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* Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project *
* Copyright 2021 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. *
* Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. *
#include <cstdint>
namespace xe {
namespace ui {
// Windows and Xbox 360 / XInput virtual key enumeration.
// This is what platform-specific keys should be translated to, for both HID
// keystroke emulation and Xenia-internal UI events. On Windows, the translation
// is a simple cast.
// This is uint16_t as it's WPARAM (which was 16-bit back in Win16 days, where
// virtual key codes were added), and XINPUT_KEYSTROKE stores the virtual key as
// a WORD. In some cases (see kPacket), bits above 16 may be used as well, but
// VK_ on Windows are defined up to 0xFF (0xFE not counting the reserved 0xFF)
// as of Windows SDK 10.0.19041.0, and XInput virtual key codes are 16-bit.
// Base virtual key codes as of _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 (Windows 2000, which the
// Xbox 360's kernel is based on), virtual key codes added later are marked
// explicitly as such.
enum class VirtualKey : uint16_t {
// Not a valid key - MapVirtualKey returns zero when there is no translation.
kLButton = 0x01,
kRButton = 0x02,
kCancel = 0x03, // Control-break.
kMButton = 0x04, // Not contiguous with kLButton and kRButton.
kXButton1 = 0x05, // Not contiguous with kLButton and kRButton.
kXButton2 = 0x06, // Not contiguous with kLButton and kRButton.
kBack = 0x08, // Backspace.
kTab = 0x09,
kClear = 0x0C,
kReturn = 0x0D, // Enter.
kShift = 0x10,
kControl = 0x11, // Ctrl.
kMenu = 0x12, // Alt.
kPause = 0x13,
kCapital = 0x14, // Caps Lock.
kKana = 0x15,
kHangeul = 0x15, // Old name.
kHangul = 0x15,
kImeOn = 0x16,
kJunja = 0x17,
kFinal = 0x18,
kHanja = 0x19,
kKanji = 0x19,
kImeOff = 0x1A,
kEscape = 0x1B,
kConvert = 0x1C,
kNonConvert = 0x1D,
kAccept = 0x1E,
kModeChange = 0x1F,
kSpace = 0x20,
kPrior = 0x21, // Page Up.
kNext = 0x22, // Page Down.
kEnd = 0x23,
kHome = 0x24,
kLeft = 0x25,
kUp = 0x26,
kRight = 0x27,
kDown = 0x28,
kSelect = 0x29,
kPrint = 0x2A,
kExecute = 0x2B,
kSnapshot = 0x2C,
kInsert = 0x2D,
kDelete = 0x2E,
kHelp = 0x2F,
// Same as ASCII '0' - '9'.
k0 = 0x30,
k1 = 0x31,
k2 = 0x32,
k3 = 0x33,
k4 = 0x34,
k5 = 0x35,
k6 = 0x36,
k7 = 0x37,
k8 = 0x38,
k9 = 0x39,
// Same as ASCII 'A' - 'Z'.
kA = 0x41,
kB = 0x42,
kC = 0x43,
kD = 0x44,
kE = 0x45,
kF = 0x46,
kG = 0x47,
kH = 0x48,
kI = 0x49,
kJ = 0x4A,
kK = 0x4B,
kL = 0x4C,
kM = 0x4D,
kN = 0x4E,
kO = 0x4F,
kP = 0x50,
kQ = 0x51,
kR = 0x52,
kS = 0x53,
kT = 0x54,
kU = 0x55,
kV = 0x56,
kW = 0x57,
kX = 0x58,
kY = 0x59,
kZ = 0x5A,
kLWin = 0x5B,
kRWin = 0x5C,
kApps = 0x5D,
kSleep = 0x5F,
kNumpad0 = 0x60,
kNumpad1 = 0x61,
kNumpad2 = 0x62,
kNumpad3 = 0x63,
kNumpad4 = 0x64,
kNumpad5 = 0x65,
kNumpad6 = 0x66,
kNumpad7 = 0x67,
kNumpad8 = 0x68,
kNumpad9 = 0x69,
kMultiply = 0x6A,
kAdd = 0x6B,
kSeparator = 0x6C,
kSubtract = 0x6D,
kDecimal = 0x6E,
kDivide = 0x6F,
kF1 = 0x70,
kF2 = 0x71,
kF3 = 0x72,
kF4 = 0x73,
kF5 = 0x74,
kF6 = 0x75,
kF7 = 0x76,
kF8 = 0x77,
kF9 = 0x78,
kF10 = 0x79,
kF11 = 0x7A,
kF12 = 0x7B,
kF13 = 0x7C,
kF14 = 0x7D,
kF15 = 0x7E,
kF16 = 0x7F,
kF17 = 0x80,
kF18 = 0x81,
kF19 = 0x82,
kF20 = 0x83,
kF21 = 0x84,
kF22 = 0x85,
kF23 = 0x86,
kF24 = 0x87,
// VK_NAVIGATION_* added in _WIN32_WINNT 0x0604, but marked as reserved in
// WinUser.h and not documented on MSDN.
