diff --git a/contrib/elf2dmp/addrspace.c b/contrib/elf2dmp/addrspace.c
index 53ded17061..0b04cba00e 100644
--- a/contrib/elf2dmp/addrspace.c
+++ b/contrib/elf2dmp/addrspace.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 static struct pa_block *pa_space_find_block(struct pa_space *ps, uint64_t pa)
     size_t i;
     for (i = 0; i < ps->block_nr; i++) {
         if (ps->block[i].paddr <= pa &&
                 pa <= ps->block[i].paddr + ps->block[i].size) {
diff --git a/contrib/elf2dmp/main.c b/contrib/elf2dmp/main.c
index d77b8f98f7..89f0c69ab0 100644
--- a/contrib/elf2dmp/main.c
+++ b/contrib/elf2dmp/main.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #define SYM_URL_BASE    "https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/"
 #define PDB_NAME    "ntkrnlmp.pdb"
+#define PE_NAME     "ntoskrnl.exe"
 #define INITIAL_MXCSR   0x1f80
@@ -282,14 +283,16 @@ static int fill_header(WinDumpHeader64 *hdr, struct pa_space *ps,
     for (i = 0; i < ps->block_nr; i++) {
-        h.PhysicalMemoryBlock.NumberOfPages += ps->block[i].size / ELF2DMP_PAGE_SIZE;
+        h.PhysicalMemoryBlock.NumberOfPages +=
+                ps->block[i].size / ELF2DMP_PAGE_SIZE;
         h.PhysicalMemoryBlock.Run[i] = (WinDumpPhyMemRun64) {
             .BasePage = ps->block[i].paddr / ELF2DMP_PAGE_SIZE,
             .PageCount = ps->block[i].size / ELF2DMP_PAGE_SIZE,
-    h.RequiredDumpSpace += h.PhysicalMemoryBlock.NumberOfPages << ELF2DMP_PAGE_BITS;
+    h.RequiredDumpSpace +=
+            h.PhysicalMemoryBlock.NumberOfPages << ELF2DMP_PAGE_BITS;
     *hdr = h;
@@ -299,7 +302,8 @@ static int fill_header(WinDumpHeader64 *hdr, struct pa_space *ps,
 static int fill_context(KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 *kdbg,
         struct va_space *vs, QEMU_Elf *qe)
-        int i;
+    int i;
     for (i = 0; i < qe->state_nr; i++) {
         uint64_t Prcb;
         uint64_t Context;
@@ -330,6 +334,45 @@ static int fill_context(KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 *kdbg,
     return 0;
+static int pe_get_data_dir_entry(uint64_t base, void *start_addr, int idx,
+        void *entry, size_t size, struct va_space *vs)
+    const char e_magic[2] = "MZ";
+    const char Signature[4] = "PE\0\0";
+    IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos_hdr = start_addr;
+    IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 nt_hdrs;
+    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER *file_hdr = &nt_hdrs.FileHeader;
+    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 *opt_hdr = &nt_hdrs.OptionalHeader;
+    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *data_dir = nt_hdrs.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory;
+    QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*dos_hdr) >= ELF2DMP_PAGE_SIZE);
+    if (memcmp(&dos_hdr->e_magic, e_magic, sizeof(e_magic))) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (va_space_rw(vs, base + dos_hdr->e_lfanew,
+                &nt_hdrs, sizeof(nt_hdrs), 0)) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (memcmp(&nt_hdrs.Signature, Signature, sizeof(Signature)) ||
+            file_hdr->Machine != 0x8664 || opt_hdr->Magic != 0x020b) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (va_space_rw(vs,
+                base + data_dir[idx].VirtualAddress,
+                entry, size, 0)) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    printf("Data directory entry #%d: RVA = 0x%08"PRIx32"\n", idx,
+            (uint32_t)data_dir[idx].VirtualAddress);
+    return 0;
 static int write_dump(struct pa_space *ps,
         WinDumpHeader64 *hdr, const char *name)
@@ -363,45 +406,38 @@ static int write_dump(struct pa_space *ps,
     return fclose(dmp_file);
+static bool pe_check_export_name(uint64_t base, void *start_addr,
+        struct va_space *vs)
+    const char *pe_name;
+    if (pe_get_data_dir_entry(base, start_addr, IMAGE_FILE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY,
+                &export_dir, sizeof(export_dir), vs)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    pe_name = va_space_resolve(vs, base + export_dir.Name);
+    if (!pe_name) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return !strcmp(pe_name, PE_NAME);
 static int pe_get_pdb_symstore_hash(uint64_t base, void *start_addr,
         char *hash, struct va_space *vs)
-    const char e_magic[2] = "MZ";
-    const char Signature[4] = "PE\0\0";
     const char sign_rsds[4] = "RSDS";
