[XAM/NUI] - Implement More Functions
- Implement XamNuiIsDeviceReady, XamNuiIdentityGetSessionId, XamNuiHudGetInitializeFlags, XamNuiHudGetVersions, and XamNuiHudIsEnabled - Stub XamIsNuiAutomationEnabled/XamIsNatalPlaybackEnabled, XamUserNuiGetUserIndex, XamUserNuiEnableBiometric, XamNuiGetDepthCalibration, XamNuiSkeletonGetBestSkeletonIndex, XamNuiIsChatMicEnabled, XamNuiPlayerEngagementUpdate, XamNuiCameraTiltGetStatus, XamNuiCameraElevationGetAngle, XamNuiCameraGetTiltControllerType, XamNuiCameraSetFlags, XamShowNuiGuideUI, and XamNuiHudSetEngagedTrackingID - According to Xam XamIsNuiAutomationEnabled, and XamIsNatalPlaybackEnabled are the same function. - Left Notes for future reference
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Xenia : Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project *
* Copyright 2022 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. *
* Copyright 2025 Ben Vanik. All rights reserved. *
* Released under the BSD license - see LICENSE in the root for more details. *
@ -19,13 +19,35 @@
#include "xenia/ui/windowed_app_context.h"
#include "xenia/xbox.h"
DEFINE_bool(NUI_Ready, false,
"Enable Kinect\n"
" Only set true when testing kinect games. Certain games may\n"
" require avatar implementation.",
namespace xe {
namespace kernel {
namespace xam {
// Structs:
extern std::atomic<int> xam_dialogs_shown_;
// https://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~okreylos/ResDev/Kinect/MainPage.html
/* Notes:
- for one side func of XamNuiGetDeviceStatus
- if some data addressis less than zero then unk1 = it
- else another func is called and its return can set unk1 = c0051200 or
some value involving DetroitDeviceRequest
- next PsCamDeviceRequest is called and if its return is less than zero
then X_NUI_DEVICE_STATUS = return of PsCamDeviceRequest
- else it equals an unknown local_1c
- finally McaDeviceRequest is called and if its return is less than zero
then unk2 = return of McaDeviceRequest
- else it equals an unknown local_14
- status can be set to X_NUI_DEVICE_STATUS[3] | 0x44 or | 0x40
xe::be<uint32_t> unk0;
xe::be<uint32_t> unk1;
xe::be<uint32_t> unk2;
@ -35,23 +57,266 @@ struct X_NUI_DEVICE_STATUS {
static_assert(sizeof(X_NUI_DEVICE_STATUS) == 24, "Size matters");
void XamNuiGetDeviceStatus_entry(pointer_t<X_NUI_DEVICE_STATUS> status_ptr) {
// Get
uint64_t NUI_Session_Id = 0;
dword_result_t XamNuiGetDeviceStatus_entry(
pointer_t<X_NUI_DEVICE_STATUS> status_ptr) {
/* Notes:
- it does return a value that is not always used
- returns values are X_ERROR_SUCCESS, 0xC0050006, and others
- 1) On func start *status_ptr = 0, status_ptr->unk1 = 0, status_ptr->unk2
= 0, and status_ptr->status = 0
- 2) calls XamXStudioRequest(6,&var <- = 0);
- if return is greater than -1 && var & 0x80000000 != 0 then set
status_ptr->unk1 = 0xC000009D, status_ptr->unk2 = 0xC000009D, and
status_ptr->status = status_ptr[3] = 0x20
- lots of branching functions after
status_ptr->status = 0; // Not connected.
status_ptr->status = cvars::NUI_Ready ? true : false;
return cvars::NUI_Ready ? X_ERROR_SUCCESS : 0xC0050006;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiGetDeviceStatus, kNone, kStub);
qword_result_t XamNuiIdentityGetSessionId_entry() {
if (NUI_Session_Id == 0) {
std::memset(&NUI_Session_Id, 0xFD,
8); // xboxkrnl::XeCryptRandom_entry(NUI_Session_Id, 8);
return NUI_Session_Id;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiIdentityGetSessionId, kNone, kImplemented);
dword_result_t XamUserNuiGetUserIndex_entry(unknown_t unk, lpdword_t index) {
return X_E_NO_SUCH_USER;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamUserNuiGetUserIndex, kNone, kStub);
dword_result_t XamUserNuiGetUserIndexForSignin_entry(lpdword_t index) {
return X_E_FAIL;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamUserNuiGetUserIndexForSignin, kNone, kStub);
dword_result_t XamUserNuiGetUserIndexForBind_entry(lpdword_t index) {
return X_E_FAIL;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamUserNuiGetUserIndexForBind, kNone, kStub);
dword_result_t XamNuiGetDepthCalibration_entry(lpdword_t unk1) {
/* Notes:
- Possible returns X_STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE, and 0x10000000
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiGetDepthCalibration, kNone, kStub);
// Skeleton
qword_result_t XamNuiSkeletonGetBestSkeletonIndex_entry(int_t unk) {
return 0xffffffffffffffff;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiSkeletonGetBestSkeletonIndex, kNone, kStub);
// Camera
dword_result_t XamNuiCameraTiltGetStatus_entry(lpdword_t unk) {
/* Notes:
- Used by XamNuiCameraElevationGetAngle, and XamNuiCameraSetFlags
- if it returns anything greater than -1 then both above functions continue
- Both funcs send in a param of *unk = 0x50
- Ghidra decompile fails
return X_E_FAIL;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiCameraTiltGetStatus, kNone, kStub);
dword_result_t XamNuiCameraElevationGetAngle_entry(lpqword_t unk1,
lpdword_t unk2) {
/* Notes:
- Xam 12611 does not show what unk1 is used for (Ghidra)
uint32_t status = 0x50;
uint32_t response;
response = XamNuiCameraTiltGetStatus_entry(&status);
if (-1 < response) {
// operation here
// *unk2 = output
return response;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiCameraElevationGetAngle, kNone, kStub);
dword_result_t XamNuiCameraGetTiltControllerType_entry() {
/* Notes:
- undefined unk[8]
- undefined8 local_28;
- undefined8 local_20;
- undefined8 local_18;
- undefined4 local_10;
- local_20 = 0;
- local_18 = 0;
- local_10 = 0;
- local_28 = 0xf030000000000;
- calls DetroitDeviceRequest(unk) -> result
- returns (ulonglong)(LZCOUNT(result) << 0x20) >> 0x25
return X_E_FAIL;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiCameraGetTiltControllerType, kNone, kStub);
dword_result_t XamNuiCameraSetFlags_entry(qword_t unk1, dword_t unk2) {
/* Notes:
- if XamNuiCameraGetTiltControllerType returns 1 then operation is done
- else 0xffffffff8007048f
uint32_t result = X_E_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED;
int Controller_Type = XamNuiCameraGetTiltControllerType_entry();
if (Controller_Type == 1) {
uint32_t status = 0x50;
result = XamNuiCameraTiltGetStatus_entry(&status);
if (-1 < result) {
// op here
// result =
return result;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiCameraSetFlags, kNone, kStub);
// Is
dword_result_t XamNuiIsDeviceReady_entry() { return cvars::NUI_Ready; }
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiIsDeviceReady, kNone, kImplemented);
dword_result_t XamIsNuiAutomationEnabled_entry(unknown_t unk1, unknown_t unk2) {
/* Notes:
- XamIsNuiAutomationEnabled = XamIsNatalPlaybackEnabled
- Always returns X_E_SUCCESS? Maybe check later versions
- Recieves param but never interacts with them
- No Operations
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT2(XamIsNuiAutomationEnabled, kNone, kSketchy, kHighFrequency);
dword_result_t XamIsNatalPlaybackEnabled_entry(unknown_t unk1, unknown_t unk2) {
/* Notes:
- XamIsNuiAutomationEnabled = XamIsNatalPlaybackEnabled
- Always returns X_E_SUCCESS? Maybe check later versions
- Recieves param but never interacts with them
- No Operations
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT2(XamIsNatalPlaybackEnabled, kNone, kSketchy, kHighFrequency);
dword_result_t XamNuiIsChatMicEnabled_entry() {
/* Notes:
- calls a second function with a param of uint local_20 [4];
- Second function calls ExGetXConfigSetting(7,9,local_30,0x1c,local_40);
- Result is sent to *local_20[0] = ^
- Once sent back to XamNuiIsChatMicEnabled it looks for byte that
correlates to NUI mic setting
- return uVar2 = (~(ulonglong)local_20[0] << 0x20) >> 0x23 & 1;
- unless the second function returns something -1 or less then
XamNuiIsChatMicEnabled 1
return false;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiIsChatMicEnabled, kNone, kImplemented);
// HUD
/* Notes:
- XamNuiHudGetEngagedTrackingID, XamNuiHudIsEnabled,
