2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
2003-03-16 18:05:05 +00:00
#include <inttypes.h>
2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
#include <math.h>
#define xglue(x, y) x ## y
#define glue(x, y) xglue(x, y)
#define stringify(s) tostring(s)
#define tostring(s) #s
#define CC_C 0x0001
#define CC_P 0x0004
#define CC_A 0x0010
#define CC_Z 0x0040
#define CC_S 0x0080
#define CC_O 0x0800
#define __init_call __attribute__ ((unused,__section__ (".initcall.init")))
static void *call_start __init_call = NULL;
2003-03-03 23:23:09 +00:00
#define CC_MASK (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_O | CC_A)
2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
#define OP add
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP sub
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP xor
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP and
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP or
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP cmp
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP adc
#define OP_CC
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP sbb
#define OP_CC
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP inc
#define OP_CC
#define OP1
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP dec
#define OP_CC
#define OP1
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP neg
#define OP_CC
#define OP1
#include "test-i386.h"
#define OP not
#define OP_CC
#define OP1
#include "test-i386.h"
2003-03-03 23:23:09 +00:00
#undef CC_MASK
#define CC_MASK (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_O)
2003-02-24 23:43:02 +00:00
#define OP shl
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP shr
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP sar
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP rol
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP ror
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP rcr
#define OP_CC
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP rcl
#define OP_CC
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
2003-03-04 01:14:13 +00:00
#define OP shld
#define OP_SHIFTD
#define OP_NOBYTE
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP shrd
#define OP_SHIFTD
#define OP_NOBYTE
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
/* XXX: should be more precise ? */
#undef CC_MASK
#define CC_MASK (CC_C)
#define OP bt
#define OP_NOBYTE
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP bts
#define OP_NOBYTE
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP btr
#define OP_NOBYTE
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
#define OP btc
#define OP_NOBYTE
#include "test-i386-shift.h"
2003-02-24 23:43:02 +00:00
2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
/* lea test (modrm support) */
#define TEST_LEA(STR)\
asm("leal " STR ", %0"\
: "=r" (res)\
: "a" (eax), "b" (ebx), "c" (ecx), "d" (edx), "S" (esi), "D" (edi));\
printf("lea %s = %08x\n", STR, res);\
#define TEST_LEA16(STR)\
asm(".code16 ; .byte 0x67 ; leal " STR ", %0 ; .code32"\
: "=wq" (res)\
: "a" (eax), "b" (ebx), "c" (ecx), "d" (edx), "S" (esi), "D" (edi));\
printf("lea %s = %08x\n", STR, res);\
void test_lea(void)
int eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, res;
eax = 0x0001;
ebx = 0x0002;
ecx = 0x0004;
edx = 0x0008;
esi = 0x0010;
edi = 0x0020;
TEST_LEA("(%%eax, %%ecx)");
TEST_LEA("(%%ebx, %%edx)");
TEST_LEA("(%%ecx, %%ecx)");
TEST_LEA("(%%edx, %%ecx)");
TEST_LEA("(%%esi, %%ecx)");
TEST_LEA("(%%edi, %%ecx)");
TEST_LEA("0x40(%%eax, %%ecx)");
TEST_LEA("0x4000(%%ebx, %%edx)");
TEST_LEA("(%%ecx, %%ecx, 2)");
TEST_LEA("(%%edx, %%ecx, 4)");
TEST_LEA("(%%esi, %%ecx, 8)");
TEST_LEA("(,%%eax, 2)");
TEST_LEA("(,%%ebx, 4)");
TEST_LEA("(,%%ecx, 8)");
TEST_LEA("0x40(,%%eax, 2)");
TEST_LEA("0x40(,%%ebx, 4)");
TEST_LEA("0x40(,%%ecx, 8)");
TEST_LEA("-10(%%ecx, %%ecx, 2)");
TEST_LEA("-10(%%edx, %%ecx, 4)");
TEST_LEA("-10(%%esi, %%ecx, 8)");
TEST_LEA("0x4000(%%ecx, %%ecx, 2)");
TEST_LEA("0x4000(%%edx, %%ecx, 4)");
TEST_LEA("0x4000(%%esi, %%ecx, 8)");
/* limited 16 bit addressing test */
#define TEST_JCC(JCC, v1, v2)\
asm("movl $1, %0\n\t"\
"cmpl %2, %1\n\t"\
JCC " 1f\n\t"\
"movl $0, %0\n\t"\
: "=r" (res)\