-    IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos_hdr = start_addr;
-    IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 nt_hdrs;
-    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER *file_hdr = &nt_hdrs.FileHeader;
-    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 *opt_hdr = &nt_hdrs.OptionalHeader;
-    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *data_dir = nt_hdrs.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory;
     OMFSignatureRSDS rsds;
     char *pdb_name;
     size_t pdb_name_sz;
     size_t i;
-    QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(*dos_hdr) >= ELF2DMP_PAGE_SIZE);
-    if (memcmp(&dos_hdr->e_magic, e_magic, sizeof(e_magic))) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (va_space_rw(vs, base + dos_hdr->e_lfanew,
-                &nt_hdrs, sizeof(nt_hdrs), 0)) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (memcmp(&nt_hdrs.Signature, Signature, sizeof(Signature)) ||
-            file_hdr->Machine != 0x8664 || opt_hdr->Magic != 0x020b) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    printf("Debug Directory RVA = 0x%08"PRIx32"\n",
-            (uint32_t)data_dir[IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY].VirtualAddress);
-    if (va_space_rw(vs,
-                base + data_dir[IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY].VirtualAddress,
-                &debug_dir, sizeof(debug_dir), 0)) {
+    if (pe_get_data_dir_entry(base, start_addr, IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY,
+                &debug_dir, sizeof(debug_dir), vs)) {
+        eprintf("Failed to get Debug Directory\n");
         return 1;
@@ -473,6 +509,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     uint64_t KdDebuggerDataBlock;
     KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 *kdbg;
     uint64_t KdVersionBlock;
+    bool kernel_found = false;
     if (argc != 3) {
         eprintf("usage:\n\t%s elf_file dmp_file\n", argv[0]);
@@ -520,11 +557,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         if (*(uint16_t *)nt_start_addr == 0x5a4d) { /* MZ */
-            break;
+            if (pe_check_export_name(KernBase, nt_start_addr, &vs)) {
+                kernel_found = true;
+                break;
+            }
-    if (!nt_start_addr) {
+    if (!kernel_found) {
         eprintf("Failed to find NT kernel image\n");
         err = 1;
         goto out_ps;
diff --git a/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h b/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h
index c2a4a6ba7c..71126af1ac 100644
--- a/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h
+++ b/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h
@@ -33,75 +33,90 @@ typedef struct IMAGE_DOS_HEADER {
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_DOS_HEADER;
 typedef struct IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {
-  uint16_t  Machine;
-  uint16_t  NumberOfSections;
-  uint32_t  TimeDateStamp;
-  uint32_t  PointerToSymbolTable;
-  uint32_t  NumberOfSymbols;
-  uint16_t  SizeOfOptionalHeader;
-  uint16_t  Characteristics;
+    uint16_t  Machine;
+    uint16_t  NumberOfSections;
+    uint32_t  TimeDateStamp;
+    uint32_t  PointerToSymbolTable;
+    uint32_t  NumberOfSymbols;
+    uint16_t  SizeOfOptionalHeader;
+    uint16_t  Characteristics;
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_FILE_HEADER;
 typedef struct IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY {
-  uint32_t VirtualAddress;
-  uint32_t Size;
+    uint32_t VirtualAddress;
+    uint32_t Size;
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY;
 typedef struct IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 {
-  uint16_t  Magic; /* 0x20b */
-  uint8_t   MajorLinkerVersion;
-  uint8_t   MinorLinkerVersion;
-  uint32_t  SizeOfCode;
-  uint32_t  SizeOfInitializedData;
-  uint32_t  SizeOfUninitializedData;
-  uint32_t  AddressOfEntryPoint;
-  uint32_t  BaseOfCode;
-  uint64_t  ImageBase;
-  uint32_t  SectionAlignment;
-  uint32_t  FileAlignment;
-  uint16_t  MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
-  uint16_t  MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
-  uint16_t  MajorImageVersion;
-  uint16_t  MinorImageVersion;
-  uint16_t  MajorSubsystemVersion;
-  uint16_t  MinorSubsystemVersion;
-  uint32_t  Win32VersionValue;
-  uint32_t  SizeOfImage;
-  uint32_t  SizeOfHeaders;
-  uint32_t  CheckSum;
-  uint16_t  Subsystem;
-  uint16_t  DllCharacteristics;
