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build helper script for edk2, see
import os
import sys
import time
import shutil
import argparse
import subprocess
import configparser
rebase_prefix = ""
version_override = None
release_date = None
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
def check_rebase():
""" detect 'git rebase -x edk2-build.py master' testbuilds """
global rebase_prefix
global version_override
gitdir = '.git'
if os.path.isfile(gitdir):
with open(gitdir, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
(unused, gitdir) = f.read().split()
if not os.path.exists(f'{gitdir}/rebase-merge/msgnum'):
with open(f'{gitdir}/rebase-merge/msgnum', 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
msgnum = int(f.read())
with open(f'{gitdir}/rebase-merge/end', 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
end = int(f.read())
with open(f'{gitdir}/rebase-merge/head-name', 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
head = f.read().strip().split('/')
rebase_prefix = f'[ {int(msgnum/2)} / {int(end/2)} - {head[-1]} ] '
if msgnum != end and not version_override:
# fixed version speeds up builds
version_override = "test-build-patch-series"
def get_coredir(cfg):
if cfg.has_option('global', 'core'):
return os.path.abspath(cfg['global']['core'])
return os.getcwd()
def get_toolchain(cfg, build):
if cfg.has_option(build, 'tool'):
return cfg[build]['tool']
if cfg.has_option('global', 'tool'):
return cfg['global']['tool']
return 'GCC5'
def get_version(cfg, silent = False):
coredir = get_coredir(cfg)
if version_override:
version = version_override
if not silent:
print(f'### version [override]: {version}')
return version
if os.environ.get('RPM_PACKAGE_NAME'):
version = os.environ.get('RPM_PACKAGE_NAME')
version += '-' + os.environ.get('RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION')
version += '-' + os.environ.get('RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE')
if not silent:
print(f'### version [rpmbuild]: {version}')
return version
if os.path.exists(coredir + '/.git'):
cmdline = [ 'git', 'describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=8',
'--match=edk2-stable*' ]
result = subprocess.run(cmdline, cwd = coredir,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
check = True)
version = result.stdout.decode().strip()
if not silent:
print(f'### version [git]: {version}')
return version
return None
def pcd_string(name, value):
return f'{name}=L{value}\\0'
def pcd_version(cfg, silent = False):
version = get_version(cfg, silent)
if version is None:
return []
return [ '--pcd', pcd_string('PcdFirmwareVersionString', version) ]
def pcd_release_date():
if release_date is None:
return []
return [ '--pcd', pcd_string('PcdFirmwareReleaseDateString', release_date) ]
def build_message(line, line2 = None, silent = False):
if os.environ.get('TERM') in [ 'xterm', 'xterm-256color' ]:
# setxterm title
start = '\x1b]2;'
end = '\x07'
print(f'{start}{rebase_prefix}{line}{end}', end = '')
if silent:
print(f'### {rebase_prefix}{line}', flush = True)
print(f'### {rebase_prefix}{line}')
if line2:
print(f'### {line2}')
print('###', flush = True)
def build_run(cmdline, name, section, silent = False, nologs = False):
if silent:
logfile = f'{section}.log'
if nologs:
print(f'### building in silent mode [no log] ...', flush = True)
print(f'### building in silent mode [{logfile}] ...', flush = True)
start = time.time()
result = subprocess.run(cmdline, check = False,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
if not nologs:
with open(logfile, 'wb') as f:
if result.returncode:
print('### BUILD FAILURE')
print('### cmdline')
print('### output')
print(f'### exit code: {result.returncode}')
secs = int(time.time() - start)
print(f'### OK ({int(secs/60)}:{secs%60:02d})')
print(cmdline, flush = True)
result = subprocess.run(cmdline, check = False)
if result.returncode:
print(f'ERROR: {cmdline[0]} exited with {result.returncode}'
f' while building {name}')
def build_copy(plat, tgt, toolchain, dstdir, copy):
srcdir = f'Build/{plat}/{tgt}_{toolchain}'
names = copy.split()
srcfile = names[0]
if len(names) > 1:
dstfile = names[1]
dstfile = os.path.basename(srcfile)
print(f'# copy: {srcdir} / {srcfile} => {dstdir} / {dstfile}')
src = srcdir + '/' + srcfile
dst = dstdir + '/' + dstfile
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok = True)
shutil.copy(src, dst)
def pad_file(dstdir, pad):
args = pad.split()
if len(args) < 2:
raise RuntimeError(f'missing arg for pad ({args})')
name = args[0]
size = args[1]
cmdline = [
'--size', size,
dstdir + '/' + name,
print(f'# padding: {dstdir} / {name} => {size}')
subprocess.run(cmdline, check = True)
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def build_one(cfg, build, jobs = None, silent = False, nologs = False):
b = cfg[build]
cmdline = [ 'build' ]
cmdline += [ '-t', get_toolchain(cfg, build) ]
cmdline += [ '-p', b['conf'] ]
if (b['conf'].startswith('OvmfPkg/') or
cmdline += pcd_version(cfg, silent)
cmdline += pcd_release_date()
if jobs:
cmdline += [ '-n', jobs ]
for arch in b['arch'].split():
cmdline += [ '-a', arch ]
if 'opts' in b:
for name in b['opts'].split():
section = 'opts.' + name
for opt in cfg[section]:
cmdline += [ '-D', opt + '=' + cfg[section][opt] ]
if 'pcds' in b:
for name in b['pcds'].split():
section = 'pcds.' + name
for pcd in cfg[section]:
cmdline += [ '--pcd', pcd + '=' + cfg[section][pcd] ]
if 'tgts' in b:
tgts = b['tgts'].split()
tgts = [ 'DEBUG' ]
for tgt in tgts:
desc = None
if 'desc' in b:
desc = b['desc']
build_message(f'building: {b["conf"]} ({b["arch"]}, {tgt})',
f'description: {desc}',
silent = silent)
build_run(cmdline + [ '-b', tgt ],
build + '.' + tgt,
if 'plat' in b:
# copy files
for cpy in b:
if not cpy.startswith('cpy'):
build_copy(b['plat'], tgt,
get_toolchain(cfg, build),
b['dest'], b[cpy])
# pad builds
for pad in b:
if not pad.startswith('pad'):
pad_file(b['dest'], b[pad])
def build_basetools(silent = False, nologs = False):
build_message('building: BaseTools', silent = silent)
basedir = os.environ['EDK_TOOLS_PATH']
cmdline = [ 'make', '-C', basedir ]
build_run(cmdline, 'BaseTools', 'build.basetools', silent, nologs)
def binary_exists(name):
for pdir in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'):
if os.path.exists(pdir + '/' + name):
return True
return False
def prepare_env(cfg, silent = False):
""" mimic Conf/BuildEnv.sh """
workspace = os.getcwd()
packages = [ workspace, ]
path = os.environ['PATH'].split(':')
dirs = [
if cfg.has_option('global', 'pkgs'):
for pkgdir in cfg['global']['pkgs'].split():
coredir = get_coredir(cfg)
if coredir != workspace:
# add basetools to path
for pdir in dirs:
p = coredir + '/' + pdir
if not os.path.exists(p):
if p in path:
path.insert(0, p)
# run edksetup if needed
toolsdef = coredir + '/Conf/tools_def.txt'
if not os.path.exists(toolsdef):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(toolsdef), exist_ok = True)
build_message('running BaseTools/BuildEnv', silent = silent)
cmdline = [ 'bash', 'BaseTools/BuildEnv' ]
subprocess.run(cmdline, cwd = coredir, check = True)
# set variables
os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join(path)
os.environ['PACKAGES_PATH'] = ':'.join(packages)
os.environ['WORKSPACE'] = workspace
os.environ['EDK_TOOLS_PATH'] = coredir + '/BaseTools'
os.environ['CONF_PATH'] = coredir + '/Conf'
os.environ['PYTHON_COMMAND'] = '/usr/bin/python3'
os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = '1'
# for cross builds
if binary_exists('arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc'):
# ubuntu
os.environ['GCC5_ARM_PREFIX'] = 'arm-linux-gnueabi-'
os.environ['GCC_ARM_PREFIX'] = 'arm-linux-gnueabi-'
elif binary_exists('arm-linux-gnu-gcc'):
# fedora
os.environ['GCC5_ARM_PREFIX'] = 'arm-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC_ARM_PREFIX'] = 'arm-linux-gnu-'
if binary_exists('loongarch64-linux-gnu-gcc'):
os.environ['GCC5_LOONGARCH64_PREFIX'] = 'loongarch64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC_LOONGARCH64_PREFIX'] = 'loongarch64-linux-gnu-'
hostarch = os.uname().machine
if binary_exists('aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc') and hostarch != 'aarch64':
os.environ['GCC5_AARCH64_PREFIX'] = 'aarch64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC_AARCH64_PREFIX'] = 'aarch64-linux-gnu-'
if binary_exists('riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc') and hostarch != 'riscv64':
os.environ['GCC5_RISCV64_PREFIX'] = 'riscv64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC_RISCV64_PREFIX'] = 'riscv64-linux-gnu-'
if binary_exists('x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc') and hostarch != 'x86_64':
os.environ['GCC5_IA32_PREFIX'] = 'x86_64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC5_X64_PREFIX'] = 'x86_64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC5_BIN'] = 'x86_64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC_IA32_PREFIX'] = 'x86_64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC_X64_PREFIX'] = 'x86_64-linux-gnu-'
os.environ['GCC_BIN'] = 'x86_64-linux-gnu-'
def build_list(cfg):
for build in cfg.sections():
if not build.startswith('build.'):
name = build.lstrip('build.')
desc = 'no description'
if 'desc' in cfg[build]:
desc = cfg[build]['desc']
print(f'# {name:20s} - {desc}')
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'edk2-build',
description = 'edk2 build helper script')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest = 'configfile',
type = str, default = '.edk2.builds', metavar = 'FILE',
help = 'read configuration from FILE (default: .edk2.builds)')
parser.add_argument('-C', '--directory', dest = 'directory', type = str,
help = 'change to DIR before building', metavar = 'DIR')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest = 'jobs', type = str,
help = 'allow up to JOBS parallel build jobs',
metavar = 'JOBS')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--match', dest = 'match',
type = str, action = 'append',
help = 'only run builds matching INCLUDE (substring)',
metavar = 'INCLUDE')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--exclude', dest = 'exclude',
type = str, action = 'append',
help = 'skip builds matching EXCLUDE (substring)',
metavar = 'EXCLUDE')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', dest = 'list',
action = 'store_true', default = False,
help = 'list build configs available')
parser.add_argument('--silent', dest = 'silent',
action = 'store_true', default = False,
help = 'write build output to logfiles, '
'write to console only on errors')
parser.add_argument('--no-logs', dest = 'nologs',
action = 'store_true', default = False,
help = 'do not write build log files (with --silent)')
parser.add_argument('--core', dest = 'core', type = str, metavar = 'DIR',
help = 'location of the core edk2 repository '
'(i.e. where BuildTools are located)')
parser.add_argument('--pkg', '--package', dest = 'pkgs',
type = str, action = 'append', metavar = 'DIR',
help = 'location(s) of additional packages '
'(can be specified multiple times)')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--toolchain', dest = 'toolchain',
type = str, metavar = 'NAME',
help = 'tool chain to be used to build edk2')
parser.add_argument('--version-override', dest = 'version_override',
type = str, metavar = 'VERSION',
help = 'set firmware build version')
parser.add_argument('--release-date', dest = 'release_date',
type = str, metavar = 'DATE',
help = 'set firmware build release date (in MM/DD/YYYY format)')
options = parser.parse_args()
if options.directory:
if not os.path.exists(options.configfile):
print(f'config file "{options.configfile}" not found')
return 1
cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
cfg.optionxform = str
if options.list:
return 0
if not cfg.has_section('global'):
if options.core:
cfg.set('global', 'core', options.core)
if options.pkgs:
cfg.set('global', 'pkgs', ' '.join(options.pkgs))
if options.toolchain:
cfg.set('global', 'tool', options.toolchain)
global version_override
global release_date
if options.version_override:
version_override = options.version_override
if options.release_date:
release_date = options.release_date
prepare_env(cfg, options.silent)
build_basetools(options.silent, options.nologs)
for build in cfg.sections():
if not build.startswith('build.'):
if options.match:
matching = False
for item in options.match:
if item in build:
matching = True
if not matching:
print(f'# skipping "{build}" (not matching "{"|".join(options.match)}")')
if options.exclude:
exclude = False
for item in options.exclude:
if item in build:
print(f'# skipping "{build}" (matching "{item}")')
exclude = True
if exclude:
build_one(cfg, build, options.jobs, options.silent, options.nologs)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':