include("tools/build") require("third_party/premake-export-compile-commands/export-compile-commands") require("third_party/premake-androidndk/androidndk") require("third_party/premake-cmake/cmake") location(build_root) targetdir(build_bin) objdir(build_obj) -- Define an ARCH variable -- Only use this to enable architecture-specific functionality. if os.istarget("linux") then ARCH = os.outputof("uname -p") else ARCH = "unknown" end includedirs({ ".", "src", "third_party", }) defines({ "_UNICODE", "UNICODE", }) cppdialect("C++17") exceptionhandling("On") rtti("On") symbols("On") -- TODO(DrChat): Find a way to disable this on other architectures. if ARCH ~= "ppc64" then filter("architecture:x86_64") vectorextensions("AVX") filter({}) end characterset("Unicode") flags({ "FatalWarnings", -- Treat warnings as errors. }) filter("kind:StaticLib") defines({ "_LIB", }) filter("configurations:Checked") runtime("Debug") optimize("Off") defines({ "DEBUG", }) filter({"configurations:Checked", "platforms:Windows"}) buildoptions({ "/RTCsu", -- Full Run-Time Checks. }) filter({"configurations:Checked", "platforms:Linux"}) defines({ "_GLIBCXX_DEBUG", -- libstdc++ debug mode }) filter({"configurations:Release", "platforms:Windows"}) buildoptions({ "/Gw", "/GS-", "/Oy" }) filter("configurations:Debug") runtime("Release") optimize("Off") defines({ "DEBUG", "_NO_DEBUG_HEAP=1", }) filter({"configurations:Debug", "platforms:Linux"}) defines({ "_GLIBCXX_DEBUG", -- make dbg symbols work on some distros }) filter("configurations:Release") runtime("Release") defines({ "NDEBUG", "_NO_DEBUG_HEAP=1", }) optimize("Speed") inlining("Auto") flags({ "LinkTimeOptimization", }) -- Not using floatingpoint("Fast") - NaN checks are used in some places -- (though rarely), overall preferable to avoid any functional differences -- between debug and release builds, and to have calculations involved in GPU -- (especially anything that may affect vertex position invariance) and CPU -- (such as constant propagation) emulation as predictable as possible, -- including handling of specials since games make assumptions about them. filter("platforms:Linux") system("linux") toolset("clang") buildoptions({ -- "-mlzcnt", -- (don't) Assume lzcnt is supported. }) pkg_config.all("gtk+-x11-3.0") links({ "stdc++fs", "dl", "lz4", "pthread", "rt", }) filter({"platforms:Linux", "kind:*App"}) linkgroups("On") filter({"platforms:Linux", "language:C++", "toolset:gcc"}) disablewarnings({ "unused-result" }) filter({"platforms:Linux", "toolset:gcc"}) if ARCH == "ppc64" then buildoptions({ "-m32", "-mpowerpc64" }) linkoptions({ "-m32", "-mpowerpc64" }) end filter({"platforms:Linux", "language:C++", "toolset:clang"}) disablewarnings({ "deprecated-register" }) filter({"platforms:Linux", "language:C++", "toolset:clang", "files:*.cc or *.cpp"}) buildoptions({ "-stdlib=libstdc++", }) filter("platforms:Android-*") system("android") systemversion("24") cppstl("c++") staticruntime("On") -- Hidden visibility is needed to prevent dynamic relocations in FFmpeg -- AArch64 Neon libavcodec assembly with PIC (accesses extern lookup tables -- using `adrp` and `add`, without the Global Object Table, expecting that all -- FFmpeg symbols that aren't a part of the FFmpeg API are hidden by FFmpeg's -- original build system) by resolving those relocations at link time instead. visibility("Hidden") links({ "android", "dl", "log", }) filter("platforms:Windows") system("windows") toolset("msc") buildoptions({ "/utf-8", -- 'build correctly on systems with non-Latin codepages'. -- Mark warnings as severe "/w14839", -- non-standard use of class 'type' as an argument to a variadic function "/w14840", -- non-portable use of class 'type' as an argument to a variadic function -- Disable warnings "/wd4100", -- Unreferenced parameters are ok. "/wd4201", -- Nameless struct/unions are ok. "/wd4512", -- 'assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted'. "/wd4127", -- 'conditional expression is