# Build configuration for https://www.tea-ci.org # Tea CI is a fork of Drone CI with Cygwin/Msys2 support # Feel free to share Tea CI to more open source developers # http://docs.tea-ci.org/usage/overview/ # Please add your project to https://github.com/TeaCI/tea-ci/wiki/Msys2-on-Wine#use-msys2-in-tea-ci build: image: teaci/msys$$arch pull: true shell: mingw$$arch commands: - if [ $$arch = 32 ]; then target=i686; fi - if [ $$arch = 64 ]; then target=x86_64; fi - pacman -S --needed --noconfirm --noprogressbar mingw-w64-${target}-cmake mingw-w64-${target}-ffmpeg mingw-w64-${target}-SDL2 mingw-w64-${target}-openal mingw-w64-${target}-sfml mingw-w64-${target}-extra-cmake-modules mingw-w64-${target}-cairo mingw-w64-${target}-zlib mingw-w64-${target}-libpng nasm mingw-w64-${target}-wxWidgets mingw-w64-${target}-crt-git mingw-w64-${target}-headers-git zip - git submodule update --init --recursive - cmake -DENABLE_FFMPEG=ON -DENABLE_SDL=ON -G "MSYS Makefiles" - make notify: irc: prefix: build nick: vbam-ci channel: #vba-m server: host: irc.freenode.net port: 6667 matrix: arch: - 64 - 32 #publish: # github_release: # api_key: 4cd466723ff104154a6a206814ddaa159131f2ec # files: # - vbam.exe # - visualboyadvance-m.exe # checksum: # - sha256