: "r" (v1), "r" (v2));\
printf("%-10s %d\n", JCC, res);\
/* various jump tests */
void test_jcc(void)
int res;
TEST_JCC("jne", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jne", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("je", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("je", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jl", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jl", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jl", 1, -1);
TEST_JCC("jle", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jle", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jle", 1, -1);
TEST_JCC("jge", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jge", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jge", -1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jg", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jg", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jg", 1, -1);
TEST_JCC("jb", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jb", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jb", 1, -1);
TEST_JCC("jbe", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jbe", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jbe", 1, -1);
TEST_JCC("jae", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jae", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jae", 1, -1);
TEST_JCC("ja", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("ja", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("ja", 1, -1);
TEST_JCC("jp", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jp", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jnp", 1, 1);
TEST_JCC("jnp", 1, 0);
TEST_JCC("jo", 0x7fffffff, 0);
TEST_JCC("jo", 0x7fffffff, -1);
TEST_JCC("jno", 0x7fffffff, 0);
TEST_JCC("jno", 0x7fffffff, -1);
TEST_JCC("js", 0, 1);
TEST_JCC("js", 0, -1);
TEST_JCC("js", 0, 0);
TEST_JCC("jns", 0, 1);
TEST_JCC("jns", 0, -1);
TEST_JCC("jns", 0, 0);
2003-03-03 23:23:09 +00:00
#undef CC_MASK
#define CC_MASK (CC_O | CC_C)
#define OP mul
#include "test-i386-muldiv.h"
#define OP imul
#include "test-i386-muldiv.h"
#undef CC_MASK
#define CC_MASK (0)
#define OP div
#include "test-i386-muldiv.h"
#define OP idiv
#include "test-i386-muldiv.h"
void test_imulw2(int op0, int op1)
int res, s1, s0, flags;
s0 = op0;
s1 = op1;
res = s0;
flags = 0;
asm ("push %4\n\t"
"imulw %w2, %w0\n\t"
"popl %1\n\t"
: "=q" (res), "=g" (flags)
: "q" (s1), "0" (res), "1" (flags));
printf("%-10s A=%08x B=%08x R=%08x CC=%04x\n",
"imulw", s0, s1, res, flags & CC_MASK);
void test_imull2(int op0, int op1)
int res, s1, s0, flags;
s0 = op0;
s1 = op1;
res = s0;
flags = 0;
asm ("push %4\n\t"
"imull %2, %0\n\t"
"popl %1\n\t"
: "=q" (res), "=g" (flags)
: "q" (s1), "0" (res), "1" (flags));
printf("%-10s A=%08x B=%08x R=%08x CC=%04x\n",
"imull", s0, s1, res, flags & CC_MASK);
void test_mul(void)
test_imulb(0x1234561d, 4);
test_imulb(3, -4);
test_imulb(0x80, 0x80);
test_imulb(0x10, 0x10);
test_imulw(0, 0x1234001d, 45);
test_imulw(0, 23, -45);
test_imulw(0, 0x8000, 0x8000);
test_imulw(0, 0x100, 0x100);
test_imull(0, 0x1234001d, 45);
test_imull(0, 23, -45);
test_imull(0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000);
test_imull(0, 0x10000, 0x10000);
test_mulb(0x1234561d, 4);
test_mulb(3, -4);
test_mulb(0x80, 0x80);
test_mulb(0x10, 0x10);
test_mulw(0, 0x1234001d, 45);
test_mulw(0, 23, -45);
test_mulw(0, 0x8000, 0x8000);
test_mulw(0, 0x100, 0x100);
test_mull(0, 0x1234001d, 45);
test_mull(0, 23, -45);
test_mull(0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000);
test_mull(0, 0x10000, 0x10000);
test_imulw2(0x1234001d, 45);
test_imulw2(23, -45);
test_imulw2(0x8000, 0x8000);
test_imulw2(0x100, 0x100);
test_imull2(0x1234001d, 45);
test_imull2(23, -45);
test_imull2(0x80000000, 0x80000000);
test_imull2(0x10000, 0x10000);
test_idivb(0x12341678, 0x127e);
test_idivb(0x43210123, -5);
test_idivb(0x12340004, -1);
test_idivw(0, 0x12345678, 12347);
test_idivw(0, -23223, -45);
test_idivw(0, 0x12348000, -1);
test_idivw(0x12343, 0x12345678, 0x81238567);
test_idivl(0, 0x12345678, 12347);
test_idivl(0, -233223, -45);
test_idivl(0, 0x80000000, -1);
test_idivl(0x12343, 0x12345678, 0x81234567);
test_divb(0x12341678, 0x127e);
test_divb(0x43210123, -5);