-  uint64_t  SizeOfStackReserve;
-  uint64_t  SizeOfStackCommit;
-  uint64_t  SizeOfHeapReserve;
-  uint64_t  SizeOfHeapCommit;
-  uint32_t  LoaderFlags;
-  uint32_t  NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+    uint16_t  Magic; /* 0x20b */
+    uint8_t   MajorLinkerVersion;
+    uint8_t   MinorLinkerVersion;
+    uint32_t  SizeOfCode;
+    uint32_t  SizeOfInitializedData;
+    uint32_t  SizeOfUninitializedData;
+    uint32_t  AddressOfEntryPoint;
+    uint32_t  BaseOfCode;
+    uint64_t  ImageBase;
+    uint32_t  SectionAlignment;
+    uint32_t  FileAlignment;
+    uint16_t  MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
+    uint16_t  MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
+    uint16_t  MajorImageVersion;
+    uint16_t  MinorImageVersion;
+    uint16_t  MajorSubsystemVersion;
+    uint16_t  MinorSubsystemVersion;
+    uint32_t  Win32VersionValue;
+    uint32_t  SizeOfImage;
+    uint32_t  SizeOfHeaders;
+    uint32_t  CheckSum;
+    uint16_t  Subsystem;
+    uint16_t  DllCharacteristics;
+    uint64_t  SizeOfStackReserve;
+    uint64_t  SizeOfStackCommit;
+    uint64_t  SizeOfHeapReserve;
+    uint64_t  SizeOfHeapCommit;
+    uint32_t  LoaderFlags;
+    uint32_t  NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64;
 typedef struct IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 {
-  uint32_t Signature;
-  IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 OptionalHeader;
+    uint32_t Signature;
+    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
+    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 OptionalHeader;
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64;
+typedef struct IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY {
+    uint32_t    Characteristics;
+    uint32_t    TimeDateStamp;
+    uint16_t    MajorVersion;
+    uint16_t    MinorVersion;
+    uint32_t    Name;
+    uint32_t    Base;
+    uint32_t    NumberOfFunctions;
+    uint32_t    NumberOfNames;
+    uint32_t    AddressOfFunctions;
+    uint32_t    AddressOfNames;
+    uint32_t    AddressOfNameOrdinals;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY;
 typedef struct IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY {
-  uint32_t Characteristics;
-  uint32_t TimeDateStamp;
-  uint16_t MajorVersion;
-  uint16_t MinorVersion;
-  uint32_t Type;
-  uint32_t SizeOfData;
-  uint32_t AddressOfRawData;
-  uint32_t PointerToRawData;
+    uint32_t Characteristics;
+    uint32_t TimeDateStamp;
+    uint16_t MajorVersion;
+    uint16_t MinorVersion;
+    uint32_t Type;
+    uint32_t SizeOfData;
+    uint32_t AddressOfRawData;
+    uint32_t PointerToRawData;
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY;
 typedef struct guid_t {
diff --git a/docs/system/arm/cpu-features.rst b/docs/system/arm/cpu-features.rst
index 00c444042f..f4524b6d3e 100644
--- a/docs/system/arm/cpu-features.rst
+++ b/docs/system/arm/cpu-features.rst
@@ -177,39 +177,32 @@ are named with the prefix "kvm-".  KVM VCPU features may be probed,
 enabled, and disabled in the same way as other CPU features.  Below is
 the list of KVM VCPU features and their descriptions.
-  kvm-no-adjvtime          By default kvm-no-adjvtime is disabled.  This
-                           means that by default the virtual time
-                           adjustment is enabled (vtime is not *not*
-                           adjusted).
+  By default kvm-no-adjvtime is disabled.  This means that by default
+  the virtual time adjustment is enabled (vtime is not *not* adjusted).
-                           When virtual time adjustment is enabled each
-                           time the VM transitions back to running state
-                           the VCPU's virtual counter is updated to ensure
-                           stopped time is not counted.  This avoids time
-                           jumps surprising guest OSes and applications,
-                           as long as they use the virtual counter for
-                           timekeeping.  However it has the side effect of
-                           the virtual and physical counters diverging.
-                           All timekeeping based on the virtual counter
-                           will appear to lag behind any timekeeping that
-                           does not subtract VM stopped time.  The guest
-                           may resynchronize its virtual counter with
-                           other time sources as needed.
