// File: crn_image_utils.cpp // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h #include "crn_core.h" #include "crn_image_utils.h" #include "crn_console.h" #include "crn_resampler.h" #include "crn_threaded_resampler.h" #include "crn_strutils.h" #include "crn_file_utils.h" #include "crn_threading.h" #include "crn_miniz.h" #include "crn_jpge.h" #include "crn_cfile_stream.h" #include "crn_mipmapped_texture.h" #include "crn_buffer_stream.h" #define STBI_HEADER_FILE_ONLY #include "crn_stb_image.cpp" #include "crn_jpgd.h" #include "crn_pixel_format.h" namespace crnlib { const float cInfinitePSNR = 999999.0f; const uint CRNLIB_LARGEST_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_DIMENSION = 16384; namespace image_utils { bool read_from_stream_stb(data_stream_serializer &serializer, image_u8& img) { uint8_vec buf; if (!serializer.read_entire_file(buf)) return false; int x = 0, y = 0, n = 0; unsigned char* pData = stbi_load_from_memory(buf.get_ptr(), buf.size_in_bytes(), &x, &y, &n, 4); if (!pData) return false; if ((x > (int)CRNLIB_LARGEST_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_DIMENSION) || (y > (int)CRNLIB_LARGEST_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_DIMENSION)) { stbi_image_free(pData); return false; } const bool has_alpha = ((n == 2) || (n == 4)); img.resize(x, y); bool grayscale = true; for (int py = 0; py < y; py++) { const color_quad_u8* pSrc = reinterpret_cast<const color_quad_u8*>(pData) + (py * x); color_quad_u8* pDst = img.get_scanline(py); color_quad_u8* pDst_end = pDst + x; while (pDst != pDst_end) { color_quad_u8 c(*pSrc++); if (!has_alpha) c.a = 255; if (!c.is_grayscale()) grayscale = false; *pDst++ = c; } } stbi_image_free(pData); img.reset_comp_flags(); img.set_grayscale(grayscale); img.set_component_valid(3, has_alpha); return true; } bool read_from_stream_jpgd(data_stream_serializer &serializer, image_u8& img) { uint8_vec buf; if (!serializer.read_entire_file(buf)) return false; int width = 0, height = 0, actual_comps = 0; unsigned char *pSrc_img = jpgd::decompress_jpeg_image_from_memory(buf.get_ptr(), buf.size_in_bytes(), &width, &height, &actual_comps, 4); if (!pSrc_img) return false; if (math::maximum(width, height) > (int)CRNLIB_LARGEST_SUPPORTED_IMAGE_DIMENSION) { crnlib_free(pSrc_img); return false; } if (!img.grant_ownership(reinterpret_cast<color_quad_u8*>(pSrc_img), width, height)) { crnlib_free(pSrc_img); return false; } img.reset_comp_flags(); img.set_grayscale(actual_comps == 1); img.set_component_valid(3, false); return true; } bool read_from_stream(image_u8& dest, data_stream_serializer& serializer, uint read_flags) { if (read_flags > cReadFlagsAllFlags) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } if (!serializer.get_stream()) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } dynamic_string ext(serializer.get_name()); file_utils::get_extension(ext); if ((ext == "jpg") || (ext == "jpeg")) { // Use my jpeg decoder by default because it supports progressive jpeg's. if ((read_flags & cReadFlagForceSTB) == 0) { return image_utils::read_from_stream_jpgd(serializer, dest); } } return image_utils::read_from_stream_stb(serializer, dest); } bool read_from_file(image_u8& dest, const char* pFilename, uint read_flags) { if (read_flags > cReadFlagsAllFlags) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } cfile_stream file_stream; if (!file_stream.open(pFilename)) return false; data_stream_serializer serializer(file_stream); return read_from_stream(dest, serializer, read_flags); } bool write_to_file(const char* pFilename, const image_u8& img, uint write_flags, int grayscale_comp_index) { if ((grayscale_comp_index < -1) || (grayscale_comp_index > 3)) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } if (!img.get_width()) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(0); return false; } dynamic_string ext(pFilename); bool is_jpeg = false; if (file_utils::get_extension(ext)) { is_jpeg = ((ext == "jpg") || (ext == "jpeg")); if ((ext != "png") && (ext != "bmp") && (ext != "tga") && (!is_jpeg)) { console::error("crnlib::image_utils::write_to_file: Can only write .BMP, .TGA, .PNG, or .JPG files!