# The project's name is VBA-M it uses C and C++ code PROJECT(VBA-M C CXX) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.6.0 ) if( COMMAND cmake_policy ) cmake_policy( SET CMP0003 NEW ) cmake_policy( SET CMP0005 OLD ) endif( COMMAND cmake_policy ) SET( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeScripts ) #Output all binaries at top level SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) option( ENABLE_SDL "Build the SDL port" ON ) option( ENABLE_GTK "Build the GTK+ GUI" ON ) option( ENABLE_WX "Build the wxWidgets port" ON ) option( ENABLE_DEBUGGER "Enable the debugger" ON ) option( ENABLE_NLS "Enable translations" ON ) option( ENABLE_ASM_CORE "Enable x86 ASM CPU cores" OFF ) option( ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS "Enable x86 ASM graphic filters" OFF ) option( ENABLE_LINK "Enable GBA linking functionality" ON ) option( ENABLE_LIRC "Enable LIRC support" OFF ) option( ENABLE_FFMPEG "Enable ffmpeg A/V recording" OFF ) if(ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS) option( ENABLE_MMX "Enable MMX" OFF ) endif(ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS) option( ENABLE_GBA_LOGGING "Enable extended GBA logging" ON ) if( ENABLE_GBA_LOGGING ) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DGBA_LOGGING ) endif( ENABLE_GBA_LOGGING ) if(ENABLE_MMX) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DMMX) endif(ENABLE_MMX) # The SDL port can't be built without debugging support if( NOT ENABLE_DEBUGGER AND ENABLE_SDL ) message( SEND_ERROR "The SDL port can't be built without debugging support" ) endif( NOT ENABLE_DEBUGGER AND ENABLE_SDL ) # Set the version number with -DVERSION=X.X.X-uber IF( NOT VERSION ) SET( VERSION "https://github.com/EmperorArthur/VBA-M" ) #openmw does this if(EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) if(NOT EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git/shallow) find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND) include(GetGitRevisionDescription) get_git_head_revision(REFSPEC COMMITHASH) SET( VERSION "GIT Commit: " ${COMMITHASH} ) else(GIT_FOUND) message(WARNING "Git executable not found") endif(GIT_FOUND) else(NOT EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git/shallow) message(STATUS "Shallow Git clone detected, not attempting to retrieve version info") endif(NOT EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git/shallow) endif(EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) ENDIF( NOT VERSION ) # Fill in SDLMAIN_LIBRARY on OS X manually to avoid using SDLMain.m # OS X users will have to compile and install SDL from source. if( APPLE ) SET(SDLMAIN_LIBRARY "-lSDLmain") endif( APPLE ) # Check for nasm if( ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS ) ENABLE_LANGUAGE( ASM_NASM ) endif( ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS ) # Look for some dependencies using CMake scripts FIND_PACKAGE ( ZLIB REQUIRED ) FIND_PACKAGE ( PNG REQUIRED ) FIND_PACKAGE ( OpenGL REQUIRED ) FIND_PACKAGE ( SDL REQUIRED ) if( ENABLE_LINK ) FIND_PACKAGE ( SFML REQUIRED ) endif( ENABLE_LINK ) # set the standard libraries all ports use SET(VBAMCORE_LIBS vbamcore fex ${SDL_LIBRARY} ${SFML_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARY} ${PNG_LIBRARY} ) if(ENABLE_FFMPEG) FIND_PACKAGE ( PkgConfig REQUIRED ) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFMPEG REQUIRED libavcodec libavformat libswscale libavutil) endif(ENABLE_FFMPEG) if(NOT ENABLE_FFMPEG) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DNO_FFMPEG) endif(NOT ENABLE_FFMPEG) IF( ENABLE_LIRC ) SET( WITHLIRC 1 ) ELSE( ENABLE_LIRC ) SET( WITHLIRC 0 ) ENDIF( ENABLE_LIRC ) # Set the default install dir IF( NOT DATA_INSTALL_DIR ) SET( DATA_INSTALL_DIR "share/vbam" ) ENDIF( NOT DATA_INSTALL_DIR ) SET( PKGDATADIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${DATA_INSTALL_DIR} ) # Set the configuration file location IF( NOT SYSCONFDIR ) SET( SYSCONFDIR "/etc" ) ENDIF( NOT SYSCONFDIR ) # C defines ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H -DHAVE_ARPA_INET_H -DHAVE_ZLIB_H -DFINAL_VERSION -DSDL -DUSE_OPENGL -DSYSCONFDIR='"${SYSCONFDIR}"' -DWITH_LIRC='${WITHLIRC}') ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DVERSION='"${VERSION}"' -DPKGDATADIR='"${PKGDATADIR}"' -DPACKAGE='') if( ENABLE_LINK ) # IPC linking code needs sem_timedwait which can be either in librt or pthreads FIND_LIBRARY(RT_LIB rt) IF(RT_LIB) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ${RT_LIB}) SET(VBAMCORE_LIBS ${VBAMCORE_LIBS} ${RT_LIB}) ENDIF(RT_LIB) FIND_LIBRARY(PTHREAD_LIB pthread) IF(PTHREAD_LIB) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ${PTHREAD_LIB}) SET(VBAMCORE_LIBS ${VBAMCORE_LIBS} ${PTHREAD_LIB}) ENDIF(PTHREAD_LIB) INCLUDE(CheckFunctionExists) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(sem_timedwait SEM_TIMEDWAIT) IF( SEM_TIMEDWAIT) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DHAVE_SEM_TIMEDWAIT) ENDIF( SEM_TIMEDWAIT) else( ENABLE_LINK ) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DNO_LINK) endif( ENABLE_LINK ) # The debugger is enabled by default if( NOT ENABLE_DEBUGGER ) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DNO_DEBUGGER) else( NOT ENABLE_DEBUGGER ) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DBKPT_SUPPORT) endif( NOT ENABLE_DEBUGGER ) # The ASM core is disabled by default because we don't know on which platform we are IF( NOT ENABLE_ASM_CORE ) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-DC_CORE) ENDIF( NOT ENABLE_ASM_CORE ) # Enable internationalization if( ENABLE_NLS ) SET( LOCALEDIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/locale ) ADD_DEFINITIONS ( -DENABLE_NLS ) ADD_DEFINITIONS ( -DLOCALEDIR=\\\"${LOCALEDIR}\\\" ) # for now, only GBALink.cpp uses gettext() directly IF(ENABLE_LINK) FIND_PATH(LIBINTL_INC libintl.h ) FIND_LIBRARY(LIBINTL_LIB intl ) IF(LIBINTL_LIB) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ${LIBINTL_LIB}) SET(VBAMCORE_LIBS ${VBAMCORE_LIBS} ${LIBINTL_LIB}) ENDIF(LIBINTL_LIB) INCLUDE(CheckFunctionExists) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(gettext GETTEXT_FN) IF(NOT LIBINTL_INC OR NOT GETTEXT_FN) message( SEND_ERROR "NLS requires libintl" ) ENDIF(NOT LIBINTL_INC OR NOT GETTEXT_FN) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${LIBINTL_INC}) ENDIF(ENABLE_LINK) endif( ENABLE_NLS ) # Compiler flags IF ( WIN32 ) SET( CMAKE_ASM_NASM_FLAGS "-I$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR)/src/filters/hq/asm/ -O1 -w-orphan-labels") ELSE ( WIN32 ) SET( CMAKE_ASM_NASM_FLAGS "-I$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR)/src/filters/hq/asm/ -O1 -DELF -w-orphan-labels") ENDIF ( WIN32 ) #Make sure that we can use c++11 initializer lists #Doesn't work with fex :/ # SET( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -std=c++11 ) SET( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3") SET( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3") SET( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g -Wall") SET( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g -Wall") # Source files definition SET(SRC_FEX fex/7z_C/7zAlloc.c fex/7z_C/7zBuf.c fex/7z_C/7zCrc.c fex/7z_C/7zCrcOpt.c fex/7z_C/7zDec.c fex/7z_C/7zIn.c fex/7z_C/7zStream.c fex/7z_C/Bcj2.c fex/7z_C/Bra86.c fex/7z_C/Bra.c fex/7z_C/CpuArch.c fex/7z_C/Lzma2Dec.c fex/7z_C/LzmaDec.c fex/7z_C/Ppmd7.c fex/7z_C/Ppmd7Dec.c fex/fex/Binary_Extractor.cpp fex/fex/blargg_common.cpp fex/fex/blargg_errors.cpp fex/fex/Data_Reader.cpp fex/fex/fex.cpp fex/fex/File_Extractor.cpp fex/fex/Gzip_Extractor.cpp