
408 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Docker controlling module
# Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat Inc.
# Authors:
# Fam Zheng <famz@redhat.com>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2
# or (at your option) any later version. See the COPYING file in
# the top-level directory.
import os
import sys
'..', '..', 'scripts'))
import argparse
import subprocess
import json
import hashlib
import atexit
import uuid
import tempfile
import re
import signal
from tarfile import TarFile, TarInfo
from StringIO import StringIO
from shutil import copy, rmtree
from pwd import getpwuid
FILTERED_ENV_NAMES = ['ftp_proxy', 'http_proxy', 'https_proxy']
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
def _text_checksum(text):
"""Calculate a digest string unique to the text content"""
return hashlib.sha1(text).hexdigest()
def _file_checksum(filename):
return _text_checksum(open(filename, 'rb').read())
def _guess_docker_command():
""" Guess a working docker command or raise exception if not found"""
commands = [["docker"], ["sudo", "-n", "docker"]]
for cmd in commands:
if subprocess.call(cmd + ["images"],
stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) == 0:
return cmd
except OSError:
commands_txt = "\n".join([" " + " ".join(x) for x in commands])
raise Exception("Cannot find working docker command. Tried:\n%s" % \
def _copy_with_mkdir(src, root_dir, sub_path='.'):
"""Copy src into root_dir, creating sub_path as needed."""
dest_dir = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (root_dir, sub_path))
except OSError:
# we can safely ignore already created directories
dest_file = "%s/%s" % (dest_dir, os.path.basename(src))
copy(src, dest_file)
def _get_so_libs(executable):
"""Return a list of libraries associated with an executable.
The paths may be symbolic links which would need to be resolved to
ensure theright data is copied."""
libs = []
ldd_re = re.compile(r"(/.*/)(\S*)")
ldd_output = subprocess.check_output(["ldd", executable])
for line in ldd_output.split("\n"):
search = ldd_re.search(line)
if search and len(search.groups()) == 2:
so_path = search.groups()[0]
so_lib = search.groups()[1]
libs.append("%s/%s" % (so_path, so_lib))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print "%s had no associated libraries (static build?)" % (executable)
return libs
def _copy_binary_with_libs(src, dest_dir):
"""Copy a binary executable and all its dependant libraries.
This does rely on the host file-system being fairly multi-arch
aware so the file don't clash with the guests layout."""
_copy_with_mkdir(src, dest_dir, "/usr/bin")
libs = _get_so_libs(src)
if libs:
for l in libs:
so_path = os.path.dirname(l)
_copy_with_mkdir(l , dest_dir, so_path)
def _read_qemu_dockerfile(img_name):
df = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "dockerfiles",
img_name + ".docker")
return open(df, "r").read()
def _dockerfile_preprocess(df):
out = ""
for l in df.splitlines():
if len(l.strip()) == 0 or l.startswith("#"):
from_pref = "FROM qemu:"
if l.startswith(from_pref):
# TODO: Alternatively we could replace this line with "FROM $ID"
# where $ID is the image's hex id obtained with
# $ docker images $IMAGE --format="{{.Id}}"
# but unfortunately that's not supported by RHEL 7.
inlining = _read_qemu_dockerfile(l[len(from_pref):])
out += _dockerfile_preprocess(inlining)
out += l + "\n"
return out
class Docker(object):
""" Running Docker commands """
def __init__(self):
self._command = _guess_docker_command()
self._instances = []
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._kill_instances)
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self._kill_instances)
def _do(self, cmd, quiet=True, **kwargs):
if quiet:
kwargs["stdout"] = DEVNULL
return subprocess.call(self._command + cmd, **kwargs)
def _do_check(self, cmd, quiet=True, **kwargs):
if quiet:
kwargs["stdout"] = DEVNULL
return subprocess.check_call(self._command + cmd, **kwargs)
def _do_kill_instances(self, only_known, only_active=True):
cmd = ["ps", "-q"]
if not only_active:
for i in self._output(cmd).split():
resp = self._output(["inspect", i])
labels = json.loads(resp)[0]["Config"]["Labels"]
active = json.loads(resp)[0]["State"]["Running"]
if not labels:
instance_uuid = labels.get("com.qemu.instance.uuid", None)
if not instance_uuid:
if only_known and instance_uuid not in self._instances:
print "Terminating", i
if active:
self._do(["kill", i])
self._do(["rm", i])
def clean(self):
self._do_kill_instances(False, False)
return 0
def _kill_instances(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._do_kill_instances(True)
def _output(self, cmd, **kwargs):
return subprocess.check_output(self._command + cmd,
def get_image_dockerfile_checksum(self, tag):
resp = self._output(["inspect", tag])
labels = json.loads(resp)[0]["Config"].get("Labels", {})
return labels.get("com.qemu.dockerfile-checksum", "")
def build_image(self, tag, docker_dir, dockerfile,
quiet=True, user=False, argv=None, extra_files_cksum=[]):
if argv == None:
argv = []
tmp_df = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=docker_dir, suffix=".docker")
if user:
uid = os.getuid()
uname = getpwuid(uid).pw_name
tmp_df.write("RUN id %s 2>/dev/null || useradd -u %d -U %s" %
(uname, uid, uname))
tmp_df.write("LABEL com.qemu.dockerfile-checksum=%s" %
_text_checksum("\n".join([dockerfile] +
self._do_check(["build", "-t", tag, "-f", tmp_df.name] + argv + \
def update_image(self, tag, tarball, quiet=True):
"Update a tagged image using "
self._do_check(["build", "-t", tag, "-"], quiet=quiet, stdin=tarball)
def image_matches_dockerfile(self, tag, dockerfile):
checksum = self.get_image_dockerfile_checksum(tag)
except Exception:
return False
return checksum == _text_checksum(_dockerfile_preprocess(dockerfile))
def run(self, cmd, keep, quiet):
label = uuid.uuid1().hex
if not keep:
ret = self._do_check(["run", "--label",
"com.qemu.instance.uuid=" + label] + cmd,
if not keep:
return ret
def command(self, cmd, argv, quiet):
return self._do([cmd] + argv, quiet=quiet)
class SubCommand(object):
"""A SubCommand template base class"""
name = None # Subcommand name
def shared_args(self, parser):
parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true",
help="Run quietly unless an error occured")
def args(self, parser):
"""Setup argument parser"""
def run(self, args, argv):
"""Run command.
