/** ****************************************************************************** * Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2020 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. * * Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. * ****************************************************************************** */ #include "config.h" #include "third_party/cpptoml/include/cpptoml.h" #include "third_party/fmt/include/fmt/format.h" #include "xenia/base/assert.h" #include "xenia/base/cvar.h" #include "xenia/base/filesystem.h" #include "xenia/base/logging.h" #include "xenia/base/string.h" #include "xenia/base/string_buffer.h" std::shared_ptr ParseFile( const std::filesystem::path& filename) { std::ifstream file(filename); if (!file.is_open()) { throw cpptoml::parse_exception(xe::path_to_utf8(filename) + " could not be opened for parsing"); } // since cpptoml can't parse files with a UTF-8 BOM we need to skip them char bom[3]; file.read(bom, sizeof(bom)); if (file.fail() || bom[0] != '\xEF' || bom[1] != '\xBB' || bom[2] != '\xBF') { file.clear(); file.seekg(0); } cpptoml::parser p(file); return p.parse(); } CmdVar(config, "", "Specifies the target config to load."); DEFINE_uint32( defaults_date, 0, "Do not modify - internal version of the default values in the config, for " "seamless updates if default value of any option is changed.", "Config"); namespace config { std::string config_name = "xenia.config.toml"; std::filesystem::path config_folder; std::filesystem::path config_path; std::string game_config_suffix = ".config.toml"; std::shared_ptr ParseConfig( const std::filesystem::path& config_path) { try { return ParseFile(config_path); } catch (cpptoml::parse_exception e) { xe::FatalError(fmt::format("Failed to parse config file '{}':\n\n{}", xe::path_to_utf8(config_path), e.what())); return nullptr; } } void ReadConfig(const std::filesystem::path& file_path, bool update_if_no_version_stored) { if (!cvar::ConfigVars) { return; } const auto config = ParseConfig(file_path); // Loading an actual global config file that exists - if there's no // defaults_date in it, it's very old (before updating was added at all, thus // all defaults need to be updated). auto defaults_date_cvar = dynamic_cast*>(cv::cv_defaults_date); assert_not_null(defaults_date_cvar); defaults_date_cvar->SetConfigValue(0); for (auto& it : *cvar::ConfigVars) { auto config_var = static_cast(it.second); auto config_key = config_var->category() + "." + config_var->name(); if (config->contains_qualified(config_key)) { config_var->LoadConfigValue(config->get_qualified(config_key)); } } uint32_t config_defaults_date = defaults_date_cvar->GetTypedConfigValue(); if (update_if_no_version_stored || config_defaults_date) { cvar::IConfigVarUpdate::ApplyUpdates(config_defaults_date); } XELOGI("Loaded config: {}", xe::path_to_utf8(file_path)); } void ReadGameConfig(const std::filesystem::path& file_path) { if (!cvar::ConfigVars) { return; } const auto config = ParseConfig(file_path); for (auto& it : *cvar::ConfigVars) { auto config_var = static_cast(it.second); auto config_key = config_var->category() + "." + config_var->name(); if (config->contains_qualified(config_key)) { config_var->LoadGameConfigValue(config->get_qualified(config_key)); } } XELOGI("Loaded game config: {}", xe::path_to_utf8(file_path)); } void SaveConfig() { if (config_path.empty()) { return; } // All cvar defaults have been updated on loading - store the current date. auto defaults_date_cvar = dynamic_cast*>(cv::cv_defaults_date); assert_not_null(defaults_date_cvar); defaults_date_cvar->SetConfigValue( cvar::IConfigVarUpdate::GetLastUpdateDate()); std::vector vars; if (cvar::ConfigVars) { for (const auto& s : *cvar::ConfigVars) { vars.push_back(s.second); } } std::sort(vars.begin(), vars.end(), [](auto a, auto b) { if (a->category() < b->category()) return true; if (a->category() > b->category()) return false; if (a->name() < b->name()) return true; return false; }); // we use our own write logic because cpptoml doesn't // allow us to specify comments :( std::string last_category; bool last_multiline_description = false; xe::StringBuffer sb; for (auto config_var : vars) { if (config_var->is_transient()) { continue; } if (last_category != config_var->category()) { if (!last_category.empty()) { sb.Append('\n', 2); } last_category = config_var->category(); last_multiline_description = false; sb.AppendFormat("[{}]\n", last_category); } else if (last_multiline_description) { last_multiline_description = false; sb.Append('\n'); } auto value = config_var->config_value(); size_t line_count; if (xe::utf8::find_any_of(value, "\n") == std::string_view::npos) { auto line = fmt::format("{} = {}", config_var->name(), config_var->config_value()); sb.Append(line); line_count = xe::utf8::count(line); } else { auto lines = xe::utf8::split(value, "\n"); auto first = lines.cbegin(); sb.AppendFormat("{} = {}\n", config_var->name(), *first); auto last = std::prev(lines.cend()); for (auto it = std::next(first); it != last; ++it) { sb.Append(*it); sb.Append('\n'); } sb.Append(*last); line_count = xe::utf8::count(*last); } const size_t value_alignment = 50; const auto& description = config_var->description(); if (!description.empty()) { if (line_count < value_alignment) { sb.Append(' ', value_alignment - line_count); } if (xe::utf8::find_any_of(description, "\n") == std::string_view::npos) { sb.AppendFormat("\t# {}\n", config_var->description()); } else { auto lines = xe::utf8::split(description, "\n"); auto first = lines.cbegin(); sb.Append("\t# "); sb.Append(*first); sb.Append('\n'); for (auto it = std::next(first); it != lines.cend(); ++it) { sb.Append(' ', value_alignment); sb.Append("\t# "); sb.Append(*it); sb.Append('\n'); } last_multiline_description = true; } } } // save the config file xe::filesystem::CreateParentFolder(config_path); auto handle = xe::filesystem::OpenFile(config_path, "wb"); if (!handle) { XELOGE("Failed to open '{}' for writing.", xe::path_to_utf8(config_path)); } else { fwrite(sb.buffer(), 1, sb.length(), handle); fclose(handle); } } void SetupConfig(const std::filesystem::path& config_folder) { config::config_folder = config_folder; // check if the user specified a specific config to load if (!cvars::config.empty()) { config_path = xe::to_path(cvars::config); if (std::filesystem::exists(config_path)) { // An external config file may contain only explicit overrides - in this // case, it will likely not contain the defaults version; don't update // from the version 0 in this case. Or, it may be a full config - in this // case, if it's recent enough (created at least in 2021), it will contain // the version number - updates the defaults in it. ReadConfig(config_path, false); return; } } // if the user specified a --config argument, but the file doesn't exist, // let's also load the default config if (!config_folder.empty()) { config_path = config_folder / config_name; if (std::filesystem::exists(config_path)) { ReadConfig(config_path, true); } // Re-save the loaded config to present the most up-to-date list of // parameters to the user, if new options were added, descriptions were // updated, or default values were changed. SaveConfig(); } } void LoadGameConfig(const std::string_view title_id) { const auto game_config_folder = config_folder / "config"; const auto game_config_path = game_config_folder / (std::string(title_id) + game_config_suffix); if (std::filesystem::exists(game_config_path)) { ReadGameConfig(game_config_path); } } } // namespace config