resource.
DXGI_FORMAT dxgi_format_resource;
// DXGI format for unsigned normalized or unsigned/signed float SRV.
DXGI_FORMAT dxgi_format_unorm;
// The regular load mode, used when special modes (like signed-specific or
// decompressing) aren't needed.
LoadMode load_mode;
// DXGI format for signed normalized or unsigned/signed float SRV.
DXGI_FORMAT dxgi_format_snorm;
// If the signed version needs a different bit representation on the host,
// this is the load mode for the signed version. Otherwise the regular
// load_mode will be used for the signed version, and a single copy will be
// created if both unsigned and signed are used.
LoadMode load_mode_snorm;
// Do NOT add integer DXGI formats to this - they are not filterable, can
// only be read with Load, not Sample! If any game is seen using num_format
// 1 for fixed-point formats (for floating-point, it's normally set to 1
// though), add a constant buffer containing multipliers for the
// textures and multiplication to the tfetch implementation.
// Whether the DXGI format, if not uncompressing the texture, consists of
// blocks, thus copy regions must be aligned to block size.
bool dxgi_format_block_aligned;
// Uncompression info for when the regular host format for this texture is
// block-compressed, but the size is not block-aligned, and thus such
// texture cannot be created in Direct3D on PC and needs decompression,
// however, such textures are common, for instance, in 4D5307E6. This only
// supports unsigned normalized formats - let's hope GPUSIGN_SIGNED was not
// used for DXN and DXT5A.
DXGI_FORMAT dxgi_format_uncompressed;
LoadMode decompress_mode;
// Mapping of Xenos swizzle components to DXGI format components.
uint8_t swizzle[4];
struct Texture {
TextureKey key;
ID3D12Resource* resource;
uint64_t resource_size;
// Whether the most up-to-date base / mips contain pages with data from a
// resolve operation (rather than from the CPU or memexport), primarily for
// choosing between piecewise linear gamma and sRGB when the former is
// emulated with the latter.
bool base_resolved;
bool mips_resolved;
uint64_t last_usage_frame;
uint64_t last_usage_time;
Texture* used_previous;
Texture* used_next;
texture_util::TextureGuestLayout guest_layout;
// For bindful - indices in the non-shader-visible descriptor cache for
// copying to the shader-visible heap (much faster than recreating, which,
// according to profiling, was often a bottleneck in many games).
// For bindless - indices in the global shader-visible descriptor heap.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> srv_descriptors;
// These are to be accessed within the global critical region to synchronize
// with shared memory.
// Watch handles for the memory ranges.
SharedMemory::WatchHandle base_watch_handle;
SharedMemory::WatchHandle mip_watch_handle;
// Whether the recent base level data has been loaded from the memory.
bool base_in_sync;
// Whether the recent mip data has been loaded from the memory.
bool mips_in_sync;
bool IsResolved() const { return base_resolved || mips_resolved; }
uint32_t GetGuestBaseSize() const {
return guest_layout.base.level_data_extent_bytes;
uint32_t GetGuestMipsSize() const {
return guest_layout.mips_total_extent_bytes;
struct SRVDescriptorCachePage {
static constexpr uint32_t kHeapSize = 65536;
ID3D12DescriptorHeap* heap;
struct LoadConstants {
// vec4 0.
uint32_t is_tiled_3d_endian_scale;
// Base offset in bytes, resolution-scaled.
uint32_t guest_offset;
// For tiled textures - row pitch in blocks, aligned to 32, unscaled.
// For linear textures - row pitch in bytes.
uint32_t guest_pitch_aligned;
// For 3D textures only (ignored otherwise) - aligned to 32, unscaled.
uint32_t guest_z_stride_block_rows_aligned;
// vec4 1.
// If this is a packed mip tail, this is aligned to tile dimensions.
