[Base] Add cvar class, a better, more flexible implementation of storing configuration variables than gflags

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Goyvaerts 2019-04-17 21:40:26 +02:00
parent bc6c047152
commit bedd8ea40f
2 changed files with 314 additions and 0 deletions

src/xenia/base/cvar.cc Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#include "cvar.h"
namespace cvar {
cxxopts::Options options("xenia", "Xbox 360 Emulator");
std::map<std::string, ICommandVar*>* CmdVars;
std::map<std::string, IConfigVar*>* ConfigVars;
void PrintHelpAndExit() {
std::cout << options.help({""}) << std::endl;
std::cout << "For the full list of command line arguments, see xenia.cfg."
<< std::endl;
void ParseLaunchArguments(int argc, char** argv) {
options.add_options()("help", "Prints help and exit.");
if (!CmdVars) CmdVars = new std::map<std::string, ICommandVar*>();
if (!ConfigVars) ConfigVars = new std::map<std::string, IConfigVar*>();
for (auto& it : *CmdVars) {
auto cmdVar = it.second;
std::vector<IConfigVar*> vars;
for (const auto& s : *ConfigVars) vars.push_back(s.second);
for (auto& it : *ConfigVars) {
auto configVar = it.second;
try {
options.positional_help("[Path to .iso/.xex]");
auto result = options.parse(argc, argv);
if (result.count("help")) {
for (auto& it : *CmdVars) {
auto cmdVar = static_cast<ICommandVar*>(it.second);
if (result.count(cmdVar->GetName())) {
for (auto& it : *ConfigVars) {
auto configVar = static_cast<IConfigVar*>(it.second);
if (result.count(configVar->GetName())) {
} catch (const cxxopts::OptionException& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
} // namespace cvar

