/* * QEMU Geforce NV2A implementation * * Copyright (c) 2012 espes * Copyright (c) 2015 Jannik Vogel * Copyright (c) 2018 Matt Borgerson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or * (at your option) version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "xxhash.h" static const GLenum pgraph_texture_min_filter_map[] = { 0, GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR, /* TODO: Convolution filter... */ }; static const GLenum pgraph_texture_mag_filter_map[] = { 0, GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR, 0, GL_LINEAR /* TODO: Convolution filter... */ }; static const GLenum pgraph_texture_addr_map[] = { 0, GL_REPEAT, GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER, // GL_CLAMP }; static const GLenum pgraph_blend_factor_map[] = { GL_ZERO, GL_ONE, GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE, 0, GL_CONSTANT_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR, GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA, }; static const GLenum pgraph_blend_equation_map[] = { GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT, GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_MIN, GL_MAX, GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, GL_FUNC_ADD, }; static const GLenum pgraph_blend_logicop_map[] = { GL_CLEAR, GL_AND, GL_AND_REVERSE, GL_COPY, GL_AND_INVERTED, GL_NOOP, GL_XOR, GL_OR, GL_NOR, GL_EQUIV, GL_INVERT, GL_OR_REVERSE, GL_COPY_INVERTED, GL_OR_INVERTED, GL_NAND, GL_SET, }; static const GLenum pgraph_cull_face_map[] = { 0, GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, GL_FRONT_AND_BACK }; static const GLenum pgraph_depth_func_map[] = { GL_NEVER, GL_LESS, GL_EQUAL, GL_LEQUAL, GL_GREATER, GL_NOTEQUAL, GL_GEQUAL, GL_ALWAYS, }; static const GLenum pgraph_stencil_func_map[] = { GL_NEVER, GL_LESS, GL_EQUAL, GL_LEQUAL, GL_GREATER, GL_NOTEQUAL, GL_GEQUAL, GL_ALWAYS, }; static const GLenum pgraph_stencil_op_map[] = { 0, GL_KEEP, GL_ZERO, GL_REPLACE, GL_INCR, GL_DECR, GL_INVERT, GL_INCR_WRAP, GL_DECR_WRAP, }; typedef struct ColorFormatInfo { unsigned int bytes_per_pixel; bool linear; GLint gl_internal_format; GLenum gl_format; GLenum gl_type; GLenum gl_swizzle_mask[4]; } ColorFormatInfo; static const ColorFormatInfo kelvin_color_format_map[66] = { [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_Y8] = {1, false, GL_R8, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_ONE}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_AY8] = {1, false, GL_R8, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_A1R5G5B5] = {2, false, GL_RGB5_A1, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_X1R5G5B5] = {2, false, GL_RGB5, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_A4R4G4B4] = {2, false, GL_RGBA4, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_R5G6B5] = {2, false, GL_RGB565, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_A8R8G8B8] = {4, false, GL_RGBA8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_X8R8G8B8] = {4, false, GL_RGB8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, /* paletted texture */ [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_I8_A8R8G8B8] = {1, false, GL_RGBA8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_L_DXT1_A1R5G5B5] = {4, false, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, 0, GL_RGBA}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_L_DXT23_A8R8G8B8] = {4, false, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, 0, GL_RGBA}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_L_DXT45_A8R8G8B8] = {4, false, GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, 0, GL_RGBA}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_A1R5G5B5] = {2, true, GL_RGB5_A1, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_R5G6B5] = {2, true, GL_RGB565, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_A8R8G8B8] = {4, true, GL_RGBA8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_Y8] = {1, true, GL_R8, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_ONE}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_A8] = {1, false, GL_R8, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_ONE, GL_ONE, GL_ONE, GL_RED}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_A8Y8] = {2, false, GL_RG8, GL_RG, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_GREEN, GL_GREEN, GL_GREEN, GL_RED}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_AY8] = {1, true, GL_R8, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_X1R5G5B5] = {2, true, GL_RGB5, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_A4R4G4B4] = {2, false, GL_RGBA4, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_X8R8G8B8] = {4, true, GL_RGB8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_A8] = {1, true, GL_R8, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_ONE, GL_ONE, GL_ONE, GL_RED}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_A8Y8] = {2, true, GL_RG8, GL_RG, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, {GL_GREEN, GL_GREEN, GL_GREEN, GL_RED}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_R6G5B5] = {2, false, GL_RGB8_SNORM, GL_RGB, GL_BYTE}, /* FIXME: This might be signed */ [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_G8B8] = {2, false, GL_RG8_SNORM, GL_RG, GL_BYTE, /* FIXME: This might be signed */ {GL_ZERO, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_ONE}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_R8B8] = {2, false, GL_RG8_SNORM, GL_RG, GL_BYTE, /* FIXME: This might be signed */ {GL_RED, GL_ZERO, GL_GREEN, GL_ONE}}, /* TODO: format conversion */ [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LC_IMAGE_CR8YB8CB8YA8] = {2, true, GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_DEPTH_X8_Y24_FIXED] = {4, true, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_DEPTH_Y16_FIXED] = {2, true, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_Y16] = {2, true, GL_R16, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, {GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_ONE}}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_A8B8G8R8] = {4, false, GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_R8G8B8A8] = {4, false, GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_A8B8G8R8] = {4, true, GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_B8G8R8A8] = {4, true, GL_RGBA8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8}, [NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LU_IMAGE_R8G8B8A8] = {4, true, GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8} }; typedef struct SurfaceColorFormatInfo { unsigned int bytes_per_pixel; GLint gl_internal_format; GLenum gl_format; GLenum gl_type; } SurfaceColorFormatInfo; static const SurfaceColorFormatInfo kelvin_surface_color_format_map[] = { [NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X1R5G5B5_Z1R5G5B5] = {2, GL_RGB5_A1, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV}, [NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_R5G6B5] = {2, GL_RGB565, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5}, [NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8] = {4, GL_RGBA8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, [NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_A8R8G8B8] = {4, GL_RGBA8, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV}, }; uint64_t pgraph_read(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, unsigned int size); void pgraph_write(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint64_t val, unsigned int size); static void pgraph_context_switch(NV2AState *d, unsigned int channel_id); static void pgraph_set_context_user(NV2AState *d, uint32_t val); static void pgraph_wait_fifo_access(NV2AState *d); static void pgraph_method_log(unsigned int subchannel, unsigned int graphics_class, unsigned int method, uint32_t parameter); static void pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(PGRAPHState *pg, unsigned int attr); static void pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(PGRAPHState *pg); static void pgraph_shader_update_constants(PGRAPHState *pg, ShaderBinding *binding, bool binding_changed, bool vertex_program, bool fixed_function); static void pgraph_bind_shaders(PGRAPHState *pg); static bool pgraph_framebuffer_dirty(PGRAPHState *pg); static bool pgraph_color_write_enabled(PGRAPHState *pg); static bool pgraph_zeta_write_enabled(PGRAPHState *pg); static void pgraph_set_surface_dirty(PGRAPHState *pg, bool color, bool zeta); static void pgraph_update_surface_part(NV2AState *d, bool upload, bool color); static void pgraph_update_surface(NV2AState *d, bool upload, bool color_write, bool zeta_write); static void pgraph_bind_textures(NV2AState *d); static void pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(PGRAPHState *pg, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height); static void pgraph_get_surface_dimensions(PGRAPHState *pg, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height); static void pgraph_update_memory_buffer(NV2AState *d, hwaddr addr, hwaddr size, bool f); static void pgraph_bind_vertex_attributes(NV2AState *d, unsigned int num_elements, bool inline_data, unsigned int inline_stride); static unsigned int pgraph_bind_inline_array(NV2AState *d); static void load_graphics_object(NV2AState *d, hwaddr instance_address, GraphicsObject *obj); static GraphicsObject* lookup_graphics_object(PGRAPHState *s, hwaddr instance_address); static float convert_f16_to_float(uint16_t f16); static float convert_f24_to_float(uint32_t f24); static uint8_t cliptobyte(int x); static void convert_yuy2_to_rgb(const uint8_t *line, unsigned int ix, uint8_t *r, uint8_t *g, uint8_t* b); static uint8_t* convert_texture_data(const TextureShape s, const uint8_t *data, const uint8_t *palette_data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth, unsigned int row_pitch, unsigned int slice_pitch); static void upload_gl_texture(GLenum gl_target, const TextureShape s, const uint8_t *texture_data, const uint8_t *palette_data); static TextureBinding* generate_texture(const TextureShape s, const uint8_t *texture_data, const uint8_t *palette_data); static guint texture_key_hash(gconstpointer key); static gboolean texture_key_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b); static gpointer texture_key_retrieve(gpointer key, gpointer user_data, GError **error); static void texture_key_destroy(gpointer data); static void texture_binding_destroy(gpointer data); static guint shader_hash(gconstpointer key); static gboolean shader_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b); static unsigned int kelvin_map_stencil_op(uint32_t parameter); static unsigned int kelvin_map_polygon_mode(uint32_t parameter); static unsigned int kelvin_map_texgen(uint32_t parameter, unsigned int channel); static uint64_t fnv_hash(const uint8_t *data, size_t len); static uint64_t fast_hash(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, unsigned int samples); /* PGRAPH - accelerated 2d/3d drawing engine */ uint64_t pgraph_read(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, unsigned int size) { NV2AState *d = (NV2AState *)opaque; qemu_mutex_lock(&d->pgraph.lock); uint64_t r = 0; switch (addr) { case NV_PGRAPH_INTR: r = d->pgraph.pending_interrupts; break; case NV_PGRAPH_INTR_EN: r = d->pgraph.enabled_interrupts; break; case NV_PGRAPH_NSOURCE: r = d->pgraph.notify_source; break; case NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER: SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER_CHANNEL_3D, d->pgraph.context[d->pgraph.channel_id].channel_3d); SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER_CHANNEL_3D_VALID, 1); SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER_SUBCH, d->pgraph.context[d->pgraph.channel_id].subchannel << 13); SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER_CHID, d->pgraph.channel_id); break; case NV_PGRAPH_TRAPPED_ADDR: SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_TRAPPED_ADDR_CHID, d->pgraph.trapped_channel_id); SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_TRAPPED_ADDR_SUBCH, d->pgraph.trapped_subchannel); SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_TRAPPED_ADDR_MTHD, d->pgraph.trapped_method); break; case NV_PGRAPH_TRAPPED_DATA_LOW: r = d->pgraph.trapped_data[0]; break; case NV_PGRAPH_FIFO: SET_MASK(r, NV_PGRAPH_FIFO_ACCESS, d->pgraph.fifo_access); break; case NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_TABLE: r = d->pgraph.context_table >> 4; break; case NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_POINTER: r = d->pgraph.context_address >> 4; break; default: r = d->pgraph.regs[addr]; break; } qemu_mutex_unlock(&d->pgraph.lock); reg_log_read(NV_PGRAPH, addr, r); return r; } static void pgraph_set_context_user(NV2AState *d, uint32_t val) { d->pgraph.channel_id = (val & NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER_CHID) >> 24; d->pgraph.context[d->pgraph.channel_id].channel_3d = GET_MASK(val, NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER_CHANNEL_3D); d->pgraph.context[d->pgraph.channel_id].subchannel = GET_MASK(val, NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER_SUBCH); } void pgraph_write(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint64_t val, unsigned int size) { NV2AState *d = (NV2AState *)opaque; reg_log_write(NV_PGRAPH, addr, val); qemu_mutex_lock(&d->pgraph.lock); switch (addr) { case NV_PGRAPH_INTR: d->pgraph.pending_interrupts &= ~val; qemu_cond_broadcast(&d->pgraph.interrupt_cond); break; case NV_PGRAPH_INTR_EN: d->pgraph.enabled_interrupts = val; break; case NV_PGRAPH_CTX_CONTROL: d->pgraph.channel_valid = (val & NV_PGRAPH_CTX_CONTROL_CHID); break; case NV_PGRAPH_CTX_USER: pgraph_set_context_user(d, val); break; case NV_PGRAPH_INCREMENT: if (val & NV_PGRAPH_INCREMENT_READ_3D) { SET_MASK(d->pgraph.regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_READ_3D, (GET_MASK(d->pgraph.regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_READ_3D)+1) % GET_MASK(d->pgraph.regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_MODULO_3D) ); qemu_cond_broadcast(&d->pgraph.flip_3d); } break; case NV_PGRAPH_FIFO: d->pgraph.fifo_access = GET_MASK(val, NV_PGRAPH_FIFO_ACCESS); qemu_cond_broadcast(&d->pgraph.fifo_access_cond); break; case NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_TABLE: d->pgraph.context_table = (val & NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_TABLE_INST) << 4; break; case NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_POINTER: d->pgraph.context_address = (val & NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_POINTER_INST) << 4; break; case NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_TRIGGER: if (val & NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_TRIGGER_READ_IN) { NV2A_DPRINTF("PGRAPH: read channel %d context from %" HWADDR_PRIx "\n", d->pgraph.channel_id, d->pgraph.context_address); uint8_t *context_ptr = d->ramin_ptr + d->pgraph.context_address; uint32_t context_user = ldl_le_p((uint32_t*)context_ptr); NV2A_DPRINTF(" - CTX_USER = 0x%x\n", context_user); pgraph_set_context_user(d, context_user); } if (val & NV_PGRAPH_CHANNEL_CTX_TRIGGER_WRITE_OUT) { /* do stuff ... */ } break; default: d->pgraph.regs[addr] = val; break; } qemu_mutex_unlock(&d->pgraph.lock); } static void pgraph_method(NV2AState *d, unsigned int subchannel, unsigned int method, uint32_t parameter) { int i; GraphicsSubchannel *subchannel_data; GraphicsObject *object; unsigned int slot; PGRAPHState *pg = &d->pgraph; assert(pg->channel_valid); subchannel_data = &pg->subchannel_data[subchannel]; object = &subchannel_data->object; ContextSurfaces2DState *context_surfaces_2d = &object->data.context_surfaces_2d; ImageBlitState *image_blit = &object->data.image_blit; KelvinState *kelvin = &object->data.kelvin; pgraph_method_log(subchannel, object->graphics_class, method, parameter); if (method == NV_SET_OBJECT) { subchannel_data->object_instance = parameter; //qemu_mutex_lock_iothread(); load_graphics_object(d, parameter, object); //qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread(); return; } /* ugly switch for now */ switch (object->graphics_class) { case NV_CONTEXT_SURFACES_2D: { switch (method) { case NV062_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_IMAGE_SOURCE: context_surfaces_2d->dma_image_source = parameter; break; case NV062_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_IMAGE_DESTIN: context_surfaces_2d->dma_image_dest = parameter; break; case NV062_SET_COLOR_FORMAT: context_surfaces_2d->color_format = parameter; break; case NV062_SET_PITCH: context_surfaces_2d->source_pitch = parameter & 0xFFFF; context_surfaces_2d->dest_pitch = parameter >> 16; break; case NV062_SET_OFFSET_SOURCE: context_surfaces_2d->source_offset = parameter & 0x07FFFFFF; break; case NV062_SET_OFFSET_DESTIN: context_surfaces_2d->dest_offset = parameter & 0x07FFFFFF; break; } break; } case NV_IMAGE_BLIT: { switch (method) { case NV09F_SET_CONTEXT_SURFACES: image_blit->context_surfaces = parameter; break; case NV09F_SET_OPERATION: image_blit->operation = parameter; break; case NV09F_CONTROL_POINT_IN: image_blit->in_x = parameter & 0xFFFF; image_blit->in_y = parameter >> 16; break; case NV09F_CONTROL_POINT_OUT: image_blit->out_x = parameter & 0xFFFF; image_blit->out_y = parameter >> 16; break; case NV09F_SIZE: image_blit->width = parameter & 0xFFFF; image_blit->height = parameter >> 16; /* I guess this kicks it off? */ if (image_blit->operation == NV09F_SET_OPERATION_SRCCOPY) { NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(true, "NV09F_SET_OPERATION_SRCCOPY"); GraphicsObject *context_surfaces_obj = lookup_graphics_object(pg, image_blit->context_surfaces); assert(context_surfaces_obj); assert(context_surfaces_obj->graphics_class == NV_CONTEXT_SURFACES_2D); ContextSurfaces2DState *context_surfaces = &context_surfaces_obj->data.context_surfaces_2d; unsigned int bytes_per_pixel; switch (context_surfaces->color_format) { case NV062_SET_COLOR_FORMAT_LE_Y8: bytes_per_pixel = 1; break; case NV062_SET_COLOR_FORMAT_LE_R5G6B5: bytes_per_pixel = 2; break; case NV062_SET_COLOR_FORMAT_LE_A8R8G8B8: bytes_per_pixel = 4; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown blit surface format: 0x%x\n", context_surfaces->color_format); assert(false); break; } hwaddr source_dma_len, dest_dma_len; uint8_t *source, *dest; source = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, context_surfaces->dma_image_source, &source_dma_len); assert(context_surfaces->source_offset < source_dma_len); source += context_surfaces->source_offset; dest = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, context_surfaces->dma_image_dest, &dest_dma_len); assert(context_surfaces->dest_offset < dest_dma_len); dest += context_surfaces->dest_offset; NV2A_DPRINTF(" - 0x%tx -> 0x%tx\n", source - d->vram_ptr, dest - d->vram_ptr); int y; for (y=0; yheight; y++) { uint8_t *source_row = source + (image_blit->in_y + y) * context_surfaces->source_pitch + image_blit->in_x * bytes_per_pixel; uint8_t *dest_row = dest + (image_blit->out_y + y) * context_surfaces->dest_pitch + image_blit->out_x * bytes_per_pixel; memmove(dest_row, source_row, image_blit->width * bytes_per_pixel); } } else { assert(false); } break; } break; } case NV_KELVIN_PRIMITIVE: { switch (method) { case NV097_NO_OPERATION: /* The bios uses nop as a software method call - * it seems to expect a notify interrupt if the parameter isn't 0. * According to a nouveau guy it should still be a nop regardless * of the parameter. It's possible a debug register enables this, * but nothing obvious sticks out. Weird. */ if (parameter != 0) { assert(!