// Resolution-scaled.
uint32_t size_blocks[3];
// Base offset in bytes.
uint32_t host_offset;
// vec4 2.
uint32_t host_pitch;
uint32_t height_texels;
struct TextureBinding {
TextureKey key;
// Destination swizzle merged with guest->host format swizzle.
uint32_t host_swizzle;
// Packed TextureSign values, 2 bit per each component, with guest-side
// destination swizzle from the fetch constant applied to them.
uint8_t swizzled_signs;
// Unsigned version of the texture (or signed if they have the same data).
Texture* texture;
// Signed version of the texture if the data in the signed version is
// different on the host.
Texture* texture_signed;
// Descriptor indices of texture and texture_signed returned from
// FindOrCreateTextureDescriptor.
uint32_t descriptor_index;
uint32_t descriptor_index_signed;
void Clear() {
std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
descriptor_index = descriptor_index_signed = UINT32_MAX;
static uint32_t GetMaxHostTextureWidthHeight(xenos::DataDimension dimension) {
switch (dimension) {
case xenos::DataDimension::k1D:
case xenos::DataDimension::k2DOrStacked:
// 1D and 2D are emulated as 2D arrays.
case xenos::DataDimension::k3D:
case xenos::DataDimension::kCube:
return 0;
static uint32_t GetMaxHostTextureDepthOrArraySize(
xenos::DataDimension dimension) {
switch (dimension) {
case xenos::DataDimension::k1D:
case xenos::DataDimension::k2DOrStacked:
// 1D and 2D are emulated as 2D arrays.
case xenos::DataDimension::k3D:
case xenos::DataDimension::kCube:
return 0;
class ScaledResolveVirtualBuffer {
ScaledResolveVirtualBuffer(ID3D12Resource* resource,
D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES resource_state)
: resource_(resource), resource_state_(resource_state) {}
ID3D12Resource* resource() const { return resource_.Get(); }
D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES SetResourceState(D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES new_state) {
D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES old_state = resource_state_;
uav_barrier_pending_ = false;
resource_state_ = new_state;
return old_state;
// After writing through a UAV.
void SetUAVBarrierPending() {
if (resource_state_ == D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_UNORDERED_ACCESS) {
uav_barrier_pending_ = true;
// After an aliasing barrier (which is even stronger than an UAV barrier).
void ClearUAVBarrierPending() { uav_barrier_pending_ = false; }
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> resource_;
D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES resource_state_;
bool uav_barrier_pending_ = false;
// Whether the signed version of the texture has a different representation on
// the host than its unsigned version (for example, if it's a fixed-point
// texture emulated with a larger host pixel format).
static bool IsSignedVersionSeparate(xenos::TextureFormat format) {
const HostFormat& host_format = host_formats_[uint32_t(format)];
return host_format.load_mode_snorm != LoadMode::kUnknown &&
host_format.load_mode_snorm != host_format.load_mode;
// Whether decompression is needed on the host (Direct3D only allows creation
// of block-compressed textures with 4x4-aligned dimensions on PC).
static bool IsDecompressionNeeded(xenos::TextureFormat format, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height);
static DXGI_FORMAT GetDXGIResourceFormat(xenos::TextureFormat format,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
const HostFormat& host_format = host_formats_[uint32_t(format)];
return IsDecompressionNeeded(format, width, height)
? host_format.dxgi_format_uncompressed
: host_format.dxgi_format_resource;
static DXGI_FORMAT GetDXGIResourceFormat(TextureKey key) {
return GetDXGIResourceFormat(key.format, key.GetWidth(), key.GetHeight());
static DXGI_FORMAT GetDXGIUnormFormat(xenos::TextureFormat format,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
const HostFormat& host_format = host_formats_[uint32_t(format)];
return IsDecompressionNeeded(format, width, height)
? host_format.dxgi_format_uncompressed
: host_format.dxgi_format_unorm;
static DXGI_FORMAT GetDXGIUnormFormat(TextureKey key) {
return GetDXGIUnormFormat(key.format, key.GetWidth(), key.GetHeight());
static LoadMode GetLoadMode(TextureKey key);
// Converts a texture fetch constant to a texture key, normalizing and
// validating the values, or creating an invalid key, and also gets the
// host swizzle and post-guest-swizzle signedness.
