if(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET) if(NOT DEFINED ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}) get_filename_component(VCPKG_ROOT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../vcpkg ABSOLUTE) set(ENV{VCPKG_ROOT} ${VCPKG_ROOT}) else() set(VCPKG_ROOT $ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${VCPKG_ROOT}) get_filename_component(vcpkg_root_parent ${VCPKG_ROOT}/.. ABSOLUTE) execute_process( COMMAND git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git RESULT_VARIABLE git_status WORKING_DIRECTORY ${vcpkg_root_parent} ) if(NOT git_status EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error cloning vcpkg from git, please make sure git for windows is installed correctly, it can be installed from Visual Studio components") endif() else() # this is the case when we cache vcpkg/installed with the appveyor build cache if(NOT EXISTS ${VCPKG_ROOT}/.git) set(git_commands "git init" "git remote add origin https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git" "git fetch --all --prune" "git reset --hard origin/master" "git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master" ) foreach(git_command ${git_commands}) separate_arguments(git_command) execute_process( COMMAND ${git_command} RESULT_VARIABLE git_status WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) if(NOT git_status EQUAL 0) break() endif() endforeach() else() execute_process( COMMAND git pull --rebase RESULT_VARIABLE git_status WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) endif() if(NOT git_status EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error updating vcpkg from git, please make sure git for windows is installed correctly, it can be installed from Visual Studio components") endif() endif() # build latest vcpkg if(WIN32) execute_process( COMMAND bootstrap-vcpkg.bat WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) else() execute_process( COMMAND ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) endif() foreach(pkg ${VCPKG_DEPS}) list(APPEND VCPKG_DEPS_QUALIFIED ${pkg}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}) endforeach() if(WIN32) set(vcpkg_exe vcpkg) else() set(vcpkg_exe ./vcpkg) endif() # update portfiles execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} update WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) # build our deps execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} install ${VCPKG_DEPS_QUALIFIED} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) # make sure we have the latest versions execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} upgrade --no-dry-run WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) if(WIN32 AND VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET MATCHES x64) set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM x64 CACHE STRING "visual studio build architecture" FORCE) endif() set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake CACHE FILEPATH "vcpkg toolchain" FORCE) include(${VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake) endif()