
''[https://github.com/xenia-canary/xenia-canary/wiki/Options Xenia Canary Options]''

= How to use =

# Run xenia if you haven't before.
# [https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/1784.windows-how-to-view-file-name-extensions.aspx Show file name extensions in Explorer].
# Go to <code>Documents\Xenia</code> and open <code>xenia.config.toml</code> in a text editor like [https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ Notepad++].
#* If a <code>portable.txt</code> file is present in the same directory as xenia.exe it will be in the same directory as xenia.exe.
#* Per-game configs go in <code>config\TitleID.config.toml</code>.
# For launchers/frontends like [https://github.com/quinton-ashley/bottlenose Bottlenose] you can use the <code>--config</code> launch parameter to specify what config to use.
#* To launch specific games, add the path to the game before the launch options. For example: <code>xenia.exe path/to/game/default.xex --vsync=false</code>

= Options =

== Run games as full/activated ==

! <code>license_mask</code> =
! <code>#</code>
| Deactivated/trial/demo mode ''(default)''
| <code>0</code>
| Activated/full mode
| <code>-1</code> or <code>1</code>

== Game language ==

! <code>user_language</code> =
!align="center"| <code>#</code>
| EN (English, ''default'')
|align="center"| <code>1</code>
| JA (Japanese/日本語)
|align="center"| <code>2</code>
| DE (German/Deutsche)
|align="center"| <code>3</code>
| FR (French/Français)
|align="center"| <code>4</code>
| ES (Spanish/Español)
|align="center"| <code>5</code>
| IT (Italian/Italiano)
|align="center"| <code>6</code>
| KO (Korean/한국어)
|align="center"| <code>7</code>
| ZH (Traditional Chinese/繁體中文)
|align="center"| <code>8</code>
| PT (Portuguese/Português)
|align="center"| <code>9</code>
| PL (Polish/Polski)
|align="center"| <code>11</code>
| RU (Russian/русский)
|align="center"| <code>12</code>
| SV (Swedish/Svenska)
|align="center"| <code>13</code>
| TR (Turkish/Türk)
|align="center"| <code>14</code>
| NB (Norwegian/Norsk)
|align="center"| <code>15</code>
| NL (Dutch/Nederlands)
|align="center"| <code>16</code>
| ZH (Simplified Chinese/简体中文)
|align="center"| <code>17</code>

== GPU ==

=== D3D12 ===

==== Render target path ====

[https://github.com/xenia-project/xenia/wiki/FAQ#what-is-rov What is ROV (rasterizer-ordered views)?]

Leave this option blank for auto-selection.

! <code>render_target_path_d3d12</code> =
! <code>string</code>
| RTV ''(recommended for speed)''
| <code>rtv</code>
| ROV ''(if available, for higher accuracy in certain cases)''
| <code>rov</code>

==== Resolution scaling ====

! <code>draw_resolution_scale</code> =
! <code>#</code>
| 1x (''default'', 1280x720)
| <code>1</code>
| 2x (2560x1440)
| <code>2</code>
| 3x (3840x2160)
| <code>3</code>

==== CPU readback after render target resolving ====

* This is needed for certain games, including but not limited to:
** Orange Box (text/save icons)
** SSX (2012, core temp missions)

! <code>d3d12_readback_resolve</code> =
! <code>bool</code>
| Off (''default'')
| <code>false</code>
| On (''slower'')
| <code>true</code>

=== Misc ===

==== Vsync ====

! <code>vsync</code> =
! <code>bool</code>
| On ''(default)''
| <code>true</code>
| Off ''(uncaps FPS)''
| <code>false</code>

* ''This won’t improve the framerate if your PC can’t handle running the game at it’s native FPS.''
* This doesn’t work with all games, including but not limited to:
** Banjo Kazooie/Tooie
** Halo 3/ODST/Reach/4
** Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

==== Renderer/Backend ====

! <code>gpu</code> =
! <code>string</code>
| Any ''(default, '''recommended''')''
| <code>any</code>
| Direct3D 12
| <code>d3d12</code>
| <s>Vulkan ''('''not''' recommended)''</s>
| <s><code>vulkan</code></s>
| Null ''(blank/nothing)''
| <code>null</code>

== HID (Input) ==

! <code>hid</code> =
! <code>string</code>
| Any ''(default)''
| <code>any</code>
| SDL2* ''(needed for non-XInput controllers, '''DOES NOT REQUIRE DLL''')''
| <code>sdl</code>
| XInput
| <code>xinput</code>
| Keyboard
| <code>winkey</code>
*When using SDL: If your game controller is not mapped correctly, [https://github.com/gabomdq/SDL_GameControllerDB/blob/master/gamecontrollerdb.txt download gamecontrollerdb.txt] and place it in the folder next to your xenia executable.