\n"); return false; } } crnlib::vector<uint8> temp; uint num_src_chans = 0; const void *pSrc_img = NULL; if (is_jpeg) { write_flags |= cWriteFlagIgnoreAlpha; } if ((img.get_comp_flags() & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGrayscale) || (write_flags & image_utils::cWriteFlagGrayscale)) { CRNLIB_ASSERT(grayscale_comp_index < 4); if (grayscale_comp_index > 3) grayscale_comp_index = 3; temp.resize(img.get_total_pixels()); for (uint y = 0; y < img.get_height(); y++) { const color_quad_u8* pSrc = img.get_scanline(y); const color_quad_u8* pSrc_end = pSrc + img.get_width(); uint8* pDst = &temp[y * img.get_width()]; if (img.get_comp_flags() & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGrayscale) { while (pSrc != pSrc_end) *pDst++ = (*pSrc++)[1]; } else if (grayscale_comp_index < 0) { while (pSrc != pSrc_end) *pDst++ = static_cast<uint8>((*pSrc++).get_luma()); } else { while (pSrc != pSrc_end) *pDst++ = (*pSrc++)[grayscale_comp_index]; } } pSrc_img = &temp[0]; num_src_chans = 1; } else if ((!img.is_component_valid(3)) || (write_flags & cWriteFlagIgnoreAlpha)) { temp.resize(img.get_total_pixels() * 3); for (uint y = 0; y < img.get_height(); y++) { const color_quad_u8* pSrc = img.get_scanline(y); const color_quad_u8* pSrc_end = pSrc + img.get_width(); uint8* pDst = &temp[y * img.get_width() * 3]; while (pSrc != pSrc_end) { const color_quad_u8 c(*pSrc++); pDst[0] = c.r; pDst[1] = c.g; pDst[2] = c.b; pDst += 3; } } num_src_chans = 3; pSrc_img = &temp[0]; } else { num_src_chans = 4; pSrc_img = img.get_ptr(); } bool success = false; if (ext == "png") { size_t png_image_size = 0; void *pPNG_image_data = tdefl_write_image_to_png_file_in_memory(pSrc_img, img.get_width(), img.get_height(), num_src_chans, &png_image_size); if (!pPNG_image_data) return false; success = file_utils::write_buf_to_file(pFilename, pPNG_image_data, png_image_size); mz_free(pPNG_image_data); } else if (is_jpeg) { jpge::params params; if (write_flags & cWriteFlagJPEGQualityLevelMask) params.m_quality = math::clamp<uint>((write_flags & cWriteFlagJPEGQualityLevelMask) >> cWriteFlagJPEGQualityLevelShift, 1U, 100U); params.m_two_pass_flag = (write_flags & cWriteFlagJPEGTwoPass) != 0; params.m_no_chroma_discrim_flag = (write_flags & cWriteFlagJPEGNoChromaDiscrim) != 0; if (write_flags & cWriteFlagJPEGH1V1) params.m_subsampling = jpge::H1V1; else if (write_flags & cWriteFlagJPEGH2V1) params.m_subsampling = jpge::H2V1; else if (write_flags & cWriteFlagJPEGH2V2) params.m_subsampling = jpge::H2V2; success = jpge::compress_image_to_jpeg_file(pFilename, img.get_width(), img.get_height(), num_src_chans, (const jpge::uint8*)pSrc_img, params); } else { success = ((ext == "bmp" ? stbi_write_bmp : stbi_write_tga)(pFilename, img.get_width(), img.get_height(), num_src_chans, pSrc_img) == CRNLIB_TRUE); } return success; } bool has_alpha(const image_u8& img) { for (uint y = 0; y < img.get_height(); y++) for (uint x = 0; x < img.get_width(); x++) if (img(x, y).a < 255) return true; return false; } void renorm_normal_map(image_u8& img) { for (uint y = 0; y < img.get_height(); y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < img.get_width(); x++) { color_quad_u8& c = img(x, y); if ((c.r == 128) && (c.g == 128) && (c.b == 128)) continue; vec3F v(c.r, c.g, c.b); v *= 1.0f/255.0f; v *= 2.0f; v -= vec3F(1.0f); v.clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f); float length = v.length(); if (length < .077f) c.set(128, 128, 128, c.a); else if (fabs(length - 1.0f) > .077f) { if (length) v /= length; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) c[i] = static_cast<uint8>(math::clamp<float>(floor((v[i] + 1.0f) * .5f * 255.0f + .5f), 0.0f, 255.0f)); if ((c.r == 128) && (c.g == 128)) { if (c.b < 128) c.b = 0; else c.b = 