args: parsed argument by argument parser.
argv: remaining arguments from sys.argv.
class RunCommand(SubCommand):
"""Invoke docker run and take care of cleaning up"""
name = "run"
def args(self, parser):
parser.add_argument("--keep", action="store_true",
help="Don't remove image when command completes")
def run(self, args, argv):
return Docker().run(argv, args.keep, quiet=args.quiet)
class BuildCommand(SubCommand):
""" Build docker image out of a dockerfile. Arguments: <tag> <dockerfile>"""
name = "build"
def args(self, parser):
parser.add_argument("--include-executable", "-e",
help="""Specify a binary that will be copied to the
container together with all its dependent
parser.add_argument("--extra-files", "-f", nargs='*',
help="""Specify files that will be copied in the
Docker image, fulfilling the ADD directive from the
parser.add_argument("--add-current-user", "-u", dest="user",
help="Add the current user to image's passwd")
help="Image Tag")
help="Dockerfile name")
def run(self, args, argv):
dockerfile = open(args.dockerfile, "rb").read()
tag = args.tag
dkr = Docker()
if "--no-cache" not in argv and \
dkr.image_matches_dockerfile(tag, dockerfile):
if not args.quiet:
print "Image is up to date."
# Create a docker context directory for the build
docker_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="docker_build")
# Is there a .pre file to run in the build context?
docker_pre = os.path.splitext(args.dockerfile)[0]+".pre"
if os.path.exists(docker_pre):
stdout = DEVNULL if args.quiet else None
rc = subprocess.call(os.path.realpath(docker_pre),
cwd=docker_dir, stdout=stdout)
if rc == 3:
print "Skip"
return 0
elif rc != 0:
print "%s exited with code %d" % (docker_pre, rc)
return 1
# Copy any extra files into the Docker context. These can be
# included by the use of the ADD directive in the Dockerfile.
cksum = []
if args.include_executable:
# FIXME: there is no checksum of this executable and the linked
# libraries, once the image built any change of this executable
# or any library won't trigger another build.
_copy_binary_with_libs(args.include_executable, docker_dir)
for filename in args.extra_files or []:
_copy_with_mkdir(filename, docker_dir)
cksum += [_file_checksum(filename)]
argv += ["--build-arg=" + k.lower() + "=" + v
for k, v in os.environ.iteritems()
if k.lower() in FILTERED_ENV_NAMES]
dkr.build_image(tag, docker_dir, dockerfile,
quiet=args.quiet, user=args.user, argv=argv,
return 0
class UpdateCommand(SubCommand):
""" Update a docker image with new executables. Arguments: <tag> <executable>"""
name = "update"
def args(self, parser):
help="Image Tag")
help="Executable to copy")
def run(self, args, argv):
# Create a temporary tarball with our whole build context and
# dockerfile for the update
tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix="dckr.tar.gz")
tmp_tar = TarFile(fileobj=tmp, mode='w')
# Add the executable to the tarball
bn = os.path.basename(args.executable)
ff = "/usr/bin/%s" % bn
tmp_tar.add(args.executable, arcname=ff)
# Add any associated libraries
libs = _get_so_libs(args.executable)
if libs:
for l in libs:
tmp_tar.add(os.path.realpath(l), arcname=l)
# Create a Docker buildfile
df = StringIO()
df.write("FROM %s\n" % args.tag)
df.write("ADD . /\n")
df_tar = TarInfo(name="Dockerfile")
df_tar.size = len(df.buf)
tmp_tar.addfile(df_tar, fileobj=df)
# reset the file pointers
# Run the build with our tarball context
dkr = Docker()
dkr.update_image(args.tag, tmp, quiet=args.quiet)
return 0
class CleanCommand(SubCommand):
"""Clean up docker instances"""
name = "clean"
def run(self, args, argv):
return 0
class ImagesCommand(SubCommand):
"""Run "docker images" command"""
name = "images"
def run(self, args, argv):
return Docker().command("images", argv, args.quiet)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A Docker helper",
usage="%s <subcommand> ..." % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", help=None)
for cls in SubCommand.__subclasses__():
cmd = cls()
subp = subparsers.add_parser(cmd.name, help=cmd.__doc__)
args, argv = parser.parse_known_args()
return args.cmdobj.run(args, argv)
if __name__ == "__main__":