-- -- On Linux we build against the system version (libsdl2-dev for building), -- since SDL2 is our robust API there like DirectX is on Windows. -- local sdl2_sys_includedirs = {} local third_party_path = os.getcwd() if os.istarget("windows") then -- build ourselves include("SDL2-static.lua") else -- use system libraries local result, code, what = os.outputof("sdl2-config --cflags") if result then for inc in string.gmatch(result, "-I([%S]+)") do table.insert(sdl2_sys_includedirs, inc) end else error("Failed to run 'sdl2-config'. Are libsdl2 development files installed?") end end -- -- Call this function in project scope to include the SDL2 headers. -- function sdl2_include() filter("platforms:Windows") includedirs({ path.getrelative(".", third_party_path) .. "/SDL2/include", }) filter("platforms:Linux or platforms:Mac") includedirs(sdl2_sys_includedirs) filter({}) end