255; } } } } } bool is_normal_map(const image_u8& img, const char* pFilename) { float score = 0.0f; uint num_invalid_pixels = 0; // TODO: Derive better score from pixel mean, eigenvecs/vals //crnlib::vector<vec3F> pixels; for (uint y = 0; y < img.get_height(); y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < img.get_width(); x++) { const color_quad_u8& c = img(x, y); if (c.b < 123) { num_invalid_pixels++; continue; } else if ((c.r != 128) || (c.g != 128) || (c.b != 128)) { vec3F v(c.r, c.g, c.b); v -= vec3F(128.0f); v /= vec3F(127.0f); //pixels.push_back(v); v.clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f); float norm = v.norm(); if ((norm < 0.83f) || (norm > 1.29f)) num_invalid_pixels++; } } } score -= math::clamp(float(num_invalid_pixels) / (img.get_width() * img.get_height()) - .026f, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 5.0f; if (pFilename) { dynamic_string str(pFilename); str.tolower(); if (str.contains("normal") || str.contains("local") || str.contains("nmap")) score += 1.0f; if (str.contains("diffuse") || str.contains("spec") || str.contains("gloss")) score -= 1.0f; } return score >= 0.0f; } bool resample_single_thread(const image_u8& src, image_u8& dst, const resample_params& params) { const uint src_width = src.get_width(); const uint src_height = src.get_height(); if (math::maximum(src_width, src_height) > CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION) { printf("Image is too large!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const int cMaxComponents = 4; if (((int)params.m_num_comps < 1) || ((int)params.m_num_comps > (int)cMaxComponents)) return false; const uint dst_width = params.m_dst_width; const uint dst_height = params.m_dst_height; if ((math::minimum(dst_width, dst_height) < 1) || (math::maximum(dst_width, dst_height) > CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION)) { printf("Image is too large!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((src_width == dst_width) && (src_height == dst_height)) { dst = src; return true; } dst.clear(); dst.resize(params.m_dst_width, params.m_dst_height); // Partial gamma correction looks better on mips. Set to 1.0 to disable gamma correction. const float source_gamma = params.m_source_gamma;//1.75f; float srgb_to_linear[256]; if (params.m_srgb) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) srgb_to_linear[i] = (float)pow(i * 1.0f/255.0f, source_gamma); } const int linear_to_srgb_table_size = 8192; unsigned char linear_to_srgb[linear_to_srgb_table_size]; const float inv_linear_to_srgb_table_size = 1.0f / linear_to_srgb_table_size; const float inv_source_gamma = 1.0f / source_gamma; if (params.m_srgb) { for (int i = 0; i < linear_to_srgb_table_size; ++i) { int k = (int)(255.0f * pow(i * inv_linear_to_srgb_table_size, inv_source_gamma) + .5f); if (k < 0) k = 0; else if (k > 255) k = 255; linear_to_srgb[i] = (unsigned char)k; } } Resampler* resamplers[cMaxComponents]; crnlib::vector<float> samples[cMaxComponents]; resamplers[0] = crnlib_new<Resampler>(src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height, params.m_wrapping ? Resampler::BOUNDARY_WRAP : Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, params.m_pFilter, (Resampler::Contrib_List*)NULL, (Resampler::Contrib_List*)NULL, params.m_filter_scale, params.m_filter_scale); samples[0].resize(src_width); for (uint i = 1; i < params.m_num_comps; i++) { resamplers[i] = crnlib_new<Resampler>(src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height, params.m_wrapping ? Resampler::BOUNDARY_WRAP : Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, params.m_pFilter, resamplers[0]->get_clist_x(), resamplers[0]->get_clist_y(), params.m_filter_scale, params.m_filter_scale); samples[i].resize(src_width); } uint dst_y = 0; for (uint src_y = 0; src_y < src_height; src_y++) { const color_quad_u8* pSrc = src.get_scanline(src_y); for (uint x = 0; x < src_width; x++) { for (uint c = 0; c < params.m_num_comps; c++) { const