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# Makefile for Docker tests
.PHONY: docker docker-help docker-test docker-clean docker-image docker-qemu-src
SPACE := $(NULL) #
COMMA := ,
HOST_ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
USER = $(if $(NOUSER),,$(shell id -un))
UID = $(if $(NOUSER),,$(shell id -u))
DOCKER_FILES_DIR := $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/dockerfiles
ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),x86_64)
DOCKER_DEFAULT_REGISTRY := registry.gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu
RUNC ?= $(if $(shell command -v docker), docker, podman)
DOCKER_SCRIPT=$(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/docker.py --engine $(RUNC)
CUR_TIME := $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S.$$$$)
@mkdir $@
$(if $(SRC_ARCHIVE), \
$(call quiet-command, cp "$(SRC_ARCHIVE)" $@/qemu.tar, \
"CP", "$@/qemu.tar"), \
$(call quiet-command, cd $(SRC_PATH) && scripts/archive-source.sh $@/qemu.tar, \
"GEN", "$@/qemu.tar"))
$(call quiet-command, cp $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/run $@/run, \
rules.mak: quiet-command: Split command name and args to print The quiet-command make rule currently takes two arguments: the command and arguments to run, and a string to print if the V flag is not set (ie we are not being verbose). By convention, the string printed is of the form " NAME some args". Unfortunately to get nicely lined up output all the strings have to agree about what column the arguments should start in, which means that if we add a new quiet-command usage which wants a slightly longer CMD name then we either put up with misalignment or change every quiet-command string. Split the quiet-mode string into two, the "NAME" and the "same args" part, and use printf(1) to format the string automatically. This means we only need to change one place if we want to support a longer maximum name. In particular, we can now print 7-character names lined up properly (they are needed for the OSX "SETTOOL" invocation). Change all the uses of quiet-command to the new syntax. (Any which are missed or inadvertently reintroduced via later merges will result in slightly misformatted quiet output rather than disaster.) A few places in the pc-bios/ makefiles are updated to use "BUILD", "SIGN" and "STRIP" rather than "Building", "Signing" and "Stripping" for consistency and to keep them below 7 characters. Module .mo links now print "LD" rather than the nonstandard "LD -r". Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org> Reviewed-by: Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com> Message-id: 1475598441-27908-1-git-send-email-peter.maydell@linaro.org
2016-10-04 16:27:21 +00:00
docker-qemu-src: $(DOCKER_SRC_COPY)
# General rule for building docker images.
docker-image-%: $(DOCKER_FILES_DIR)/%.docker
$(call quiet-command, \
$(if $V,,--quiet) \
$(if $(NOCACHE),--no-cache, \
$(if $(DOCKER_REGISTRY),--cache-from $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/qemu/$*)) \
$(if $(NOUSER),, \
--build-arg USER=$(USER) \
--build-arg UID=$(UID)) \
-t qemu/$* - < $< $(if $V,,> /dev/null),\
"BUILD", $*)
# Special rule for debootstraped binfmt linux-user images
docker-binfmt-image-debian-%: $(DOCKER_FILES_DIR)/debian-bootstrap.docker
$(if $(EXECUTABLE),,\
$(error EXECUTABLE not set, debootstrap of debian-$* would fail))
$(if $(DEB_ARCH),,\
$(error DEB_ARCH not set, debootstrap of debian-$* would fail))
$(if $(DEB_TYPE),,\
$(error DEB_TYPE not set, debootstrap of debian-$* would fail))
$(if $(wildcard $(EXECUTABLE)), \
$(call quiet-command, \
$(if $(DEB_URL),DEB_URL=$(DEB_URL),) \
$(DOCKER_SCRIPT) build -t qemu/debian-$* -f $< \
$(if $V,,--quiet) $(if $(NOCACHE),--no-cache) \
$(if $(NOUSER),,--add-current-user) \
$(if $(EXTRA_FILES),--extra-files $(EXTRA_FILES)) \
$(if $(EXECUTABLE),--include-executable=$(EXECUTABLE)), \
"BUILD","binfmt debian-$* (debootstrapped)"), \
$(call quiet-command, \
$(DOCKER_SCRIPT) check --quiet qemu/debian-$* $< || \
{ echo "You will need to build $(EXECUTABLE)"; exit 1;},\
"CHECK", "debian-$* exists"))
# Special case cross-compiling x86_64 on non-x86_64 systems.
ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),x86_64)
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += debian-amd64-cross
# For non-x86 hosts not all cross-compilers have been packaged
ifneq ($(HOST_ARCH),x86_64)
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += debian-mipsel-cross debian-mips64el-cross
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += debian-ppc64el-cross
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += debian-s390x-cross
# alpine has no adduser
docker-image-alpine: NOUSER=1
debian-toolchain-run = \
$(if $(NOCACHE), \
$(call quiet-command, \
$(DOCKER_SCRIPT) build -t qemu/$1 -f $< \
$(if $V,,--quiet) --no-cache \
--registry $(DOCKER_REGISTRY) --extra-files \
$(DOCKER_FILES_DIR)/$1.d/build-toolchain.sh, \
"BUILD", $1), \
$(call quiet-command, \
$(DOCKER_SCRIPT) fetch $(if $V,,--quiet) \
qemu/$1 $(DOCKER_REGISTRY), \
"FETCH", $1) \
$(call quiet-command, \
$(DOCKER_SCRIPT) update $(if $V,,--quiet) \
qemu/$1 \
$(if $(NOUSER),,--add-current-user) \
"PREPARE", $1))
debian-toolchain = $(call debian-toolchain-run,$(patsubst docker-image-%,%,$1))
docker-image-debian-microblaze-cross: $(DOCKER_FILES_DIR)/debian-toolchain.docker \
$(call debian-toolchain, $@)
# These images may be good enough for building tests but not for test builds
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += debian-microblaze-cross
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += debian-xtensa-cross
DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES += fedora-cris-cross
# images that are only used to build other images
DOCKER_VIRTUAL_IMAGES := debian-bootstrap debian-toolchain
__IMAGES := $(sort $(filter-out $(DOCKER_VIRTUAL_IMAGES), $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard $(DOCKER_FILES_DIR)/*.docker)))))
DOCKER_IMAGES := $(if $(IMAGES), $(filter $(IMAGES), $(__IMAGES)), $(__IMAGES))
__TESTS := $(notdir $(shell find $(SRC_PATH)/tests/docker/ -name 'test-*' -type f))
DOCKER_TESTS := $(if $(TESTS), $(filter $(TESTS), $(__TESTS)), $(__TESTS))
# Expand all the pre-requistes for each docker image and test combination
$(foreach i,$(filter-out $(DOCKER_PARTIAL_IMAGES),$(DOCKER_IMAGES)), \
$(foreach t,$(DOCKER_TESTS), \
$(eval .PHONY: docker-$t@$i) \
$(eval docker-$t@$i: docker-image-$i; @$(MAKE) docker-run TEST=$t IMAGE=qemu/$i) \
) \
$(foreach t,$(DOCKER_TESTS), \
$(eval docker-all-tests: docker-$t@$i) \
$(eval docker-$t: docker-$t@$i) \
) \
@echo 'Build QEMU and run tests inside $(RUNC) containers'
@echo 'Available targets:'
@echo ' docker: Print this help.'
@echo ' docker-all-tests: Run all image/test combinations.'
@echo ' docker-TEST: Run "TEST" on all image combinations.'
@echo ' docker-clean: Kill and remove residual docker testing containers.'
@echo ' docker-TEST@IMAGE: Run "TEST" in container "IMAGE".'
@echo ' Note: "TEST" is one of the listed test name,'
@echo ' or a script name under $$QEMU_SRC/tests/docker/;'
@echo ' "IMAGE" is one of the listed container name.'
@echo ' docker-image: Build all images.'
@echo ' docker-image-IMAGE: Build image "IMAGE".'
@echo ' docker-run: For manually running a "TEST" with "IMAGE".'
@echo 'Available container images:'
@echo ' $(DOCKER_IMAGES)'
@echo 'Available tests:'
@echo ' $(DOCKER_TESTS)'
@echo 'Special variables:'
@echo ' TARGET_LIST=a,b,c Override target list in builds.'
@echo ' Extra configure options.'
@echo ' TEST_COMMAND="..." Override the default `make check` target.'
@echo ' IMAGES="a b c ..": Restrict available images to subset.'
@echo ' TESTS="x y z .." Restrict available tests to subset.'
@echo ' J=[0..9]* Overrides the -jN parameter for make commands'
@echo ' (default is 1)'
@echo ' DEBUG=1 Stop and drop to shell in the created container'
@echo ' before running the command.'
@echo ' NETWORK=1 Enable virtual network interface with default backend.'
@echo ' NETWORK=$$BACKEND Enable virtual network interface with $$BACKEND.'
@echo ' NOUSER=1 Define to disable adding current user to containers passwd.'
@echo ' NOCACHE=1 Ignore cache when build images.'
@echo ' EXECUTABLE=<path> Include executable in image.'
@echo ' EXTRA_FILES="<path> [... <path>]"'
@echo ' Include extra files in image.'
@echo ' REGISTRY=url Cache builds from registry (default:$(DOCKER_REGISTRY))'
docker-help: docker
# Use a global constant ccache directory to speed up repetitive builds
DOCKER_CCACHE_DIR := $$HOME/.cache/qemu-docker-ccache
# This rule if for directly running against an arbitrary docker target.
# It is called by the expanded docker targets (e.g. make
# docker-test-foo@bar) which will also ensure the image is up to date.
# For example: make docker-run TEST="test-quick" IMAGE="debian:arm64" EXECUTABLE=./aarch64-linux-user/qemu-aarch64
docker-run: docker-qemu-src
@mkdir -p "$(DOCKER_CCACHE_DIR)"
@if test -z "$(IMAGE)" || test -z "$(TEST)"; \
then echo "Invalid target $(IMAGE)/$(TEST)"; exit 1; \
$(if $(EXECUTABLE), \
$(call quiet-command, \
$(DOCKER_SCRIPT) update \
$(IMAGE) --executable $(EXECUTABLE), \
$(call quiet-command, \
$(RUNC) run \
--rm \
$(if $(NOUSER),,-u $(UID)) \
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
$(if $(DEBUG),-ti,) \
$(if $(NETWORK),$(if $(subst $(NETWORK),,1),--net=$(NETWORK)),--net=none) \
-e V=$V -e J=$J -e DEBUG=$(DEBUG) \
$(if $(NOUSER),, \
-e CCACHE_DIR=/var/tmp/ccache \
-v $(DOCKER_CCACHE_DIR):/var/tmp/ccache:z \
) \
-v $$(readlink -e $(DOCKER_SRC_COPY)):/var/tmp/qemu:z$(COMMA)ro \
$(IMAGE) \
/var/tmp/qemu/run \
$(TEST), " RUN $(TEST) in ${IMAGE}")
$(call quiet-command, rm -r $(DOCKER_SRC_COPY), \
docker-image: ${DOCKER_IMAGES:%=docker-image-%}
$(call quiet-command, $(DOCKER_SCRIPT) clean)