-- This GENie/premake file copies the behavior of the Makefile in the lib folder. -- Basic usage: project_zstd(ZSTD_DIR) function project_zstd(dir, compression, decompression, deprecated, dictbuilder, legacy) if compression == nil then compression = true end if decompression == nil then decompression = true end if deprecated == nil then deprecated = false end if dictbuilder == nil then dictbuilder = false end if legacy == nil then legacy = 0 end if not compression then dictbuilder = false deprecated = false end if not decompression then legacy = 0 deprecated = false end project 'zstd' kind 'StaticLib' language 'C' files { dir .. 'zstd.h', dir .. 'common/**.c', dir .. 'common/**.h' } if compression then files { dir .. 'compress/**.c', dir .. 'compress/**.h' } end if decompression then files { dir .. 'decompress/**.c', dir .. 'decompress/**.h' } end if dictbuilder then files { dir .. 'dictBuilder/**.c', dir .. 'dictBuilder/**.h' } end if deprecated then files { dir .. 'deprecated/**.c', dir .. 'deprecated/**.h' } end if legacy ~= 0 then if legacy >= 8 then files { dir .. 'legacy/zstd_v0' .. (legacy - 7) .. '.*' } end includedirs { dir .. 'legacy' } end includedirs { dir, dir .. 'common' } defines { 'XXH_NAMESPACE=ZSTD_', -- See here on why: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/25744 'ZSTD_DISABLE_ASM=1', 'ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT=' .. legacy } end group("third_party") project("zstd") uuid("df336aac-f0c8-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003") project_zstd('./zstd/lib/')