if(POLICY CMP0012) cmake_policy(SET CMP0012 NEW) # Saner if() behavior. endif() if(NOT DEFINED VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET) return() endif() function(vcpkg_seconds) if(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM MATCHES Windows OR ((NOT DEFINED CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM) AND WIN32)) execute_process( COMMAND cmd /c echo %TIME:~0,8% OUTPUT_VARIABLE time ) else() execute_process( COMMAND date +'%H:%M:%S' OUTPUT_VARIABLE time ) endif() string(SUBSTRING "${time}" 0 2 hours) string(SUBSTRING "${time}" 3 2 minutes) string(SUBSTRING "${time}" 6 2 secs) math(EXPR seconds "(${hours} * 60 * 60) + (${minutes} * 60) + ${secs}") set(seconds ${seconds} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(vcpkg_check_git_status git_status) if(NOT git_status EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error updating vcpkg from git, please make sure git for windows is installed correctly, it can be installed from Visual Studio components") endif() endfunction() function(vcpkg_get_first_upgrade vcpkg_exe) # First get the list of upgraded ports. execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} upgrade OUTPUT_VARIABLE upgradable OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) string(REGEX REPLACE "\r?\n" ";" upgrade_lines "${upgradable}") unset(first_upgrade) foreach(line ${upgrade_lines}) if(line MATCHES "^ [* ] [^ ]*:") string(REGEX REPLACE "^ [* ] ([^[]+).*" "\\1" pkg ${line}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^[^:]+:(.+)$" "\\1" triplet ${line}) if(triplet STREQUAL "${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}") # Prefer upgrading zlib before anything else. if(NOT first_upgrade OR pkg MATCHES zlib) set(first_upgrade ${pkg}) endif() endif() endif() endforeach() if(DEFINED first_upgrade) set(first_upgrade ${first_upgrade} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(vcpkg_deps_fixup vcpkg_exe) # Get installed list. execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} list OUTPUT_VARIABLE pkg_list OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) # If libvorbis is NOT installed but libogg is, remove libvorbis recursively. if(pkg_list MATCHES libogg AND (NOT pkg_list MATCHES libvorbis)) execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} remove --recurse libogg:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) endif() endfunction() function(vcpkg_remove_optional_deps vcpkg_exe) list(LENGTH VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL optionals_list_len) math(EXPR optionals_list_last "${optionals_list_len} - 1") unset(deps) foreach(i RANGE 0 ${optionals_list_last} 2) list(GET VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL ${i} dep) list(APPEND deps ${dep}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}) endforeach() execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} remove --recurse ${deps} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) endfunction() function(vcpkg_set_toolchain) if(NOT DEFINED ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}) if(WIN32) if(DEFINED ENV{CI} OR EXISTS /vcpkg) set(VCPKG_ROOT /vcpkg) elseif(EXISTS c:/vcpkg) set(VCPKG_ROOT c:/vcpkg) endif() endif() if(NOT DEFINED VCPKG_ROOT) get_filename_component(VCPKG_ROOT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../vcpkg ABSOLUTE) endif() set(ENV{VCPKG_ROOT} ${VCPKG_ROOT}) else() set(VCPKG_ROOT $ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}) endif() set(VCPKG_ROOT ${VCPKG_ROOT} CACHE FILEPATH "vcpkg installation root path" FORCE) if(NOT EXISTS ${VCPKG_ROOT}) get_filename_component(root_parent ${VCPKG_ROOT}/.. ABSOLUTE) execute_process( COMMAND git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git RESULT_VARIABLE git_status WORKING_DIRECTORY ${root_parent} ) vcpkg_check_git_status(${git_status}) else() # this is the case when we cache vcpkg/installed with the appveyor build cache if(NOT EXISTS ${VCPKG_ROOT}/.git) set(git_commands "git init" "git remote add origin https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git" "git fetch --all --prune" "git reset --hard origin/master" "git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master" ) foreach(git_command ${git_commands}) separate_arguments(git_command) execute_process( COMMAND ${git_command} RESULT_VARIABLE git_status WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) vcpkg_check_git_status(${git_status}) endforeach() else() execute_process( COMMAND git fetch origin RESULT_VARIABLE git_status WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) vcpkg_check_git_status(${git_status}) execute_process( COMMAND git status RESULT_VARIABLE git_status OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_status_text WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) vcpkg_check_git_status(${git_status}) set(git_up_to_date FALSE) if(git_status_text MATCHES "Your branch is up to date with") set(git_up_to_date TRUE) endif() if(NOT git_up_to_date) execute_process( COMMAND git pull --rebase RESULT_VARIABLE git_status WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) vcpkg_check_git_status(${git_status}) endif() endif() vcpkg_check_git_status(${git_status}) endif() # build latest vcpkg, if needed if(NOT git_up_to_date) if(WIN32) execute_process( COMMAND bootstrap-vcpkg.bat WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) else() execute_process( COMMAND ./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) endif() endif() foreach(pkg ${VCPKG_DEPS}) list(APPEND VCPKG_DEPS_QUALIFIED ${pkg}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}) endforeach() if(WIN32) set(vcpkg_exe vcpkg) else() set(vcpkg_exe ./vcpkg) endif() # update portfiles execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} update WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) # Get number of seconds since midnight (might be wrong if am/pm is in effect on Windows.) vcpkg_seconds() set(began ${seconds}) # Limit total installation time to 20 minutes to not overrun CI time limit. math(EXPR time_limit "${began} + (20 * 60)") vcpkg_deps_fixup("${vcpkg_exe}") # Install core deps. execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} install ${VCPKG_DEPS_QUALIFIED} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) # If ports have been updated, and there is time, rebuild cache one at a time to not overrun the CI time limit. vcpkg_seconds() if(seconds LESS time_limit) vcpkg_get_first_upgrade(${vcpkg_exe}) if(DEFINED first_upgrade) # If we have to upgrade zlib, remove optional deps first so that # the build doesn't overrun the CI time limit. if(first_upgrade STREQUAL "zlib") vcpkg_remove_optional_deps(${vcpkg_exe}) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} upgrade --no-dry-run "${first_upgrade}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) endif() endif() # Install optional deps, within time limit. list(LENGTH VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL optionals_list_len) math(EXPR optionals_list_last "${optionals_list_len} - 1") foreach(i RANGE 0 ${optionals_list_last} 2) list(GET VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL ${i} dep) math(EXPR var_idx "${i} + 1") list(GET VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL ${var_idx} var) set(val "${${var}}") vcpkg_seconds() if("${val}" OR (seconds LESS time_limit AND ("${val}" OR "${val}" STREQUAL ""))) set(dep_qualified "${dep}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}") execute_process( COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} install ${dep_qualified} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_ROOT} ) set(${var} ON) else() set(${var} OFF) endif() endforeach() if(WIN32 AND VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET MATCHES x64 AND CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM x64 CACHE STRING "visual studio build architecture" FORCE) endif() if(WIN32 AND NOT CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") if(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET MATCHES "^x[68][46]-windows-") # set toolchain to VS for e.g. Ninja or jom set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER cl CACHE STRING "Microsoft C/C++ Compiler" FORCE) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER cl CACHE STRING "Microsoft C/C++ Compiler" FORCE) elseif(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET MATCHES "^x[68][46]-mingw-") # set toolchain to MinGW for e.g. Ninja or jom set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER gcc CACHE STRING "MinGW GCC C Compiler" FORCE) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++ CACHE STRING "MinGW G++ C++ Compiler" FORCE) endif() endif() set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake CACHE FILEPATH "vcpkg toolchain" FORCE) endfunction() vcpkg_set_toolchain() include(${VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake)