#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 Ben Vanik & shuffle2. All Rights Reserved. """PPC instruction table generator. Generates various headers/sources for looking up and handling PPC instructions. This is based on shuffle2's PPC generator: https://gist.github.com/shuffle2/10015968 """ __author__ = 'ben.vanik@gmail.com (Ben Vanik)' import os import sys from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, SubElement, tostring, dump self_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def bit_extract(x, leftmost, rightmost): return (x >> (32 - 1 - rightmost)) & ((1 << (rightmost - leftmost + 1)) - 1) extended_opcode_bits = { 'X': [(21, 30)], 'XL': [(21, 30)], 'XFX': [(21, 30)], 'XFL': [(21, 30)], 'VX': [(21, 31)], 'VX128': [(22, 25), (27, 27)], 'VX128_1': [(21, 27), (30, 31)], 'VX128_2': [(22, 22), (27, 27)], 'VX128_3': [(21, 27)], 'VX128_4': [(21, 23), (26, 27)], 'VX128_5': [(27, 27)], 'VX128_R': [(22, 24), (27, 27)], 'VX128_P': [(21, 22), (26, 27)], 'VC': [(22, 31)], 'VA': [(26, 31)], 'XO': [(22, 30)], 'XW': [(25, 30)], 'A': [(26, 30)], 'DS': [(30, 31)], 'MD': [(27, 29)], 'MDS': [(27, 30)], 'XS': [(21, 29)], 'DCBZ': [(6, 10), (21, 30)], # like X } def opcode_primary(insn): return bit_extract(insn, 0, 5) def opcode_extended(insn, form): if form in extended_opcode_bits: parts = extended_opcode_bits[form] value = 0 shift = 0 for part in parts: shift = max(shift, part[1]) for part in parts: part_value = bit_extract(insn, part[0], part[1]) value = value | (part_value << (shift - part[1])) return value else: return -1 class Insn: pass def parse_insns(filename): root = ElementTree(file = filename) insns = [] # Convert to python types for e in root.findall('.//insn'): i = Insn() i.opcode = int(e.attrib['opcode'], 16) i.mnem = e.attrib['mnem'] i.form = e.attrib['form'] i.group = e.attrib['group'] i.desc = e.attrib['desc'] i.type = 'General' if 'sync' in e.attrib and e.attrib['sync'] == 'true': i.type = 'Sync' i.op_primary = opcode_primary(i.opcode) i.op_extended = opcode_extended(i.opcode, i.form) i.reads = [] i.writes = [] for r in e.findall('.//in'): is_conditional = 'conditional' in r.attrib and r.attrib['conditional'] == 'true' i.reads.append((r.attrib['field'], is_conditional)) for w in e.findall('.//out'): is_conditional = 'conditional' in w.attrib and w.attrib['conditional'] == 'true' i.writes.append((w.attrib['field'], is_conditional)) i.disasm_str = None for d in e.findall('.//disasm'): i.disasm_str = d.text insns.append(i) return insns def c_mnem(x): return x.replace('.', 'x') def c_group(x): return 'k' + x[0].upper() + x[1:] def c_bool(x): return 'true' if x else 'false' def c_field(x): base_name = 'k' + x[0] cond_name = 'cond' if x[1] else '' return base_name + cond_name def generate_opcodes(insns): l = [] TAB = ' ' * 2 def w0(x): l.append(x) def w1(x): w0(TAB * 1 + x) def w2(x): w0(TAB * 2 + x) def w3(x): w0(TAB * 3 + x) w0('// This code was autogenerated by %s. Do not modify!' % (sys.argv[0])) w0('// clang-format off') w0('#ifndef XENIA_CPU_PPC_PPC_OPCODE_H_') w0('#define XENIA_CPU_PPC_PPC_OPCODE_H_') w0('') w0('#include <cstdint>') w0('') w0('namespace xe {') w0('namespace cpu {') w0('namespace ppc {') w0('') for i in insns: i.mnem = c_mnem(i.mnem) insns = sorted(insns, key = lambda i: i.mnem) w0('// All PPC opcodes in the same order they appear in ppc_opcode_table.h:') w0('enum class PPCOpcode : uint32_t {') for i in insns: w1('%s,' % (i.mnem)) w1('kInvalid,') w0('};') w0('') w0('} // namespace ppc') w0('} // namespace cpu') w0('} // namespace xe') w0('') w0('#endif // XENIA_CPU_PPC_PPC_OPCODE_H_') w0('') return '\n'.join(l) def generate_table(insns): l = [] TAB = ' ' * 2 def w0(x): l.append(x) def w1(x): w0(TAB * 1 + x) def w2(x): w0(TAB * 2 + x) def w3(x): w0(TAB * 3 + x) w0('// This code was autogenerated by %s. Do not modify!' % (sys.argv[0])) w0('// clang-format off') w0('#include <cstdint>') w0('') w0('#include "xenia/base/assert.h"') w0('#include "xenia/cpu/ppc/ppc_opcode.h"') w0('#include "xenia/cpu/ppc/ppc_opcode_info.h"') w0('') w0('namespace xe {') w0('namespace cpu {') w0('namespace ppc {') w0('') for i in insns: i.mnem = '"' + c_mnem(i.mnem) + '"' i.form = c_group(i.form) i.group = c_group(i.group) i.type = c_group(i.type) mnem_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.mnem)).mnem) form_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.form)).form) group_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.group)).group) type_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.type)).type) insns = sorted(insns, key = lambda i: i.mnem) w0('#define INSTRUCTION(opcode, mnem, form, group, type) \\') w0(' {PPCOpcodeGroup::group, PPCOpcodeType::type, nullptr}') w0('PPCOpcodeInfo ppc_opcode_table[] = {') fmt = 'INSTRUCTION(' + ', '.join([ '0x%08x', '%-' + str(mnem_len) + 's', '%-' + str(form_len) + 's', '%-' + str(group_len) + 's', '%-' + str(type_len) + 's', ]) + '),' for i in insns: w1(fmt % (i.opcode, i.mnem, i.form, i.group, i.type)) w0('};') w0('static_assert(sizeof(ppc_opcode_table) / sizeof(PPCOpcodeInfo) == static_cast<int>(PPCOpcode::kInvalid), "PPC table mismatch - rerun ppc-table-gen");') w0('') w0('const PPCOpcodeInfo& GetOpcodeInfo(PPCOpcode opcode) {') w1('return ppc_opcode_table[static_cast<int>(opcode)];') w0('}') w0('void RegisterOpcodeEmitter(PPCOpcode opcode, InstrEmitFn fn) {') w1('assert_null(ppc_opcode_table[static_cast<int>(opcode)].emit);') w1('ppc_opcode_table[static_cast<int>(opcode)].emit = fn;') w0('}') w0('') w0('} // namespace ppc') w0('} // namespace cpu') w0('} // namespace xe') w0('') return '\n'.join(l) def literal_mnem(x): x = x.replace('.', '_') x = x.replace('"', '') return x def generate_token_append(i, token): # Rc = . iff Rc=1 # OE = o iff OE=1 if token == 'Rc': return 'if (d.%s.Rc()) str->Append(\'.\');' % (i.o_form) elif token == 'OE': return 'if (d.%s.OE()) str->Append(\'o\');' % (i.o_form) elif token == 'LK': return 'if (d.%s.LK()) str->Append(\'l\');' % (i.o_form) elif token == 'AA': return 'if (d.%s.AA()) str->Append(\'a\');' % (i.o_form) elif token in ['RA', 'RA0', 'RB', 'RC', 'RT', 'RS', 'RD']: return 'str->AppendFormat("r%%d", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) elif token in ['FA', 'FB', 'FC', 'FT', 'FS', 'FD']: return 'str->AppendFormat("fr%%d", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) elif token in ['VA', 'VB', 'VC', 'VT', 'VS', 'VD']: return 'str->AppendFormat("vr%%d", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) elif token in ['CRFD', 'CRFS']: return 'str->AppendFormat("crf%%d", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) elif token in ['CRBA', 'CRBB', 'CRBD']: return 'str->AppendFormat("crb%%d", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) elif token in ['BO', 'BI', 'TO', 'SPR', 'TBR', 'L', 'FM', 'MB', 'ME', 'SH', 'IMM', 'z']: return 'str->AppendFormat("%%d", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) elif token == 'UIMM': return 'str->AppendFormat("0x%%X", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) elif token in ['d', 'ds', 'SIMM']: return 'str->AppendFormat(d.%s.%s() < 0 ? "-0x%%X" : "0x%%X", std::abs(d.%s.%s()));' % (i.o_form, token, i.o_form, token) elif token == 'ADDR': return 'str->AppendFormat("0x%%X", d.%s.%s());' % (i.o_form, token) return 'str->AppendFormat("(UNHANDLED %s)");' % token def generate_disasm(insns): l = [] TAB = ' ' * 2 def w0(x): l.append(x) def w1(x): w0(TAB * 1 + x) def w2(x): w0(TAB * 2 + x) def w3(x): w0(TAB * 3 + x) w0('// This code was autogenerated by %s. Do not modify!' % (sys.argv[0])) w0('// clang-format off') w0('#include <cstdint>') w0('') w0('#include "xenia/base/assert.h"') w0('#include "xenia/cpu/ppc/ppc_decode_data.h"') w0('#include "xenia/cpu/ppc/ppc_opcode.h"') w0('#include "xenia/cpu/ppc/ppc_opcode_info.h"') w0('') w0('namespace xe {') w0('namespace cpu {') w0('namespace ppc {') w0('') w0('constexpr size_t kNamePad = 11;') w0('const uint8_t kSpaces[kNamePad] = {0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20};') w0('void