diff --git a/Options.mediawiki b/Options.mediawiki
index 50efb1105..51c3a8486 100644
--- a/Options.mediawiki
+++ b/Options.mediawiki
@@ -345,6 +345,31 @@ Games that require this have the [https://github.com/xenia-canary/game-compatibi
| "winkey"
+=== Keyboard Mode ===
+! keyboard_mode
+! #
+| Disabled
+| 0
+| Enabled (Keyboard as gamepad mode)
+| 1
+| Passthrough (Keyboard is used directly for input)
+| 2
+=== Assigned Keyboard Slot ===
+* Used only if keyboard_mode is set to 1 (Enabled). It allows to specify for which user slot keyboard must be assigned.
+! keyboard_user_index
+! #
+| Possible values
+| 0, 1, 2, 3
== Hacks ==
=== Protect zero ===
* Games that require this to be false have the [https://github.com/xenia-canary/game-compatibility/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Arequires-protect-zero-false requires-protect-zero-false] label.