XamNuiHudSetEngagedTrackingID, XamNuiHudInterpretFrame, and
XamNuiHudGetEngagedEnrollmentIndex all utilize the same data address
uint32_t HUD_Flags = 0; // 0x40000000
uint64_t version_id_1 = 0; // double check this
uint64_t version_id_2 = 0; // double check this
uint32_t engaged_tracking_id = 0; // double check this
dword_result_t XamNuiHudIsEnabled_entry() {
/* Notes:
- checks if XamNuiIsDeviceReady false and engaged_tracking_id if it exist
and is equal to null terminated string
- only returns true if one check fails and allows for other NUI functions
to progress
bool result = XamNuiIsDeviceReady_entry();
if (engaged_tracking_id != 0 &&
(*reinterpret_cast<char*>(&engaged_tracking_id + 0x50) != '\0') &&
(result == true)) {
return true;
return false;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiHudIsEnabled, kNone, kStub);
dword_result_t XamNuiHudSetEngagedTrackingID_entry(dword_t id) {
if ((id & 0xffffffff) == 0) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(id);
if (engaged_tracking_id != 0) {
*reinterpret_cast<int*>(&engaged_tracking_id + 0x118) = id;
return 0;
return X_E_FAIL;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiHudSetEngagedTrackingID, kNone, kStub);
qword_result_t XamNuiHudGetEngagedTrackingID_entry() {
if (engaged_tracking_id != 0) {
return *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&engaged_tracking_id + 0x118);
return 0;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiHudGetEngagedTrackingID, kNone, kStub);
uint32_t XeXamNuiHudCheck(dword_t unk1) {
uint32_t result = 0;
uint32_t check = XamNuiHudIsEnabled_entry();
if (check == false) {
check = XamNuiHudSetEngagedTrackingID_entry(unk1);
if (check != 0) {
return result;
dword_result_t XamNuiHudGetInitializeFlags_entry() { return HUD_Flags; }
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiHudGetInitializeFlags, kNone, kImplemented);
void XamNuiHudGetVersions_entry(lpqword_t unk1, lpqword_t unk2) {
if (unk1) {
*unk1 = version_id_1;
if (unk2) {
*unk2 = version_id_2;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiHudGetVersions, kNone, kImplemented);
// UI
dword_result_t XamShowNuiTroubleshooterUI_entry(unknown_t unk1, unknown_t unk2,
dword_t flag) {
/* Notes:
- unk1 is 0xFF - possibly user index?
- unk2 appear to always be zero.
- First calls XamPackageManagerGetExperienceMode and checks if the return
is less than zero
- First calls XamPackageManagerGetExperienceMode with a param of 1 and
checks if the return is less than zero
- If less than zero then returns error message below
- else it checks if flag = 0x800000 if it does then call
XamNuiGetDeviceStatus. if not return error
- XamNuiNatalCameraUpdateComplete calls
XamShowNuiTroubleshooterUI(0xff,0,0) if param = -0x7ff8fffe
if (cvars::headless) {
@ -75,7 +340,7 @@ dword_result_t XamShowNuiTroubleshooterUI_entry(unknown_t unk1, unknown_t unk2,
return 0;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamShowNuiTroubleshooterUI, kNone, kStub);
@ -88,6 +353,45 @@ dword_result_t XamShowNuiHardwareRequiredUI_entry(unknown_t unk1) {
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamShowNuiHardwareRequiredUI, kNone, kImplemented);
dword_result_t XamShowNuiGuideUI_entry(unknown_t unk1, unknown_t unk2) {
/* Notes:
- calls an unnamed function that checks XamNuiHudIsEnabled and
- if XamNuiHudIsEnabled returns false then fuctions fails return
- else calls XamNuiHudSetEngagedTrackingID and if returns less than 0 then
- else return X_ERROR_SUCCESS
- if return offunc is X_ERROR_SUCCESS then call up ui screen
- else return value of func
// decompiler error stops me from knowing which param gets used here
uint32_t result = XeXamNuiHudCheck(0);
if ((result & 0xffffffff) == 0) {
// operations here
// XMsgSystemProcessCall(0xfe,0x21030, undefined local_30[8] ,0xc);
return result;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamShowNuiGuideUI, kNone, kStub);
// Other
dword_result_t XamUserNuiEnableBiometric_entry(dword_t user_index,
int_t enable) {
return -0x7ff8ffa9;
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamUserNuiEnableBiometric, kNone, kStub);
void XamNuiPlayerEngagementUpdate_entry(qword_t unk1, unknown_t unk2,
lpunknown_t unk3) {
/* Notes:
- Only calls a second function with the params unk3, 0, and 0x1c in that
DECLARE_XAM_EXPORT1(XamNuiPlayerEngagementUpdate, kNone, kStub);
} // namespace xam
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace xe
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ typedef uint32_t X_RESULT;
#define X_ERROR_NOT_FOUND X_RESULT_FROM_WIN32(0x00000490L)
@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ enum : XNotificationID {
kXNotificationSystemNUIBindingChanged = 0x0006001D,
kXNotificationSystemAudioLatencyChanged = 0x0008001E,
kXNotificationSystemNUIChatBindingChanged = 0x0008001F,
kXNotificationSystemInputActivityChanged = 0x00009020,
kXNotificationSystemInputActivityChanged = 0x00090020,
// XNotification Live
kXNotificationLiveConnectionChanged = 0x02000001,
Reference in New Issue