kNavigationView = 0x88,
kNavigationMenu = 0x89,
kNavigationUp = 0x8A,
kNavigationDown = 0x8B,
kNavigationLeft = 0x8C,
kNavigationRight = 0x8D,
kNavigationAccept = 0x8E,
kNavigationCancel = 0x8F,
kNumLock = 0x90,
kScroll = 0x91,
// NEC PC-9800 keyboard.
kOemNecEqual = 0x92, // '=' key on the numpad.
// Fujitsu/OASYS keyboard.
kOemFjJisho = 0x92, // 'Dictionary' key.
kOemFjMasshou = 0x93, // 'Unregister word' key.
kOemFjTouroku = 0x94, // 'Register word' key.
kOemFjLOya = 0x95, // 'Left OYAYUBI' key.
kOemFjROya = 0x96, // 'Right OYAYUBI' key.
// Left and right Alt, Ctrl and Shift virtual keys.
// On Windows (from WinUser.h):
// "Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState().
// No other API or message will distinguish left and right keys in this way."
kLShift = 0xA0,
kRShift = 0xA1,
kLControl = 0xA2,
kRControl = 0xA3,
kLMenu = 0xA4,
kRMenu = 0xA5,
kBrowserBack = 0xA6,
kBrowserForward = 0xA7,
kBrowserRefresh = 0xA8,
kBrowserStop = 0xA9,
kBrowserSearch = 0xAA,
kBrowserFavorites = 0xAB,
kBrowserHome = 0xAC,
kVolumeMute = 0xAD,
kVolumeDown = 0xAE,
kVolumeUp = 0xAF,
kMediaNextTrack = 0xB0,
kMediaPrevTrack = 0xB1,
kMediaStop = 0xB2,
kMediaPlayPause = 0xB3,
kLaunchMail = 0xB4,
kLaunchMediaSelect = 0xB5,
kLaunchApp1 = 0xB6,
kLaunchApp2 = 0xB7,
kOem1 = 0xBA, // ';:' for the US.
kOemPlus = 0xBB, // '+' for any country.
kOemComma = 0xBC, // ',' for any country.
kOemMinus = 0xBD, // '-' for any country.
kOemPeriod = 0xBE, // '.' for any country.
kOem2 = 0xBF, // '/?' for the US.
kOem3 = 0xC0, // '`~' for the US.
// VK_GAMEPAD_* (since _WIN32_WINNT 0x0604) virtual key codes are marked as
// reserved in WinUser.h and are mostly not documented on MSDN (with the
// exception of the Xbox Device Portal Remote Input REST API in the "UWP on
// Xbox One" section).
// Xenia uses VK_PAD_* (kXInputPad*) for HID emulation internally instead
// because XInput is the API used for the Xbox 360 controller.
// To avoid confusion between VK_GAMEPAD_* and VK_PAD_*, here they are
// prefixed with kXboxOne and kXInput respectively.