uint comp_index = params.m_first_comp + c; const uint8 v = (*pSrc)[comp_index]; if (!params.m_srgb || (comp_index == 3)) samples[c][x] = v * (1.0f/255.0f); else samples[c][x] = srgb_to_linear[v]; } pSrc++; } for (uint c = 0; c < params.m_num_comps; c++) { if (!resamplers[c]->put_line(&samples[c][0])) { for (uint i = 0; i < params.m_num_comps; i++) crnlib_delete(resamplers[i]); return false; } } for ( ; ; ) { uint c; for (c = 0; c < params.m_num_comps; c++) { const uint comp_index = params.m_first_comp + c; const float* pOutput_samples = resamplers[c]->get_line(); if (!pOutput_samples) break; const bool linear = !params.m_srgb || (comp_index == 3); CRNLIB_ASSERT(dst_y < dst_height); color_quad_u8* pDst = dst.get_scanline(dst_y); for (uint x = 0; x < dst_width; x++) { if (linear) { int c = (int)(255.0f * pOutput_samples[x] + .5f); if (c < 0) c = 0; else if (c > 255) c = 255; (*pDst)[comp_index] = (unsigned char)c; } else { int j = (int)(linear_to_srgb_table_size * pOutput_samples[x] + .5f); if (j < 0) j = 0; else if (j >= linear_to_srgb_table_size) j = linear_to_srgb_table_size - 1; (*pDst)[comp_index] = linear_to_srgb[j]; } pDst++; } } if (c < params.m_num_comps) break; dst_y++; } } for (uint i = 0; i < params.m_num_comps; i++) crnlib_delete(resamplers[i]); return true; } bool resample_multithreaded(const image_u8& src, image_u8& dst, const resample_params& params) { const uint src_width = src.get_width(); const uint src_height = src.get_height(); if (math::maximum(src_width, src_height) > CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION) { printf("Image is too large!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const int cMaxComponents = 4; if (((int)params.m_num_comps < 1) || ((int)params.m_num_comps > (int)cMaxComponents)) return false; const uint dst_width = params.m_dst_width; const uint dst_height = params.m_dst_height; if ((math::minimum(dst_width, dst_height) < 1) || (math::maximum(dst_width, dst_height) > CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION)) { printf("Image is too large!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((src_width == dst_width) && (src_height == dst_height)) { dst = src; return true; } dst.clear(); // Partial gamma correction looks better on mips. Set to 1.0 to disable gamma correction. const float source_gamma = params.m_source_gamma;//1.75f; float srgb_to_linear[256]; if (params.m_srgb) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) srgb_to_linear[i] = (float)pow(i * 1.0f/255.0f, source_gamma); } const int linear_to_srgb_table_size = 8192; unsigned char linear_to_srgb[linear_to_srgb_table_size]; const float inv_linear_to_srgb_table_size = 1.0f / linear_to_srgb_table_size; const float inv_source_gamma = 1.0f / source_gamma; if (params.m_srgb) { for (int i = 0; i < linear_to_srgb_table_size; ++i) { int k = (int)(255.0f * pow(i * inv_linear_to_srgb_table_size, inv_source_gamma) + .5f); if (k < 0) k = 0; else if (k > 255) k = 255; linear_to_srgb[i] = (unsigned char)k; } } task_pool tp; tp.init(g_number_of_processors - 1); threaded_resampler resampler(tp); threaded_resampler::params p; p.m_src_width = src_width; p.m_src_height = src_height; p.m_dst_width = dst_width; p.m_dst_height = dst_height; p.m_sample_low = 0.0f; p.m_sample_high = 1.0f; p.m_boundary_op = params.m_wrapping ? Resampler::BOUNDARY_WRAP : Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP; p.m_Pfilter_name = params.m_pFilter; p.m_filter_x_scale = params.m_filter_scale; p.m_filter_y_scale = params.m_filter_scale; uint resampler_comps = 4; if (params.m_num_comps == 1) { p.m_fmt = threaded_resampler::cPF_Y_F32; resampler_comps = 1; } else if (params.m_num_comps <= 3) p.m_fmt = threaded_resampler::cPF_RGBX_F32; else p.m_fmt = threaded_resampler::cPF_RGBA_F32; crnlib::vector<float> src_samples; crnlib::vector<float> dst_samples; if (!src_samples.try_resize(src_width * src_height * resampler_comps)) return false; if (!dst_samples.try_resize(dst_width * dst_height * resampler_comps)) return false; p.m_pSrc_pixels = src_samples.get_ptr(); p.m_src_pitch = src_width * resampler_comps * sizeof(float); p.m_pDst_pixels = dst_samples.get_ptr(); p.m_dst_pitch = dst_width * resampler_comps * sizeof(float); for (uint src_y = 0; src_y < src_height; src_y++) { const color_quad_u8* pSrc = src.get_scanline(src_y); float* pDst = src_samples.get_ptr() + src_width * resampler_comps * src_y; for (uint x = 0; x < src_width; x++) { for (uint c = 0; c < params.m_num_comps; c++) { const uint comp_index = params.m_first_comp + c; const uint8 v = (*pSrc)[comp_index]; if (!params.m_srgb || (comp_index == 3)) pDst[c] = v * (1.0f/255.0f); else pDst[c] = srgb_to_linear[v]; } pSrc++; pDst += resampler_comps; } } if (!resampler.resample(p)) return false; src_samples.clear(); if (!dst.resize(params.m_dst_width, params.m_dst_height)) return false; for (uint dst_y = 0; dst_y < dst_height; dst_y++) { const float* pSrc = dst_samples.get_ptr() + dst_width * resampler_comps * dst_y; color_quad_u8* pDst = dst.get_scanline(dst_y); for (uint x = 0; x < dst_width; x++) { color_quad_u8 dst(0, 0, 0, 255); for (uint c = 0; c < params.m_num_comps; c++) { const uint comp_index = params.m_first_comp + c; const float v = pSrc[c]; if ((!params.m_srgb) || (comp_index == 3)) { int c = static_cast<int>(255.0f * v + .5f); if (c < 0) c = 0; else if (c > 255) c = 255; dst[comp_index] = (unsigned char)c; } else { int j = static_cast<int>(linear_to_srgb_table_size * v + .5f); if (j < 0) j = 0; else if (j >= linear_to_srgb_table_size) j = linear_to_srgb_table_size - 1; dst[comp_index] = linear_to_srgb[j]; } } *pDst++ = dst; pSrc += resampler_comps; } } return true; } bool resample(const image_u8& src, image_u8& dst, const resample_params& params) { if ((params.m_multithreaded) && (g_number_of_processors > 1)) return resample_multithreaded(src, dst, params); else return resample_single_thread(src, dst, params); } bool compute_delta(image_u8& dest, image_u8& a, image_u8& b, uint scale) { if ( (a.get_width() != b.get_width()) || (a.get_height() != b.get_height()) ) return false; dest.resize(a.get_width(), b.get_height()); for (uint y = 0; y < a.get_height(); y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < a.get_width(); x++) { const color_quad_u8& ca = a(x, y); const color_quad_u8& cb = b(x, y); color_quad_u8 cd; for (uint c = 0; c < 4; c++) { int d = (ca[c] - cb[c]) * scale + 128; d = math::clamp(d, 0, 255); cd[c] = static_cast<uint8>(d); } dest(x, y) = cd; } } return true; } // FIXME: Totally hack-ass computation. // Perhaps port http://www.lomont.org/Software/Misc/SSIM/SSIM.html? double compute_block_ssim(uint t, const uint8* pX, const uint8* pY) { double ave_x = 0.0f; double ave_y = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < t; i++) { ave_x += pX[i]; ave_y += pY[i]; } ave_x /= t; ave_y /= t; double var_x = 0.0f; double var_y = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < t; i++) { var_x += math::square(pX[i] - ave_x); var_y += math::square(pY[i] - ave_y); } var_x = sqrt(var_x / (t - 1)); var_y = sqrt(var_y / (t - 1)); double covar_xy = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < t; i++) covar_xy += (pX[i] - ave_x) * (pY[i] - ave_y); covar_xy /= (t - 1); const double c1 = 6.5025; //(255*.01)^2 const double c2 = 58.5225; //(255*.03)^2 double n = (2.0f * ave_x * ave_y + c1) * (2.0f * covar_xy + c2); double d = (ave_x * ave_x + ave_y * ave_y + c1) * (var_x * var_x + var_y * var_y + c2); return n / d; } double compute_ssim(const image_u8& a, const image_u8& b, int channel_index) { const uint N = 6; uint8 sx[N*N], sy[N*N]; double total_ssim = 0.0f; uint total_blocks = 0; //image_u8 yimg((a.get_width() + N - 1) / N, (a.get_height() + N - 1) / N); for (uint y = 0; y < a.get_height(); y += N) { for (uint x = 0; x < a.get_width(); x += N) { for (uint iy = 0; iy < N; iy++) { for (uint ix = 0; ix < N; ix++) { if (channel_index < 0) sx[ix+iy*N] = (uint8)a.get_clamped(x+ix, y+iy).get_luma(); else sx[ix+iy*N] = (uint8)a.get_clamped(x+ix, y+iy)[channel_index]; if (channel_index < 0) sy[ix+iy*N] = (uint8)b.get_clamped(x+ix, y+iy).get_luma(); else sy[ix+iy*N] = (uint8)b.get_clamped(x+ix, y+iy)[channel_index]; } } double ssim = compute_block_ssim(N*N, sx, sy); total_ssim += ssim; total_blocks++; //uint ssim_c = (uint)math::clamp<double>(ssim * 127.0f + 128.0f, 0, 255); //yimg(x / N, y / N).set(ssim_c, ssim_c, ssim_c, 255); } } if (!total_blocks) return 0.0f; //save_to_file_stb_or_miniz("ssim.tga", yimg, cWriteFlagGrayscale); return total_ssim / total_blocks; } void print_ssim(const image_u8& src_img, const image_u8& dst_img) { src_img; dst_img; //double y_ssim = compute_ssim(src_img, dst_img, -1); //console::printf("Luma MSSIM: %f, Scaled: %f", y_ssim, (y_ssim - .8f) / .2f); //double r_ssim = compute_ssim(src_img, dst_img, 0); //console::printf(" R MSSIM: %f", r_ssim); //double g_ssim = compute_ssim(src_img, dst_img, 1); //console::printf(" G MSSIM: %f", g_ssim); //double b_ssim = compute_ssim(src_img, dst_img, 2); //console::printf(" B MSSIM: %f", b_ssim); } void error_metrics::print(const char* pName) const { if (mPeakSNR >= cInfinitePSNR) console::printf("%s Error: Max: %3u, Mean: %3.3f, MSE: %3.3f, RMSE: %3.3f, PSNR: Infinite", pName, mMax, mMean, mMeanSquared, mRootMeanSquared); else console::printf("%s Error: Max: %3u, Mean: %3.3f, MSE: %3.3f, RMSE: %3.3f, PSNR: %3.3f", pName, mMax, mMean, mMeanSquared, mRootMeanSquared, mPeakSNR); } bool error_metrics::compute(const image_u8& a, const image_u8& b, uint first_channel, uint num_channels, bool average_component_error) { //if ( (!a.get_width()) || (!b.get_height()) || (a.get_width() != b.get_width()) || (a.get_height() != b.get_height()) ) // return false; const uint width = math::minimum(a.get_width(), b.get_width()); const uint height = math::minimum(a.get_height(), b.get_height()); CRNLIB_ASSERT((first_channel < 4U) && (first_channel + num_channels <= 4U)); // Histogram approach due to Charles Bloom. double hist[256]; utils::zero_object(hist); for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++) { const color_quad_u8& ca = a(x, y); const color_quad_u8& cb = b(x, y); if (!num_channels) hist[labs(ca.get_luma() - cb.get_luma())]++; else { for (uint c = 0; c < num_channels; c++) hist[labs(ca[first_channel + c] - cb[first_channel + c])]++; } } } mMax = 0; double sum = 0.0f, sum2 = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (!hist[i]) continue; mMax = math::maximum(mMax, i); double x = i * hist[i]; sum += x; sum2 += i * x; } // See http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/courseware/cs294/fall97/assignment/psnr.html double total_values = width * height; if (average_component_error) total_values *= math::clamp<uint>(num_channels, 1, 4); mMean = math::clamp<double>(sum / total_values, 0.0f, 255.0f); mMeanSquared = math::clamp<double>(sum2 / total_values, 0.0f, 255.0f*255.0f); mRootMeanSquared = sqrt(mMeanSquared); if (!mRootMeanSquared) mPeakSNR = cInfinitePSNR; else mPeakSNR = math::clamp<double>(log10(255.0f / mRootMeanSquared) * 20.0f, 0.0f, 500.0f); return true; } void print_image_metrics(const image_u8& src_img, const image_u8& dst_img) { if ( (!src_img.get_width()) || (!dst_img.get_height()) || (src_img.get_width() != dst_img.get_width()) || (src_img.get_height() != dst_img.get_height()) ) console::printf("print_image_metrics: Image resolutions don't match exactly (%ux%u) vs. (%ux%u)", src_img.get_width(), src_img.get_height(), dst_img.get_width(), dst_img.get_height()); image_utils::error_metrics error_metrics; if (src_img.has_rgb() || dst_img.has_rgb()) { error_metrics.compute(src_img, dst_img, 0, 3, false); error_metrics.print("RGB Total "); error_metrics.compute(src_img, dst_img, 0, 3, true); error_metrics.print("RGB Average"); error_metrics.compute(src_img, dst_img, 0, 0); error_metrics.print("Luma "); error_metrics.compute(src_img, dst_img, 0, 1); error_metrics.print("Red "); error_metrics.compute(src_img, dst_img, 1, 1); error_metrics.print("Green "); error_metrics.compute(src_img, dst_img, 2, 1); error_metrics.print("Blue "); } if (src_img.has_alpha() || dst_img.has_alpha()) { error_metrics.compute(src_img, dst_img, 3, 1); error_metrics.print("Alpha "); } } static uint8 regen_z(uint x, uint y) { float vx = math::clamp((x - 128.0f) * 1.0f/127.