// File: crn_resampler.h // RG: This is public domain code, originally derived from Graphics Gems 3, see: http://code.google.com/p/imageresampler/ #pragma once namespace crnlib { #define CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_DEBUG_OPS 0 #define CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_DEFAULT_FILTER "lanczos4" #define CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION 16384 // float or double typedef float Resample_Real; class Resampler { public: typedef Resample_Real Sample; struct Contrib { Resample_Real weight; unsigned short pixel; }; struct Contrib_List { unsigned short n; Contrib* p; }; enum Boundary_Op { BOUNDARY_WRAP = 0, BOUNDARY_REFLECT = 1, BOUNDARY_CLAMP = 2 }; enum Status { STATUS_OKAY = 0, STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 1, STATUS_BAD_FILTER_NAME = 2, STATUS_SCAN_BUFFER_FULL = 3 }; // src_x/src_y - Input dimensions // dst_x/dst_y - Output dimensions // boundary_op - How to sample pixels near the image boundaries // sample_low/sample_high - Clamp output samples to specified range, or disable clamping if sample_low >= sample_high // Pclist_x/Pclist_y - Optional pointers to contributor lists from another instance of a Resampler // src_x_ofs/src_y_ofs - Offset input image by specified amount (fractional values okay) Resampler( int src_x, int src_y, int dst_x, int dst_y, Boundary_Op boundary_op = BOUNDARY_CLAMP, Resample_Real sample_low = 0.0f, Resample_Real sample_high = 0.0f, const char* Pfilter_name = CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_DEFAULT_FILTER, Contrib_List* Pclist_x = NULL, Contrib_List* Pclist_y = NULL, Resample_Real filter_x_scale = 1.0f, Resample_Real filter_y_scale = 1.0f, Resample_Real src_x_ofs = 0.0f, Resample_Real src_y_ofs = 0.0f); ~Resampler(); // Reinits resampler so it can handle another frame. void restart(); // false on out of memory. bool put_line(const Sample* Psrc); // NULL if no scanlines are currently available (give the resampler more scanlines!) const Sample* get_line(); Status status() const { return m_status; } // Returned contributor lists can be shared with another Resampler. void get_clists(Contrib_List** ptr_clist_x, Contrib_List** ptr_clist_y); Contrib_List* get_clist_x() const { return m_Pclist_x; } Contrib_List* get_clist_y() const { return m_Pclist_y; } // Filter accessors. static int get_filter_num(); static const char* get_filter_name(int filter_num); static Contrib_List* make_clist( int src_x, int dst_x, Boundary_Op boundary_op, Resample_Real (*Pfilter)(Resample_Real), Resample_Real filter_support, Resample_Real filter_scale, Resample_Real src_ofs); private: Resampler(); Resampler(const Resampler& o); Resampler& operator= (const Resampler& o); #ifdef CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_DEBUG_OPS int total_ops; #endif int m_intermediate_x; int m_resample_src_x; int m_resample_src_y; int m_resample_dst_x; int m_resample_dst_y; Boundary_Op m_boundary_op; Sample* m_Pdst_buf; Sample* m_Ptmp_buf; Contrib_List* m_Pclist_x; Contrib_List* m_Pclist_y; bool m_clist_x_forced; bool m_clist_y_forced; bool m_delay_x_resample; int* m_Psrc_y_count; unsigned char* m_Psrc_y_flag; // The maximum number of scanlines that can be buffered at one time. enum { MAX_SCAN_BUF_SIZE = CRNLIB_RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION }; struct Scan_Buf { int scan_buf_y[MAX_SCAN_BUF_SIZE]; Sample* scan_buf_l[MAX_SCAN_BUF_SIZE]; }; Scan_Buf* m_Pscan_buf; int m_cur_src_y; int m_cur_dst_y; Status m_status; void resample_x(Sample* Pdst, const Sample* Psrc); void scale_y_mov(Sample* Ptmp, const Sample* Psrc, Resample_Real weight, int dst_x); void scale_y_add(Sample* Ptmp, const Sample* Psrc, Resample_Real weight, int dst_x); void clamp(Sample* Pdst, int n); void resample_y(Sample* Pdst); static int reflect(const int j, const int src_x, const Boundary_Op boundary_op); inline int count_ops(Contrib_List* Pclist, int k) { int i, t = 0; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) t += Pclist[i].n; return (t); } Resample_Real m_lo; Resample_Real m_hi; inline Resample_Real clamp_sample(Resample_Real f) const { if (f < m_lo) f = m_lo; else if (f > m_hi) f = m_hi; return f; } }; } // namespace crnlib