<!-- ## Overview TODO --> ### Project Origin The project began when I ([@benvanik](https://twitter.com/benvanik)) was between jobs and wanted to hack on something fun. I'd picked up some region-locked Japanese games when I was visiting Tokyo and was frustrated I couldn't play them on my 360, so I started researching the 360 homebrew scene. I'd previously written a [PlayStation Portable emulator](https://code.google.com/p/pspplayer) and enjoyed it, noticed no one was playing with a 360 emulator, and thought 'what the hell'. Since then it's been an on-again off-again project done in my spare time when bored (or when [@gibbed](https://twitter.com/gibbed) has some time and gets me excited). ### Why? Because it's fun! ### Future Plans None! There's a [roadmap](../wiki/roadmap), but the project has largely achieved what I set out for it to do (waste time building something cool), and now is purely a passion project in my spare time. In addition to getting some of my favorite games to play I'm really just hacking to have fun. ## Team Contributors can be seen [here on GitHub](../graphs/contributors). <!--TODO: auto generate a list from API.-->