# Building

You must have a 64-bit machine for building and running the project. Always
run your system updater before building and make sure you have the latest

## Setup

### Windows

* Windows 7 or later
* [Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio 2017](https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/)
* [Python 3.6+](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
  * Ensure Python is in PATH.
* Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.19041.0 (for Visual Studio 2019, this or any newer version)

git clone https://github.com/xenia-project/xenia.git
cd xenia
xb setup

# Build on command line (add --config=release for release):
xb build

# Pull latest changes, rebase, update submodules, and run premake:
xb pull

# Run premake and open Visual Studio (run the 'xenia-app' project):
xb devenv

# Run premake to update the sln/vcproj's:
xb premake

# Format code to the style guide:
xb format
# Remove intermediate files and build outputs (doesn't work on Linux):
xb clean

# Check for lint errors with clang-format:
xb lint

# Run the style checker on all code:
xb style

# Remove all build/ output and do a hard git reset:
xb nuke

# Runs the clang-tidy checker on all code:
xb tidy

## Testing:

# Generate tests:
xb gentests

# Run tests:
xb test

# Run GPU tests:
xb gputest

## Other:

# Generate SPIR-V binaries and header files:
xb genspirv

#### Debugging

VS behaves oddly with the debug paths. Open the 'xenia-app' project properties
and set the 'Command' to `$(SolutionDir)$(TargetPath)` and the
'Working Directory' to `$(SolutionDir)..\..`. You can specify flags and
the file to run in the 'Command Arguments' field (or use `--flagfile=flags.txt`).

By default logs are written to a file with the name of the executable. You can
override this with `--log_file=log.txt`.

If running under Visual Studio and you want to look at the JIT'ed code
(available around 0xA0000000) you should pass `--emit_source_annotations` to
get helpful spacers/movs in the disassembly.

### Linux

Linux support is extremely experimental and presently incomplete.

The build script uses LLVM/Clang 9. GCC while it should work in theory, is not easily
interchangeable right now.

* Normal building via `xb build` uses Make.
* [CodeLite](https://codelite.org) is supported. `xb devenv` will generate a workspace and attempt to open it. Your distribution's version may be out of date so check their website.
* Experimental CMake generation is available to facilitate use of other IDEs such as [CLion](https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/). If `clion` is available inside `$PATH`, `xb devenv` will start it. Otherwise `build/CMakeLists.txt` needs to be generated by invoking `xb premake --devenv=cmake` manually.

Clang-9 or newer should be available from system repositories on all up to date distributions.
You will also need some development libraries. To get them on an Ubuntu system:

sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev liblz4-dev libx11-dev libvulkan-dev libsdl2-dev libiberty-dev libunwind-dev libc++-dev libc++abi-dev

In addition, you will need up to date Vulkan libraries and drivers for your hardware, which most distributions have in their standard repositories nowadays.

## Running

To make life easier you can set the program startup arguments in your IDE to something like `--log_file=stdout /path/to/Default.xex` to log to console rather than a file and start up the emulator right away.