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); float vy = math::clamp((y - 128.0f) * 1.0f/127.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); float vz = sqrt(math::clamp(1.0f - vx * vx - vy * vy, 0.0f, 1.0f)); vz = vz * 127.0f + 128.0f; if (vz < 128.0f) vz -= .5f; else vz += .5f; int ib = math::float_to_int(vz); return static_cast<uint8>(math::clamp(ib, 0, 255)); } void convert_image(image_u8& img, image_utils::conversion_type conv_type) { switch (conv_type) { case image_utils::cConversion_To_CCxY: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagLumaChroma)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_CCxY: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_To_xGxR: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_xGxR: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_To_xGBR: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_To_AGBR: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_xGBR: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_AGBR: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap)); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_XY_to_XYZ: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagNormalMap)); break; } case cConversion_Y_To_A: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(img.get_comp_flags() | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid)); break; } case cConversion_A_To_RGBA: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid)); break; } case cConversion_Y_To_RGB: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagRValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagBValid | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGrayscale | (img.has_alpha() ? pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid : 0))); break; } case cConversion_To_Y: { img.set_comp_flags(static_cast<pixel_format_helpers::component_flags>(img.get_comp_flags() | pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagGrayscale)); break; } default: { CRNLIB_ASSERT(false); return; } } for (uint y = 0; y < img.get_height(); y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < img.get_width(); x++) { color_quad_u8 src(img(x, y)); color_quad_u8 dst; switch (conv_type) { case image_utils::cConversion_To_CCxY: { color::RGB_to_YCC(dst, src); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_CCxY: { color::YCC_to_RGB(dst, src); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_To_xGxR: { dst.r = 0; dst.g = src.g; dst.b = 0; dst.a = src.r; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_xGxR: { dst.r = src.a; dst.g = src.g; // This is kinda iffy, we're assuming the image is a normal map here. dst.b = regen_z(src.a, src.g); dst.a = 255; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_To_xGBR: { dst.r = 0; dst.g = src.g; dst.b = src.b; dst.a = src.r; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_To_AGBR: { dst.r = src.a; dst.g = src.g; dst.b = src.b; dst.a = src.r; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_xGBR: { dst.r = src.a; dst.g = src.g; dst.b = src.b; dst.a = 255; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_From_AGBR: { dst.r = src.a; dst.g = src.g; dst.b = src.b; dst.a = src.r; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_XY_to_XYZ: { dst.r = src.r; dst.g = src.g; // This is kinda iffy, we're assuming the image is a normal map here. dst.b = regen_z(src.r, src.g); dst.a = 255; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_Y_To_A: { dst.r = src.r; dst.g = src.g; dst.b = src.b; dst.a = static_cast<uint8>(src.get_luma()); break; } case