+  When virtual time adjustment is enabled each time the VM transitions
+  back to running state the VCPU's virtual counter is updated to
+  ensure stopped time is not counted.  This avoids time jumps
+  surprising guest OSes and applications, as long as they use the
+  virtual counter for timekeeping.  However it has the side effect of
+  the virtual and physical counters diverging.  All timekeeping based
+  on the virtual counter will appear to lag behind any timekeeping
+  that does not subtract VM stopped time.  The guest may resynchronize
+  its virtual counter with other time sources as needed.
-                           Enable kvm-no-adjvtime to disable virtual time
-                           adjustment, also restoring the legacy (pre-5.0)
-                           behavior.
+  Enable kvm-no-adjvtime to disable virtual time adjustment, also
+  restoring the legacy (pre-5.0) behavior.
-  kvm-steal-time           Since v5.2, kvm-steal-time is enabled by
-                           default when KVM is enabled, the feature is
-                           supported, and the guest is 64-bit.
+  Since v5.2, kvm-steal-time is enabled by default when KVM is
+  enabled, the feature is supported, and the guest is 64-bit.
-                           When kvm-steal-time is enabled a 64-bit guest
-                           can account for time its CPUs were not running
-                           due to the host not scheduling the corresponding
-                           VCPU threads.  The accounting statistics may
-                           influence the guest scheduler behavior and/or be
-                           exposed to the guest userspace.
+  When kvm-steal-time is enabled a 64-bit guest can account for time
+  its CPUs were not running due to the host not scheduling the
+  corresponding VCPU threads.  The accounting statistics may influence
+  the guest scheduler behavior and/or be exposed to the guest
+  userspace.
 TCG VCPU Features
@@ -217,16 +210,15 @@ TCG VCPU Features
 TCG VCPU features are CPU features that are specific to TCG.
 Below is the list of TCG VCPU features and their descriptions.
-  pauth-impdef             When ``FEAT_Pauth`` is enabled, either the
-                           *impdef* (Implementation Defined) algorithm
-                           is enabled or the *architected* QARMA algorithm
-                           is enabled.  By default the impdef algorithm
-                           is disabled, and QARMA is enabled.
+  When ``FEAT_Pauth`` is enabled, either the *impdef* (Implementation
+  Defined) algorithm is enabled or the *architected* QARMA algorithm
+  is enabled.  By default the impdef algorithm is disabled, and QARMA
+  is enabled.
-                           The architected QARMA algorithm has good
-                           cryptographic properties, but can be quite slow
-                           to emulate.  The impdef algorithm used by QEMU
-                           is non-cryptographic but significantly faster.
+  The architected QARMA algorithm has good cryptographic properties,
+  but can be quite slow to emulate.  The impdef algorithm used by QEMU
+  is non-cryptographic but significantly faster.
 SVE CPU Properties
diff --git a/hw/char/cadence_uart.c b/hw/char/cadence_uart.c
index c069a30842..807e398541 100644
--- a/hw/char/cadence_uart.c
+++ b/hw/char/cadence_uart.c
@@ -450,13 +450,15 @@ static MemTxResult uart_write(void *opaque, hwaddr offset,
     case R_BRGR: /* Baud rate generator */
+        value &= 0xffff;
         if (value >= 0x01) {
-            s->r[offset] = value & 0xFFFF;
+            s->r[offset] = value;
     case R_BDIV:    /* Baud rate divider */
+        value &= 0xff;
         if (value >= 0x04) {
-            s->r[offset] = value & 0xFF;
+            s->r[offset] = value;
diff --git a/hw/usb/imx-usb-phy.c b/hw/usb/imx-usb-phy.c
index 5d7a549e34..1a97b36a11 100644
--- a/hw/usb/imx-usb-phy.c
+++ b/hw/usb/imx-usb-phy.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "qemu/osdep.h"
 #include "hw/usb/imx-usb-phy.h"
 #include "migration/vmstate.h"
+#include "qemu/log.h"
 #include "qemu/module.h"
 static const VMStateDescription vmstate_imx_usbphy = {
@@ -90,7 +91,15 @@ static uint64_t imx_usbphy_read(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, unsigned size)
         value = s->usbphy[index - 3];
-        value = s->usbphy[index];
+        if (index < USBPHY_MAX) {
+            value = s->usbphy[index];
+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR,
+                          "%s: Read from non-existing USB PHY register 0x%"
+                          HWADDR_PRIx "\n",
+                          __func__, offset);
+            value = 0;
+        }
     return (uint64_t)value;
@@ -168,7 +177,13 @@ static void imx_usbphy_write(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, uint64_t value,
         s->usbphy[index - 3] ^= value;
-        /* Other registers are read-only */
+        /* Other registers are read-only or do not exist */
+        qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR,
+                      "%s: Write to %s USB PHY register 0x%"
+                      HWADDR_PRIx "\n",
+                      __func__,
+                      index >= USBPHY_MAX ? "non-existing" : "read-only",
+                      offset);
diff --git a/target/arm/cpu64.c b/target/arm/cpu64.c
index 4066950da1..0fb07cc7b6 100644
--- a/target/arm/cpu64.c
+++ b/target/arm/cpu64.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "qemu/osdep.h"
 #include "qapi/error.h"
 #include "cpu.h"
+#include "cpregs.h"
 #include "qemu/module.h"
 #include "sysemu/kvm.h"
 #include "sysemu/hvf.h"
@@ -1027,6 +1028,72 @@ static void aarch64_a64fx_initfn(Object *obj)
     /* TODO:  Add A64FX specific HPC extension registers */
+static const ARMCPRegInfo neoverse_n1_cp_reginfo[] = {
+    { .name = "ATCR_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 7, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "ATCR_EL2", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 4, .crn = 15, .crm = 7, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL2_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "ATCR_EL3", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 6, .crn = 15, .crm = 7, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL3_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "ATCR_EL12", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 5, .crn = 15, .crm = 7, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL2_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "AVTCR_EL2", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 4, .crn = 15, .crm = 7, .opc2 = 1,
+      .access = PL2_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "CPUACTLR_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 1, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "CPUACTLR2_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 1, .opc2 = 1,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "CPUACTLR3_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 1, .opc2 = 2,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    /*
+     * Report CPUCFR_EL1.SCU as 1, as we do not implement the DSU
+     * (and in particular its system registers).
+     */
+    { .name = "CPUCFR_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 0, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL1_R, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 4 },
+    { .name = "CPUECTLR_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 1, .opc2 = 4,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0x961563010 },
+    { .name = "CPUPCR_EL3", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 6, .crn = 15, .crm = 8, .opc2 = 1,
+      .access = PL3_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "CPUPMR_EL3", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 6, .crn = 15, .crm = 8, .opc2 = 3,
+      .access = PL3_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "CPUPOR_EL3", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 6, .crn = 15, .crm = 8, .opc2 = 2,
+      .access = PL3_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "CPUPSELR_EL3", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 6, .crn = 15, .crm = 8, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL3_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "CPUPWRCTLR_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 2, .opc2 = 7,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "ERXPFGCDN_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 2, .opc2 = 2,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "ERXPFGCTL_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 2, .opc2 = 1,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+    { .name = "ERXPFGF_EL1", .state = ARM_CP_STATE_AA64,
+      .opc0 = 3, .opc1 = 0, .crn = 15, .crm = 2, .opc2 = 0,
+      .access = PL1_RW, .type = ARM_CP_CONST, .resetvalue = 0 },
+static void define_neoverse_n1_cp_reginfo(ARMCPU *cpu)
+    define_arm_cp_regs(cpu, neoverse_n1_cp_reginfo);
 static void aarch64_neoverse_n1_initfn(Object *obj)
     ARMCPU *cpu = ARM_CPU(obj);
@@ -1094,6 +1161,8 @@ static void aarch64_neoverse_n1_initfn(Object *obj)
     /* From D5.1 AArch64 PMU register summary */
     cpu->isar.reset_pmcr_el0 = 0x410c3000;
+    define_neoverse_n1_cp_reginfo(cpu);
 static void aarch64_host_initfn(Object *obj)
diff --git a/target/arm/gdbstub.c b/target/arm/gdbstub.c
index 78105b8078..3bd86cee97 100644
--- a/target/arm/gdbstub.c
+++ b/target/arm/gdbstub.c
@@ -520,11 +520,18 @@ void arm_cpu_register_gdb_regs_for_features(ARMCPU *cpu)
                                      34, "aarch64-fpu.xml", 0);
+#if 0
+        /*
+         * GDB versions 9 through 12 have a bug which means they will
+         * crash if they see this XML from QEMU; disable it for the 8.0
+         * release, pending a better solution.
+         */
         if (isar_feature_aa64_pauth(&cpu->isar)) {
             gdb_register_coprocessor(cs, aarch64_gdb_get_pauth_reg,
                                      4, "aarch64-pauth.xml", 0);
     } else {
         if (arm_feature(env, ARM_FEATURE_NEON)) {