(pg->pending_interrupts & NV_PGRAPH_INTR_ERROR)); pg->trapped_channel_id = pg->channel_id; pg->trapped_subchannel = subchannel; pg->trapped_method = method; pg->trapped_data[0] = parameter; pg->notify_source = NV_PGRAPH_NSOURCE_NOTIFICATION; /* TODO: check this */ pg->pending_interrupts |= NV_PGRAPH_INTR_ERROR; qemu_mutex_unlock(&pg->lock); qemu_mutex_lock_iothread(); update_irq(d); qemu_mutex_lock(&pg->lock); qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread(); while (pg->pending_interrupts & NV_PGRAPH_INTR_ERROR) { qemu_cond_wait(&pg->interrupt_cond, &pg->lock); } } break; case NV097_WAIT_FOR_IDLE: pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); break; case NV097_SET_FLIP_READ: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_READ_3D, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_FLIP_WRITE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_WRITE_3D, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_FLIP_MODULO: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_MODULO_3D, parameter); break; case NV097_FLIP_INCREMENT_WRITE: { NV2A_DPRINTF("flip increment write %d -> ", GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_WRITE_3D)); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_WRITE_3D, (GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_WRITE_3D)+1) % GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_MODULO_3D) ); NV2A_DPRINTF("%d\n", GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_WRITE_3D)); NV2A_GL_DFRAME_TERMINATOR(); break; } case NV097_FLIP_STALL: #if 0 // HACK HACK HACK glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, pg->gl_framebuffer); glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 640, 480, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); SDL_GL_SwapWindow(d->sdl_window); // ugh assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR); glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, pg->gl_framebuffer); glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, pg->gl_framebuffer); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, pg->gl_framebuffer); // HACK HACK HACK #endif pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); while (true) { NV2A_DPRINTF("flip stall read: %d, write: %d, modulo: %d\n", GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_READ_3D), GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_WRITE_3D), GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE], NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_MODULO_3D)); uint32_t s = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE]; if (GET_MASK(s, NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_READ_3D) != GET_MASK(s, NV_PGRAPH_SURFACE_WRITE_3D)) { break; } qemu_cond_wait(&pg->flip_3d, &pg->lock); } NV2A_DPRINTF("flip stall done\n"); break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_NOTIFIES: kelvin->dma_notifies = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_A: pg->dma_a = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_B: pg->dma_b = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_STATE: kelvin->dma_state = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_COLOR: /* try to get any straggling draws in before the surface's changed :/ */ pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); pg->dma_color = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_ZETA: pg->dma_zeta = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_VERTEX_A: pg->dma_vertex_a = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_VERTEX_B: pg->dma_vertex_b = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_SEMAPHORE: kelvin->dma_semaphore = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTEXT_DMA_REPORT: pg->dma_report = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_CLIP_HORIZONTAL: pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); pg->surface_shape.clip_x = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_CLIP_HORIZONTAL_X); pg->surface_shape.clip_width = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_CLIP_HORIZONTAL_WIDTH); break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_CLIP_VERTICAL: pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); pg->surface_shape.clip_y = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_CLIP_VERTICAL_Y); pg->surface_shape.clip_height = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_CLIP_VERTICAL_HEIGHT); break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT: pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); pg->surface_shape.color_format = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR); pg->surface_shape.zeta_format = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ZETA); pg->surface_type = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_TYPE); pg->surface_shape.anti_aliasing = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ANTI_ALIASING); pg->surface_shape.log_width = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_WIDTH); pg->surface_shape.log_height = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_HEIGHT); break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_PITCH: pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); pg->surface_color.pitch = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_PITCH_COLOR); pg->surface_zeta.pitch = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_SURFACE_PITCH_ZETA); break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_COLOR_OFFSET: pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); pg->surface_color.offset = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_ZETA_OFFSET: pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); pg->surface_zeta.offset = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_ALPHA_ICW ... NV097_SET_COMBINER_ALPHA_ICW + 28: slot = (method - NV097_SET_COMBINER_ALPHA_ICW) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEALPHAI0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_SPECULAR_FOG_CW0: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINESPECFOG0] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_SPECULAR_FOG_CW1: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINESPECFOG1] = parameter; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_ADDRESS, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_ADDRESS) / 64; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXADDRESS0 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CONTROL0: { pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); bool stencil_write_enable = parameter & NV097_SET_CONTROL0_STENCIL_WRITE_ENABLE; SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_STENCIL_WRITE_ENABLE, stencil_write_enable); uint32_t z_format = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_CONTROL0_Z_FORMAT); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_Z_FORMAT, z_format); bool z_perspective = parameter & NV097_SET_CONTROL0_Z_PERSPECTIVE_ENABLE; SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_Z_PERSPECTIVE_ENABLE, z_perspective); break; } case NV097_SET_FOG_MODE: { /* FIXME: There is also NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOG_MODE */ unsigned int mode; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_FOG_MODE_V_LINEAR: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE_LINEAR; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_MODE_V_EXP: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE_EXP; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_MODE_V_EXP2: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE_EXP2; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_MODE_V_EXP_ABS: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE_EXP_ABS; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_MODE_V_EXP2_ABS: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE_EXP2_ABS; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_MODE_V_LINEAR_ABS: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE_LINEAR_ABS; break; default: assert(false); break; } SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE, mode); break; } case NV097_SET_FOG_GEN_MODE: { unsigned int mode; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_FOG_GEN_MODE_V_SPEC_ALPHA: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGGENMODE_SPEC_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_GEN_MODE_V_RADIAL: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGGENMODE_RADIAL; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_GEN_MODE_V_PLANAR: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGGENMODE_PLANAR; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_GEN_MODE_V_ABS_PLANAR: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGGENMODE_ABS_PLANAR; break; case NV097_SET_FOG_GEN_MODE_V_FOG_X: mode = NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGGENMODE_FOG_X; break; default: assert(false); break; } SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGGENMODE, mode); break; } case NV097_SET_FOG_ENABLE: /* FIXME: There is also: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGENABLE, parameter); */ SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOGENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_FOG_COLOR: { /* PGRAPH channels are ARGB, parameter channels are ABGR */ uint8_t red = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_FOG_COLOR_RED); uint8_t green = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_FOG_COLOR_GREEN); uint8_t blue = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_FOG_COLOR_BLUE); uint8_t alpha = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_FOG_COLOR_ALPHA); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR], NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_RED, red); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR], NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_GREEN, green); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR], NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_BLUE, blue); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR], NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_ALPHA, alpha); break; } case NV097_SET_WINDOW_CLIP_TYPE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_WINDOWCLIPTYPE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_WINDOW_CLIP_HORIZONTAL ... NV097_SET_WINDOW_CLIP_HORIZONTAL + 0x1c: slot = (method - NV097_SET_WINDOW_CLIP_HORIZONTAL) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPX0 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_WINDOW_CLIP_VERTICAL ... NV097_SET_WINDOW_CLIP_VERTICAL + 0x1c: slot = (method - NV097_SET_WINDOW_CLIP_VERTICAL) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPY0 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_ALPHA_TEST_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHATESTENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_EN, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_CULL_FACE_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_CULLENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ZENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_DITHER_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_DITHERENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_LIGHTING_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C_LIGHTING, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_SKIN_MODE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_SKIN, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_TEST_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_TEST_ENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_POLY_OFFSET_POINT_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETPOINTENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_POLY_OFFSET_LINE_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETLINEENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_POLY_OFFSET_FILL_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETFILLENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_ALPHA_FUNC: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHAFUNC, parameter & 0xF); break; case NV097_SET_ALPHA_REF: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHAREF, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR: { unsigned int factor; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ZERO: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ZERO; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ONE: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ONE; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_SRC_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_SRC_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_SRC_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_DST_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_DST_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_DST_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_DST_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_CONSTANT_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_CONSTANT_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_CONSTANT_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_CONSTANT_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_SFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown blend source factor: 0x%x\n", parameter); assert(false); break; } SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR, factor); break; } case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR: { unsigned int factor; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ZERO: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ZERO; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ONE: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ONE; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_SRC_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_SRC_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_SRC_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_DST_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_DST_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_DST_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_DST_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_CONSTANT_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_CONSTANT_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_CONSTANT_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_CONSTANT_ALPHA; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_FUNC_DFACTOR_V_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: factor = NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown blend destination factor: 0x%x\n", parameter); assert(false); break; } SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR, factor); break; } case NV097_SET_BLEND_COLOR: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLENDCOLOR] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION: { unsigned int equation; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION_V_FUNC_SUBTRACT: equation = 0; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION_V_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT: equation = 1; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION_V_FUNC_ADD: equation = 2; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION_V_MIN: equation = 3; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION_V_MAX: equation = 4; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION_V_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_SIGNED: equation = 5; break; case NV097_SET_BLEND_EQUATION_V_FUNC_ADD_SIGNED: equation = 6; break; default: assert(false); break; } SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_EQN, equation); break; } case NV097_SET_DEPTH_FUNC: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ZFUNC, parameter & 0xF); break; case NV097_SET_COLOR_MASK: { pg->surface_color.write_enabled_cache |= pgraph_color_write_enabled(pg); bool alpha = parameter & NV097_SET_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA_WRITE_ENABLE; bool red = parameter & NV097_SET_COLOR_MASK_RED_WRITE_ENABLE; bool green = parameter & NV097_SET_COLOR_MASK_GREEN_WRITE_ENABLE; bool blue = parameter & NV097_SET_COLOR_MASK_BLUE_WRITE_ENABLE; SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHA_WRITE_ENABLE, alpha); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_RED_WRITE_ENABLE, red); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_GREEN_WRITE_ENABLE, green); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_BLUE_WRITE_ENABLE, blue); break; } case NV097_SET_DEPTH_MASK: pg->surface_zeta.write_enabled_cache |= pgraph_zeta_write_enabled(pg); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ZWRITEENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_MASK: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_MASK_WRITE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_FUNC: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_FUNC, parameter & 0xF); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_FUNC_REF: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_REF, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_FUNC_MASK: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_MASK_READ, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_FAIL: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_FAIL, kelvin_map_stencil_op(parameter)); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_ZFAIL: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_ZFAIL, kelvin_map_stencil_op(parameter)); break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_ZPASS: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_ZPASS, kelvin_map_stencil_op(parameter)); break; case NV097_SET_POLYGON_OFFSET_SCALE_FACTOR: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZOFFSETFACTOR] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_POLYGON_OFFSET_BIAS: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZOFFSETBIAS] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_FRONT_POLYGON_MODE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_FRONTFACEMODE, kelvin_map_polygon_mode(parameter)); break; case NV097_SET_BACK_POLYGON_MODE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_BACKFACEMODE, kelvin_map_polygon_mode(parameter)); break; case NV097_SET_CLIP_MIN: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZCLIPMIN] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CLIP_MAX: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZCLIPMAX] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CULL_FACE: { unsigned int face; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_CULL_FACE_V_FRONT: face = NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_CULLCTRL_FRONT; break; case NV097_SET_CULL_FACE_V_BACK: face = NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_CULLCTRL_BACK; break; case NV097_SET_CULL_FACE_V_FRONT_AND_BACK: face = NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_CULLCTRL_FRONT_AND_BACK; break; default: assert(false); break; } SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_CULLCTRL, face); break; } case NV097_SET_FRONT_FACE: { bool ccw; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_FRONT_FACE_V_CW: ccw = false; break; case NV097_SET_FRONT_FACE_V_CCW: ccw = true; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown front face: 0x%x\n", parameter); assert(false); break; } SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_FRONTFACE, ccw ? 