PadStringBuffer(StringBuffer* str, size_t base, size_t pad) {') w1('size_t added_len = str->length() - base;') w1('if (added_len < pad) str->AppendBytes(kSpaces, kNamePad - added_len);') w0('}') w0('') for i in insns: i.mnem = '"' + c_mnem(i.mnem) + '"' i.o_form = i.form i.form = c_group(i.form) i.desc = '"' + i.desc + '"' i.group = c_group(i.group) i.type = c_group(i.type) mnem_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.mnem)).mnem) form_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.form)).form) desc_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.desc)).desc) group_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.group)).group) type_len = len(max(insns, key = lambda i: len(i.type)).type) insns = sorted(insns, key = lambda i: i.mnem) # TODO(benvanik): support alts: # <disasm cond="![RA]">li [RD], [SIMM]</disasm> for i in insns: if not i.disasm_str: continue w0('void PrintDisasm_%s(const PPCDecodeData& d, StringBuffer* str) {' % (literal_mnem(i.mnem))) w1('// ' + i.disasm_str) w1('size_t str_start = str->length();') current_str = '' j = 0 first_space = False while j < len(i.disasm_str): c = i.disasm_str[j] if c == '[': if current_str: w1('str->Append("%s");' % (current_str)) current_str = '' token = i.disasm_str[j + 1 : i.disasm_str.index(']', j)] j += len(token) + 1 w1(generate_token_append(i, token)) else: if c == ' ' and not first_space: if current_str: w1('str->Append("%s");' % (current_str)) current_str = '' w1('PadStringBuffer(str, str_start, kNamePad);') first_space = True else: current_str += c j += 1 if current_str: w1('str->Append("%s");' % (current_str)) if not first_space: w1('PadStringBuffer(str, str_start, kNamePad);') w0('}') w0('#define INIT_LIST(...) {__VA_ARGS__}') w0('#define INSTRUCTION(opcode, mnem, form, group, type, desc, reads, writes, fn) \\') w0(' {PPCOpcodeGroup::group, PPCOpcodeFormat::form, opcode, mnem, desc, INIT_LIST reads, INIT_LIST writes, fn}') w0('PPCOpcodeDisasmInfo ppc_opcode_disasm_table[] = {') fmt = 'INSTRUCTION(' + ', '.join([ '0x%08x', '%-' + str(mnem_len) + 's', '%-' + str(form_len) + 's', '%-' + str(group_len) + 's', '%-' + str(type_len) + 's', '%-' + str(desc_len) + 's', '(%s)', '(%s)', '%s', ]) + '),' for i in insns: w1(fmt % ( i.opcode, i.mnem, i.form, i.group, i.type, i.desc, ','.join(['PPCOpcodeField::' + c_field(r) for r in i.reads]), ','.join(['PPCOpcodeField::' + c_field(w) for w in i.writes]), ('PrintDisasm_' + literal_mnem(i.mnem)) if i.disasm_str else 'nullptr', )) w0('};') w0('static_assert(sizeof(ppc_opcode_disasm_table) / sizeof(PPCOpcodeDisasmInfo) == static_cast<int>(PPCOpcode::kInvalid), "PPC table mismatch - rerun ppc-table-gen");') w0('') w0('const PPCOpcodeDisasmInfo& GetOpcodeDisasmInfo(PPCOpcode opcode) {') w1('return ppc_opcode_disasm_table[static_cast<int>(opcode)];') w0('}') w0('void RegisterOpcodeDisasm(PPCOpcode opcode, InstrDisasmFn fn) {') w1('assert_null(ppc_opcode_disasm_table[static_cast<int>(opcode)].disasm);') w1('ppc_opcode_disasm_table[static_cast<int>(opcode)].disasm = fn;') w0('}') w0('') w0('} // namespace ppc') w0('} // namespace cpu') w0('} // namespace xe') w0('') return '\n'.join(l) def generate_lookup(insns): l = [] TAB = ' ' * 2 def w0(x): l.append(x) def w1(x): w0(TAB * 1 + x) def w2(x): w0(TAB * 2 + x) def w3(x): w0(TAB * 3 + x) for i in insns: i.mnem = c_mnem(i.mnem) w0('// This code was autogenerated by %s. Do not modify!' % (sys.argv[0])) w0('// clang-format off') w0('#include <cstdint>') w0('') w0('#include "xenia/base/assert.h"') w0('#include "xenia/cpu/ppc/ppc_opcode.h"') w0('#include "xenia/cpu/ppc/ppc_opcode_info.h"') w0('') w0('namespace xe {') w0('namespace cpu {') w0('namespace ppc {') w0('') w0('constexpr uint32_t ExtractBits(uint32_t v, uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {') w0(' return (v >> (32 - 1 - b)) & ((1 << (b - a + 1)) - 1);') w0('}') w0('') w0('#define PPC_DECODER_MISS assert_always(); return PPCOpcode::kInvalid') w0('#define PPC_DECODER_HIT(name) return