# Building You must have a 64-bit machine for building and running the project. Always run your system updater before building and make sure you have the latest video drivers for your card. ## Setup ### Windows * Windows 8 or 8.1 * Visual Studio 2015 * [Python 2.7](http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.6/) * If you are on Windows 8, you will also need the [Windows 8.1 SDK](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/bg162891) Ensure Python is in your PATH (`C:\Python27\`). I recommend using [Cmder](http://bliker.github.io/cmder/) for git and command line usage. #### Debugging VS behaves oddly with the debug paths. Open the xenia project properties and set the 'Command' to `$(SolutionDir)$(TargetPath)` and the 'Working Directory' to `$(SolutionDir)..\..`. You can specify flags and the file to run in the 'Command Arguments' field (or use `--flagfile=flags.txt`). ## Running Use the wrapper shell scripts under `bin/` to run tools. They will ensure the tools are built (but not that they are up to date) before running and allow switching between the debug and release variants with `--debug`. To make life easier you can use `--flagfile=myflags.txt` to specify all arguments, including using `--target=my.xex` to pick an executable.