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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Centos aarch64 image
# Copyright 2020 Linaro
# Authors:
# Robert Foley <robert.foley@linaro.org>
# Originally based on ubuntu.aarch64
# This code is licensed under the GPL version 2 or later. See
# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import basevm
import time
import traceback
import aarch64vm
'cpu' : "max",
'machine' : "virt,gic-version=max",
'install_cmds' : (
"dnf config-manager --enable crb, "
"dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo, "
"dnf install -y make ninja-build git python3 gcc gcc-c++ flex bison "\
"glib2-devel pixman-devel zlib-devel docker-ce.aarch64, "
"systemctl enable docker, "
# We increase beyond the default time since during boot
# it can take some time (many seconds) to log into the VM.
'ssh_timeout' : 60,
class CentosAarch64VM(basevm.BaseVM):
name = "centos9.aarch64"
arch = "aarch64"
image_name = "CentOS-Stream-GenericCloud-9-20230501.0.aarch64.qcow2"
image_link = "https://cloud.centos.org/centos/9-stream/aarch64/images/"
image_link += image_name
set -e;
cd $(mktemp -d);
export SRC_ARCHIVE=/dev/vdb;
sudo chmod a+r $SRC_ARCHIVE;
tar -xf $SRC_ARCHIVE;
./configure {configure_opts};
make --output-sync {target} -j{jobs} {verbose};
def boot(self, img, extra_args=None):
aarch64vm.create_flash_images(self._tmpdir, self._efi_aarch64)
default_args = aarch64vm.get_pflash_args(self._tmpdir)
if extra_args:
extra_args = default_args
# We always add these performance tweaks
# because without them, we boot so slowly that we
# can time out finding the boot efi device.
if '-smp' not in extra_args and \
'-smp' not in self._config['extra_args'] and \
'-smp' not in self._args:
# Only add if not already there to give caller option to change it.
extra_args.extend(["-smp", "8"])
# We have overridden boot() since aarch64 has additional parameters.
# Call down to the base class method.
super(CentosAarch64VM, self).boot(img, extra_args=extra_args)
def build_image(self, img):
cimg = self._download_with_cache(self.image_link)
img_tmp = img + ".tmp"
subprocess.run(['cp', '-f', cimg, img_tmp])
self.exec_qemu_img("resize", img_tmp, "50G")
self.boot(img_tmp, extra_args = ["-cdrom", self.gen_cloud_init_iso()])
self.ssh_root_check("touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled")
# If the user chooses *not* to do the second phase,
# then we will jump right to the graceful shutdown
if self._config['install_cmds'] != "":
install_cmds = self._config['install_cmds'].split(',')
for cmd in install_cmds:
os.rename(img_tmp, img)
print("image creation complete: {}".format(img))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
defaults = aarch64vm.get_config_defaults(CentosAarch64VM, DEFAULT_CONFIG)
sys.exit(basevm.main(CentosAarch64VM, defaults))