PPCOpcode::name;') w0('') w0('PPCOpcode LookupOpcode(uint32_t code) {') w1('switch (ExtractBits(code, 0, 5)) {') subtables = {} for i in sorted(insns, key = lambda i: i.op_primary): if i.op_primary not in subtables: subtables[i.op_primary] = [] subtables[i.op_primary].append(i) for pri in sorted(subtables.iterkeys()): # all the extended encodings (which we care about) end with bit 30. So we want to # do the rest of the seach by bitscanning left from bit 30. This is simulated # in the C switch-statement by creating leafs for each extended opcode, # sorted by bitlength shortest to longest. if len(subtables[pri]) == 1: for i in subtables[pri]: # the primary opcode field fully identifies the opcode w1('case %i: PPC_DECODER_HIT(%s);' % (i.op_primary, i.mnem)) continue extract_groups = {} for i in subtables[pri]: form_parts = extended_opcode_bits[i.form] shift = 0 for form_part in form_parts: shift = max(shift, form_part[1]) extract_parts = [] for form_part in form_parts: extract_parts.append('(ExtractBits(code, %s, %s) << %s)' % (form_part[0], form_part[1], shift - form_part[1])) extract_expression = '|'.join(extract_parts) if extract_expression not in extract_groups: extract_groups[extract_expression] = (i.form, extract_expression, []) extract_groups[extract_expression][2].append(i) w1('case %i:' % (pri)) for extract_expression in sorted(extract_groups.iterkeys()): (form, extract_expression, group_insns) = extract_groups[extract_expression] bit_span_low = 31 bit_span_high = 0 form_parts = extended_opcode_bits[form] for form_part in form_parts: bit_span_low = min(bit_span_low, form_part[0]) bit_span_high = max(bit_span_high, form_part[1]) bit_count = bit_span_high - bit_span_low + 1 w2('switch (%s) {' % (extract_expression)) for i in sorted(group_insns, key=lambda i: i.op_extended): w3('case 0b%s: PPC_DECODER_HIT(%s);' % ( ('{:0'+str(bit_count)+'b}').format(i.op_extended), i.mnem)) w2('}') w2('PPC_DECODER_MISS;') w1('default: PPC_DECODER_MISS;') w1('}') w0('}') w0('') w0('} // namespace ppc') w0('} // namespace cpu') w0('} // namespace xe') w0('') # from this we can see some tables have bits which can be used to determine extended opcoded size: # primary opcode 31: # 01... = 9 bits (XO form), else 10 bits (X/XFX forms) # primary opcode 63: # 1.... = 7 bits (A form), else 10 bits (X/XFL forms) # primary opcode 4: # does not have small bit range to determine size, but you can just use the # low 7 bits in order to "guess" the opcode. if you assume no invalid # encodings are input, only the sequence ...0001000 actually *needs* the upper # bits in order to differentiate the opcode (0100001000 = ps_abs, 0010001000 = ps_nabs) # otherwise, the low 7bits can be used as the determinant, and a second comparison # can be used against the real length of bits to fully match the extended opcode # # this approach can be generalized for all primary opcodes with extended opcodes of varying lengths: # compare bits of smallest length, fall through to comparing larger sizes until found or failure # with the optional optimization of discarding further compares for extended opcodes which # share top bits with any other extended opcode (at the price of failing to detect invalid opcodes) return '\n'.join(l) if __name__ == '__main__': ppc_src_path = os.path.join(self_path, '..', 'src', 'xenia', 'cpu', 'ppc') insns = parse_insns(os.path.join(self_path, 'ppc-instructions.xml')) with open(os.path.join(ppc_src_path, 'ppc_opcode.h'), 'w') as f: f.write(generate_opcodes(insns)) insns = parse_insns(os.path.join(self_path, 'ppc-instructions.xml')) with open(os.path.join(ppc_src_path, 'ppc_opcode_table.cc'), 'w') as f: f.write(generate_table(insns)) insns = parse_insns(os.path.join(self_path, 'ppc-instructions.xml')) with open(os.path.join(ppc_src_path, 'ppc_opcode_disasm.cc'), 'w') as f: f.write(generate_disasm(insns)) insns = parse_insns(os.path.join(self_path, 'ppc-instructions.xml')) with open(os.path.join(ppc_src_path, 'ppc_opcode_lookup.cc'), 'w') as f: f.write(generate_lookup(insns))