src/xenia/base/cvar.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
#ifndef XENIA_CVAR_H_
#define XENIA_CVAR_H_
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "cpptoml/include/cpptoml.h"
#include "cxxopts/include/cxxopts.hpp"
#include "xenia/base/string_util.h"
namespace cvar {
class ICommandVar {
virtual ~ICommandVar() = default;
virtual std::string GetName() = 0;
virtual std::string GetDescription() = 0;
virtual void UpdateValue() = 0;
virtual void AddToLaunchOptions(cxxopts::Options* options) = 0;
virtual void LoadFromLaunchOptions(cxxopts::ParseResult* result) = 0;
class IConfigVar : virtual public ICommandVar {
virtual std::string GetCategory() = 0;
virtual std::string GetConfigValue() = 0;
virtual void LoadConfigValue(std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base> result) = 0;
virtual void LoadGameConfigValue(std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base> result) = 0;
template <class T>
class CommandVar : virtual public ICommandVar {
CommandVar<T>(const char* name, T* defaultValue, const char* description);
std::string GetName() override;
std::string GetDescription() override;
void AddToLaunchOptions(cxxopts::Options* options) override;
void LoadFromLaunchOptions(cxxopts::ParseResult* result) override;
T* GetCurrentValue() { return currentValue_; }
std::string name_;
T defaultValue_;
T* currentValue_;
std::unique_ptr<T> commandLineValue_;
std::string description_;
T Convert(std::string val);
static std::string ToString(T val);
void SetValue(T val);
void SetCommandLineValue(T val);
void UpdateValue() override;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4250)
template <class T>
class ConfigVar : public CommandVar<T>, virtual public IConfigVar {
ConfigVar<T>(const char* name, T* defaultValue, const char* description,
const char* category);
std::string GetConfigValue() override;
std::string GetCategory() override;
void AddToLaunchOptions(cxxopts::Options* options) override;
void LoadConfigValue(std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base> result) override;
void LoadGameConfigValue(std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base> result) override;
void SetConfigValue(T val);
void SetGameConfigValue(T val);
std::string category_;
std::unique_ptr<T> configValue_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<T> gameConfigValue_ = nullptr;
void UpdateValue() override;
#pragma warning(pop)
template <class T>
std::string CommandVar<T>::GetName() {
return name_;
template <class T>
std::string CommandVar<T>::GetDescription() {
return description_;
template <class T>
void CommandVar<T>::AddToLaunchOptions(cxxopts::Options* options) {
options->add_options()(this->name_, this->description_, cxxopts::value<T>());
template <class T>
void ConfigVar<T>::AddToLaunchOptions(cxxopts::Options* options) {
options->add_options(category_)(this->name_, this->description_,
template <class T>
void CommandVar<T>::LoadFromLaunchOptions(cxxopts::ParseResult* result) {
T value = (*result)[this->name_].template as<T>();
template <class T>
void ConfigVar<T>::LoadConfigValue(std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base> result) {
template <class T>
void ConfigVar<T>::LoadGameConfigValue(std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base> result) {
template <class T>
CommandVar<T>::CommandVar(const char* name, T* defaultValue,
const char* description)
: name_(name),
currentValue_(defaultValue) {}
template <class T>
ConfigVar<T>::ConfigVar(const char* name, T* defaultValue,
const char* description, const char* category)
: CommandVar<T>(name, defaultValue, description), category_(category) {}
template <class T>
void CommandVar<T>::UpdateValue() {
if (this->commandLineValue_) return this->SetValue(*this->commandLineValue_);
return this->SetValue(defaultValue_);
template <class T>
void ConfigVar<T>::UpdateValue() {
if (this->commandLineValue_) return this->SetValue(*this->commandLineValue_);
if (this->gameConfigValue_) return this->SetValue(*this->gameConfigValue_);
if (this->configValue_) return this->SetValue(*this->configValue_);
return this->SetValue(this->defaultValue_);
template <class T>
T CommandVar<T>::Convert(std::string val) {
return xe::string_util::from_string<T>(val);
template <>
inline std::string CommandVar<std::string>::Convert(std::string val) {
return val;
template <>
inline std::string CommandVar<bool>::ToString(bool val) {
return val ? "true" : "false";
template <>
inline std::string CommandVar<std::string>::ToString(std::string val) {
return "\"" + val + "\"";
template <class T>
std::string CommandVar<T>::ToString(T val) {
return std::to_string(val);
template <class T>
void CommandVar<T>::SetValue(T val) {
*currentValue_ = val;
template <class T>
std::string ConfigVar<T>::GetCategory() {
return category_;
template <class T>
std::string ConfigVar<T>::GetConfigValue() {
if (this->configValue_) return this->ToString(*this->configValue_);
return this->ToString(this->defaultValue_);
template <class T>
void CommandVar<T>::SetCommandLineValue(const T val) {
this->commandLineValue_ = std::make_unique<T>(val);
template <class T>
void ConfigVar<T>::SetConfigValue(T val) {
this->configValue_ = std::make_unique<T>(val);
template <class T>
void ConfigVar<T>::SetGameConfigValue(T val) {
this->gameConfigValue_ = std::make_unique<T>(val);
extern std::map<std::string, ICommandVar*>* CmdVars;
extern std::map<std::string, IConfigVar*>* ConfigVars;
inline void AddConfigVar(IConfigVar* cv) {
if (!ConfigVars) ConfigVars = new std::map<std::string, IConfigVar*>();
ConfigVars->insert(std::pair<std::string, IConfigVar*>(cv->GetName(), cv));
inline void AddCommandVar(ICommandVar* cv) {
if (!CmdVars) CmdVars = new std::map<std::string, ICommandVar*>();
CmdVars->insert(std::pair<std::string, ICommandVar*>(cv->GetName(), cv));
void ParseLaunchArguments(int argc, char** argv);
template <typename T>
T* define_configvar(const char* name, T* defaultValue, const char* description,
const char* category) {
IConfigVar* cfgVar =
new ConfigVar<T>(name, defaultValue, description, category);
return defaultValue;
template <typename T>
T* define_cmdvar(const char* name, T* defaultValue, const char* description) {
ICommandVar* cmdVar = new CommandVar<T>(name, defaultValue, description);
return defaultValue;
#define DEFINE_double(name, defaultValue, description, category) \
DEFINE_CVar(name, defaultValue, description, category, double)
#define DEFINE_int32(name, defaultValue, description, category) \
DEFINE_CVar(name, defaultValue, description, category, int32_t)
#define DEFINE_uint64(name, defaultValue, description, category) \
DEFINE_CVar(name, defaultValue, description, category, uint64_t)
#define DEFINE_string(name, defaultValue, description, category) \
DEFINE_CVar(name, defaultValue, description, category, std::string)
#define DEFINE_bool(name, defaultValue, description, category) \
DEFINE_CVar(name, defaultValue, description, category, bool)
#define DEFINE_CVar(name, defaultValue, description, category, type) \
namespace cvars { \
type name = defaultValue; \
} \
namespace cv { \
static auto cv_##name = \
cvar::define_configvar(#name, &cvars::name, description, category); \
// CmdVars can only be strings for now, we don't need any others
#define CmdVar(name, defaultValue, description) \
namespace cvars { \
std::string name = defaultValue; \
} \
namespace cv { \
static auto cv_##name = \
cvar::define_cmdvar(#name, &cvars::name, description); \
#define DECLARE_double(name) DECLARE_CVar(name, double)
#define DECLARE_bool(name) DECLARE_CVar(name, bool)
#define DECLARE_string(name) DECLARE_CVar(name, std::string)
#define DECLARE_int32(name) DECLARE_CVar(name, int32_t)
#define DECLARE_uint64(name) DECLARE_CVar(name, uint64_t)
#define DECLARE_CVar(name, type) \
namespace cvars { \
extern type name; \
} // namespace cvar
#endif // XENIA_CVAR_H_