1 : 0); break; } case NV097_SET_NORMALIZATION_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C_NORMALIZATION_ENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_ENABLE_MASK: SET_MASK(d->pgraph.regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_LIGHTS, parameter); break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S, 16): { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S) / 16; unsigned int reg = (slot < 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_B; unsigned int mask = (slot % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_S : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S; SET_MASK(pg->regs[reg], mask, kelvin_map_texgen(parameter, 0)); break; } CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXGEN_T, 16): { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXGEN_T) / 16; unsigned int reg = (slot < 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_B; unsigned int mask = (slot % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_T : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_T; SET_MASK(pg->regs[reg], mask, kelvin_map_texgen(parameter, 1)); break; } CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXGEN_R, 16): { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXGEN_R) / 16; unsigned int reg = (slot < 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_B; unsigned int mask = (slot % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_R : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_R; SET_MASK(pg->regs[reg], mask, kelvin_map_texgen(parameter, 2)); break; } CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXGEN_Q, 16): { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXGEN_Q) / 16; unsigned int reg = (slot < 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_B; unsigned int mask = (slot % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_Q : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_Q; SET_MASK(pg->regs[reg], mask, kelvin_map_texgen(parameter, 3)); break; } CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_MATRIX_ENABLE,4): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_MATRIX_ENABLE) / 4; pg->texture_matrix_enable[slot] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_PROJECTION_MATRIX ... NV097_SET_PROJECTION_MATRIX + 0x3c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_PROJECTION_MATRIX) / 4; // pg->projection_matrix[slot] = *(float*)¶meter; unsigned int row = NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_PMAT0 + slot/4; pg->vsh_constants[row][slot%4] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[row] = true; break; } case NV097_SET_MODEL_VIEW_MATRIX ... NV097_SET_MODEL_VIEW_MATRIX + 0xfc: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_MODEL_VIEW_MATRIX) / 4; unsigned int matnum = slot / 16; unsigned int entry = slot % 16; unsigned int row = NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_MMAT0 + matnum*8 + entry/4; pg->vsh_constants[row][entry % 4] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[row] = true; break; } case NV097_SET_INVERSE_MODEL_VIEW_MATRIX ... NV097_SET_INVERSE_MODEL_VIEW_MATRIX + 0xfc: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_INVERSE_MODEL_VIEW_MATRIX) / 4; unsigned int matnum = slot / 16; unsigned int entry = slot % 16; unsigned int row = NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_IMMAT0 + matnum*8 + entry/4; pg->vsh_constants[row][entry % 4] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[row] = true; break; } case NV097_SET_COMPOSITE_MATRIX ... NV097_SET_COMPOSITE_MATRIX + 0x3c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_COMPOSITE_MATRIX) / 4; unsigned int row = NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_CMAT0 + slot/4; pg->vsh_constants[row][slot%4] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[row] = true; break; } case NV097_SET_TEXTURE_MATRIX ... NV097_SET_TEXTURE_MATRIX + 0xfc: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_MATRIX) / 4; unsigned int tex = slot / 16; unsigned int entry = slot % 16; unsigned int row = NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_T0MAT + tex*8 + entry/4; pg->vsh_constants[row][entry%4] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[row] = true; break; } case NV097_SET_FOG_PARAMS ... NV097_SET_FOG_PARAMS + 8: slot = (method - NV097_SET_FOG_PARAMS) / 4; if (slot < 2) { pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGPARAM0 + slot*4] = parameter; } else { /* FIXME: No idea where slot = 2 is */ } pg->ltctxa[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_FOG_K][slot] = parameter; pg->ltctxa_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_FOG_K] = true; break; /* Handles NV097_SET_TEXGEN_PLANE_S,T,R,Q */ case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_PLANE_S ... NV097_SET_TEXGEN_PLANE_S + 0xfc: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXGEN_PLANE_S) / 4; unsigned int tex = slot / 16; unsigned int entry = slot % 16; unsigned int row = NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_TG0MAT + tex*8 + entry/4; pg->vsh_constants[row][entry%4] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[row] = true; break; } case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_VIEW_MODEL: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_TEXGEN_REF, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_FOG_PLANE ... NV097_SET_FOG_PLANE + 12: slot = (method - NV097_SET_FOG_PLANE) / 4; pg->vsh_constants[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_FOG][slot] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_FOG] = true; break; case NV097_SET_SCENE_AMBIENT_COLOR ... NV097_SET_SCENE_AMBIENT_COLOR + 8: slot = (method - NV097_SET_SCENE_AMBIENT_COLOR) / 4; // ?? pg->ltctxa[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_FR_AMB][slot] = parameter; pg->ltctxa_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_FR_AMB] = true; break; case NV097_SET_VIEWPORT_OFFSET ... NV097_SET_VIEWPORT_OFFSET + 12: slot = (method - NV097_SET_VIEWPORT_OFFSET) / 4; pg->vsh_constants[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_VPOFF][slot] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_VPOFF] = true; break; case NV097_SET_EYE_POSITION ... NV097_SET_EYE_POSITION + 12: slot = (method - NV097_SET_EYE_POSITION) / 4; pg->vsh_constants[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_EYEP][slot] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_EYEP] = true; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_FACTOR0 ... NV097_SET_COMBINER_FACTOR0 + 28: slot = (method - NV097_SET_COMBINER_FACTOR0) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEFACTOR0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_FACTOR1 ... NV097_SET_COMBINER_FACTOR1 + 28: slot = (method - NV097_SET_COMBINER_FACTOR1) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEFACTOR1 + slot*4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_ALPHA_OCW ... NV097_SET_COMBINER_ALPHA_OCW + 28: slot = (method - NV097_SET_COMBINER_ALPHA_OCW) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEALPHAO0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_COLOR_ICW ... NV097_SET_COMBINER_COLOR_ICW + 28: slot = (method - NV097_SET_COMBINER_COLOR_ICW) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINECOLORI0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_VIEWPORT_SCALE ... NV097_SET_VIEWPORT_SCALE + 12: slot = (method - NV097_SET_VIEWPORT_SCALE) / 4; pg->vsh_constants[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_VPSCL][slot] = parameter; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_XFCTX_VPSCL] = true; break; case NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM ... NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM + 0x7c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM) / 4; int program_load = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET], NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET_PROG_LD_PTR); assert(program_load < NV2A_MAX_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM_LENGTH); pg->program_data[program_load][slot%4] = parameter; if (slot % 4 == 3) { SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET], NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET_PROG_LD_PTR, program_load+1); } break; } case NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_CONSTANT ... NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_CONSTANT + 0x7c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_CONSTANT) / 4; int const_load = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET], NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET_CONST_LD_PTR); assert(const_load < NV2A_VERTEXSHADER_CONSTANTS); // VertexShaderConstant *constant = &pg->constants[const_load]; pg->vsh_constants_dirty[const_load] |= (parameter != pg->vsh_constants[const_load][slot%4]); pg->vsh_constants[const_load][slot%4] = parameter; if (slot % 4 == 3) { SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET], NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET_CONST_LD_PTR, const_load+1); } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX3F ... NV097_SET_VERTEX3F + 8: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX3F) / 4; VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[NV2A_VERTEX_ATTR_POSITION]; pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(pg, NV2A_VERTEX_ATTR_POSITION); attribute->inline_value[slot] = *(float*)¶meter; attribute->inline_value[3] = 1.0f; if (slot == 2) { pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(pg); } break; } /* Handles NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_* */ case NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR ... NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOR + 0x1C8: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR) / 4; unsigned int part = NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR / 4 + slot % 16; slot /= 16; /* [Light index] */ assert(slot < 8); switch(part * 4) { case NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR ... NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR + 8: part -= NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR / 4; pg->ltctxb[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_BAMB + slot*6][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxb_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_BAMB + slot*6] = true; break; case NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR ... NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR + 8: part -= NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR / 4; pg->ltctxb[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_BDIF + slot*6][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxb_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_BDIF + slot*6] = true; break; case NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOR ... NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOR + 8: part -= NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOR / 4; pg->ltctxb[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_BSPC + slot*6][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxb_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_BSPC + slot*6] = true; break; default: assert(false); break; } break; } /* Handles all the light source props except for NV097_SET_BACK_LIGHT_* */ case NV097_SET_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_ATTENUATION + 0x38C: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR) / 4; unsigned int part = NV097_SET_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR / 4 + slot % 32; slot /= 32; /* [Light index] */ assert(slot < 8); switch(part * 4) { case NV097_SET_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR / 4; pg->ltctxb[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_AMB + slot*6][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxb_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_AMB + slot*6] = true; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR / 4; pg->ltctxb[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_DIF + slot*6][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxb_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_DIF + slot*6] = true; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOR ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOR + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPECULAR_COLOR / 4; pg->ltctxb[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_SPC + slot*6][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxb_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXB_L0_SPC + slot*6] = true; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_RANGE: pg->ltc1[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTC1_r0 + slot][0] = parameter; pg->ltc1_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTC1_r0 + slot] = true; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_INFINITE_HALF_VECTOR ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_INFINITE_HALF_VECTOR + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_INFINITE_HALF_VECTOR / 4; pg->light_infinite_half_vector[slot][part] = *(float*)¶meter; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_INFINITE_DIRECTION ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_INFINITE_DIRECTION + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_INFINITE_DIRECTION / 4; pg->light_infinite_direction[slot][part] = *(float*)¶meter; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPOT_FALLOFF ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPOT_FALLOFF + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPOT_FALLOFF / 4; pg->ltctxa[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_L0_K + slot*2][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxa_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_L0_K + slot*2] = true; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPOT_DIRECTION ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPOT_DIRECTION + 12: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_SPOT_DIRECTION / 4; pg->ltctxa[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_L0_SPT + slot*2][part] = parameter; pg->ltctxa_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_L0_SPT + slot*2] = true; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_POSITION ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_POSITION + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_POSITION / 4; pg->light_local_position[slot][part] = *(float*)¶meter; break; case NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_ATTENUATION ... NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_ATTENUATION + 8: part -= NV097_SET_LIGHT_LOCAL_ATTENUATION / 4; pg->light_local_attenuation[slot][part] = *(float*)¶meter; break; default: assert(false); break; } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX4F ... NV097_SET_VERTEX4F + 12: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX4F) / 4; VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[NV2A_VERTEX_ATTR_POSITION]; pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(pg, NV2A_VERTEX_ATTR_POSITION); attribute->inline_value[slot] = *(float*)¶meter; if (slot == 3) { pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(pg); } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT ... NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT + 0x3c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT) / 4; VertexAttribute *vertex_attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[slot]; vertex_attribute->format = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE); vertex_attribute->count = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_SIZE); vertex_attribute->stride = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_STRIDE); NV2A_DPRINTF("vertex data array format=%d, count=%d, stride=%d\n", vertex_attribute->format, vertex_attribute->count, vertex_attribute->stride); vertex_attribute->gl_count = vertex_attribute->count; switch (vertex_attribute->format) { case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE_UB_D3D: vertex_attribute->gl_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; vertex_attribute->gl_normalize = GL_TRUE; vertex_attribute->size = 1; assert(vertex_attribute->count == 4); // http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/vertex_array_bgra.txt vertex_attribute->gl_count = GL_BGRA; vertex_attribute->needs_conversion = false; break; case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE_UB_OGL: vertex_attribute->gl_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; vertex_attribute->gl_normalize = GL_TRUE; vertex_attribute->size = 1; vertex_attribute->needs_conversion = false; break; case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE_S1: vertex_attribute->gl_type = GL_SHORT; vertex_attribute->gl_normalize = GL_TRUE; vertex_attribute->size = 2; vertex_attribute->needs_conversion = false; break; case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE_F: vertex_attribute->gl_type = GL_FLOAT; vertex_attribute->gl_normalize = GL_FALSE; vertex_attribute->size = 4; vertex_attribute->needs_conversion = false; break; case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE_S32K: vertex_attribute->gl_type = GL_SHORT; vertex_attribute->gl_normalize = GL_FALSE; vertex_attribute->size = 2; vertex_attribute->needs_conversion = false; break; case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE_CMP: /* 3 signed, normalized components packed in 32-bits. (11,11,10) */ vertex_attribute->size = 4; vertex_attribute->gl_type = GL_FLOAT; vertex_attribute->gl_normalize = GL_FALSE; vertex_attribute->needs_conversion = true; vertex_attribute->converted_size = sizeof(float); vertex_attribute->converted_count = 3 * vertex_attribute->count; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown vertex type: 0x%x\n", vertex_attribute->format); assert(false); break; } if (vertex_attribute->needs_conversion) { vertex_attribute->converted_elements = 0; } else { if (vertex_attribute->converted_buffer) { g_free(vertex_attribute->converted_buffer); vertex_attribute->converted_buffer = NULL; } } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_OFFSET ... NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_OFFSET + 0x3c: slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_OFFSET) / 4; pg->vertex_attributes[slot].dma_select = parameter & 0x80000000; pg->vertex_attributes[slot].offset = parameter & 0x7fffffff; pg->vertex_attributes[slot].converted_elements = 0; break; case NV097_SET_LOGIC_OP_ENABLE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_LOGICOP_ENABLE, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_LOGIC_OP: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_LOGICOP, parameter & 0xF); break; case NV097_CLEAR_REPORT_VALUE: /* FIXME: Does this have a value in parameter? Also does this (also?) modify * the report memory block? */ if (pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count) { glDeleteQueries(pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count, pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_queries); pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count = 0; } pg->zpass_pixel_count_result = 0; break; case NV097_SET_ZPASS_PIXEL_COUNT_ENABLE: pg->zpass_pixel_count_enable = parameter; break; case NV097_GET_REPORT: { /* FIXME: This was first intended to be watchpoint-based. However, * qemu / kvm only supports virtual-address watchpoints. * This'll do for now, but accuracy and performance with other * approaches could be better */ uint8_t type = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_GET_REPORT_TYPE); assert(type == NV097_GET_REPORT_TYPE_ZPASS_PIXEL_CNT); hwaddr offset = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_GET_REPORT_OFFSET); uint64_t timestamp = 0x0011223344556677; /* FIXME: Update timestamp?! */ uint32_t done = 0; /* FIXME: Multisampling affects this (both: OGL and Xbox GPU), * not sure if CLEARs also count */ /* FIXME: What about clipping regions etc? */ for(i = 0; i < pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count; i++) { GLuint gl_query_result; glGetQueryObjectuiv(pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_queries[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &gl_query_result); pg->zpass_pixel_count_result += gl_query_result; } if (pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count) { glDeleteQueries(pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count, pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_queries); } pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count = 0; hwaddr report_dma_len; uint8_t *report_data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, pg->dma_report, &report_dma_len); assert(offset < report_dma_len); report_data += offset; stq_le_p((uint64_t*)&report_data[0], timestamp); stl_le_p((uint32_t*)&report_data[8], pg->zpass_pixel_count_result); stl_le_p((uint32_t*)&report_data[12], done); break; } case NV097_SET_EYE_DIRECTION ... NV097_SET_EYE_DIRECTION + 8: slot = (method - NV097_SET_EYE_DIRECTION) / 4; pg->ltctxa[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_EYED][slot] = parameter; pg->ltctxa_dirty[NV_IGRAPH_XF_LTCTXA_EYED] = true; break; case NV097_SET_BEGIN_END: { bool depth_test = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0] & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ZENABLE; bool stencil_test = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1] & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_TEST_ENABLE; if (parameter == NV097_SET_BEGIN_END_OP_END) { assert(pg->shader_binding); if (pg->draw_arrays_length) { NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(false, "Draw Arrays"); assert(pg->inline_buffer_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_array_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_elements_length == 0); pgraph_bind_vertex_attributes(d, pg->draw_arrays_max_count, false, 0); glMultiDrawArrays(pg->shader_binding->gl_primitive_mode, pg->gl_draw_arrays_start, pg->gl_draw_arrays_count, pg->draw_arrays_length); } else if (pg->inline_buffer_length) { NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(false, "Inline Buffer"); assert(pg->draw_arrays_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_array_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_elements_length == 0); for (i = 0; i < NV2A_VERTEXSHADER_ATTRIBUTES; i++) { VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[i]; if (attribute->inline_buffer) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, attribute->gl_inline_buffer); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pg->inline_buffer_length * sizeof(float) * 4, attribute->inline_buffer, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); /* Clear buffer for next batch */ g_free(attribute->inline_buffer); attribute->inline_buffer = NULL; glVertexAttribPointer(i, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0); glEnableVertexAttribArray(i); } else { glDisableVertexAttribArray(i); glVertexAttrib4fv(i, attribute->inline_value); } } glDrawArrays(pg->shader_binding->gl_primitive_mode, 0, pg->inline_buffer_length); } else if (pg->inline_array_length) { NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(false, "Inline Array"); assert(pg->draw_arrays_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_buffer_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_elements_length == 0); unsigned int index_count = pgraph_bind_inline_array(d); glDrawArrays(pg->shader_binding->gl_primitive_mode, 0, index_count); } else if (pg->inline_elements_length) { NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(false, "Inline Elements"); assert(pg->draw_arrays_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_buffer_length == 0); assert(pg->inline_array_length == 0); uint32_t max_element = 0; uint32_t min_element = (uint32_t)-1; for (i=0; iinline_elements_length; i++) { max_element = MAX(pg->inline_elements[i], max_element); min_element = MIN(pg->inline_elements[i], min_element); } pgraph_bind_vertex_attributes(d, max_element+1, false, 0); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, pg->gl_element_buffer); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, pg->inline_elements_length*4, pg->inline_elements, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glDrawRangeElements(pg->shader_binding->gl_primitive_mode, min_element, max_element, pg->inline_elements_length, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (void*)0); } else { NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(true, "EMPTY NV097_SET_BEGIN_END"); assert(false); } /* End of visibility testing */ if (pg->zpass_pixel_count_enable) { glEndQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED); } NV2A_GL_DGROUP_END(); } else { NV2A_GL_DGROUP_BEGIN("NV097_SET_BEGIN_END: 0x%x", parameter); assert(parameter <= NV097_SET_BEGIN_END_OP_POLYGON); pgraph_update_surface(d, true, true, depth_test || stencil_test); pg->primitive_mode = parameter; uint32_t control_0 = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0]; bool alpha = control_0 & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHA_WRITE_ENABLE; bool red = control_0 & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_RED_WRITE_ENABLE; bool green = control_0 & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_GREEN_WRITE_ENABLE; bool blue = control_0 & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_BLUE_WRITE_ENABLE; glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha); glDepthMask(!!(control_0 & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ZWRITEENABLE)); glStencilMask(GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_MASK_WRITE)); if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND] & NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_EN) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); uint32_t sfactor = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_SFACTOR); uint32_t dfactor = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_DFACTOR); assert(sfactor < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_blend_factor_map)); assert(dfactor < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_blend_factor_map)); glBlendFunc(pgraph_blend_factor_map[sfactor], pgraph_blend_factor_map[dfactor]); uint32_t equation = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLEND], NV_PGRAPH_BLEND_EQN); assert(equation < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_blend_equation_map)); glBlendEquation(pgraph_blend_equation_map[equation]); uint32_t blend_color = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BLENDCOLOR]; glBlendColor( ((blend_color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, /* red */ ((blend_color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, /* green */ (blend_color & 0xFF) / 255.0f, /* blue */ ((blend_color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f);/* alpha */ } else { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } /* Face culling */ if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER] & NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_CULLENABLE) { uint32_t cull_face = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_CULLCTRL); assert(cull_face < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_cull_face_map)); glCullFace(pgraph_cull_face_map[cull_face]); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); } else { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); } /* Front-face select */ glFrontFace(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER] & NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_FRONTFACE ? GL_CCW : GL_CW); /* Polygon offset */ /* FIXME: GL implementation-specific, maybe do this in VS? */ if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER] & NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETFILLENABLE) { glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } else { glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER] & NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETLINEENABLE) { glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); } else { glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); } if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER] & NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETPOINTENABLE) { glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT); } else { glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT); } if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER] & (NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETFILLENABLE | NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETLINEENABLE | NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_POFFSETPOINTENABLE)) { GLfloat zfactor = *(float*)&pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZOFFSETFACTOR]; GLfloat zbias = *(float*)&pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZOFFSETBIAS]; glPolygonOffset(zfactor, zbias); } /* Depth testing */ if (depth_test) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); uint32_t depth_func = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ZFUNC); assert(depth_func < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_depth_func_map)); glDepthFunc(pgraph_depth_func_map[depth_func]); } else { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } if (stencil_test) { glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); uint32_t stencil_func = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_FUNC); uint32_t stencil_ref = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_REF); uint32_t func_mask = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_1_STENCIL_MASK_READ); uint32_t op_fail = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_FAIL); uint32_t op_zfail = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_ZFAIL); uint32_t op_zpass = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_ZPASS); assert(stencil_func < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_stencil_func_map)); assert(op_fail < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_stencil_op_map)); assert(op_zfail < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_stencil_op_map)); assert(op_zpass < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_stencil_op_map)); glStencilFunc( pgraph_stencil_func_map[stencil_func], stencil_ref, func_mask); glStencilOp( pgraph_stencil_op_map[op_fail], pgraph_stencil_op_map[op_zfail], pgraph_stencil_op_map[op_zpass]); } else { glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } /* Dither */ /* FIXME: GL implementation dependent */ if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0] & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_DITHERENABLE) { glEnable(GL_DITHER); } else { glDisable(GL_DITHER); } pgraph_bind_shaders(pg); pgraph_bind_textures(d); //glDisableVertexAttribArray(NV2A_VERTEX_ATTR_DIFFUSE); //glVertexAttrib4f(NV2A_VERTEX_ATTR_DIFFUSE, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); unsigned int width, height; pgraph_get_surface_dimensions(pg, &width, &height); pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(pg, &width, &height); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); pg->inline_elements_length = 0; pg->inline_array_length = 0; pg->inline_buffer_length = 0; pg->draw_arrays_length = 0; pg->draw_arrays_max_count = 0; /* Visibility testing */ if (pg->zpass_pixel_count_enable) { GLuint gl_query; glGenQueries(1, &gl_query); pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count++; pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_queries = (GLuint*)g_realloc( pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_queries, sizeof(GLuint) * pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count); pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_queries[ pg->gl_zpass_pixel_count_query_count - 1] = gl_query; glBeginQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, gl_query); } } pgraph_set_surface_dirty(pg, true, depth_test || stencil_test); break; } CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_OFFSET, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_OFFSET) / 64; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXOFFSET0 + slot * 4] = parameter; pg->texture_dirty[slot] = true; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT, 64): { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT) / 64; bool dma_select = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CONTEXT_DMA) == 2; bool cubemap = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CUBEMAP_ENABLE); unsigned int border_source = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BORDER_SOURCE); unsigned int dimensionality = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DIMENSIONALITY); unsigned int color_format = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR); unsigned int levels = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_MIPMAP_LEVELS); unsigned int log_width = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BASE_SIZE_U); unsigned int log_height = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BASE_SIZE_V); unsigned int log_depth = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BASE_SIZE_P); uint32_t *reg = &pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0 + slot * 4]; SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_CONTEXT_DMA, dma_select); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_CUBEMAPENABLE, cubemap); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BORDER_SOURCE, border_source); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_DIMENSIONALITY, dimensionality); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_COLOR, color_format); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_MIPMAP_LEVELS, levels); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BASE_SIZE_U, log_width); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BASE_SIZE_V, log_height); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BASE_SIZE_P, log_depth); pg->texture_dirty[slot] = true; break; } CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_CONTROL0, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_CONTROL0) / 64; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_CONTROL1, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_CONTROL1) / 64; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL1_0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FILTER, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FILTER) / 64; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_IMAGE_RECT, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_IMAGE_RECT) / 64; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXIMAGERECT0 + slot * 4] = parameter; pg->texture_dirty[slot] = true; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_PALETTE, 64): { slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_PALETTE) / 64; bool dma_select = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_PALETTE_CONTEXT_DMA) == 1; unsigned int length = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_PALETTE_LENGTH); unsigned int offset = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TEXTURE_PALETTE_OFFSET); uint32_t *reg = &pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0 + slot * 4]; SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_CONTEXT_DMA, dma_select); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_LENGTH, length); SET_MASK(*reg, NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_OFFSET, offset); pg->texture_dirty[slot] = true; break; } CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR) / 64; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BORDERCOLOR0 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_MAT + 0x0, 64): CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_MAT + 0x4, 64): CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_MAT + 0x8, 64): CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_MAT + 0xc, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_MAT) / 4; assert((slot / 16) > 0); slot -= 16; pg->bump_env_matrix[slot / 16][slot % 4] = *(float*)¶meter; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_SCALE, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_SCALE) / 64; assert(slot > 0); slot--; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BUMPSCALE1 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; CASE_4(NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_OFFSET, 64): slot = (method - NV097_SET_TEXTURE_SET_BUMP_ENV_OFFSET) / 64; assert(slot > 0); slot--; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BUMPOFFSET1 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; case NV097_ARRAY_ELEMENT16: assert(pg->inline_elements_length < NV2A_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH); pg->inline_elements[ pg->inline_elements_length++] = parameter & 0xFFFF; pg->inline_elements[ pg->inline_elements_length++] = parameter >> 16; break; case NV097_ARRAY_ELEMENT32: assert(pg->inline_elements_length < NV2A_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH); pg->inline_elements[ pg->inline_elements_length++] = parameter; break; case NV097_DRAW_ARRAYS: { unsigned int start = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_DRAW_ARRAYS_START_INDEX); unsigned int count = GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_DRAW_ARRAYS_COUNT)+1; pg->draw_arrays_max_count = MAX(pg->draw_arrays_max_count, start + count); assert(pg->draw_arrays_length < ARRAY_SIZE(pg->gl_draw_arrays_start)); /* Attempt to connect primitives */ if (pg->draw_arrays_length > 0) { unsigned int last_start = pg->gl_draw_arrays_start[pg->draw_arrays_length - 1]; GLsizei* last_count = &pg->gl_draw_arrays_count[pg->draw_arrays_length - 1]; if (start == (last_start + *last_count)) { *last_count += count; break; } } pg->gl_draw_arrays_start[pg->draw_arrays_length] = start; pg->gl_draw_arrays_count[pg->draw_arrays_length] = count; pg->draw_arrays_length++; break; } case NV097_INLINE_ARRAY: assert(pg->inline_array_length < NV2A_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH); pg->inline_array[ pg->inline_array_length++] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_EYE_VECTOR ... NV097_SET_EYE_VECTOR + 8: slot = (method - NV097_SET_EYE_VECTOR) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_EYEVEC0 + slot * 4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA2F_M ... NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA2F_M + 0x7c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA2F_M) / 4; unsigned int part = slot % 2; slot /= 2; VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[slot]; pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(pg, slot); attribute->inline_value[part] = *(float*)¶meter; /* FIXME: Should these really be set to 0.0 and 1.0 ? Conditions? */ attribute->inline_value[2] = 0.0; attribute->inline_value[3] = 1.0; if ((slot == 0) && (part == 1)) { pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(pg); } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4F_M ... NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4F_M + 0xfc: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4F_M) / 4; unsigned int part = slot % 4; slot /= 4; VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[slot]; pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(pg, slot); attribute->inline_value[part] = *(float*)¶meter; if ((slot == 0) && (part == 3)) { pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(pg); } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA2S ... NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA2S + 0x3c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA2S) / 4; assert(false); /* FIXME: Untested! */ VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[slot]; pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(pg, slot); /* FIXME: Is mapping to [-1,+1] correct? */ attribute->inline_value[0] = ((int16_t)(parameter & 0xFFFF) * 2.0 + 1) / 65535.0; attribute->inline_value[1] = ((int16_t)(parameter >> 16) * 2.0 + 1) / 65535.0; /* FIXME: Should these really be set to 0.0 and 1.0 ? Conditions? */ attribute->inline_value[2] = 0.0; attribute->inline_value[3] = 1.0; if (slot == 0) { pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(pg); assert(false); /* FIXME: Untested */ } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4UB ... NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4UB + 0x3c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4UB) / 4; VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[slot]; pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(pg, slot); attribute->inline_value[0] = (parameter & 0xFF) / 255.0; attribute->inline_value[1] = ((parameter >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0; attribute->inline_value[2] = ((parameter >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0; attribute->inline_value[3] = ((parameter >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0; if (slot == 0) { pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(pg); assert(false); /* FIXME: Untested */ } break; } case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4S_M ... NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4S_M + 0x7c: { slot = (method - NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA4S_M) / 4; unsigned int part = slot % 2; slot /= 2; assert(false); /* FIXME: Untested! */ VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[slot]; pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(pg, slot); /* FIXME: Is mapping to [-1,+1] correct? */ attribute->inline_value[part * 2 + 0] = ((int16_t)(parameter & 0xFFFF) * 2.0 + 1) / 65535.0; attribute->inline_value[part * 2 + 1] = ((int16_t)(parameter >> 16) * 2.0 + 1) / 65535.0; if ((slot == 0) && (part == 1)) { pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(pg); assert(false); /* FIXME: Untested */ } break; } case NV097_SET_SEMAPHORE_OFFSET: kelvin->semaphore_offset = parameter; break; case NV097_BACK_END_WRITE_SEMAPHORE_RELEASE: { pgraph_update_surface(d, false, true, true); //qemu_mutex_unlock(&d->pgraph.lock); //qemu_mutex_lock_iothread(); hwaddr semaphore_dma_len; uint8_t *semaphore_data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, kelvin->dma_semaphore, &semaphore_dma_len); assert(kelvin->semaphore_offset < semaphore_dma_len); semaphore_data += kelvin->semaphore_offset; stl_le_p((uint32_t*)semaphore_data, parameter); //qemu_mutex_lock(&d->pgraph.lock); //qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread(); break; } case NV097_SET_ZSTENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZSTENCILCLEARVALUE] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COLORCLEARVALUE] = parameter; break; case NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE: { NV2A_DPRINTF("---------PRE CLEAR ------\n"); GLbitfield gl_mask = 0; bool write_color = (parameter & NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_COLOR); bool write_zeta = (parameter & (NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_Z | NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_STENCIL)); if (write_zeta) { uint32_t clear_zstencil = d->pgraph.regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZSTENCILCLEARVALUE]; GLint gl_clear_stencil; GLfloat gl_clear_depth; /* FIXME: Put these in some lookup table */ const float f16_max = 511.9375f; /* FIXME: 7 bits of mantissa unused. maybe use full buffer? */ const float f24_max = 3.4027977E38; switch(pg->surface_shape.zeta_format) { case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ZETA_Z16: { uint16_t z = clear_zstencil & 0xFFFF; /* FIXME: Remove bit for stencil clear? */ if (pg->surface_shape.z_format) { gl_clear_depth = convert_f16_to_float(z) / f16_max; assert(false); /* FIXME: Untested */ } else { gl_clear_depth = z / (float)0xFFFF; } break; } case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ZETA_Z24S8: { gl_clear_stencil = clear_zstencil & 0xFF; uint32_t z = clear_zstencil >> 8; if (pg->surface_shape.z_format) { gl_clear_depth = convert_f24_to_float(z) / f24_max; assert(false); /* FIXME: Untested */ } else { gl_clear_depth = z / (float)0xFFFFFF; } break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown zeta surface format: 0x%x\n", pg->surface_shape.zeta_format); assert(false); break; } if (parameter & NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_Z) { gl_mask |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glClearDepth(gl_clear_depth); } if (parameter & NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_STENCIL) { gl_mask |= GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; glStencilMask(0xff); glClearStencil(gl_clear_stencil); } } if (write_color) { gl_mask |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; glColorMask((parameter & NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_R) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (parameter & NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_G) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (parameter & NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_B) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (parameter & NV097_CLEAR_SURFACE_A) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); uint32_t clear_color = d->pgraph.regs[NV_PGRAPH_COLORCLEARVALUE]; /* Handle RGB */ GLfloat red, green, blue; switch(pg->surface_shape.color_format) { case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X1R5G5B5_Z1R5G5B5: case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X1R5G5B5_O1R5G5B5: red = ((clear_color >> 10) & 0x1F) / 31.0f; green = ((clear_color >> 5) & 0x1F) / 31.0f; blue = (clear_color & 0x1F) / 31.0f; assert(false); /* Untested */ break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_R5G6B5: red = ((clear_color >> 11) & 0x1F) / 31.0f; green = ((clear_color >> 5) & 0x3F) / 63.0f; blue = (clear_color & 0x1F) / 31.0f; break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X8R8G8B8_Z8R8G8B8: case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X8R8G8B8_O8R8G8B8: case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X1A7R8G8B8_Z1A7R8G8B8: case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X1A7R8G8B8_O1A7R8G8B8: case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_A8R8G8B8: red = ((clear_color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; green = ((clear_color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; blue = (clear_color & 0xFF) / 255.0f; break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_B8: case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_G8B8: /* Xbox D3D doesn't support clearing those */ default: red = 1.0f; green = 0.0f; blue = 1.0f; fprintf(stderr, "CLEAR_SURFACE for color_format 0x%x unsupported", pg->surface_shape.color_format); assert(false); break; } /* Handle alpha */ GLfloat alpha; switch(pg->surface_shape.color_format) { /* FIXME: CLEAR_SURFACE seems to work like memset, so maybe we * also have to clear non-alpha bits with alpha value? * As GL doesn't own those pixels we'd have to do this on * our own in xbox memory. */ case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X1A7R8G8B8_Z1A7R8G8B8: case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_X1A7R8G8B8_O1A7R8G8B8: alpha = ((clear_color >> 24) & 0x7F) / 127.0f; assert(false); /* Untested */ break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_COLOR_LE_A8R8G8B8: alpha = ((clear_color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; break; default: alpha = 1.0f; break; } glClearColor(red, green, blue, alpha); } pgraph_update_surface(d, true, write_color, write_zeta); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); unsigned int xmin = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTX], NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTX_XMIN); unsigned int xmax = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTX], NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTX_XMAX); unsigned int ymin = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTY], NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTY_YMIN); unsigned int ymax = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTY], NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTY_YMAX); unsigned int scissor_x = xmin; unsigned int scissor_y = pg->surface_shape.clip_height - ymax - 1; unsigned int scissor_width = xmax - xmin + 1; unsigned int scissor_height = ymax - ymin + 1; pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(pg, &scissor_x, &scissor_y); pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(pg, &scissor_width, &scissor_height); /* FIXME: Should this really be inverted instead of ymin? */ glScissor(scissor_x, scissor_y, scissor_width, scissor_height); /* FIXME: Respect window clip?!?! */ NV2A_DPRINTF("------------------CLEAR 0x%x %d,%d - %d,%d %x---------------\n", parameter, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, d->pgraph.regs[NV_PGRAPH_COLORCLEARVALUE]); /* Dither */ /* FIXME: Maybe also disable it here? + GL implementation dependent */ if (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0] & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_DITHERENABLE) { glEnable(GL_DITHER); } else { glDisable(GL_DITHER); } glClear(gl_mask); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); pgraph_set_surface_dirty(pg, write_color, write_zeta); break; } case NV097_SET_CLEAR_RECT_HORIZONTAL: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTX] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_CLEAR_RECT_VERTICAL: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CLEARRECTY] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_SPECULAR_FOG_FACTOR ... NV097_SET_SPECULAR_FOG_FACTOR + 4: slot = (method - NV097_SET_SPECULAR_FOG_FACTOR) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SPECFOGFACTOR0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_SHADER_CLIP_PLANE_MODE: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SHADERCLIPMODE] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_COLOR_OCW ... NV097_SET_COMBINER_COLOR_OCW + 28: slot = (method - NV097_SET_COMBINER_COLOR_OCW) / 4; pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINECOLORO0 + slot*4] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_COMBINER_CONTROL: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINECTL] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_SHADOW_ZSLOPE_THRESHOLD: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SHADOWZSLOPETHRESHOLD] = parameter; assert(parameter == 0x7F800000); /* FIXME: Unimplemented */ break; case NV097_SET_SHADER_STAGE_PROGRAM: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SHADERPROG] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_SHADER_OTHER_STAGE_INPUT: pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SHADERCTL] = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_EXECUTION_MODE: SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_MODE, GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_EXECUTION_MODE_MODE)); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_RANGE_MODE, GET_MASK(parameter, NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_EXECUTION_MODE_RANGE_MODE)); break; case NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM_CXT_WRITE_EN: pg->enable_vertex_program_write = parameter; break; case NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM_LOAD: assert(parameter < NV2A_MAX_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM_LENGTH); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET], NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET_PROG_LD_PTR, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM_START: assert(parameter < NV2A_MAX_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM_LENGTH); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C_CHEOPS_PROGRAM_START, parameter); break; case NV097_SET_TRANSFORM_CONSTANT_LOAD: assert(parameter < NV2A_VERTEXSHADER_CONSTANTS); SET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET], NV_PGRAPH_CHEOPS_OFFSET_CONST_LD_PTR, parameter); NV2A_DPRINTF("load to %d\n", parameter); break; default: NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(true, " unhandled (0x%02x 0x%08x)", object->graphics_class, method); break; } break; } default: NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(true, " unhandled (0x%02x 0x%08x)", object->graphics_class, method); break; } } static void pgraph_context_switch(NV2AState *d, unsigned int channel_id) { bool valid; valid = d->pgraph.channel_valid && d->pgraph.channel_id == channel_id; if (!valid) { d->pgraph.trapped_channel_id = channel_id; } if (!valid) { NV2A_DPRINTF("puller needs to switch to ch %d\n", channel_id); qemu_mutex_unlock(&d->pgraph.lock); qemu_mutex_lock_iothread(); d->pgraph.pending_interrupts |= NV_PGRAPH_INTR_CONTEXT_SWITCH; update_irq(d); qemu_mutex_lock(&d->pgraph.lock); qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread(); while (d->pgraph.pending_interrupts & NV_PGRAPH_INTR_CONTEXT_SWITCH) { qemu_cond_wait(&d->pgraph.interrupt_cond, &d->pgraph.lock); } } } static void pgraph_wait_fifo_access(NV2AState *d) { while (!d->pgraph.fifo_access) { qemu_cond_wait(&d->pgraph.fifo_access_cond, &d->pgraph.lock); } } // static const char* nv2a_method_names[] = {}; static void pgraph_method_log(unsigned int subchannel, unsigned int graphics_class, unsigned int method, uint32_t parameter) { static unsigned int last = 0; static unsigned int count = 0; if (last == 0x1800 && method != last) { NV2A_GL_DPRINTF(true, "pgraph method (%d) 0x%x * %d", subchannel, last, count); } if (method != 0x1800) { // const char* method_name = NULL; // unsigned int nmethod = 0; // switch (graphics_class) { // case NV_KELVIN_PRIMITIVE: // nmethod = method | (0x5c << 16); // break; // case NV_CONTEXT_SURFACES_2D: // nmethod = method | (0x6d << 16); // break; // default: // break; // } // if (nmethod != 0 && nmethod < ARRAY_SIZE(nv2a_method_names)) { // method_name = nv2a_method_names[nmethod]; // } // if (method_name) { // NV2A_DPRINTF("pgraph method (%d): %s (0x%x)\n", // subchannel, method_name, parameter); // } else { NV2A_DPRINTF("pgraph method (%d): 0x%x -> 0x%04x (0x%x)\n", subchannel, graphics_class, method, parameter); // } } if (method == last) { count++; } else {count = 0; } last = method; } static void pgraph_allocate_inline_buffer_vertices(PGRAPHState *pg, unsigned int attr) { int i; VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[attr]; if (attribute->inline_buffer || pg->inline_buffer_length == 0) { return; } /* Now upload the previous attribute value */ attribute->inline_buffer = (float*)g_malloc(NV2A_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH * sizeof(float) * 4); for (i = 0; i < pg->inline_buffer_length; i++) { memcpy(&attribute->inline_buffer[i * 4], attribute->inline_value, sizeof(float) * 4); } } static void pgraph_finish_inline_buffer_vertex(PGRAPHState *pg) { int i; assert(pg->inline_buffer_length < NV2A_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH); for (i = 0; i < NV2A_VERTEXSHADER_ATTRIBUTES; i++) { VertexAttribute *attribute = &pg->vertex_attributes[i]; if (attribute->inline_buffer) { memcpy(&attribute->inline_buffer[ pg->inline_buffer_length * 4], attribute->inline_value, sizeof(float) * 4); } } pg->inline_buffer_length++; } void pgraph_init(NV2AState *d) { int i; PGRAPHState *pg = &d->pgraph; qemu_mutex_init(&pg->lock); qemu_cond_init(&pg->interrupt_cond); qemu_cond_init(&pg->fifo_access_cond); qemu_cond_init(&pg->flip_3d); /* fire up opengl */ pg->gl_context = glo_context_create(); assert(pg->gl_context); #ifdef DEBUG_NV2A_GL gl_debug_initialize(); #endif /* DXT textures */ assert(glo_check_extension("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc")); /* Internal RGB565 texture format */ assert(glo_check_extension("GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility")); GLint max_vertex_attributes; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &max_vertex_attributes); assert(max_vertex_attributes >= NV2A_VERTEXSHADER_ATTRIBUTES); glGenFramebuffers(1, &pg->gl_framebuffer); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, pg->gl_framebuffer); /* need a valid framebuffer to start with */ glGenTextures(1, &pg->gl_color_buffer); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pg->gl_color_buffer); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, 640, 480, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, pg->gl_color_buffer, 0); assert(glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE); //glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE ); pg->texture_cache = g_lru_cache_new_full( 0, NULL, texture_key_destroy, 0, NULL, texture_binding_destroy, texture_key_hash, texture_key_equal, texture_key_retrieve, NULL, NULL ); g_lru_cache_set_max_size(pg->texture_cache, 512); pg->shader_cache = g_hash_table_new(shader_hash, shader_equal); for (i=0; ivertex_attributes[i].gl_converted_buffer); glGenBuffers(1, &pg->vertex_attributes[i].gl_inline_buffer); } glGenBuffers(1, &pg->gl_inline_array_buffer); glGenBuffers(1, &pg->gl_element_buffer); glGenBuffers(1, &pg->gl_memory_buffer); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pg->gl_memory_buffer); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, memory_region_size(d->vram), NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); glGenVertexArrays(1, &pg->gl_vertex_array); glBindVertexArray(pg->gl_vertex_array); assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR); glo_set_current(NULL); } void pgraph_destroy(PGRAPHState *pg) { qemu_mutex_destroy(&pg->lock); qemu_cond_destroy(&pg->interrupt_cond); qemu_cond_destroy(&pg->fifo_access_cond); qemu_cond_destroy(&pg->flip_3d); glo_set_current(pg->gl_context); if (pg->gl_color_buffer) { glDeleteTextures(1, &pg->gl_color_buffer); } if (pg->gl_zeta_buffer) { glDeleteTextures(1, &pg->gl_zeta_buffer); } glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &pg->gl_framebuffer); // TODO: clear out shader cached // TODO: clear out texture cache glo_set_current(NULL); glo_context_destroy(pg->gl_context); } static void pgraph_shader_update_constants(PGRAPHState *pg, ShaderBinding *binding, bool binding_changed, bool vertex_program, bool fixed_function) { int i, j; /* update combiner constants */ for (i = 0; i<= 8; i++) { uint32_t constant[2]; if (i == 8) { /* final combiner */ constant[0] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SPECFOGFACTOR0]; constant[1] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SPECFOGFACTOR1]; } else { constant[0] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEFACTOR0 + i * 4]; constant[1] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEFACTOR1 + i * 4]; } for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { GLint loc = binding->psh_constant_loc[i][j]; if (loc != -1) { float value[4]; value[0] = (float) ((constant[j] >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; value[1] = (float) ((constant[j] >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; value[2] = (float) (constant[j] & 0xFF) / 255.0f; value[3] = (float) ((constant[j] >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; glUniform4fv(loc, 1, value); } } } if (binding->alpha_ref_loc != -1) { float alpha_ref = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHAREF) / 255.0; glUniform1f(binding->alpha_ref_loc, alpha_ref); } /* For each texture stage */ for (i = 0; i < NV2A_MAX_TEXTURES; i++) { // char name[32]; GLint loc; /* Bump luminance only during stages 1 - 3 */ if (i > 0) { loc = binding->bump_mat_loc[i]; if (loc != -1) { glUniformMatrix2fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, pg->bump_env_matrix[i - 1]); } loc = binding->bump_scale_loc[i]; if (loc != -1) { glUniform1f(loc, *(float*)&pg->regs[ NV_PGRAPH_BUMPSCALE1 + (i - 1) * 4]); } loc = binding->bump_offset_loc[i]; if (loc != -1) { glUniform1f(loc, *(float*)&pg->regs[ NV_PGRAPH_BUMPOFFSET1 + (i - 1) * 4]); } } } if (binding->fog_color_loc != -1) { uint32_t fog_color = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR]; glUniform4f(binding->fog_color_loc, GET_MASK(fog_color, NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_RED) / 255.0, GET_MASK(fog_color, NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_GREEN) / 255.0, GET_MASK(fog_color, NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_BLUE) / 255.0, GET_MASK(fog_color, NV_PGRAPH_FOGCOLOR_ALPHA) / 255.0); } if (binding->fog_param_loc[0] != -1) { glUniform1f(binding->fog_param_loc[0], *(float*)&pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGPARAM0]); } if (binding->fog_param_loc[1] != -1) { glUniform1f(binding->fog_param_loc[1], *(float*)&pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_FOGPARAM1]); } float zclip_max = *(float*)&pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZCLIPMAX]; float zclip_min = *(float*)&pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_ZCLIPMIN]; if (fixed_function) { /* update lighting constants */ struct { uint32_t* v; bool* dirty; GLint* locs; size_t len; } lighting_arrays[] = { {&pg->ltctxa[0][0], &pg->ltctxa_dirty[0], binding->ltctxa_loc, NV2A_LTCTXA_COUNT}, {&pg->ltctxb[0][0], &pg->ltctxb_dirty[0], binding->ltctxb_loc, NV2A_LTCTXB_COUNT}, {&pg->ltc1[0][0], &pg->ltc1_dirty[0], binding->ltc1_loc, NV2A_LTC1_COUNT}, }; for (i=0; ilight_infinite_half_vector_loc[i]; if (loc != -1) { glUniform3fv(loc, 1, pg->light_infinite_half_vector[i]); } loc = binding->light_infinite_direction_loc[i]; if (loc != -1) { glUniform3fv(loc, 1, pg->light_infinite_direction[i]); } loc = binding->light_local_position_loc[i]; if (loc != -1) { glUniform3fv(loc, 1, pg->light_local_position[i]); } loc = binding->light_local_attenuation_loc[i]; if (loc != -1) { glUniform3fv(loc, 1, pg->light_local_attenuation[i]); } } /* estimate the viewport by assuming it matches the surface ... */ //FIXME: Get surface dimensions? float m11 = 0.5 * pg->surface_shape.clip_width; float m22 = -0.5 * pg->surface_shape.clip_height; float m33 = zclip_max - zclip_min; //float m41 = m11; //float m42 = -m22; float m43 = zclip_min; //float m44 = 1.0; if (m33 == 0.0) { m33 = 1.0; } float invViewport[16] = { 1.0/m11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0/m22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0/m33, 0, -1.0, 1.0, -m43/m33, 1.0 }; if (binding->inv_viewport_loc != -1) { glUniformMatrix4fv(binding->inv_viewport_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, &invViewport[0]); } } /* update vertex program constants */ for (i=0; ivsh_constants_dirty[i] && !binding_changed) continue; GLint loc = binding->vsh_constant_loc[i]; //assert(loc != -1); if (loc != -1) { glUniform4fv(loc, 1, (const GLfloat*)pg->vsh_constants[i]); } pg->vsh_constants_dirty[i] = false; } if (binding->surface_size_loc != -1) { glUniform2f(binding->surface_size_loc, pg->surface_shape.clip_width, pg->surface_shape.clip_height); } if (binding->clip_range_loc != -1) { glUniform2f(binding->clip_range_loc, zclip_min, zclip_max); } } static void pgraph_bind_shaders(PGRAPHState *pg) { int i, j; bool vertex_program = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_MODE) == 2; bool fixed_function = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_MODE) == 0; int program_start = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C_CHEOPS_PROGRAM_START); NV2A_GL_DGROUP_BEGIN("%s (VP: %s FFP: %s)", __func__, vertex_program ? "yes" : "no", fixed_function ? "yes" : "no"); ShaderBinding* old_binding = pg->shader_binding; ShaderState state = { .psh = (PshState){ /* register combier stuff */ .window_clip_exclusive = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER] & NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_WINDOWCLIPTYPE, .combiner_control = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINECTL], .shader_stage_program = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SHADERPROG], .other_stage_input = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SHADERCTL], .final_inputs_0 = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINESPECFOG0], .final_inputs_1 = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINESPECFOG1], .alpha_test = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0] & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHATESTENABLE, .alpha_func = (enum PshAlphaFunc)GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHAFUNC), }, /* fixed function stuff */ .skinning = (enum VshSkinning)GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_SKIN), .lighting = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C_LIGHTING), .normalization = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C] & NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_C_NORMALIZATION_ENABLE, .fixed_function = fixed_function, /* vertex program stuff */ .vertex_program = vertex_program, .z_perspective = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0] & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_Z_PERSPECTIVE_ENABLE, /* geometry shader stuff */ .primitive_mode = (enum ShaderPrimitiveMode)pg->primitive_mode, .polygon_front_mode = (enum ShaderPolygonMode)GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_FRONTFACEMODE), .polygon_back_mode = (enum ShaderPolygonMode)GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_BACKFACEMODE), }; state.program_length = 0; memset(state.program_data, 0, sizeof(state.program_data)); if (vertex_program) { // copy in vertex program tokens for (i = program_start; i < NV2A_MAX_TRANSFORM_PROGRAM_LENGTH; i++) { uint32_t *cur_token = (uint32_t*)&pg->program_data[i]; memcpy(&state.program_data[state.program_length], cur_token, VSH_TOKEN_SIZE * sizeof(uint32_t)); state.program_length++; if (vsh_get_field(cur_token, FLD_FINAL)) { break; } } } /* Texgen */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { unsigned int reg = (i < 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_B; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { unsigned int masks[] = { (i % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_S : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S, (i % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_T : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_T, (i % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_R : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_R, (i % 2) ? NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T1_Q : NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_Q }; state.texgen[i][j] = (enum VshTexgen)GET_MASK(pg->regs[reg], masks[j]); } } /* Fog */ state.fog_enable = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3] & NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOGENABLE; if (state.fog_enable) { /*FIXME: Use CSV0_D? */ state.fog_mode = (enum VshFogMode)GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3], NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_3_FOG_MODE); state.foggen = (enum VshFoggen)GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_FOGGENMODE); } else { /* FIXME: Do we still pass the fogmode? */ state.fog_mode = (enum VshFogMode)0; state.foggen = (enum VshFoggen)0; } /* Texture matrices */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { state.texture_matrix_enable[i] = pg->texture_matrix_enable[i]; } /* Lighting */ if (state.lighting) { for (i = 0; i < NV2A_MAX_LIGHTS; i++) { state.light[i] = (enum VshLight)GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D], NV_PGRAPH_CSV0_D_LIGHT0 << (i * 2)); } } /* Window clip * * Optimization note: very quickly check to ignore any repeated or zero-size * clipping regions. Note that if region number 7 is valid, but the rest are * not, we will still add all of them. Clip regions seem to be typically * front-loaded (meaning the first one or two regions are populated, and the * following are zeroed-out), so let's avoid adding any more complicated * masking or copying logic here for now unless we discover a valid case. */ assert(!state.psh.window_clip_exclusive); /* FIXME: Untested */ state.psh.window_clip_count = 0; uint32_t last_x = 0, last_y = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { const uint32_t x = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPX0 + i * 4]; const uint32_t y = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPY0 + i * 4]; const uint32_t x_min = GET_MASK(x, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPX0_XMIN); const uint32_t x_max = GET_MASK(x, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPX0_XMAX); const uint32_t y_min = GET_MASK(y, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPY0_YMIN); const uint32_t y_max = GET_MASK(y, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPY0_YMAX); /* Check for zero width or height clipping region */ if ((x_min == x_max) || (y_min == y_max)) { continue; } /* Check for in-order duplicate regions */ if ((x == last_x) && (y == last_y)) { continue; } NV2A_DPRINTF("Clipping Region %d: min=(%d, %d) max=(%d, %d)\n", i, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max); state.psh.window_clip_count = i + 1; last_x = x; last_y = y; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { state.psh.rgb_inputs[i] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINECOLORI0 + i * 4]; state.psh.rgb_outputs[i] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINECOLORO0 + i * 4]; state.psh.alpha_inputs[i] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEALPHAI0 + i * 4]; state.psh.alpha_outputs[i] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEALPHAO0 + i * 4]; //constant_0[i] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEFACTOR0 + i * 4]; //constant_1[i] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_COMBINEFACTOR1 + i * 4]; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { state.psh.rect_tex[i] = false; bool enabled = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0 + i*4] & NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0_ENABLE; unsigned int color_format = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0 + i*4], NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_COLOR); if (enabled && kelvin_color_format_map[color_format].linear) { state.psh.rect_tex[i] = true; } for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { state.psh.compare_mode[i][j] = (pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SHADERCLIPMODE] >> (4 * i + j)) & 1; } state.psh.alphakill[i] = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0 + i*4] & NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0_ALPHAKILLEN; } ShaderBinding* cached_shader = (ShaderBinding*)g_hash_table_lookup(pg->shader_cache, &state); if (cached_shader) { pg->shader_binding = cached_shader; } else { pg->shader_binding = generate_shaders(state); /* cache it */ ShaderState *cache_state = (ShaderState *)g_malloc(sizeof(*cache_state)); memcpy(cache_state, &state, sizeof(*cache_state)); g_hash_table_insert(pg->shader_cache, cache_state, (gpointer)pg->shader_binding); } bool binding_changed = (pg->shader_binding != old_binding); glUseProgram(pg->shader_binding->gl_program); /* Clipping regions */ for (i = 0; i < state.psh.window_clip_count; i++) { if (pg->shader_binding->clip_region_loc[i] == -1) { continue; } uint32_t x = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPX0 + i * 4]; GLuint x_min = GET_MASK(x, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPX0_XMIN); GLuint x_max = GET_MASK(x, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPX0_XMAX); /* Adjust y-coordinates for the OpenGL viewport: translate coordinates * to have the origin at the bottom-left of the surface (as opposed to * top-left), and flip y-min and y-max accordingly. */ uint32_t y = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPY0 + i * 4]; GLuint y_min = (pg->surface_shape.clip_height - 1) - GET_MASK(y, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPY0_YMAX); GLuint y_max = (pg->surface_shape.clip_height - 1) - GET_MASK(y, NV_PGRAPH_WINDOWCLIPY0_YMIN); pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(pg, &x_min, &y_min); pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(pg, &x_max, &y_max); glUniform4i(pg->shader_binding->clip_region_loc[i], x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max); } pgraph_shader_update_constants(pg, pg->shader_binding, binding_changed, vertex_program, fixed_function); NV2A_GL_DGROUP_END(); } static bool pgraph_framebuffer_dirty(PGRAPHState *pg) { bool shape_changed = memcmp(&pg->surface_shape, &pg->last_surface_shape, sizeof(SurfaceShape)) != 0; if (!shape_changed || (!pg->surface_shape.color_format && !pg->surface_shape.zeta_format)) { return false; } return true; } static bool pgraph_color_write_enabled(PGRAPHState *pg) { return pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0] & ( NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ALPHA_WRITE_ENABLE | NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_RED_WRITE_ENABLE | NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_GREEN_WRITE_ENABLE | NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_BLUE_WRITE_ENABLE); } static bool pgraph_zeta_write_enabled(PGRAPHState *pg) { return pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0] & ( NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_ZWRITEENABLE | NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_0_STENCIL_WRITE_ENABLE); } static void pgraph_set_surface_dirty(PGRAPHState *pg, bool color, bool zeta) { NV2A_DPRINTF("pgraph_set_surface_dirty(%d, %d) -- %d %d\n", color, zeta, pgraph_color_write_enabled(pg), pgraph_zeta_write_enabled(pg)); /* FIXME: Does this apply to CLEARs too? */ color = color && pgraph_color_write_enabled(pg); zeta = zeta && pgraph_zeta_write_enabled(pg); pg->surface_color.draw_dirty |= color; pg->surface_zeta.draw_dirty |= zeta; } static void pgraph_update_surface_part(NV2AState *d, bool upload, bool color) { PGRAPHState *pg = &d->pgraph; unsigned int width, height; pgraph_get_surface_dimensions(pg, &width, &height); pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(pg, &width, &height); Surface *surface; hwaddr dma_address; GLuint *gl_buffer; unsigned int bytes_per_pixel; GLenum gl_internal_format, gl_format, gl_type, gl_attachment; if (color) { surface = &pg->surface_color; dma_address = pg->dma_color; gl_buffer = &pg->gl_color_buffer; assert(pg->surface_shape.color_format != 0); assert(pg->surface_shape.color_format < ARRAY_SIZE(kelvin_surface_color_format_map)); SurfaceColorFormatInfo f = kelvin_surface_color_format_map[pg->surface_shape.color_format]; if (f.bytes_per_pixel == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "nv2a: unimplemented color surface format 0x%x\n", pg->surface_shape.color_format); abort(); } bytes_per_pixel = f.bytes_per_pixel; gl_internal_format = f.gl_internal_format; gl_format = f.gl_format; gl_type = f.gl_type; gl_attachment = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0; } else { surface = &pg->surface_zeta; dma_address = pg->dma_zeta; gl_buffer = &pg->gl_zeta_buffer; assert(pg->surface_shape.zeta_format != 0); switch (pg->surface_shape.zeta_format) { case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ZETA_Z16: bytes_per_pixel = 2; gl_format = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT; gl_attachment = GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT; if (pg->surface_shape.z_format) { gl_type = GL_HALF_FLOAT; gl_internal_format = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F; } else { gl_type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; gl_internal_format = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16; } break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ZETA_Z24S8: bytes_per_pixel = 4; gl_format = GL_DEPTH_STENCIL; gl_attachment = GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT; if (pg->surface_shape.z_format) { assert(false); gl_type = GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV; gl_internal_format = GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8; } else { gl_type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8; gl_internal_format = GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8; } break; default: assert(false); break; } } DMAObject dma = nv_dma_load(d, dma_address); /* There's a bunch of bugs that could cause us to hit this function * at the wrong time and get a invalid dma object. * Check that it's sane. */ assert(dma.dma_class == NV_DMA_IN_MEMORY_CLASS); assert(dma.address + surface->offset != 0); assert(surface->offset <= dma.limit); assert(surface->offset + surface->pitch * height <= dma.limit + 1); hwaddr data_len; uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, dma_address, &data_len); /* TODO */ // assert(pg->surface_clip_x == 0 && pg->surface_clip_y == 0); bool swizzle = (pg->surface_type == NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_TYPE_SWIZZLE); uint8_t *buf = data + surface->offset; if (swizzle) { buf = (uint8_t*)g_malloc(height * surface->pitch); } bool dirty = surface->buffer_dirty; if (color) { // dirty |= 1; dirty |= memory_region_test_and_clear_dirty(d->vram, dma.address + surface->offset, surface->pitch * height, DIRTY_MEMORY_NV2A); } if (upload && dirty) { /* surface modified (or moved) by the cpu. * copy it into the opengl renderbuffer */ assert(!surface->draw_dirty); assert(surface->pitch % bytes_per_pixel == 0); if (swizzle) { unswizzle_rect(data + surface->offset, width, height, buf, surface->pitch, bytes_per_pixel); } if (!color) { /* need to clear the depth_stencil and depth attachment for zeta */ glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); } glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gl_attachment, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); if (*gl_buffer) { glDeleteTextures(1, gl_buffer); *gl_buffer = 0; } glGenTextures(1, gl_buffer); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, *gl_buffer); /* This is VRAM so we can't do this inplace! */ uint8_t *flipped_buf = (uint8_t*)g_malloc(width * height * bytes_per_pixel); unsigned int irow; for (irow = 0; irow < height; irow++) { memcpy(&flipped_buf[width * (height - irow - 1) * bytes_per_pixel], &buf[surface->pitch * irow], width * bytes_per_pixel); } glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_internal_format, width, height, 0, gl_format, gl_type, flipped_buf); g_free(flipped_buf); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gl_attachment, GL_TEXTURE_2D, *gl_buffer, 0); assert(glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE); if (color) { pgraph_update_memory_buffer(d, dma.address + surface->offset, surface->pitch * height, true); } surface->buffer_dirty = false; #ifdef DEBUG_NV2A uint8_t *out = data + surface->offset + 64; NV2A_DPRINTF("upload_surface %s 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx " - 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx ", " "(0x%" HWADDR_PRIx " - 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx ", " "%d %d, %d %d, %d) - %x %x %x %x\n", color ? "color" : "zeta", dma.address, dma.address + dma.limit, dma.address + surface->offset, dma.address + surface->pitch * height, pg->surface_shape.clip_x, pg->surface_shape.clip_y, pg->surface_shape.clip_width, pg->surface_shape.clip_height, surface->pitch, out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3]); #endif } if (!upload && surface->draw_dirty) { /* read the opengl framebuffer into the surface */ glo_readpixels(gl_format, gl_type, bytes_per_pixel, surface->pitch, width, height, buf); assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR); if (swizzle) { swizzle_rect(buf, width, height, data + surface->offset, surface->pitch, bytes_per_pixel); } memory_region_set_client_dirty(d->vram, dma.address + surface->offset, surface->pitch * height, DIRTY_MEMORY_VGA); if (color) { pgraph_update_memory_buffer(d, dma.address + surface->offset, surface->pitch * height, true); } surface->draw_dirty = false; surface->write_enabled_cache = false; #ifdef DEBUG_NV2A uint8_t *out = data + surface->offset + 64; NV2A_DPRINTF("read_surface %s 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx " - 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx ", " "(0x%" HWADDR_PRIx " - 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx ", " "%d %d, %d %d, %d) - %x %x %x %x\n", color ? "color" : "zeta", dma.address, dma.address + dma.limit, dma.address + surface->offset, dma.address + surface->pitch * pg->surface_shape.clip_height, pg->surface_shape.clip_x, pg->surface_shape.clip_y, pg->surface_shape.clip_width, pg->surface_shape.clip_height, surface->pitch, out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3]); #endif } if (swizzle) { g_free(buf); } } static void pgraph_update_surface(NV2AState *d, bool upload, bool color_write, bool zeta_write) { PGRAPHState *pg = &d->pgraph; pg->surface_shape.z_format = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER], NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_Z_FORMAT); /* FIXME: Does this apply to CLEARs too? */ color_write = color_write && pgraph_color_write_enabled(pg); zeta_write = zeta_write && pgraph_zeta_write_enabled(pg); if (upload && pgraph_framebuffer_dirty(pg)) { assert(!pg->surface_color.draw_dirty); assert(!pg->surface_zeta.draw_dirty); pg->surface_color.buffer_dirty = true; pg->surface_zeta.buffer_dirty = true; glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); if (pg->gl_color_buffer) { glDeleteTextures(1, &pg->gl_color_buffer); pg->gl_color_buffer = 0; } glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); if (pg->gl_zeta_buffer) { glDeleteTextures(1, &pg->gl_zeta_buffer); pg->gl_zeta_buffer = 0; } memcpy(&pg->last_surface_shape, &pg->surface_shape, sizeof(SurfaceShape)); } if ((color_write || (!upload && pg->surface_color.write_enabled_cache)) && (upload || pg->surface_color.draw_dirty)) { pgraph_update_surface_part(d, upload, true); } if ((zeta_write || (!upload && pg->surface_zeta.write_enabled_cache)) && (upload || pg->surface_zeta.draw_dirty)) { pgraph_update_surface_part(d, upload, false); } } static void pgraph_bind_textures(NV2AState *d) { int i; PGRAPHState *pg = &d->pgraph; NV2A_GL_DGROUP_BEGIN("%s", __func__); for (i=0; iregs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0 + i*4]; uint32_t ctl_1 = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL1_0 + i*4]; uint32_t fmt = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0 + i*4]; uint32_t filter = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0 + i*4]; uint32_t address = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXADDRESS0 + i*4]; uint32_t palette = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0 + i*4]; bool enabled = GET_MASK(ctl_0, NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0_ENABLE); unsigned int min_mipmap_level = GET_MASK(ctl_0, NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0_MIN_LOD_CLAMP); unsigned int max_mipmap_level = GET_MASK(ctl_0, NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL0_0_MAX_LOD_CLAMP); unsigned int pitch = GET_MASK(ctl_1, NV_PGRAPH_TEXCTL1_0_IMAGE_PITCH); unsigned int dma_select = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_CONTEXT_DMA); bool cubemap = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_CUBEMAPENABLE); unsigned int dimensionality = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_DIMENSIONALITY); unsigned int color_format = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_COLOR); unsigned int levels = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_MIPMAP_LEVELS); unsigned int log_width = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BASE_SIZE_U); unsigned int log_height = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BASE_SIZE_V); unsigned int log_depth = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BASE_SIZE_P); unsigned int rect_width = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXIMAGERECT0 + i*4], NV_PGRAPH_TEXIMAGERECT0_WIDTH); unsigned int rect_height = GET_MASK(pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXIMAGERECT0 + i*4], NV_PGRAPH_TEXIMAGERECT0_HEIGHT); #ifdef DEBUG_NV2A unsigned int lod_bias = GET_MASK(filter, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIPMAP_LOD_BIAS); #endif unsigned int min_filter = GET_MASK(filter, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIN); unsigned int mag_filter = GET_MASK(filter, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MAG); unsigned int addru = GET_MASK(address, NV_PGRAPH_TEXADDRESS0_ADDRU); unsigned int addrv = GET_MASK(address, NV_PGRAPH_TEXADDRESS0_ADDRV); unsigned int addrp = GET_MASK(address, NV_PGRAPH_TEXADDRESS0_ADDRP); unsigned int border_source = GET_MASK(fmt, NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BORDER_SOURCE); uint32_t border_color = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_BORDERCOLOR0 + i*4]; unsigned int offset = pg->regs[NV_PGRAPH_TEXOFFSET0 + i*4]; bool palette_dma_select = GET_MASK(palette, NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_CONTEXT_DMA); unsigned int palette_length_index = GET_MASK(palette, NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_LENGTH); unsigned int palette_offset = palette & NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_OFFSET; unsigned int palette_length = 0; switch (palette_length_index) { case NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_LENGTH_256: palette_length = 256; break; case NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_LENGTH_128: palette_length = 128; break; case NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_LENGTH_64: palette_length = 64; break; case NV_PGRAPH_TEXPALETTE0_LENGTH_32: palette_length = 32; break; default: assert(false); break; } /* Check for unsupported features */ assert(!(filter & NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_ASIGNED)); assert(!(filter & NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_RSIGNED)); assert(!(filter & NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_GSIGNED)); assert(!(filter & NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_BSIGNED)); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i); if (!enabled) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0); continue; } if (!pg->texture_dirty[i] && pg->texture_binding[i]) { glBindTexture(pg->texture_binding[i]->gl_target, pg->texture_binding[i]->gl_texture); continue; } NV2A_DPRINTF(" texture %d is format 0x%x, (r %d, %d or %d, %d, %d; %d%s)," " filter %x %x, levels %d-%d %d bias %d\n", i, color_format, rect_width, rect_height, 1 << log_width, 1 << log_height, 1 << log_depth, pitch, cubemap ? "; cubemap" : "", min_filter, mag_filter, min_mipmap_level, max_mipmap_level, levels, lod_bias); assert(color_format < ARRAY_SIZE(kelvin_color_format_map)); ColorFormatInfo f = kelvin_color_format_map[color_format]; if (f.bytes_per_pixel == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "nv2a: unimplemented texture color format 0x%x\n", color_format); abort(); } unsigned int width, height, depth; if (f.linear) { assert(dimensionality == 2); width = rect_width; height = rect_height; depth = 1; } else { width = 1 << log_width; height = 1 << log_height; depth = 1 << log_depth; /* FIXME: What about 3D mipmaps? */ levels = MIN(levels, max_mipmap_level + 1); if (f.gl_format != 0) { /* Discard mipmap levels that would be smaller than 1x1. * FIXME: Is this actually needed? * * >> Level 0: 32 x 4 * Level 1: 16 x 2 * Level 2: 8 x 1 * Level 3: 4 x 1 * Level 4: 2 x 1 * Level 5: 1 x 1 */ levels = MIN(levels, MAX(log_width, log_height) + 1); } else { /* OpenGL requires DXT textures to always have a width and * height a multiple of 4. The Xbox and DirectX handles DXT * textures smaller than 4 by padding the reset of the block. * * See: * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb204843(v=vs.85).aspx * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb694531%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#Virtual_Size * * Work around this for now by discarding mipmap levels that * would result in too-small textures. A correct solution * will be to decompress these levels manually, or add texture * sampling logic. * * >> Level 0: 64 x 8 * Level 1: 32 x 4 * Level 2: 16 x 2 << Ignored * >> Level 0: 16 x 16 * Level 1: 8 x 8 * Level 2: 4 x 4 << OK! */ if (log_width < 2 || log_height < 2) { /* Base level is smaller than 4x4... */ levels = 1; } else { levels = MIN(levels, MIN(log_width, log_height) - 1); } } assert(levels > 0); } hwaddr dma_len; uint8_t *texture_data; if (dma_select) { texture_data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, pg->dma_b, &dma_len); } else { texture_data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, pg->dma_a, &dma_len); } assert(offset < dma_len); texture_data += offset; hwaddr palette_dma_len; uint8_t *palette_data; if (palette_dma_select) { palette_data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, pg->dma_b, &palette_dma_len); } else { palette_data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, pg->dma_a, &palette_dma_len); } assert(palette_offset < palette_dma_len); palette_data += palette_offset; NV2A_DPRINTF(" - 0x%tx\n", texture_data - d->vram_ptr); size_t length = 0; if (f.linear) { assert(cubemap == false); assert(dimensionality == 2); length = height * pitch; } else { if (dimensionality >= 2) { unsigned int w = width, h = height; int level; if (f.gl_format != 0) { for (level = 0; level < levels; level++) { w = MAX(w, 1); h = MAX(h, 1); length += w * h * f.bytes_per_pixel; w /= 2; h /= 2; } } else { /* Compressed textures are a bit different */ unsigned int block_size; if (f.gl_internal_format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT) { block_size = 8; } else { block_size = 16; } for (level = 0; level < levels; level++) { w = MAX(w, 4); h = MAX(h, 4); length += w/4 * h/4 * block_size; w /= 2; h /= 2; } } if (cubemap) { assert(dimensionality == 2); length *= 6; } if (dimensionality >= 3) { length *= depth; } } } TextureShape state = { .cubemap = cubemap, .dimensionality = dimensionality, .color_format = color_format, .levels = levels, .width = width, .height = height, .depth = depth, .min_mipmap_level = min_mipmap_level, .max_mipmap_level = max_mipmap_level, .pitch = pitch, }; #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_CACHE TextureKey key = { .state = state, .data_hash = fast_hash(texture_data, length, 5003) ^ fnv_hash(palette_data, palette_length), .texture_data = texture_data, .palette_data = palette_data, }; gpointer cache_key = g_malloc(sizeof(TextureKey)); memcpy(cache_key, &key, sizeof(TextureKey)); GError *err; TextureBinding *binding = (TextureBinding *)g_lru_cache_get(pg->texture_cache, cache_key, &err); assert(binding); binding->refcnt++; #else TextureBinding *binding = generate_texture(state, texture_data, palette_data); #endif glBindTexture(binding->gl_target, binding->gl_texture); if (f.linear) { /* somtimes games try to set mipmap min filters on linear textures. * this could indicate a bug... */ switch (min_filter) { case NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIN_BOX_NEARESTLOD: case NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIN_BOX_TENT_LOD: min_filter = NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIN_BOX_LOD0; break; case NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIN_TENT_NEARESTLOD: case NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIN_TENT_TENT_LOD: min_filter = NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER0_MIN_TENT_LOD0; break; } } glTexParameteri(binding->gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, pgraph_texture_min_filter_map[min_filter]); glTexParameteri(binding->gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, pgraph_texture_mag_filter_map[mag_filter]); /* Texture wrapping */ assert(addru < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_texture_addr_map)); glTexParameteri(binding->gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, pgraph_texture_addr_map[addru]); if (dimensionality > 1) { assert(addrv < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_texture_addr_map)); glTexParameteri(binding->gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, pgraph_texture_addr_map[addrv]); } if (dimensionality > 2) { assert(addrp < ARRAY_SIZE(pgraph_texture_addr_map)); glTexParameteri(binding->gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, pgraph_texture_addr_map[addrp]); } /* FIXME: Only upload if necessary? [s, t or r = GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER] */ if (border_source == NV_PGRAPH_TEXFMT0_BORDER_SOURCE_COLOR) { GLfloat gl_border_color[] = { /* FIXME: Color channels might be wrong order */ ((border_color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, /* red */ ((border_color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, /* green */ (border_color & 0xFF) / 255.0f, /* blue */ ((border_color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f /* alpha */ }; glTexParameterfv(binding->gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, gl_border_color); } if (pg->texture_binding[i]) { texture_binding_destroy(pg->texture_binding[i]); } pg->texture_binding[i] = binding; pg->texture_dirty[i] = false; } NV2A_GL_DGROUP_END(); } static void pgraph_apply_anti_aliasing_factor(PGRAPHState *pg, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height) { switch (pg->surface_shape.anti_aliasing) { case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ANTI_ALIASING_CENTER_1: break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ANTI_ALIASING_CENTER_CORNER_2: if (width) { *width *= 2; } break; case NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_ANTI_ALIASING_SQUARE_OFFSET_4: if (width) { *width *= 2; } if (height) { *height *= 2; } break; default: assert(false); break; } } static void pgraph_get_surface_dimensions(PGRAPHState *pg, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height) { bool swizzle = (pg->surface_type == NV097_SET_SURFACE_FORMAT_TYPE_SWIZZLE); if (swizzle) { *width = 1 << pg->surface_shape.log_width; *height = 1 << pg->surface_shape.log_height; } else { *width = pg->surface_shape.clip_width; *height = pg->surface_shape.clip_height; } } static void pgraph_update_memory_buffer(NV2AState *d, hwaddr addr, hwaddr size, bool f) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, d->pgraph.gl_memory_buffer); hwaddr end = TARGET_PAGE_ALIGN(addr + size); addr &= TARGET_PAGE_MASK; assert(end < memory_region_size(d->vram)); if (f || memory_region_test_and_clear_dirty(d->vram, addr, end - addr, DIRTY_MEMORY_NV2A)) { glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, addr, end - addr, d->vram_ptr + addr); } } static void pgraph_bind_vertex_attributes(NV2AState *d, unsigned int num_elements, bool inline_data, unsigned int inline_stride) { int i, j; PGRAPHState *pg = &d->pgraph; if (inline_data) { NV2A_GL_DGROUP_BEGIN("%s (num_elements: %d inline stride: %d)", __func__, num_elements, inline_stride); } else { NV2A_GL_DGROUP_BEGIN("%s (num_elements: %d)", __func__, num_elements); } for (i=0; ivertex_attributes[i]; if (attribute->count) { uint8_t *data; unsigned int in_stride; if (inline_data && attribute->needs_conversion) { data = (uint8_t*)pg->inline_array + attribute->inline_array_offset; in_stride = inline_stride; } else { hwaddr dma_len; if (attribute->dma_select) { data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, pg->dma_vertex_b, &dma_len); } else { data = (uint8_t*)nv_dma_map(d, pg->dma_vertex_a, &dma_len); } assert(attribute->offset < dma_len); data += attribute->offset; in_stride = attribute->stride; } if (attribute->needs_conversion) { NV2A_DPRINTF("converted %d\n", i); unsigned int out_stride = attribute->converted_size * attribute->converted_count; if (num_elements > attribute->converted_elements) { attribute->converted_buffer = (uint8_t*)g_realloc( attribute->converted_buffer, num_elements * out_stride); } for (j=attribute->converted_elements; jconverted_buffer + j * out_stride; switch (attribute->format) { case NV097_SET_VERTEX_DATA_ARRAY_FORMAT_TYPE_CMP: { uint32_t p = ldl_le_p((uint32_t*)in); float *xyz = (float*)out; xyz[0] = ((int32_t)(((p >> 0) & 0x7FF) << 21) >> 21) / 1023.0f; xyz[1] = ((int32_t)(((p >> 11) & 0x7FF) << 21) >> 21) / 1023.0f; xyz[2] = ((int32_t)(((p >> 22) & 0x3FF) << 22) >> 22) / 511.0f; break; } default: assert(false); break; } } glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, attribute->gl_converted_buffer); if (num_elements != attribute->converted_elements) { glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, num_elements * out_stride, attribute->converted_buffer, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); attribute->converted_elements = num_elements; } glVertexAttribPointer(i, attribute->converted_count, attribute->gl_type, attribute->gl_normalize, out_stride, 0); } else if (inline_data) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pg->gl_inline_array_buffer); glVertexAttribPointer(i, attribute->gl_count, attribute->gl_type, attribute->gl_normalize, inline_stride, (void*)(uintptr_t)attribute->inline_array_offset); } else { hwaddr addr = data - d->vram_ptr; pgraph_update_memory_buffer(d, addr, num_elements * attribute->stride, false); glVertexAttribPointer(i, attribute->gl_count, attribute->gl_type, attribute->gl_normalize, attribute->stride, (void*)(uint64_t)addr); } glEnableVertexAttribArray(i); } else { glDisableVertexAttribArray(i); glVertexAttrib4fv(i, attribute->inline_value); } } NV2A_GL_DGROUP_END(); } static unsigned int pgraph_bind_inline_array(NV2AState *d) { int i; PGRAPHState *pg = &d->pgraph; unsigned int offset = 0; for (i=0; ivertex_attributes[i]; if (attribute->count) { attribute->inline_array_offset = offset; NV2A_DPRINTF("bind inline attribute %d size=%d, count=%d\n", i, attribute->size, attribute->count); offset += attribute->size * attribute->count; assert(offset % 4 == 0); } } unsigned int vertex_size = offset; unsigned int index_count = pg->inline_array_length*4 / vertex_size; NV2A_DPRINTF("draw inline array %d, %d\n", vertex_size, index_count); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pg->gl_inline_array_buffer); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pg->inline_array_length*4, pg->inline_array, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); pgraph_bind_vertex_attributes(d, index_count, true, vertex_size); return index_count; } static void load_graphics_object(NV2AState *d, hwaddr instance_address, GraphicsObject *obj) { uint8_t *obj_ptr; uint32_t switch1, switch2, switch3; assert(instance_address < memory_region_size(&d->ramin)); obj_ptr = d->ramin_ptr + instance_address; switch1 = ldl_le_p((uint32_t*)obj_ptr); switch2 = ldl_le_p((uint32_t*)(obj_ptr+4)); switch3 = ldl_le_p((uint32_t*)(obj_ptr+8)); obj->graphics_class = switch1 & NV_PGRAPH_CTX_SWITCH1_GRCLASS; /* init graphics object */ switch (obj->graphics_class) { case NV_KELVIN_PRIMITIVE: // kelvin->vertex_attributes[NV2A_VERTEX_ATTR_DIFFUSE].inline_value = 0xFFFFFFF; break; default: break; } } static GraphicsObject* lookup_graphics_object(PGRAPHState *s, hwaddr instance_address) { int i; for (i=0; isubchannel_data[i].object_instance == instance_address) { return &s->subchannel_data[i].object; } } return NULL; } /* 16 bit to [0.0, F16_MAX = 511.9375] */ static float convert_f16_to_float(uint16_t f16) { if (f16 == 0x0000) { return 0.0; } uint32_t i = (f16 << 11) + 0x3C000000; return *(float*)&i; } /* 24 bit to [0.0, F24_MAX] */ static float convert_f24_to_float(uint32_t f24) { assert(!(f24 >> 24)); f24 &= 0xFFFFFF; if (f24 == 0x000000) { return 0.0; } uint32_t i = f24 << 7; return *(float*)&i; } static uint8_t cliptobyte(int x) { return (uint8_t)((x < 0) ? 0 : ((x > 255) ? 255 : x)); } static void convert_yuy2_to_rgb(const uint8_t *line, unsigned int ix, uint8_t *r, uint8_t *g, uint8_t* b) { int c, d, e; c = (int)line[ix * 2] - 16; if (ix % 2) { d = (int)line[ix * 2 - 1] - 128; e = (int)line[ix * 2 + 1] - 128; } else { d = (int)line[ix * 2 + 1] - 128; e = (int)line[ix * 2 + 3] - 128; } *r = cliptobyte((298 * c + 409 * e + 128) >> 8); *g = cliptobyte((298 * c - 100 * d - 208 * e + 128) >> 8); *b = cliptobyte((298 * c + 516 * d + 128) >> 8); } static uint8_t* convert_texture_data(const TextureShape s, const uint8_t *data, const uint8_t *palette_data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth, unsigned int row_pitch, unsigned int slice_pitch) { if (s.color_format == NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_I8_A8R8G8B8) { assert(depth == 1); /* FIXME */ uint8_t* converted_data = (uint8_t*)g_malloc(width * height * 4); int x, y; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint8_t index = data[y * row_pitch + x]; uint32_t color = *(uint32_t*)(palette_data + index * 4); *(uint32_t*)(converted_data + y * width * 4 + x * 4) = color; } } return converted_data; } else if (s.color_format == NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_LC_IMAGE_CR8YB8CB8YA8) { assert(depth == 1); /* FIXME */ uint8_t* converted_data = (uint8_t*)g_malloc(width * height * 4); int x, y; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { const uint8_t* line = &data[y * s.width * 2]; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint8_t* pixel = &converted_data[(y * s.width + x) * 4]; /* FIXME: Actually needs uyvy? */ convert_yuy2_to_rgb(line, x, &pixel[0], &pixel[1], &pixel[2]); pixel[3] = 255; } } return converted_data; } else if (s.color_format == NV097_SET_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COLOR_SZ_R6G5B5) { assert(depth == 1); /* FIXME */ uint8_t *converted_data = (uint8_t*)g_malloc(width * height * 3); int x, y; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint16_t rgb655 = *(uint16_t*)(data + y * row_pitch + x * 2); int8_t *pixel = (int8_t*)&converted_data[(y * width + x) * 3]; /* Maps 5 bit G and B signed value range to 8 bit * signed values. R is probably unsigned. */ rgb655 ^= (1 << 9) | (1 << 4); pixel[0] = ((rgb655 & 0xFC00) >> 10) * 0x7F / 0x3F; pixel[1] = ((rgb655 & 0x03E0) >> 5) * 0xFF / 0x1F - 0x80; pixel[2] = (rgb655 & 0x001F) * 0xFF / 0x1F - 0x80; } } return converted_data; } else { return NULL; } } static void upload_gl_texture(GLenum gl_target, const TextureShape s, const uint8_t *texture_data, const uint8_t *palette_data) { ColorFormatInfo f = kelvin_color_format_map[s.color_format]; switch(gl_target) { case GL_TEXTURE_1D: assert(false); break; case GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE: { /* Can't handle strides unaligned to pixels */ assert(s.pitch % f.bytes_per_pixel == 0); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, s.pitch / f.bytes_per_pixel); uint8_t *converted = convert_texture_data(s, texture_data, palette_data, s.width, s.height, 1, s.pitch, 0); glTexImage2D(gl_target, 0, f.gl_internal_format, s.width, s.height, 0, f.gl_format, f.gl_type, converted ? converted : texture_data); if (converted) { g_free(converted); } glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); break; } case GL_TEXTURE_2D: case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X: case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X: case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y: case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y: case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z: case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z: { unsigned int width = s.width, height = s.height; int level; for (level = 0; level < s.levels; level++) { if (f.gl_format == 0) { /* compressed */ width = MAX(width, 4); height = MAX(height, 4); unsigned int block_size; if (f.gl_internal_format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT) { block_size = 8; } else { block_size = 16; } glCompressedTexImage2D(gl_target, level, f.gl_internal_format, width, height, 0, width/4 * height/4 * block_size, texture_data); texture_data += width/4 * height/4 * block_size; } else { width = MAX(width, 1); height = MAX(height, 1); unsigned int pitch = width * f.bytes_per_pixel; uint8_t *unswizzled = (uint8_t*)g_malloc(height * pitch); unswizzle_rect(texture_data, width, height, unswizzled, pitch, f.bytes_per_pixel); uint8_t *converted = convert_texture_data(s, unswizzled, palette_data, width, height, 1, pitch, 0); glTexImage2D(gl_target, level, f.gl_internal_format, width, height, 0, f.gl_format, f.gl_type, converted ? converted : unswizzled); if (converted) { g_free(converted); } g_free(unswizzled); texture_data += width * height * f.bytes_per_pixel; } width /= 2; height /= 2; } break; } case GL_TEXTURE_3D: { unsigned int width = s.width, height = s.height, depth = s.depth; assert(f.gl_format != 0); /* FIXME: compressed not supported yet */ assert(f.linear == false); int level; for (level = 0; level < s.levels; level++) { unsigned int row_pitch = width * f.bytes_per_pixel; unsigned int slice_pitch = row_pitch * height; uint8_t *unswizzled = (uint8_t*)g_malloc(slice_pitch * depth); unswizzle_box(texture_data, width, height, depth, unswizzled, row_pitch, slice_pitch, f.bytes_per_pixel); uint8_t *converted = convert_texture_data(s, unswizzled, palette_data, width, height, depth, row_pitch, slice_pitch); glTexImage3D(gl_target, level, f.gl_internal_format, width, height, depth, 0, f.gl_format, f.gl_type, converted ? converted : unswizzled); if (converted) { g_free(converted); } g_free(unswizzled); texture_data += width * height * depth * f.bytes_per_pixel; width /= 2; height /= 2; depth /= 2; } break; } default: assert(false); break; } } static TextureBinding* generate_texture(const TextureShape s, const uint8_t *texture_data, const uint8_t *palette_data) { ColorFormatInfo f = kelvin_color_format_map[s.color_format]; /* Create a new opengl texture */ GLuint gl_texture; glGenTextures(1, &gl_texture); GLenum gl_target; if (s.cubemap) { assert(f.linear == false); assert(s.dimensionality == 2); gl_target = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP; } else { if (f.linear) { /* linear textures use unnormalised texcoords. * GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB conveniently also does, but * does not allow repeat and mirror wrap modes. * (or mipmapping, but xbox d3d says 'Non swizzled and non * compressed textures cannot be mip mapped.') * Not sure if that'll be an issue. */ /* FIXME: GLSL 330 provides us with textureSize()! Use that? */ gl_target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE; assert(s.dimensionality == 2); } else { switch(s.dimensionality) { case 1: gl_target = GL_TEXTURE_1D; break; case 2: gl_target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; break; case 3: gl_target = GL_TEXTURE_3D; break; default: assert(false); break; } } } glBindTexture(gl_target, gl_texture); NV2A_GL_DLABEL(GL_TEXTURE, gl_texture, "format: 0x%02X%s, %d dimensions%s, width: %d, height: %d, depth: %d", s.color_format, f.linear ? "" : " (SZ)", s.dimensionality, s.cubemap ? " (Cubemap)" : "", s.width, s.height, s.depth); if (gl_target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { size_t length = 0; unsigned int w = s.width, h = s.height; int level; for (level = 0; level < s.levels; level++) { /* FIXME: This is wrong for compressed textures and textures with 1x? non-square mipmaps */ length += w * h * f.bytes_per_pixel; w /= 2; h /= 2; } upload_gl_texture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, s, texture_data + 0 * length, palette_data); upload_gl_texture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, s, texture_data + 1 * length, palette_data); upload_gl_texture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, s, texture_data + 2 * length, palette_data); upload_gl_texture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, s, texture_data + 3 * length, palette_data); upload_gl_texture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, s, texture_data + 4 * length, palette_data); upload_gl_texture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, s, texture_data + 5 * length, palette_data); } else { upload_gl_texture(gl_target, s, texture_data, palette_data); } /* Linear textures don't support mipmapping */ if (!f.linear) { glTexParameteri(gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, s.min_mipmap_level); glTexParameteri(gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, s.levels - 1); } if (f.gl_swizzle_mask[0] != 0 || f.gl_swizzle_mask[1] != 0 || f.gl_swizzle_mask[2] != 0 || f.gl_swizzle_mask[3] != 0) { glTexParameteriv(gl_target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA, (const GLint *)f.gl_swizzle_mask); } TextureBinding* ret = (TextureBinding *)g_malloc(sizeof(TextureBinding)); ret->gl_target = gl_target; ret->gl_texture = gl_texture; ret->refcnt = 1; return ret; } /* functions for texture LRU cache */ static guint texture_key_hash(gconstpointer key) { const TextureKey *k = (const TextureKey *)key; uint64_t state_hash = fnv_hash( (const uint8_t*)&k->state, sizeof(TextureShape)); return state_hash ^ k->data_hash; } static gboolean texture_key_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const TextureKey *ak = (const TextureKey *)a, *bk = (const TextureKey *)b; return memcmp(&ak->state, &bk->state, sizeof(TextureShape)) == 0 && ak->data_hash == bk->data_hash; } static gpointer texture_key_retrieve(gpointer key, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { const TextureKey *k = (const TextureKey *)key; TextureBinding *v = generate_texture(k->state, k->texture_data, k->palette_data); if (error != NULL) { *error = NULL; } return v; } static void texture_key_destroy(gpointer data) { g_free(data); } static void texture_binding_destroy(gpointer data) { TextureBinding *binding = (TextureBinding *)data; assert(binding->refcnt > 0); binding->refcnt--; if (binding->refcnt == 0) { glDeleteTextures(1, &binding->gl_texture); g_free(binding); } } /* hash and equality for shader cache hash table */ static guint shader_hash(gconstpointer key) { return fnv_hash((const uint8_t *)key, sizeof(ShaderState)); } static gboolean shader_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const ShaderState *as = (const ShaderState *)a, *bs = (const ShaderState *)b; return memcmp(as, bs, sizeof(ShaderState)) == 0; } static unsigned int kelvin_map_stencil_op(uint32_t parameter) { unsigned int op; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_KEEP: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_KEEP; break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_ZERO: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_ZERO; break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_REPLACE: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_REPLACE; break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_INCRSAT: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_INCRSAT; break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_DECRSAT: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_DECRSAT; break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_INVERT: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_INVERT; break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_INCR: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_INCR; break; case NV097_SET_STENCIL_OP_V_DECR: op = NV_PGRAPH_CONTROL_2_STENCIL_OP_V_DECR; break; default: assert(false); break; } return op; } static unsigned int kelvin_map_polygon_mode(uint32_t parameter) { unsigned int mode; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_FRONT_POLYGON_MODE_V_POINT: mode = NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_FRONTFACEMODE_POINT; break; case NV097_SET_FRONT_POLYGON_MODE_V_LINE: mode = NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_FRONTFACEMODE_LINE; break; case NV097_SET_FRONT_POLYGON_MODE_V_FILL: mode = NV_PGRAPH_SETUPRASTER_FRONTFACEMODE_FILL; break; default: assert(false); break; } return mode; } static unsigned int kelvin_map_texgen(uint32_t parameter, unsigned int channel) { assert(channel < 4); unsigned int texgen; switch (parameter) { case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S_DISABLE: texgen = NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S_DISABLE; break; case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S_EYE_LINEAR: texgen = NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S_EYE_LINEAR; break; case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S_OBJECT_LINEAR: texgen = NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S_OBJECT_LINEAR; break; case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S_SPHERE_MAP: assert(channel < 2); texgen = NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S_SPHERE_MAP; break; case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S_REFLECTION_MAP: assert(channel < 3); texgen = NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S_REFLECTION_MAP; break; case NV097_SET_TEXGEN_S_NORMAL_MAP: assert(channel < 3); texgen = NV_PGRAPH_CSV1_A_T0_S_NORMAL_MAP; break; default: assert(false); break; } return texgen; } static uint64_t fnv_hash(const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { return XXH64(data, len, 0); } static uint64_t fast_hash(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, unsigned int samples) { return XXH64(data, len, 0);; }