static void BindingInfoFromFetchConstant(
const xenos::xe_gpu_texture_fetch_t& fetch, TextureKey& key_out,
uint32_t* host_swizzle_out, uint8_t* swizzled_signs_out);
static constexpr bool AreDimensionsCompatible(
xenos::FetchOpDimension binding_dimension,
xenos::DataDimension resource_dimension) {
switch (binding_dimension) {
case xenos::FetchOpDimension::k1D:
case xenos::FetchOpDimension::k2D:
return resource_dimension == xenos::DataDimension::k1D ||
resource_dimension == xenos::DataDimension::k2DOrStacked;
case xenos::FetchOpDimension::k3DOrStacked:
return resource_dimension == xenos::DataDimension::k3D;
case xenos::FetchOpDimension::kCube:
return resource_dimension == xenos::DataDimension::kCube;
return false;
static void LogTextureKeyAction(TextureKey key, const char* action);
static void LogTextureAction(const Texture* texture, const char* action);
// Returns nullptr if the key is not supported, but also if couldn't create
// the texture - if it's nullptr, occasionally a recreation attempt should be
// made.
Texture* FindOrCreateTexture(TextureKey key);
// Writes data from the shared memory to the texture. This binds pipelines,
// allocates descriptors and copies!
bool LoadTextureData(Texture* texture);
// Returns the index of an existing of a newly created non-shader-visible
// cached (for bindful) or a shader-visible global (for bindless) descriptor,
// or UINT32_MAX if failed to create.
uint32_t FindOrCreateTextureDescriptor(Texture& texture, bool is_signed,
uint32_t host_swizzle);
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE GetTextureDescriptorCPUHandle(
uint32_t descriptor_index) const;
// For LRU caching - updates the last usage frame and moves the texture to
// the end of the usage queue. Must be called any time the texture is
// referenced by any command list to make sure it's not destroyed while still
// in use.
void MarkTextureUsed(Texture* texture);
// Shared memory callback for texture data invalidation.
static void WatchCallbackThunk(void* context, void* data, uint64_t argument,
bool invalidated_by_gpu);
void WatchCallback(Texture* texture, bool is_mip);
// Makes all bindings invalid. Also requesting textures after calling this
// will cause another attempt to create a texture or to untile it if there was
// an error.
void ClearBindings();
size_t GetScaledResolveBufferCount() const {
// Make sure any range up to 1 GB is accessible through 1 or 2 buffers.
// 2x2 scale buffers - just one 2 GB buffer for all 2 GB.
// 3x3 scale buffers - 4 buffers:
// +0.0 +0.5 +1.0 +1.5 +2.0 +2.5 +3.0 +3.5 +4.0 +4.5
// |___________________|___________________|
// |___________________|______________|
// Buffer N has an offset of N * 1 GB in the scaled resolve address space.
// The logic is:
// - 2 GB can be accessed through a [0 GB ... 2 GB) buffer - only need one.
// - 2.1 GB needs [0 GB ... 2 GB) and [1 GB ... 2.1 GB) - two buffers.
// - 3 GB needs [0 GB ... 2 GB) and [1 GB ... 3 GB) - two buffers.