test_divb(0x12340004, -1);
test_divw(0, 0x12345678, 12347);
test_divw(0, -23223, -45);
test_divw(0, 0x12348000, -1);
test_divw(0x12343, 0x12345678, 0x81238567);
test_divl(0, 0x12345678, 12347);
test_divl(0, -233223, -45);
test_divl(0, 0x80000000, -1);
test_divl(0x12343, 0x12345678, 0x81234567);
2003-03-05 20:57:02 +00:00
#define TEST_BSX(op, size, op0)\
int res, val, resz;\
val = op0;\
asm("xorl %1, %1 ; " #op " %" size "2, %" size "0 ; setz %b1" \
: "=r" (res), "=q" (resz)\
: "g" (val));\
printf("%-10s A=%08x R=%08x %d\n", #op, val, resz ? 0 : res, resz);\
void test_bsx(void)
TEST_BSX(bsrw, "w", 0);
TEST_BSX(bsrw, "w", 0x12340128);
TEST_BSX(bsrl, "", 0);
TEST_BSX(bsrl, "", 0x00340128);
TEST_BSX(bsfw, "w", 0);
TEST_BSX(bsfw, "w", 0x12340128);
TEST_BSX(bsfl, "", 0);
TEST_BSX(bsfl, "", 0x00340128);
2003-03-16 11:29:17 +00:00
2003-03-05 20:57:02 +00:00
void test_fops(double a, double b)
printf("a=%f b=%f a+b=%f\n", a, b, a + b);
printf("a=%f b=%f a-b=%f\n", a, b, a - b);
printf("a=%f b=%f a*b=%f\n", a, b, a * b);
printf("a=%f b=%f a/b=%f\n", a, b, a / b);
printf("a=%f b=%f fmod(a, b)=%f\n", a, b, fmod(a, b));
printf("a=%f sqrt(a)=%f\n", a, sqrt(a));
printf("a=%f sin(a)=%f\n", a, sin(a));
printf("a=%f cos(a)=%f\n", a, cos(a));
printf("a=%f tan(a)=%f\n", a, tan(a));
printf("a=%f log(a)=%f\n", a, log(a));
printf("a=%f exp(a)=%f\n", a, exp(a));
printf("a=%f b=%f atan2(a, b)=%f\n", a, b, atan2(a, b));
/* just to test some op combining */
printf("a=%f asin(sin(a))=%f\n", a, asin(sin(a)));
printf("a=%f acos(cos(a))=%f\n", a, acos(cos(a)));
printf("a=%f atan(tan(a))=%f\n", a, atan(tan(a)));
void test_fcmp(double a, double b)
a, b, a < b);
a, b, a <= b);
a, b, a == b);
a, b, a > b);
a, b, a >= b);
void test_fcvt(double a)
float fa;
long double la;
fa = a;
la = a;
printf("(float)%f = %f\n", a, fa);
printf("(long double)%f = %Lf\n", a, la);
2003-03-05 22:24:26 +00:00
printf("a=%016Lx\n", *(long long *)&a);
printf("la=%016Lx %04x\n", *(long long *)&la,
*(unsigned short *)((char *)(&la) + 8));
2003-03-05 20:57:02 +00:00
printf("a=%f floor(a)=%f\n", a, floor(a));
printf("a=%f ceil(a)=%f\n", a, ceil(a));
printf("a=%f rint(a)=%f\n", a, rint(a));
#define TEST(N) \
asm("fld" #N : "=t" (a)); \
printf("fld" #N "= %f\n", a);
void test_fconst(void)
double a;
2003-03-05 22:24:26 +00:00
void test_fbcd(double a)
unsigned short bcd[5];
double b;
asm("fbstp %0" : "=m" (bcd[0]) : "t" (a) : "st");
asm("fbld %1" : "=t" (b) : "m" (bcd[0]));
printf("a=%f bcd=%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x b=%f\n",
a, bcd[4], bcd[3], bcd[2], bcd[1], bcd[0], b);
2003-03-05 20:57:02 +00:00
void test_floats(void)
test_fops(2, 3);
test_fops(1.4, -5);
test_fcmp(2, -1);
test_fcmp(2, 2);
test_fcmp(2, 3);
2003-03-05 22:24:26 +00:00
2003-03-05 20:57:02 +00:00
2003-03-03 23:23:09 +00:00
2003-03-16 11:29:17 +00:00
#define TEST_BCD(op, op0, cc_in, cc_mask)\
int res, flags;\
res = op0;\
flags = cc_in;\
asm ("push %3\n\t"\
#op "\n\t"\
"popl %1\n\t"\
: "=a" (res), "=g" (flags)\
: "0" (res), "1" (flags));\
printf("%-10s A=%08x R=%08x CCIN=%04x CC=%04x\n",\
#op, op0, res, cc_in, flags & cc_mask);\
void test_bcd(void)
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340503, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340506, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340507, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340559, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340560, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x1234059f, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x123405a0, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340503, 0, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340506, 0, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340503, CC_C, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340506, CC_C, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340503, CC_C | CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(daa, 0x12340506, CC_C | CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340503, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340506, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340507, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340559, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340560, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x1234059f, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x123405a0, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340503, 0, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340506, 0, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340503, CC_C, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340506, CC_C, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340503, CC_C | CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(das, 0x12340506, CC_C | CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x12340205, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x12340306, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x1234040a, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x123405fa, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x12340205, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x12340306, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x1234040a, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aaa, 0x123405fa, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x12340205, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x12340306, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x1234040a, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x123405fa, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x12340205, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x12340306, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x1234040a, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aas, 0x123405fa, 0, (CC_C | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aam, 0x12340547, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_O | CC_A));
TEST_BCD(aad, 0x12340407, CC_A, (CC_C | CC_P | CC_Z | CC_S | CC_O | CC_A));
2003-03-16 18:05:05 +00:00
/* segmentation tests */
#include <asm/ldt.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
_syscall3(int, modify_ldt, int, func, void *, ptr, unsigned long, bytecount)
uint8_t seg_data1[4096];
uint8_t seg_data2[4096];
#define MK_SEL(n) (((n) << 3) | 4)
/* NOTE: we use Linux modify_ldt syscall */
void test_segs(void)
struct modify_ldt_ldt_s ldt;
long long ldt_table[3];
int i, res, res2;
char tmp;
ldt.entry_number = 1;
ldt.base_addr = (unsigned long)&seg_data1;
ldt.limit = (sizeof(seg_data1) + 0xfff) >> 12;
ldt.seg_32bit = 1;
ldt.read_exec_only = 0;
ldt.limit_in_pages = 1;
ldt.seg_not_present = 0;
ldt.useable = 1;
modify_ldt(1, &ldt, sizeof(ldt)); /* write ldt entry */
ldt.entry_number = 2;
ldt.base_addr = (unsigned long)&seg_data2;
ldt.limit = (sizeof(seg_data2) + 0xfff) >> 12;
ldt.seg_32bit = 1;
ldt.read_exec_only = 0;
ldt.limit_in_pages = 1;
ldt.seg_not_present = 0;
ldt.useable = 1;
modify_ldt(1, &ldt, sizeof(ldt)); /* write ldt entry */
modify_ldt(0, &ldt_table, sizeof(ldt_table)); /* read ldt entries */
printf("%d: %016Lx\n", i, ldt_table[i]);
/* do some tests with fs or gs */
asm volatile ("movl %0, %%fs" : : "r" (MK_SEL(1)));
asm volatile ("movl %0, %%gs" : : "r" (MK_SEL(2)));
seg_data1[1] = 0xaa;
seg_data2[1] = 0x55;
asm volatile ("fs movzbl 0x1, %0" : "=r" (res));
printf("FS[1] = %02x\n", res);
asm volatile ("gs movzbl 0x1, %0" : "=r" (res));
printf("GS[1] = %02x\n", res);
/* tests with ds/ss (implicit segment case) */
tmp = 0xa5;
asm volatile ("pushl %%ebp\n\t"
"pushl %%ds\n\t"
"movl %2, %%ds\n\t"
"movl %3, %%ebp\n\t"
"movzbl 0x1, %0\n\t"
"movzbl (%%ebp), %1\n\t"
"popl %%ds\n\t"
"popl %%ebp\n\t"
: "=r" (res), "=r" (res2)
: "r" (MK_SEL(1)), "r" (&tmp));
printf("DS[1] = %02x\n", res);
printf("SS[tmp] = %02x\n", res2);
2003-03-16 11:29:17 +00:00
2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
static void *call_end __init_call = NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
void **ptr;
void (*func)(void);
2003-03-03 23:23:09 +00:00
2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
ptr = &call_start + 1;
while (*ptr != NULL) {
func = *ptr++;
2003-03-05 20:57:02 +00:00
2003-03-04 01:14:13 +00:00
2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
2003-03-05 20:57:02 +00:00
2003-03-16 11:29:17 +00:00
2003-03-16 18:05:05 +00:00
2003-02-24 20:14:06 +00:00
return 0;