// File: crn_hash_map.h // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h // // Notes: // stl-like hash map/hash set, with predictable performance across platforms/compilers/C run times/etc. // Hash function ref: http://www.brpreiss.com/books/opus4/html/page215.html // Compared for performance against VC9's std::hash_map. // Linear probing, auto resizes on ~50% load factor. // Uses Knuth's multiplicative method (Fibonacci hashing). #pragma once #include "crn_sparse_array.h" #include "crn_sparse_bit_array.h" #include "crn_hash.h" namespace crnlib { template <typename T> struct hasher { inline size_t operator() (const T& key) const { return static_cast<size_t>(key); } }; template <typename T> struct bit_hasher { inline size_t operator() (const T& key) const { return static_cast<size_t>(fast_hash(&key, sizeof(key))); } }; template <typename T> struct equal_to { inline bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const { return a == b; } }; // Important: The Hasher and Equals objects must be bitwise movable! template<typename Key, typename Value = empty_type, typename Hasher = hasher<Key>, typename Equals = equal_to<Key> > class hash_map { friend class iterator; friend class const_iterator; enum state { cStateInvalid = 0, cStateValid = 1 }; enum { cMinHashSize = 4U }; public: typedef hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals> hash_map_type; typedef std::pair<Key, Value> value_type; typedef Key key_type; typedef Value referent_type; typedef Hasher hasher_type; typedef Equals equals_type; hash_map() : m_hash_shift(32), m_num_valid(0), m_grow_threshold(0) { } hash_map(const hash_map& other) : m_values(other.m_values), m_hash_shift(other.m_hash_shift), m_hasher(other.m_hasher), m_equals(other.m_equals), m_num_valid(other.m_num_valid), m_grow_threshold(other.m_grow_threshold) { } hash_map& operator= (const hash_map& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; clear(); m_values = other.m_values; m_hash_shift = other.m_hash_shift; m_num_valid = other.m_num_valid; m_grow_threshold = other.m_grow_threshold; m_hasher = other.m_hasher; m_equals = other.m_equals; return *this; } inline ~hash_map() { clear(); } const Equals& get_equals() const { return m_equals; } Equals& get_equals() { return m_equals; } void set_equals(const Equals& equals) { m_equals = equals; } const Hasher& get_hasher() const { return m_hasher; } Hasher& get_hasher() { return m_hasher; } void set_hasher(const Hasher& hasher) { m_hasher = hasher; } inline void clear() { if (!m_values.empty()) { if (CRNLIB_HAS_DESTRUCTOR(Key) || CRNLIB_HAS_DESTRUCTOR(Value)) { node* p = &get_node(0); node* p_end = p + m_values.size(); uint num_remaining = m_num_valid; while (p != p_end) { if (p->state) { destruct_value_type(p); num_remaining--; if (!num_remaining) break; } p++; } } m_values.clear_no_destruction(); m_hash_shift = 32; m_num_valid = 0; m_grow_threshold = 0; } } inline void reset() { if (!m_num_valid) return; if (CRNLIB_HAS_DESTRUCTOR(Key) || CRNLIB_HAS_DESTRUCTOR(Value)) { node* p = &get_node(0); node* p_end = p + m_values.size(); uint num_remaining = m_num_valid; while (p != p_end) { if (p->state) { destruct_value_type(p); p->state = cStateInvalid; num_remaining--; if (!num_remaining) break; } p++; } } else if (sizeof(node) <= 32) { memset(&m_values[0], 0, m_values.size_in_bytes()); } else { node* p = &get_node(0); node* p_end = p + m_values.size(); uint num_remaining = m_num_valid; while (p != p_end) { if (p->state) { p->state = cStateInvalid; num_remaining--; if (!num_remaining) break; } p++; } } m_num_valid = 0; } inline uint size() { return m_num_valid; } inline uint get_table_size() { return m_values.size(); } inline bool empty() { return !m_num_valid; } inline void reserve(uint new_capacity) { uint new_hash_size = math::maximum(1U, new_capacity); new_hash_size = new_hash_size * 2U; if (!math::is_power_of_2(new_hash_size)) new_hash_size = math::next_pow2(new_hash_size); new_hash_size = math::maximum<uint>(cMinHashSize, new_hash_size); if (new_hash_size > m_values.size()) rehash(new_hash_size); } class const_iterator; class iterator { friend class hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals>; friend class hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals>::const_iterator; public: inline iterator() : m_pTable(NULL), m_index(0) { } inline iterator(hash_map_type& table, uint index) : m_pTable(&table), m_index(index) { } inline iterator(const iterator& other) : m_pTable(other.m_pTable), m_index(other.m_index) { } inline iterator& operator= (const iterator& other) { m_pTable = other.m_pTable; m_index = other.m_index; return *this; } // post-increment inline iterator operator++(int) { iterator result(*this); ++*this; return result; } // pre-increment inline iterator& operator++() { probe(); return *this; } inline value_type& operator*() const { return *get_cur(); } inline value_type* operator->() const { return get_cur(); } inline bool operator == (const iterator& b) const { return (m_pTable == b.m_pTable) && (m_index == b.m_index); } inline bool operator != (const iterator& b) const { return !(*this == b); } inline bool operator == (const const_iterator& b) const { return (m_pTable == b.m_pTable) && (m_index == b.m_index); } inline bool operator != (const const_iterator& b) const { return !(*this == b); } private: hash_map_type* m_pTable; uint m_index; inline value_type* get_cur() const { CRNLIB_ASSERT(m_pTable && (m_index < m_pTable->m_values.size())); CRNLIB_ASSERT(m_pTable->get_node_state(m_index) == cStateValid); return &m_pTable->get_node(m_index); } inline void probe() { CRNLIB_ASSERT(m_pTable); m_index = m_pTable->find_next(m_index); } }; class const_iterator { friend class hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals>; friend class hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals>::iterator; public: inline const_iterator() : m_pTable(NULL), m_index(0) { } inline const_iterator(const hash_map_type& table, uint index) : m_pTable(&table), m_index(index) { } inline const_iterator(const iterator& other) : m_pTable(other.m_pTable), m_index(other.m_index) { } inline const_iterator(const const_iterator& other) : m_pTable(other.m_pTable), m_index(other.m_index) { } inline const_iterator& operator= (const const_iterator& other) { m_pTable = other.m_pTable; m_index = other.m_index; return *this; } inline const_iterator& operator= (const iterator& other) { m_pTable = other.m_pTable; m_index = other.m_index; return *this; } // post-increment inline const_iterator operator++(int) { const_iterator result(*this); ++*this; return result; } // pre-increment inline const_iterator& operator++() { probe(); return *this; } inline const value_type& operator*() const { return *get_cur(); } inline const value_type* operator->() const { return get_cur(); } inline bool operator == (const const_iterator& b) const { return (m_pTable == b.m_pTable) && (m_index == b.m_index); } inline bool operator != (const const_iterator& b) const { return !(*this == b); } inline bool operator == (const iterator& b) const { return (m_pTable == b.m_pTable) && (m_index == b.m_index); } inline bool operator != (const iterator& b) const { return !(*this == b); } private: const hash_map_type* m_pTable; uint m_index; inline const value_type* get_cur() const { CRNLIB_ASSERT(m_pTable && (m_index < m_pTable->m_values.size())); CRNLIB_ASSERT(m_pTable->get_node_state(m_index) == cStateValid); return &m_pTable->get_node(m_index); } inline void probe() { CRNLIB_ASSERT(m_pTable); m_index = m_pTable->find_next(m_index); } }; inline const_iterator begin() const { if (!m_num_valid) return end(); return const_iterator(*this, find_next(-1)); } inline const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(*this, m_values.size()); } inline iterator begin() { if (!m_num_valid) return end(); return iterator(*this, find_next(-1)); } inline iterator end() { return iterator(*this, m_values.size()); } // insert_result.first will always point to inserted key/value (or the already existing key/value). // insert_resutt.second will be true if a new key/value was inserted, or false if the key already existed (in which case first will point to the already existing value). typedef std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_result; inline insert_result insert(const Key& k, const Value& v = Value()) { insert_result result; if (!insert_no_grow(result, k, v)) { grow(); // This must succeed. if (!insert_no_grow(result, k, v)) { CRNLIB_FAIL("insert() failed"); } } return result; } inline