constant'. "/wd4324", -- 'structure was padded due to alignment specifier'. "/wd4189", -- 'local variable is initialized but not referenced'. }) flags({ "MultiProcessorCompile", -- Multiprocessor compilation. "NoMinimalRebuild", -- Required for /MP above. }) defines({ "_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE", "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", "WIN32", "_WIN64=1", "_AMD64=1", }) linkoptions({ "/ignore:4006", -- Ignores complaints about empty obj files. "/ignore:4221", }) links({ "ntdll", "wsock32", "ws2_32", "xinput", "comctl32", "shcore", "shlwapi", "dxguid", "bcrypt", }) -- Embed the manifest for things like dependencies and DPI awareness. filter({"platforms:Windows", "kind:ConsoleApp or WindowedApp"}) files({ "src/xenia/base/app_win32.manifest" }) -- Create scratch/ path if not os.isdir("scratch") then os.mkdir("scratch") end workspace("xenia") uuid("931ef4b0-6170-4f7a-aaf2-0fece7632747") startproject("xenia-app") if os.istarget("android") then platforms({"Android-ARM64", "Android-x86_64"}) filter("platforms:Android-ARM64") architecture("ARM64") filter("platforms:Android-x86_64") architecture("x86_64") filter({}) else architecture("x86_64") if os.istarget("linux") then platforms({"Linux"}) elseif os.istarget("macosx") then platforms({"Mac"}) xcodebuildsettings({ ["ARCHS"] = "x86_64" }) elseif os.istarget("windows") then platforms({"Windows"}) -- 10.0.15063.0: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1::SetSamplePositions. -- 10.0.19041.0: D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED. -- 10.0.22000.0: DWMWA_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE. filter("action:vs2017") systemversion("10.0.22000.0") filter("action:vs2019") systemversion("10.0") filter({}) end end configurations({"Checked", "Debug", "Release"}) include("third_party/aes_128.lua") include("third_party/capstone.lua") include("third_party/dxbc.lua") include("third_party/discord-rpc.lua") include("third_party/cxxopts.lua") include("third_party/cpptoml.lua") include("third_party/FFmpeg/premake5.lua") include("third_party/fmt.lua") include("third_party/glslang-spirv.lua") include("third_party/imgui.lua") include("third_party/mspack.lua") include("third_party/snappy.lua") include("third_party/xxhash.lua") include("third_party/zarchive.lua") include("third_party/zstd.lua") include("third_party/zlib.lua") if not os.istarget("android") then -- SDL2 requires sdl2-config, and as of November 2020 isn't high-quality on -- Android yet, most importantly in game controllers - the keycode and axis -- enums are being ruined during conversion to SDL2 enums resulting in only -- one controller (Nvidia Shield) being supported, digital triggers are also -- not supported; lifecycle management (especially surface loss) is also -- complicated. include("third_party/SDL2.lua") end -- Disable treating warnings as fatal errors for all third party projects, as -- well as other things relevant only to Xenia itself. for _, prj in ipairs(premake.api.scope.current.solution.projects) do project( removefiles({ "src/xenia/base/app_win32.manifest" }) removeflags({ "FatalWarnings", }) end include("src/xenia") include("src/xenia/app") include("src/xenia/app/discord") include("src/xenia/apu") include("src/xenia/apu/nop") include("src/xenia/base") include("src/xenia/cpu") include("src/xenia/cpu/backend/x64") include("src/xenia/debug/ui") include("src/xenia/gpu") include("src/xenia/gpu/null") include("src/xenia/gpu/vulkan") include("src/xenia/hid") include("src/xenia/hid/nop") include("src/xenia/kernel") include("src/xenia/patcher") include("src/xenia/ui") include("src/xenia/ui/vulkan") include("src/xenia/vfs") if not os.istarget("android") then include("src/xenia/apu/sdl") include("src/xenia/helper/sdl") include("src/xenia/hid/sdl") end if os.istarget("windows") then include("src/xenia/apu/xaudio2") include("src/xenia/gpu/d3d12") include("src/xenia/hid/winkey") include("src/xenia/hid/xinput") include("src/xenia/ui/d3d12") end