// - 3.1 GB needs [0 GB ... 2 GB), [1 GB ... 3 GB) and [2 GB ... 3.1 GB) -
// three buffers.
uint64_t address_space_size =
uint64_t(SharedMemory::kBufferSize) *
(draw_resolution_scale_x_ * draw_resolution_scale_y_);
return size_t((address_space_size - 1) >> 30);
// Returns indices of two scaled resolve virtual buffers that the location in
// memory may be accessible through. May be the same if it's a location near
// the beginning or the end of the address represented only by one buffer.
std::array<size_t, 2> GetPossibleScaledResolveBufferIndices(
uint64_t address_scaled) const {
size_t address_gb = size_t(address_scaled >> 30);
size_t max_index = GetScaledResolveBufferCount() - 1;
// In different cases for 3x3:
// +0.0 +0.5 +1.0 +1.5 +2.0 +2.5 +3.0 +3.5 +4.0 +4.5
// |12________2________|1_________2________|
// |1_________2________|1_________12__|
return std::array<size_t, 2>{
std::min(address_gb, max_index),
std::min(std::max(address_gb, size_t(1)) - size_t(1), max_index)};
// Checks if there are any pages that contain scaled resolve data within the
// range.
bool IsRangeScaledResolved(uint32_t start_unscaled, uint32_t length_unscaled);
// Global shared memory invalidation callback for invalidating scaled resolved
// texture data.
static void ScaledResolveGlobalWatchCallbackThunk(void* context,
uint32_t address_first,
uint32_t address_last,
bool invalidated_by_gpu);
void ScaledResolveGlobalWatchCallback(uint32_t address_first,
uint32_t address_last,
bool invalidated_by_gpu);
// The index is also the gigabyte offset of the buffer from the start of the
// scaled physical memory address space.
size_t GetCurrentScaledResolveBufferIndex() const {
return scaled_resolve_1gb_buffer_indices_
[scaled_resolve_current_range_start_scaled_ >> 30];
ScaledResolveVirtualBuffer& GetCurrentScaledResolveBuffer() {
ScaledResolveVirtualBuffer* scaled_resolve_buffer =
return *scaled_resolve_buffer;
static const HostFormat host_formats_[64];
static const char* const dimension_names_[4];
D3D12CommandProcessor& command_processor_;
const RegisterFile& register_file_;
D3D12SharedMemory& shared_memory_;
bool bindless_resources_used_;
static const LoadModeInfo load_mode_info_[];
ID3D12RootSignature* load_root_signature_ = nullptr;
ID3D12PipelineState* load_pipelines_[size_t(LoadMode::kCount)] = {};
// Load pipelines for resolution-scaled resolve targets.
ID3D12PipelineState* load_pipelines_scaled_[size_t(LoadMode::kCount)] = {};
std::unordered_map<TextureKey, Texture*, TextureKey::Hasher> textures_;
uint64_t textures_total_size_ = 0;
Texture* texture_used_first_ = nullptr;
Texture* texture_used_last_ = nullptr;
uint64_t texture_current_usage_time_;
std::vector<SRVDescriptorCachePage> srv_descriptor_cache_;
uint32_t srv_descriptor_cache_allocated_;
// Indices of cached descriptors used by deleted textures, for reuse.
std::vector<uint32_t> srv_descriptor_cache_free_;
enum class NullSRVDescriptorIndex {
// Contains null SRV descriptors of dimensions from NullSRVDescriptorIndex.
// For copying, not shader-visible.
ID3D12DescriptorHeap* null_srv_descriptor_heap_ = nullptr;
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE null_srv_descriptor_heap_start_;
TextureBinding texture_bindings_[32] = {};
// Bit vector with bits reset on fetch constant writes to avoid parsing fetch
// constants again and again.
uint32_t texture_bindings_in_sync_ = 0;
// Whether a texture has been invalidated (a watch has been triggered), so
// need to try to reload textures, disregarding whether fetch constants have
// been changed.
std::atomic<bool> texture_invalidated_ = false;
// Unsupported texture formats used during this frame (for research and
// testing).
enum : uint8_t {
kUnsupportedResourceBit = 1,
kUnsupportedUnormBit = kUnsupportedResourceBit << 1,
kUnsupportedSnormBit = kUnsupportedUnormBit << 1,
uint8_t unsupported_format_features_used_[64];
uint32_t draw_resolution_scale_x_ = 1;
uint32_t draw_resolution_scale_y_ = 1;
// The tiled buffer for resolved data with resolution scaling.