insert_result insert(const value_type& v) { return insert(v.first, v.second); } inline const_iterator find(const Key& k) const { return const_iterator(*this, find_index(k)); } inline iterator find(const Key& k) { return iterator(*this, find_index(k)); } inline bool erase(const Key& k) { int i = find_index(k); if (i >= static_cast<int>(m_values.size())) return false; node* pDst = &get_node(i); destruct_value_type(pDst); pDst->state = cStateInvalid; m_num_valid--; for ( ; ; ) { int r, j = i; node* pSrc = pDst; do { if (!i) { i = m_values.size() - 1; pSrc = &get_node(i); } else { i--; pSrc--; } if (!pSrc->state) return true; r = hash_key(pSrc->first); } while ((i <= r && r < j) || (r < j && j < i) || (j < i && i <= r)); move_node(pDst, pSrc); pDst = pSrc; } } inline void swap(hash_map_type& other) { m_values.swap(other.m_values); utils::swap(m_hash_shift, other.m_hash_shift); utils::swap(m_num_valid, other.m_num_valid); utils::swap(m_grow_threshold, other.m_grow_threshold); utils::swap(m_hasher, other.m_hasher); utils::swap(m_equals, other.m_equals); } private: struct node : public value_type { uint8 state; }; static inline void construct_value_type(value_type* pDst, const Key& k, const Value& v) { if (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE(Key)) memcpy(&pDst->first, &k, sizeof(Key)); else scalar_type<Key>::construct(&pDst->first, k); if (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE(Value)) memcpy(&pDst->second, &v, sizeof(Value)); else scalar_type<Value>::construct(&pDst->second, v); } static inline void construct_value_type(value_type* pDst, const value_type* pSrc) { if ((CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE(Key)) && (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE(Value))) { memcpy(pDst, pSrc, sizeof(value_type)); } else { if (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE(Key)) memcpy(&pDst->first, &pSrc->first, sizeof(Key)); else scalar_type<Key>::construct(&pDst->first, pSrc->first); if (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE(Value)) memcpy(&pDst->second, &pSrc->second, sizeof(Value)); else scalar_type<Value>::construct(&pDst->second, pSrc->second); } } static inline void destruct_value_type(value_type* p) { scalar_type<Key>::destruct(&p->first); scalar_type<Value>::destruct(&p->second); } // Moves *pSrc to *pDst efficiently. // pDst should NOT be constructed on entry. static inline void move_node(node* pDst, node* pSrc) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(!pDst->state); if (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE_OR_MOVABLE(Key) && CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE_OR_MOVABLE(Value)) { memcpy(pDst, pSrc, sizeof(node)); } else { if (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE_OR_MOVABLE(Key)) memcpy(&pDst->first, &pSrc->first, sizeof(Key)); else { scalar_type<Key>::construct(&pDst->first, pSrc->first); scalar_type<Key>::destruct(&pSrc->first); } if (CRNLIB_IS_BITWISE_COPYABLE_OR_MOVABLE(Value)) memcpy(&pDst->second, &pSrc->second, sizeof(Value)); else { scalar_type<Value>::construct(&pDst->second, pSrc->second); scalar_type<Value>::destruct(&pSrc->second); } pDst->state = cStateValid; } pSrc->state = cStateInvalid; } struct raw_node { inline raw_node() { node* p = reinterpret_cast<node*>(this); p->state = cStateInvalid; } inline ~raw_node() { node* p = reinterpret_cast<node*>(this); if (p->state) hash_map_type::destruct_value_type(p); } inline raw_node(const raw_node& other) { node* pDst = reinterpret_cast<node*>(this); const node* pSrc = reinterpret_cast<const node*>(&other); if (pSrc->state) { hash_map_type::construct_value_type(pDst, pSrc); pDst->state = cStateValid; } else pDst->state = cStateInvalid; } inline raw_node& operator= (const raw_node& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; node* pDst = reinterpret_cast<node*>(this); const node* pSrc = reinterpret_cast<const node*>(&rhs); if (pSrc->state) { if (pDst->state) { pDst->first = pSrc->first; pDst->second = pSrc->second; } else { hash_map_type::construct_value_type(pDst, pSrc); pDst->state = cStateValid; } } else if (pDst->state) { hash_map_type::destruct_value_type(pDst); pDst->state = cStateInvalid; } return *this; } uint8 m_bits[sizeof(node)]; }; typedef crnlib::vector<raw_node> node_vector; node_vector m_values; uint m_hash_shift; Hasher m_hasher; Equals m_equals; uint m_num_valid; uint m_grow_threshold; inline int hash_key(const Key& k) const { CRNLIB_ASSERT((1U << (32U - m_hash_shift)) == m_values.size()); uint hash = static_cast<uint>(m_hasher(k)); // Fibonacci hashing hash = (2654435769U * hash) >> m_hash_shift; CRNLIB_ASSERT(hash < m_values.size()); return hash; } inline const node& get_node(uint index) const { return *reinterpret_cast<const node*>(&m_values[index]); } inline node& get_node(uint index) { return *reinterpret_cast<node*>(&m_values[index]); } inline state get_node_state(uint index) const { return static_cast<state>(get_node(index).state); } inline void set_node_state(uint index, bool valid) { get_node(index).state = valid; } inline void grow() { rehash(math::maximum<uint>(cMinHashSize, m_values.size() * 2U)); } inline void rehash(uint new_hash_size) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(new_hash_size >= m_num_valid); CRNLIB_ASSERT(math::is_power_of_2(new_hash_size)); if ((new_hash_size < m_num_valid) || (new_hash_size == m_values.size())) return; hash_map new_map; new_map.m_values.resize(new_hash_size); new_map.m_hash_shift = 32U - math::floor_log2i(new_hash_size); CRNLIB_ASSERT(new_hash_size == (1U << (32U - new_map.m_hash_shift))); new_map.m_grow_threshold = UINT_MAX; node* pNode = reinterpret_cast<node*>(m_values.begin()); node* pNode_end = pNode + m_values.size(); while (pNode != pNode_end) { if (pNode->state) { new_map.move_into(pNode); if (new_map.m_num_valid == m_num_valid) break; } pNode++; } new_map.m_grow_threshold = (new_hash_size + 1U) >> 1U; m_values.clear_no_destruction(); m_hash_shift = 32; swap(new_map); } inline uint find_next(int index) const { index++; if (index >= static_cast<int>(m_values.size())) return index; const node* pNode = &get_node(index); for ( ; ; ) { if (pNode->state) break; if (++index >= static_cast<int>(m_values.size())) break; pNode++; } return index; } inline uint find_index(const Key& k) const { if (m_num_valid) { int index = hash_key(k); const node* pNode = &get_node(index); if (pNode->state) { if (m_equals(pNode->first, k)) return index; const int orig_index = index; for ( ; ; ) { if (!index) { index = m_values.size() - 1; pNode = &get_node(index); } else { index--; pNode--; } if (index == orig_index) break; if (!pNode->state) break; if (m_equals(pNode->first, k)) return index; } } } return m_values.size(); } inline bool insert_no_grow(insert_result& result, const Key& k, const Value& v = Value()) { if (!m_values.size()) return false; int index = hash_key(k); node* pNode = &get_node(index); if (pNode->state) { if (m_equals(pNode->first, k)) { result.first = iterator(*this, index); result.second = false; return true; } const int orig_index = index; for ( ; ; ) { if (!index) { index = m_values.size() - 1; pNode = &get_node(index); } else { index--; pNode--; } if (orig_index == index) return false; if (!pNode->state) break; if (m_equals(pNode->first, k)) { result.first = iterator(*this, index); result.second = false; return true; } } } if (m_num_valid >= m_grow_threshold) return false; construct_value_type(pNode, k, v); pNode->state = cStateValid; m_num_valid++; CRNLIB_ASSERT(m_num_valid <= m_values.size()); result.first = iterator(*this, index); result.second = true; return true; } inline void move_into(node* pNode) { int index = hash_key(pNode->first); node* pDst_node = &get_node(index); if (pDst_node->state) { const int orig_index = index; for ( ; ; ) { if (!index) { index = m_values.size() - 1; pDst_node = &get_node(index); } else { index--; pDst_node--; } if (index == orig_index) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(false); return; } if (!pDst_node->state) break; } } move_node(pDst_node, pNode); m_num_valid++; } }; template<typename Key, typename Value, typename Hasher, typename Equals> struct bitwise_movable< hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals> > { enum { cFlag = true }; }; template<typename Key, typename Value, typename Hasher, typename Equals> inline void swap(hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals>& a, hash_map<Key, Value, Hasher, Equals>& b) { a.swap(b); } extern void hash_map_test(); } // namespace crnlib