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.system.virtualkey
kXboxOneGamepadA = 0xC3,
kXboxOneGamepadB = 0xC4,
kXboxOneGamepadX = 0xC5,
kXboxOneGamepadY = 0xC6,
kXboxOneGamepadRightShoulder = 0xC7,
kXboxOneGamepadLeftShoulder = 0xC8,
kXboxOneGamepadLeftTrigger = 0xC9,
kXboxOneGamepadRightTrigger = 0xCA,
kXboxOneGamepadDpadUp = 0xCB,
kXboxOneGamepadDpadDown = 0xCC,
kXboxOneGamepadDpadLeft = 0xCD,
kXboxOneGamepadDpadRight = 0xCE,
kXboxOneGamepadMenu = 0xCF,
kXboxOneGamepadView = 0xD0,
kXboxOneGamepadLeftThumbstickButton = 0xD1,
kXboxOneGamepadRightThumbstickButton = 0xD2,
kXboxOneGamepadLeftThumbstickUp = 0xD3,
kXboxOneGamepadLeftThumbstickDown = 0xD4,
kXboxOneGamepadLeftThumbstickRight = 0xD5,
kXboxOneGamepadLeftThumbstickLeft = 0xD6,
kXboxOneGamepadRightThumbstickUp = 0xD7,
kXboxOneGamepadRightThumbstickDown = 0xD8,
kXboxOneGamepadRightThumbstickRight = 0xD9,
kXboxOneGamepadRightThumbstickLeft = 0xDA,
kOem4 = 0xDB, // '[{' for the US.
kOem5 = 0xDC, // '\|' for the US.
kOem6 = 0xDD, // ']}' for the US.
kOem7 = 0xDE, // ''"' for the US.
kOem8 = 0xDF,
kOemAx = 0xE1, // 'AX' key on the Japanese AX keyboard.
kOem102 = 0xE2, // "<>" or "\|" on the RT 102-key keyboard.
kIcoHelp = 0xE3, // Help key on the Olivetti keyboard (ICO).
kIco00 = 0xE4, // 00 key on the ICO.
kProcessKey = 0xE5,
kIcoClear = 0xE6,
// From MSDN:
// "Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The VK_PACKET
// key is the low word of a 32-bit Virtual Key value used for non-keyboard
// input methods."
kPacket = 0xE7,
// Nokia/Ericsson.
kOemReset = 0xE9,
kOemJump = 0xEA,
kOemPa1 = 0xEB,
kOemPa2 = 0xEC,
kOemPa3 = 0xED,
kOemWsCtrl = 0xEE,
kOemCuSel = 0xEF,
kOemAttn = 0xF0,
kOemFinish = 0xF1,
kOemCopy = 0xF2,
kOemAuto = 0xF3,
kOemEnlW = 0xF4,
kOemBackTab = 0xF5,
kAttn = 0xF6,
kCrSel = 0xF7,
kExSel = 0xF8,
kErEof = 0xF9,
kPlay = 0xFA,
kZoom = 0xFB,
kNoName = 0xFC,
kPa1 = 0xFD,
kOemClear = 0xFE,
// VK_PAD_* from XInput.h for XInputGetKeystroke. kXInput prefix added to
// distinguish from VK_GAMEPAD_*, added much later for the Xbox One
// controller.
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/xinput/ns-xinput-xinput_keystroke
kXInputPadA = 0x5800,
kXInputPadB = 0x5801,
kXInputPadX = 0x5802,
kXInputPadY = 0x5803,
// RShoulder before LShoulder, not a typo.
kXInputPadRShoulder = 0x5804,
kXInputPadLShoulder = 0x5805,
kXInputPadLTrigger = 0x5806,
kXInputPadRTrigger = 0x5807,
kXInputPadDpadUp = 0x5810,
kXInputPadDpadDown = 0x5811,
kXInputPadDpadLeft = 0x5812,
kXInputPadDpadRight = 0x5813,
kXInputPadStart = 0x5814,
kXInputPadBack = 0x5815,
kXInputPadLThumbPress = 0x5816,
kXInputPadRThumbPress = 0x5817,
kXInputPadLThumbUp = 0x5820,
kXInputPadLThumbDown = 0x5821,
kXInputPadLThumbRight = 0x5822,
kXInputPadLThumbLeft = 0x5823,
kXInputPadLThumbUpLeft = 0x5824,
kXInputPadLThumbUpRight = 0x5825,
kXInputPadLThumbDownRight = 0x5826,
kXInputPadLThumbDownLeft = 0x5827,
kXInputPadRThumbUp = 0x5830,
kXInputPadRThumbDown = 0x5831,
kXInputPadRThumbRight = 0x5832,
kXInputPadRThumbLeft = 0x5833,
kXInputPadRThumbUpLeft = 0x5834,
kXInputPadRThumbUpRight = 0x5835,
kXInputPadRThumbDownRight = 0x5836,
kXInputPadRThumbDownLeft = 0x5837,
// Undocumented therefore kNone however using 0x5838 for now.
kXInputPadGuide = 0x5838,
} // namespace ui
} // namespace xe