# Style Guide The style guide can be summed up as 'clang-format with the Google style set'. In addition, the [Google Style Guide](http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml) is followed and cpplint is the source of truth. Base rules: * 80 column line length max * LF (Unix-style) line endings * 2-space soft tabs, no TABs! * [Google Style Guide](http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml) for naming/casing/etc Code that really breaks from the formatting rules will not be accepted, as then no one else can use clang-format on the code without also touching all your lines. The buildbot runs `xb lint --all` on the master branch, and will run `xb lint --origin` on pull requests. Run `xb format` before you commit each local change so that you are consistently clean, otherwise you may have to rebase. If you forget, run `xb format --origin` and rebase your changes (so you don't end up with 5 changes and then a 6th 'whoops' one - that's nasty). The buildbot is running LLVM 3.6.1. If you are noticing style differences between your local lint/format and the buildbot, ensure you are running that version. ## Tools ### clang-format clang-format with the Google style is used to format all files. I recommend installing/wiring it up to your editor of choice so that you don't even have to think about tabs and wrapping and such. #### Command Line To use the `xb format` auto-formatter, you need to have a `clang-format` on your PATH. If you're on Windows you can do this by installing an LLVM binary package from [the LLVM downloads page](http://llvm.org/releases/download.html). If you install it to the default location the `xb format` command will find it automatically even if you don't choose to put all of LLVM onto your PATH. #### Visual Studio Grab the official [experimental Visual Studio plugin](http://llvm.org/builds/). To switch to the Google style go Tools -> Options -> LLVM/Clang -> ClangFormat and set Style to Google. Then use ctrl-r/ctrl-f to trigger the formatting. Unfortunately it only does the cursor by default, so you'll have to select the whole doc and invoke it to get it all done. If you have a better option, let me know! #### Xcode Install [Alcatraz](http://alcatraz.io/) to get the [ClangFormat](https://github.com/travisjeffery/ClangFormat-Xcode) package. Set it to use the Google style and format on save. Never think about tabs or linefeeds or whatever again. ### cpplint TODO(benvanik): write a cool script to do this/editor plugins. In the future, the linter will run as a git commit hook and on travis.