image_utils::cConversion_Y_To_RGB: { uint8 y = static_cast<uint8>(src.get_luma()); dst.r = y; dst.g = y; dst.b = y; dst.a = src.a; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_A_To_RGBA: { dst.r = src.a; dst.g = src.a; dst.b = src.a; dst.a = src.a; break; } case image_utils::cConversion_To_Y: { uint8 y = static_cast<uint8>(src.get_luma()); dst.r = y; dst.g = y; dst.b = y; dst.a = src.a; break; } default: { CRNLIB_ASSERT(false); dst = src; break; } } img(x, y) = dst; } } } image_utils::conversion_type get_conversion_type(bool cooking, pixel_format fmt) { image_utils::conversion_type conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_Invalid; if (cooking) { switch (fmt) { case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_To_CCxY; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_To_xGxR; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_To_xGBR; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_To_AGBR; break; } default: break; } } else { switch (fmt) { case PIXEL_FMT_3DC: case PIXEL_FMT_DXN: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_XY_to_XYZ; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_CCxY: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_From_CCxY; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGxR: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_From_xGxR; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_xGBR: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_From_xGBR; break; } case PIXEL_FMT_DXT5_AGBR: { conv_type = image_utils::cConversion_From_AGBR; break; } default: break; } } return conv_type; } image_utils::conversion_type get_image_conversion_type_from_crn_format(crn_format fmt) { switch (fmt) { case cCRNFmtDXT5_CCxY: return image_utils::cConversion_To_CCxY; case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGxR: return image_utils::cConversion_To_xGxR; case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGBR: return image_utils::cConversion_To_xGBR; case cCRNFmtDXT5_AGBR: return image_utils::cConversion_To_AGBR; default: break; } return image_utils::cConversion_Invalid; } double compute_std_dev(uint n, const color_quad_u8* pPixels, uint first_channel, uint num_channels) { if (!n) return 0.0f; double sum = 0.0f; double sum2 = 0.0f; for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) { const color_quad_u8& cp = pPixels[i]; if (!num_channels) { uint l = cp.get_luma(); sum += l; sum2 += l*l; } else { for (uint c = 0; c < num_channels; c++) { uint l = cp[first_channel + c]; sum += l; sum2 += l*l; } } } double w = math::maximum(1U, num_channels) * n; sum /= w; sum2 /= w; double var = sum2 - sum * sum; var = math::maximum<double>(var, 0.0f); return sqrt(var); } uint8* read_image_from_memory(const uint8* pImage, int nSize, int* pWidth, int* pHeight, int* pActualComps, int req_comps, const char* pFilename) { *pWidth = 0; *pHeight = 0; *pActualComps = 0; if ((req_comps < 1) || (req_comps > 4)) return false; mipmapped_texture tex; buffer_stream buf_stream(pImage, nSize); buf_stream.set_name(pFilename); data_stream_serializer serializer(buf_stream); if (!tex.read_from_stream(serializer)) return NULL; if (tex.is_packed()) { if (!tex.unpack_from_dxt(true)) return NULL; } image_u8 img; image_u8* pImg = tex.get_level_image(0, 0, img); if (!pImg) return NULL; *pWidth = tex.get_width(); *pHeight = tex.get_height(); if (pImg->has_alpha()) *pActualComps = 4; else if (pImg->is_grayscale()) *pActualComps = 1; else *pActualComps = 3; uint8 *pDst = NULL; if (req_comps == 4) { pDst = (uint8*)malloc(tex.get_total_pixels() * sizeof(uint32)); uint8 *pSrc = (uint8*)pImg->get_ptr(); memcpy(pDst, pSrc, tex.get_total_pixels() * sizeof(uint32)); } else { image_u8 luma_img; if (req_comps == 1) { luma_img = *pImg; luma_img.convert_to_grayscale(); pImg = &luma_img; } pixel_packer packer(req_comps, 8); uint32 n; pDst = image_utils::pack_image(*pImg, packer, n); } return pDst; } } // namespace image_utils } // namespace crnlib