// Because on Direct3D 12 (at least on Windows 10 2004) typed SRV or UAV
// creation fails for offsets above 4 GB, a single tiled 4.5 GB buffer can't
// be used for 3x3 resolution scaling.
// Instead, "sliding window" buffers allowing to access a single range of up
// to 1 GB (or up to 2 GB, depending on the low bits) at any moment are used.
// Parts of 4.5 GB address space can be accessed through 2 GB buffers as:
// +0.0 +0.5 +1.0 +1.5 +2.0 +2.5 +3.0 +3.5 +4.0 +4.5
// |___________________|___________________| or
// |___________________|______________|
// (2 GB is also the amount of scaled physical memory with 2x resolution
// scale, and older Intel GPUs, while support tiled resources, only support 31
// virtual address bits per resource).
// Index is first gigabyte. Only including buffers containing over 1 GB
// (because otherwise the data will be fully contained in another).
// Size is calculated the same as in GetScaledResolveBufferCount.
scaled_resolve_2gb_buffers_[(uint64_t(SharedMemory::kBufferSize) *
(kMaxDrawResolutionScaleAlongAxis *
kMaxDrawResolutionScaleAlongAxis) -
1) >>
30] = {};
// Not very big heaps (16 MB) because they are needed pretty sparsely. One
// 2x-scaled 1280x720x32bpp texture is slighly bigger than 14 MB.
static constexpr uint32_t kScaledResolveHeapSizeLog2 = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t kScaledResolveHeapSize =
uint32_t(1) << kScaledResolveHeapSizeLog2;
(kScaledResolveHeapSize % D3D12_TILED_RESOURCE_TILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES) == 0,
"Scaled resolve heap size must be a multiple of Direct3D tile size");
kScaledResolveHeapSizeLog2 <= SharedMemory::kBufferSizeLog2,
"Scaled resolve heaps are assumed to be wholly mappable irrespective of "
"resolution scale, never truncated, for example, if the scaled resolve "
"address space is 4.5 GB, but the heap size is 1 GB");
kScaledResolveHeapSizeLog2 <= 30,
"Scaled resolve heaps are assumed to only be wholly mappable to up to "
"two 2 GB buffers");
// Resident portions of the tiled buffer.
std::vector<ID3D12Heap*> scaled_resolve_heaps_;
// Number of currently resident portions of the tiled buffer, for profiling.
uint32_t scaled_resolve_heap_count_ = 0;
// Global watch for scaled resolve data invalidation.
SharedMemory::GlobalWatchHandle scaled_resolve_global_watch_handle_ = nullptr;
// Current scaled resolve state.
// For aliasing barrier placement, last owning buffer index for each of 1 GB.
scaled_resolve_1gb_buffer_indices_[(uint64_t(SharedMemory::kBufferSize) *
kMaxDrawResolutionScaleAlongAxis *
kMaxDrawResolutionScaleAlongAxis +
((uint32_t(1) << 30) - 1)) >>
// Range used in the last successful MakeScaledResolveRangeCurrent call.
uint64_t scaled_resolve_current_range_start_scaled_;
uint64_t scaled_resolve_current_range_length_scaled_;
xe::global_critical_region global_critical_region_;
// Bit vector storing whether each 4 KB physical memory page contains scaled
// resolve data. uint32_t rather than uint64_t because parts of it can be sent
// to shaders.
uint32_t* scaled_resolve_pages_ = nullptr;
// Second level of the bit vector for faster rejection of non-scaled textures.
// >> 12 for 4 KB pages, >> 5 for uint32_t level 1 bits, >> 6 for uint64_t
// level 2 bits.
uint64_t scaled_resolve_pages_l2_[SharedMemory::kBufferSize >> (12 + 5 + 6)];
} // namespace d3d12
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace xe