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* Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project *
* Copyright 2013 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. *
* Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. *
#include <xenia/core.h>
#include <xenia/kernel/xex2_info.h>
typedef struct {
int reserved;
} xe_xex2_options_t;
struct xe_xex2;
typedef struct xe_xex2* xe_xex2_ref;
typedef struct {
uint32_t ordinal;
uint32_t value_address; // address to place value
uint32_t thunk_address; // NULL or address of thunk
} xe_xex2_import_info_t;
enum xe_pe_section_flags_e {
kXEPESectionContainsCode = 0x00000020,
kXEPESectionContainsDataInit = 0x00000040,
kXEPESectionContainsDataUninit = 0x00000080,
kXEPESectionMemoryExecute = 0x20000000,
kXEPESectionMemoryRead = 0x40000000,
kXEPESectionMemoryWrite = 0x80000000,
class PESection {
char name[9]; // 8 + 1 for \0
uint32_t raw_address;
size_t raw_size;
uint32_t address;
size_t size;
uint32_t flags; // kXEPESection*
xe_xex2_ref xe_xex2_load(xe_memory_ref memory,
const void* addr, const size_t length,
xe_xex2_options_t options);
xe_xex2_ref xe_xex2_retain(xe_xex2_ref xex);
void xe_xex2_release(xe_xex2_ref xex);
const xechar_t *xe_xex2_get_name(xe_xex2_ref xex);
const xe_xex2_header_t *xe_xex2_get_header(xe_xex2_ref xex);
const PESection* xe_xex2_get_pe_section(xe_xex2_ref xex, const char* name);
int xe_xex2_get_import_infos(xe_xex2_ref xex,
const xe_xex2_import_library_t *library,
xe_xex2_import_info_t **out_import_infos,
size_t *out_import_info_count);
#endif // XENIA_KERNEL_XEX2_H_