// File: crn_intersect.h // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of inc/crnlib.h #pragma once #include "crn_ray.h" namespace crnlib { namespace intersection { enum result { cBackfacing = -1, cFailure = 0, cSuccess, cParallel, cInside, }; // Returns cInside, cSuccess, or cFailure. // Algorithm: Graphics Gems 1 template<typename vector_type, typename scalar_type, typename ray_type, typename aabb_type> result ray_aabb(vector_type& coord, scalar_type& t, const ray_type& ray, const aabb_type& box) { enum { cNumDim = vector_type::num_elements, cRight = 0, cLeft = 1, cMiddle = 2 }; bool inside = true; int quadrant[cNumDim]; scalar_type candidate_plane[cNumDim]; for (int i = 0; i < cNumDim; i++) { if (ray.get_origin()[i] < box[0][i]) { quadrant[i] = cLeft; candidate_plane[i] = box[0][i]; inside = false; } else if (ray.get_origin()[i] > box[1][i]) { quadrant[i] = cRight; candidate_plane[i] = box[1][i]; inside = false; } else { quadrant[i] = cMiddle; } } if (inside) { coord = ray.get_origin(); t = 0.0f; return cInside; } scalar_type max_t[cNumDim]; for (int i = 0; i < cNumDim; i++) { if ((quadrant[i] != cMiddle) && (ray.get_direction()[i] != 0.0f)) max_t[i] = (candidate_plane[i] - ray.get_origin()[i]) / ray.get_direction()[i]; else max_t[i] = -1.0f; } int which_plane = 0; for (int i = 1; i < cNumDim; i++) if (max_t[which_plane] < max_t[i]) which_plane = i; if (max_t[which_plane] < 0.0f) return cFailure; for (int i = 0; i < cNumDim; i++) { if (i != which_plane) { coord[i] = ray.get_origin()[i] + max_t[which_plane] * ray.get_direction()[i]; if ( (coord[i] < box[0][i]) || (coord[i] > box[1][i]) ) return cFailure; } else { coord[i] = candidate_plane[i]; } CRNLIB_ASSERT(coord[i] >= box[0][i] && coord[i] <= box[1][i]); } t = max_t[which_plane]; return cSuccess; } template<typename vector_type, typename scalar_type, typename ray_type, typename aabb_type> result ray_aabb(bool& started_within, vector_type& coord, scalar_type& t, const ray_type& ray, const aabb_type& box) { if (!box.contains(ray.get_origin())) { started_within = false; return ray_aabb(coord, t, ray, box); } started_within = true; float diag_dist = box.diagonal_length() * 1.5f; ray_type outside_ray(ray.eval(diag_dist), -ray.get_direction()); result res(ray_aabb(coord, t, outside_ray, box)); if (res != cSuccess) return res; t = math::maximum(0.0f, diag_dist - t); return cSuccess; } } }