## Instructions ``` stbu lwzu addx addix addic addzex subfx subfex subficx mulli mullwx divwux andix orx rlwinmx rldiclx extsbx slwx srawix # can be no-op dcbt dcbtst twi ``` ## Codegen ### Indirect branches (ctr/lr) emit_control.cc XeEmitBranchTo Need to take the value in LR/CTR and do something with it. Fast path: - Every time LR would be stashed, add the value of LR (some NIA) to a lookup table. - When doing an indirect branch first lookup the address in the table. - If not found, slow path, else jump. Slow path: - Call out and do an SDB lookup. - If found, return, add to lookup table, and jump. - If not found, need new function codegen! ### Caching of register values in basic blocks Right now the SSA values seem to leak from the blocks somehow. All caching is disabled. ```