
78 lines
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# See docs/devel/tracing.rst for syntax documentation.
# allwinner-sdhost.c
allwinner_sdhost_set_inserted(bool inserted) "inserted %u"
allwinner_sdhost_process_desc(uint64_t desc_addr, uint32_t desc_size, bool is_write, uint32_t max_bytes) "desc_addr 0x%" PRIx64 " desc_size %" PRIu32 " is_write %u max_bytes %" PRIu32
allwinner_sdhost_read(uint64_t offset, uint64_t data, unsigned size) "offset 0x%" PRIx64 " data 0x%" PRIx64 " size %" PRIu32
allwinner_sdhost_write(uint64_t offset, uint64_t data, unsigned size) "offset 0x%" PRIx64 " data 0x%" PRIx64 " size %" PRIu32
allwinner_sdhost_update_irq(uint32_t irq) "IRQ bits 0x%" PRIx32
# bcm2835_sdhost.c
bcm2835_sdhost_read(uint64_t offset, uint64_t data, unsigned size) "offset 0x%" PRIx64 " data 0x%" PRIx64 " size %u"
bcm2835_sdhost_write(uint64_t offset, uint64_t data, unsigned size) "offset 0x%" PRIx64 " data 0x%" PRIx64 " size %u"
bcm2835_sdhost_edm_change(const char *why, uint32_t edm) "(%s) EDM now 0x%x"
bcm2835_sdhost_update_irq(uint32_t irq) "IRQ bits 0x%x"
# core.c
sdbus_command(const char *bus_name, uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) "@%s CMD%02d arg 0x%08x"
sdbus_read(const char *bus_name, uint8_t value) "@%s value 0x%02x"
sdbus_write(const char *bus_name, uint8_t value) "@%s value 0x%02x"
sdbus_set_voltage(const char *bus_name, uint16_t millivolts) "@%s %u (mV)"
sdbus_get_dat_lines(const char *bus_name, uint8_t dat_lines) "@%s dat_lines: %u"
sdbus_get_cmd_line(const char *bus_name, bool cmd_line) "@%s cmd_line: %u"
# sdhci.c
sdhci_set_inserted(const char *level) "card state changed: %s"
sdhci_send_command(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) "CMD%02u ARG[0x%08x]"
sdhci_error(const char *msg) "%s"
sdhci_response4(uint32_t r0) "RSPREG[31..0]=0x%08x"
sdhci_response16(uint32_t r3, uint32_t r2, uint32_t r1, uint32_t r0) "RSPREG[127..96]=0x%08x, RSPREG[95..64]=0x%08x, RSPREG[63..32]=0x%08x, RSPREG[31..0]=0x%08x"
sdhci_end_transfer(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) "Automatically issue CMD%02u 0x%08x"
sdhci_adma(const char *desc, uint32_t sysad) "%s: admasysaddr=0x%" PRIx32
sdhci_adma_loop(uint64_t addr, uint16_t length, uint8_t attr) "addr=0x%08" PRIx64 ", len=%d, attr=0x%x"
sdhci_adma_transfer_completed(void) ""
sdhci_access(const char *access, unsigned int size, uint64_t offset, const char *dir, uint64_t val, uint64_t val2) "%s%u: addr[0x%04" PRIx64 "] %s 0x%08" PRIx64 " (%" PRIu64 ")"
sdhci_read_dataport(uint16_t data_count) "all %u bytes of data have been read from input buffer"
sdhci_write_dataport(uint16_t data_count) "write buffer filled with %u bytes of data"
sdhci_capareg(const char *desc, uint16_t val) "%s: %u"
# sd.c
sdcard_normal_command(const char *proto, const char *cmd_desc, uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg, const char *state) "%s %20s/ CMD%02d arg 0x%08x (state %s)"
sdcard_app_command(const char *proto, const char *acmd_desc, uint8_t acmd, uint32_t arg, const char *state) "%s %23s/ACMD%02d arg 0x%08x (state %s)"
sdcard_response(const char *rspdesc, int rsplen) "%s (sz:%d)"
sdcard_powerup(void) ""
sdcard_inquiry_cmd41(void) ""
sdcard_reset(void) ""
sdcard_set_rca(uint16_t value) "new RCA: 0x%04x"
sdcard_set_blocklen(uint16_t length) "block len 0x%03x"
sdcard_set_block_count(uint32_t cnt) "block cnt 0x%"PRIx32
sdcard_inserted(bool readonly) "read_only: %u"
sdcard_ejected(void) ""
sdcard_erase(uint32_t first, uint32_t last) "addr first 0x%" PRIx32" last 0x%" PRIx32
sdcard_lock(void) ""
sdcard_unlock(void) ""
sdcard_req_addr(uint32_t req_arg, uint64_t addr) "req 0x%" PRIx32 " addr 0x%" PRIx64
sdcard_read_block(uint64_t addr, uint32_t len) "addr 0x%" PRIx64 " size 0x%x"
sdcard_write_block(uint64_t addr, uint32_t len) "addr 0x%" PRIx64 " size 0x%x"
sdcard_write_data(const char *proto, const char *cmd_desc, uint8_t cmd, uint32_t offset, uint8_t value) "%s %20s/ CMD%02d ofs %"PRIu32" value 0x%02x"
sdcard_read_data(const char *proto, const char *cmd_desc, uint8_t cmd, uint32_t offset, uint64_t size, uint32_t blklen) "%s %20s/ CMD%02d ofs %"PRIu32" size %"PRIu64" blklen %" PRIu32
sdcard_set_voltage(uint16_t millivolts) "%u mV"
# pxa2xx_mmci.c
pxa2xx_mmci_read(uint8_t size, uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) "size %d addr 0x%02x value 0x%08x"
pxa2xx_mmci_write(uint8_t size, uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) "size %d addr 0x%02x value 0x%08x"
# pl181.c
pl181_command_send(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) "sending CMD%02d arg 0x%08" PRIx32
pl181_command_sent(void) "command sent"
pl181_command_response_pending(void) "response received"
pl181_command_timeout(void) "command timeouted"
pl181_fifo_push(uint32_t data) "FIFO push 0x%08" PRIx32
pl181_fifo_pop(uint32_t data) "FIFO pop 0x%08" PRIx32
pl181_fifo_transfer_complete(void) "FIFO transfer complete"
pl181_data_engine_idle(void) "data engine idle"
# aspeed_sdhci.c
aspeed_sdhci_read(uint64_t addr, uint32_t size, uint64_t data) "@0x%" PRIx64 " size %u: 0x%" PRIx64
aspeed_sdhci_write(uint64_t addr, uint32_t size, uint64_t data) "@0x%" PRIx64 " size %u: 0x%" PRIx64