// Hint files help the Visual Studio IDE interpret Visual C++ identifiers // such as names of functions and macros. // For more information see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865984 #define DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT_(name, category, tags) #define DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(name, category, tag) #define DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT2(name, category, tag1, tag2) #define DECLARE_XBDM_EXPORT_(name, category, tags) #define DECLARE_XBDM_EXPORT1(name, category, tag) #define DECLARE_XBOXKRNL_EXPORT_(name, category, tags) #define DECLARE_XBOXKRNL_EXPORT1(name, category, tag) #define DECLARE_XBOXKRNL_EXPORT2(name, category, tag1, tag2) #define DECLARE_XBOXKRNL_EXPORT3(name, category, tag1, tag2, tag3) #define DECLARE_XBOXKRNL_EXPORT4(name, category, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4)