fex/fex/Gzip_Reader.cpp fex/fex/Rar_Extractor.cpp fex/fex/Zip7_Extractor.cpp fex/fex/Zip_Extractor.cpp fex/fex/Zlib_Inflater.cpp ) SET(SRC_MAIN src/Util.cpp src/common/Patch.cpp src/common/memgzio.c src/common/SoundSDL.cpp ) if(ENABLE_FFMPEG) SET(SRC_MAIN ${SRC_MAIN} src/common/ffmpeg.cpp) endif(ENABLE_FFMPEG) SET(SRC_GBA src/gba/agbprint.cpp src/gba/bios.cpp src/gba/Cheats.cpp src/gba/CheatSearch.cpp src/gba/EEprom.cpp src/gba/Flash.cpp src/gba/GBA.cpp src/gba/GBAGfx.cpp src/gba/GBALink.cpp src/gba/GBASockClient.cpp src/gba/GBA-thumb.cpp src/gba/GBA-arm.cpp src/gba/gbafilter.cpp src/gba/Globals.cpp src/gba/Mode0.cpp src/gba/Mode1.cpp src/gba/Mode2.cpp src/gba/Mode3.cpp src/gba/Mode4.cpp src/gba/Mode5.cpp src/gba/RTC.cpp src/gba/Sound.cpp src/gba/Sram.cpp ) SET(SRC_GB src/gb/GB.cpp src/gb/gbCheats.cpp src/gb/gbDis.cpp src/gb/gbGfx.cpp src/gb/gbGlobals.cpp src/gb/gbMemory.cpp src/gb/gbPrinter.cpp src/gb/gbSGB.cpp src/gb/gbSound.cpp ) SET(SRC_APU src/apu/Blip_Buffer.cpp src/apu/Effects_Buffer.cpp src/apu/Gb_Apu.cpp src/apu/Gb_Apu_State.cpp src/apu/Gb_Oscs.cpp src/apu/Multi_Buffer.cpp ) SET(SRC_SDL src/sdl/debugger.cpp src/sdl/SDL.cpp src/sdl/filters.cpp src/sdl/text.cpp src/sdl/inputSDL.cpp src/sdl/expr.cpp src/sdl/exprNode.cpp src/sdl/expr-lex.cpp ) SET(SRC_FILTERS src/filters/filters.cpp src/filters/2xSaI.cpp src/filters/admame.cpp src/filters/bilinear.cpp src/filters/hq2x.cpp src/filters/interframe.cpp src/filters/pixel.cpp src/filters/scanline.cpp src/filters/simpleFilter.cpp src/filters/sdl.cpp ) SET(SRC_HQ_C src/filters/hq/c/hq_implementation.cpp ) SET(SRC_HQ_ASM src/filters/hq/asm/hq3x_16.asm src/filters/hq/asm/hq3x_32.asm src/filters/hq/asm/hq4x_16.asm src/filters/hq/asm/hq4x_32.asm src/filters/hq/asm/hq3x32.cpp ) if( ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS ) SET(SRC_FILTERS ${SRC_FILTERS} ${SRC_HQ_ASM}) else( ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS ) SET(SRC_FILTERS ${SRC_FILTERS} ${SRC_HQ_C}) ADD_DEFINITIONS ( -DNO_ASM ) endif( ENABLE_ASM_SCALERS ) if( ENABLE_DEBUGGER ) SET(SRC_DEBUGGER src/gba/armdis.cpp src/gba/elf.cpp src/gba/remote.cpp ) endif( ENABLE_DEBUGGER ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} fex ${PNG_INCLUDE_DIR} ${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) IF( ENABLE_FFMPEG ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) ENDIF( ENABLE_FFMPEG ) ADD_LIBRARY( fex ${SRC_FEX} ) ADD_LIBRARY ( vbamcore ${PROJECT_SRCS} ${SRC_MAIN} ${SRC_GBA} ${SRC_GB} ${SRC_APU} ${SRC_FILTERS} ${SRC_DEBUGGER} ) IF( ENABLE_SDL ) ADD_EXECUTABLE ( vbam WIN32 ${SRC_SDL} ) IF( WIN32 ) SET( WIN32_LIBRARIES wsock32 ) ENDIF( WIN32 ) IF( ENABLE_LIRC ) SET( LIRC_CLIENT_LIBRARY lirc_client ) ENDIF( ENABLE_LIRC ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( vbam ${VBAMCORE_LIBS} ${WIN32_LIBRARIES} ${LIRC_CLIENT_LIBRARY} ) INSTALL(PROGRAMS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/vbam DESTINATION bin) INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/sdl/vbam.cfg-example DESTINATION ${SYSCONFDIR} RENAME vbam.cfg) ENDIF( ENABLE_SDL ) IF( ENABLE_GTK ) add_subdirectory (src/gtk) ENDIF( ENABLE_GTK ) IF( ENABLE_WX ) # since this has generated source files, it's easier to just # make from the subdir # otherwise out-of-tree builds have trouble add_subdirectory(src/wx) ENDIF( ENABLE_WX ) if( ENABLE_GTK OR ENABLE_WX ) # Native Language Support if( ENABLE_NLS ) add_subdirectory(po) endif( ENABLE_NLS ) endif( ENABLE_GTK OR ENABLE_WX ) INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/vba-over.ini DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}) IF(NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/art/hicolor/ DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/) ENDIF(NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE)