Ripped out all 16 bit filters

This commit is contained in:
Arthur Moore 2015-03-12 04:26:14 -04:00
parent decdb9c82e
commit ed769b1014
7 changed files with 37 additions and 1943 deletions

View File

@ -219,150 +219,6 @@ static inline int GetResult2_32 (u32 A, u32 B, u32 C, u32 D,
#define RED_MASK555 0x7C007C00
#define GREEN_MASK555 0x03E003E0
void Super2xSaI (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch,
u8 *deltaPtr, u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch,
int width, int height)
u16 *bP;
u8 *dP;
u32 inc_bP;
u32 Nextline = srcPitch >> 1;
#ifdef MMX
if (cpu_mmx) {
for (; height; height--) {
_2xSaISuper2xSaILine (srcPtr, deltaPtr, srcPitch, width,
dstPtr, dstPitch);
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch * 2;
deltaPtr += srcPitch;
} else
inc_bP = 1;
for (; height; height--) {
bP = (u16 *) srcPtr;
dP = (u8 *) dstPtr;
for (u32 finish = width; finish; finish -= inc_bP) {
u32 color4, color5, color6;
u32 color1, color2, color3;
u32 colorA0, colorA1, colorA2, colorA3,
colorB0, colorB1, colorB2, colorB3, colorS1, colorS2;
u32 product1a, product1b, product2a, product2b;
//--------------------------------------- B1 B2
// 4 5 6 S2
// 1 2 3 S1
// A1 A2
colorB0 = *(bP - Nextline - 1);
colorB1 = *(bP - Nextline);
colorB2 = *(bP - Nextline + 1);
colorB3 = *(bP - Nextline + 2);
color4 = *(bP - 1);
color5 = *(bP);
color6 = *(bP + 1);
colorS2 = *(bP + 2);
color1 = *(bP + Nextline - 1);
color2 = *(bP + Nextline);
color3 = *(bP + Nextline + 1);
colorS1 = *(bP + Nextline + 2);
colorA0 = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline - 1);
colorA1 = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline);
colorA2 = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline + 1);
colorA3 = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline + 2);
if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3) {
product2b = product1b = color2;
} else if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6) {
product2b = product1b = color5;
} else if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6) {
register int r = 0;
r += GetResult (color6, color5, color1, colorA1);
r += GetResult (color6, color5, color4, colorB1);
r += GetResult (color6, color5, colorA2, colorS1);
r += GetResult (color6, color5, colorB2, colorS2);
if (r > 0)
product2b = product1b = color6;
else if (r < 0)
product2b = product1b = color5;
else {
product2b = product1b = INTERPOLATE (color5, color6);
} else {
if (color6 == color3 && color3 == colorA1
&& color2 != colorA2 && color3 != colorA0)
product2b =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color3, color3, color3, color2);
else if (color5 == color2 && color2 == colorA2
&& colorA1 != color3 && color2 != colorA3)
product2b =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color2, color2, color2, color3);
product2b = INTERPOLATE (color2, color3);
if (color6 == color3 && color6 == colorB1
&& color5 != colorB2 && color6 != colorB0)
product1b =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color6, color6, color6, color5);
else if (color5 == color2 && color5 == colorB2
&& colorB1 != color6 && color5 != colorB3)
product1b =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color6, color5, color5, color5);
product1b = INTERPOLATE (color5, color6);
if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6 && color4 == color5
&& color5 != colorA2)
product2a = INTERPOLATE (color2, color5);
if (color5 == color1 && color6 == color5
&& color4 != color2 && color5 != colorA0)
product2a = INTERPOLATE (color2, color5);
product2a = color2;
if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3 && color1 == color2
&& color2 != colorB2)
product1a = INTERPOLATE (color2, color5);
if (color4 == color2 && color3 == color2
&& color1 != color5 && color2 != colorB0)
product1a = INTERPOLATE (color2, color5);
product1a = color5;
product1a = (product1a << 16) | product1b;
product2a = (product2a << 16) | product2b;
product1a = product1a | (product1b << 16);
product2a = product2a | (product2b << 16);
*((u32 *) dP) = product1a;
*((u32 *) (dP + dstPitch)) = product2a;
bP += inc_bP;
dP += sizeof (u32);
} // end of for ( finish= width etc..)
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch << 1;
deltaPtr += srcPitch;
} // endof: for (; height; height--)
void Super2xSaI32 (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch,
u8 * /* deltaPtr */, u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch,
int width, int height)
@ -487,153 +343,6 @@ void Super2xSaI32 (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch,
} // endof: for (; height; height--)
void SuperEagle (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 *deltaPtr,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 *dP;
u16 *bP;
u16 *xP;
u32 inc_bP;
#ifdef MMX
if (cpu_mmx) {
for (; height; height--) {
_2xSaISuperEagleLine (srcPtr, deltaPtr, srcPitch, width,
dstPtr, dstPitch);
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch * 2;
deltaPtr += srcPitch;
} else
inc_bP = 1;
u32 Nextline = srcPitch >> 1;
for (; height; height--) {
bP = (u16 *) srcPtr;
xP = (u16 *) deltaPtr;
dP = dstPtr;
for (u32 finish = width; finish; finish -= inc_bP) {
u32 color4, color5, color6;
u32 color1, color2, color3;
u32 colorA1, colorA2, colorB1, colorB2, colorS1, colorS2;
u32 product1a, product1b, product2a, product2b;
colorB1 = *(bP - Nextline);
colorB2 = *(bP - Nextline + 1);
color4 = *(bP - 1);
color5 = *(bP);
color6 = *(bP + 1);
colorS2 = *(bP + 2);
color1 = *(bP + Nextline - 1);
color2 = *(bP + Nextline);
color3 = *(bP + Nextline + 1);
colorS1 = *(bP + Nextline + 2);
colorA1 = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline);
colorA2 = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline + 1);
// --------------------------------------
if (color2 == color6 && color5 != color3) {
product1b = product2a = color2;
if ((color1 == color2) || (color6 == colorB2)) {
product1a = INTERPOLATE (color2, color5);
product1a = INTERPOLATE (color2, product1a);
// product1a = color2;
} else {
product1a = INTERPOLATE (color5, color6);
if ((color6 == colorS2) || (color2 == colorA1)) {
product2b = INTERPOLATE (color2, color3);
product2b = INTERPOLATE (color2, product2b);
// product2b = color2;
} else {
product2b = INTERPOLATE (color2, color3);
} else if (color5 == color3 && color2 != color6) {
product2b = product1a = color5;
if ((colorB1 == color5) || (color3 == colorS1)) {
product1b = INTERPOLATE (color5, color6);
product1b = INTERPOLATE (color5, product1b);
// product1b = color5;
} else {
product1b = INTERPOLATE (color5, color6);
if ((color3 == colorA2) || (color4 == color5)) {
product2a = INTERPOLATE (color5, color2);
product2a = INTERPOLATE (color5, product2a);
// product2a = color5;
} else {
product2a = INTERPOLATE (color2, color3);
} else if (color5 == color3 && color2 == color6) {
register int r = 0;
r += GetResult (color6, color5, color1, colorA1);
r += GetResult (color6, color5, color4, colorB1);
r += GetResult (color6, color5, colorA2, colorS1);
r += GetResult (color6, color5, colorB2, colorS2);
if (r > 0) {
product1b = product2a = color2;
product1a = product2b = INTERPOLATE (color5, color6);
} else if (r < 0) {
product2b = product1a = color5;
product1b = product2a = INTERPOLATE (color5, color6);
} else {
product2b = product1a = color5;
product1b = product2a = color2;
} else {
product2b = product1a = INTERPOLATE (color2, color6);
product2b =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color3, color3, color3, product2b);
product1a =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color5, color5, color5, product1a);
product2a = product1b = INTERPOLATE (color5, color3);
product2a =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color2, color2, color2, product2a);
product1b =
Q_INTERPOLATE (color6, color6, color6, product1b);
// product1a = color5;
// product1b = color6;
// product2a = color2;
// product2b = color3;
product1a = (product1a << 16) | product1b;
product2a = (product2a << 16) | product2b;
product1a = product1a | (product1b << 16);
product2a = product2a | (product2b << 16);
*((u32 *) dP) = product1a;
*((u32 *) (dP + dstPitch)) = product2a;
*xP = color5;
bP += inc_bP;
xP += inc_bP;
dP += sizeof (u32);
} // end of for ( finish= width etc..)
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch << 1;
deltaPtr += srcPitch;
} // endof: for (height; height; height--)
void SuperEagle32 (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 *deltaPtr,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
@ -762,180 +471,6 @@ void SuperEagle32 (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 *deltaPtr,
} // endof: for (height; height; height--)
void _2xSaI (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 *deltaPtr,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 *dP;
u16 *bP;
u32 inc_bP;
#ifdef MMX
if (cpu_mmx) {
for (; height; height -= 1) {
_2xSaILine (srcPtr, deltaPtr, srcPitch, width, dstPtr, dstPitch);
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch * 2;
deltaPtr += srcPitch;
} else
inc_bP = 1;
u32 Nextline = srcPitch >> 1;
for (; height; height--) {
bP = (u16 *) srcPtr;
dP = dstPtr;
for (u32 finish = width; finish; finish -= inc_bP) {
register u32 colorA, colorB;
u32 colorC, colorD,
colorE, colorF, colorG, colorH,
colorI, colorJ, colorK, colorL,
colorM, colorN, colorO, colorP;
u32 product, product1, product2;
// Map of the pixels: I|E F|J
// G|A B|K
// H|C D|L
// M|N O|P
colorI = *(bP - Nextline - 1);
colorE = *(bP - Nextline);
colorF = *(bP - Nextline + 1);
colorJ = *(bP - Nextline + 2);
colorG = *(bP - 1);
colorA = *(bP);
colorB = *(bP + 1);
colorK = *(bP + 2);
colorH = *(bP + Nextline - 1);
colorC = *(bP + Nextline);
colorD = *(bP + Nextline + 1);
colorL = *(bP + Nextline + 2);
colorM = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline - 1);
colorN = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline);
colorO = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline + 1);
colorP = *(bP + Nextline + Nextline + 2);
if ((colorA == colorD) && (colorB != colorC)) {
if (((colorA == colorE) && (colorB == colorL)) ||
((colorA == colorC) && (colorA == colorF)
&& (colorB != colorE) && (colorB == colorJ))) {
product = colorA;
} else {
product = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorB);
if (((colorA == colorG) && (colorC == colorO)) ||
((colorA == colorB) && (colorA == colorH)
&& (colorG != colorC) && (colorC == colorM))) {
product1 = colorA;
} else {
product1 = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorC);
product2 = colorA;
} else if ((colorB == colorC) && (colorA != colorD)) {
if (((colorB == colorF) && (colorA == colorH)) ||
((colorB == colorE) && (colorB == colorD)
&& (colorA != colorF) && (colorA == colorI))) {
product = colorB;
} else {
product = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorB);
if (((colorC == colorH) && (colorA == colorF)) ||
((colorC == colorG) && (colorC == colorD)
&& (colorA != colorH) && (colorA == colorI))) {
product1 = colorC;
} else {
product1 = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorC);
product2 = colorB;
} else if ((colorA == colorD) && (colorB == colorC)) {
if (colorA == colorB) {
product = colorA;
product1 = colorA;
product2 = colorA;
} else {
register int r = 0;
product1 = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorC);
product = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorB);
r +=
GetResult1 (colorA, colorB, colorG, colorE,
r +=
GetResult2 (colorB, colorA, colorK, colorF,
r +=
GetResult2 (colorB, colorA, colorH, colorN,
r +=
GetResult1 (colorA, colorB, colorL, colorO,
if (r > 0)
product2 = colorA;
else if (r < 0)
product2 = colorB;
else {
product2 =
Q_INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorB, colorC,
} else {
product2 = Q_INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorB, colorC, colorD);
if ((colorA == colorC) && (colorA == colorF)
&& (colorB != colorE) && (colorB == colorJ)) {
product = colorA;
} else if ((colorB == colorE) && (colorB == colorD)
&& (colorA != colorF) && (colorA == colorI)) {
product = colorB;
} else {
product = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorB);
if ((colorA == colorB) && (colorA == colorH)
&& (colorG != colorC) && (colorC == colorM)) {
product1 = colorA;
} else if ((colorC == colorG) && (colorC == colorD)
&& (colorA != colorH) && (colorA == colorI)) {
product1 = colorC;
} else {
product1 = INTERPOLATE (colorA, colorC);
product = (colorA << 16) | product ;
product1 = (product1 << 16) | product2 ;
product = colorA | (product << 16);
product1 = product1 | (product2 << 16);
*((s32 *) dP) = product;
*((u32 *) (dP + dstPitch)) = product1;
bP += inc_bP;
dP += sizeof (u32);
} // end of for ( finish= width etc..)
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch << 1;
deltaPtr += srcPitch;
} // endof: for (height; height; height--)
void _2xSaI32 (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
@ -1132,147 +667,3 @@ static u32 Bilinear4 (u32 A, u32 B, u32 C, u32 D, u32 x,
return (result & redblueMask) | ((result >> 16) & greenMask);
void Scale_2xSaI (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch,
u32 dstWidth, u32 dstHeight, int width, int height)
u8 *dP;
u16 *bP;
u32 w;
u32 h;
u32 dw;
u32 dh;
u32 hfinish;
u32 wfinish;
u32 Nextline = srcPitch >> 1;
wfinish = (width - 1) << 16; // convert to fixed point
dw = wfinish / (dstWidth - 1);
hfinish = (height - 1) << 16; // convert to fixed point
dh = hfinish / (dstHeight - 1);
for (h = 0; h < hfinish; h += dh) {
u32 y1, y2;
y1 = h & 0xffff; // fraction part of fixed point
bP = (u16 *) (srcPtr + ((h >> 16) * srcPitch));
dP = dstPtr;
y2 = 0x10000 - y1;
w = 0;
for (; w < wfinish;) {
u32 A, B, C, D;
u32 E, F, G, H;
u32 I, J, K, L;
u32 x1, x2, a1, f1, f2;
u32 position, product1;
position = w >> 16;
A = bP[position]; // current pixel
B = bP[position + 1]; // next pixel
C = bP[position + Nextline];
D = bP[position + Nextline + 1];
E = bP[position - Nextline];
F = bP[position - Nextline + 1];
G = bP[position - 1];
H = bP[position + Nextline - 1];
I = bP[position + 2];
J = bP[position + Nextline + 2];
K = bP[position + Nextline + Nextline];
L = bP[position + Nextline + Nextline + 1];
x1 = w & 0xffff; // fraction part of fixed point
x2 = 0x10000 - x1;
if (A == B && C == D && A == C)
product1 = A;
else /*1*/ if (A == D && B != C) {
f1 = (x1 >> 1) + (0x10000 >> 2);
f2 = (y1 >> 1) + (0x10000 >> 2);
if (y1 <= f1 && A == J && A != E) // close to B
a1 = f1 - y1;
product1 = Bilinear (A, B, a1);
} else if (y1 >= f1 && A == G && A != L) // close to C
a1 = y1 - f1;
product1 = Bilinear (A, C, a1);
else if (x1 >= f2 && A == E && A != J) // close to B
a1 = x1 - f2;
product1 = Bilinear (A, B, a1);
else if (x1 <= f2 && A == L && A != G) // close to C
a1 = f2 - x1;
product1 = Bilinear (A, C, a1);
else if (y1 >= x1) // close to C
a1 = y1 - x1;
product1 = Bilinear (A, C, a1);
else if (y1 <= x1) // close to B
a1 = x1 - y1;
product1 = Bilinear (A, B, a1);
if (B == C && A != D)
f1 = (x1 >> 1) + (0x10000 >> 2);
f2 = (y1 >> 1) + (0x10000 >> 2);
if (y2 >= f1 && B == H && B != F) // close to A
a1 = y2 - f1;
product1 = Bilinear (B, A, a1);
else if (y2 <= f1 && B == I && B != K) // close to D
a1 = f1 - y2;
product1 = Bilinear (B, D, a1);
else if (x2 >= f2 && B == F && B != H) // close to A
a1 = x2 - f2;
product1 = Bilinear (B, A, a1);
else if (x2 <= f2 && B == K && B != I) // close to D
a1 = f2 - x2;
product1 = Bilinear (B, D, a1);
else if (y2 >= x1) // close to A
a1 = y2 - x1;
product1 = Bilinear (B, A, a1);
else if (y2 <= x1) // close to D
a1 = x1 - y2;
product1 = Bilinear (B, D, a1);
product1 = Bilinear4 (A, B, C, D, x1, y1);
//end First Pixel
*(u32 *) dP = product1;
dP += 2;
w += dw;
dstPtr += dstPitch;

View File

@ -39,471 +39,6 @@
#ifdef MMX
extern "C" bool cpu_mmx;
static void internal_scale2x_16_def(u16 *dst, const u16* src0, const u16* src1, const u16* src2, unsigned count) {
/* first pixel */
dst[0] = src1[0];
if (src1[1] == src0[0] && src2[0] != src0[0])
dst[1] = src0[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
dst += 2;
/* central pixels */
count -= 2;
while (count) {
if (src0[0] != src2[0] && src1[-1] != src1[1]) {
dst[0] = src1[-1] == src0[0] ? src0[0] : src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[1] == src0[0] ? src0[0] : src1[0];
} else {
dst[0] = src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
dst += 2;
/* last pixel */
if (src1[-1] == src0[0] && src2[0] != src0[0])
dst[0] = src0[0];
dst[0] = src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
static void internal_scale2x_32_def(u32* dst,
const u32* src0,
const u32* src1,
const u32* src2,
unsigned count)
/* first pixel */
dst[0] = src1[0];
if (src1[1] == src0[0] && src2[0] != src0[0])
dst[1] = src0[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
dst += 2;
/* central pixels */
count -= 2;
while (count) {
if (src0[0] != src2[0] && src1[-1] != src1[1]) {
dst[0] = src1[-1] == src0[0] ? src0[0] : src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[1] == src0[0] ? src0[0] : src1[0];
} else {
dst[0] = src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
dst += 2;
/* last pixel */
if (src1[-1] == src0[0] && src2[0] != src0[0])
dst[0] = src0[0];
dst[0] = src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
#ifdef MMX
static void internal_scale2x_16_mmx_single(u16* dst, const u16* src0, const u16* src1, const u16* src2, unsigned count) {
/* always do the first and last run */
count -= 2*4;
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
/* first run */
/* set the current, current_pre, current_next registers */
"movq 0(%1), %%mm0\n"
"movq 0(%1),%%mm7\n"
"movq 8(%1),%%mm1\n"
"psllq $48,%%mm0\n"
"psllq $48,%%mm1\n"
"psrlq $48, %%mm0\n"
"movq %%mm7,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm7,%%mm3\n"
"psllq $16,%%mm2\n"
"psrlq $16,%%mm3\n"
"por %%mm2,%%mm0\n"
"por %%mm3,%%mm1\n"
/* current_upper */
"movq (%0),%%mm6\n"
/* compute the upper-left pixel for dst on %%mm2 */
/* compute the upper-right pixel for dst on %%mm4 */
"movq %%mm0,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm4\n"
"movq %%mm0,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm5\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm6,%%mm2\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm6,%%mm4\n"
"pcmpeqw (%2),%%mm3\n"
"pcmpeqw (%2),%%mm5\n"
"pandn %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"pandn %%mm4,%%mm5\n"
"movq %%mm0,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm4\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm1,%%mm2\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm0,%%mm4\n"
"pandn %%mm3,%%mm2\n"
"pandn %%mm5,%%mm4\n"
"movq %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm4,%%mm5\n"
"pand %%mm6,%%mm2\n"
"pand %%mm6,%%mm4\n"
"pandn %%mm7,%%mm3\n"
"pandn %%mm7,%%mm5\n"
"por %%mm3,%%mm2\n"
"por %%mm5,%%mm4\n"
/* set *dst */
"movq %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"punpcklwd %%mm4,%%mm2\n"
"punpckhwd %%mm4,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm2,(%3)\n"
"movq %%mm3,8(%3)\n"
/* next */
"addl $8,%0\n"
"addl $8,%1\n"
"addl $8,%2\n"
"addl $16,%3\n"
/* central runs */
"shrl $2,%4\n"
"jz 1f\n"
/* set the current, current_pre, current_next registers */
"movq -8(%1),%%mm0\n"
"movq (%1),%%mm7\n"
"movq 8(%1),%%mm1\n"
"psrlq $48,%%mm0\n"
"psllq $48,%%mm1\n"
"movq %%mm7,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm7,%%mm3\n"
"psllq $16,%%mm2\n"
"psrlq $16,%%mm3\n"
"por %%mm2,%%mm0\n"
"por %%mm3,%%mm1\n"
/* current_upper */
"movq (%0),%%mm6\n"
/* compute the upper-left pixel for dst on %%mm2 */
/* compute the upper-right pixel for dst on %%mm4 */
"movq %%mm0,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm4\n"
"movq %%mm0,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm5\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm6,%%mm2\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm6,%%mm4\n"
"pcmpeqw (%2),%%mm3\n"
"pcmpeqw (%2),%%mm5\n"
"pandn %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"pandn %%mm4,%%mm5\n"
"movq %%mm0,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm4\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm1,%%mm2\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm0,%%mm4\n"
"pandn %%mm3,%%mm2\n"
"pandn %%mm5,%%mm4\n"
"movq %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm4,%%mm5\n"
"pand %%mm6,%%mm2\n"
"pand %%mm6,%%mm4\n"
"pandn %%mm7,%%mm3\n"
"pandn %%mm7,%%mm5\n"
"por %%mm3,%%mm2\n"
"por %%mm5,%%mm4\n"
/* set *dst */
"movq %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"punpcklwd %%mm4,%%mm2\n"
"punpckhwd %%mm4,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm2,(%3)\n"
"movq %%mm3,8(%3)\n"
/* next */
"addl $8,%0\n"
"addl $8,%1\n"
"addl $8,%2\n"
"addl $16,%3\n"
"decl %4\n"
"jnz 0b\n"
/* final run */
/* set the current, current_pre, current_next registers */
"movq (%1),%%mm1\n"
"movq (%1),%%mm7\n"
"movq -8(%1),%%mm0\n"
"psrlq $48,%%mm1\n"
"psrlq $48,%%mm0\n"
"psllq $48,%%mm1\n"
"movq %%mm7,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm7,%%mm3\n"
"psllq $16,%%mm2\n"
"psrlq $16,%%mm3\n"
"por %%mm2,%%mm0\n"
"por %%mm3,%%mm1\n"
/* current_upper */
"movq (%0),%%mm6\n"
/* compute the upper-left pixel for dst on %%mm2 */
/* compute the upper-right pixel for dst on %%mm4 */
"movq %%mm0,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm4\n"
"movq %%mm0,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm5\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm6,%%mm2\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm6,%%mm4\n"
"pcmpeqw (%2),%%mm3\n"
"pcmpeqw (%2),%%mm5\n"
"pandn %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"pandn %%mm4,%%mm5\n"
"movq %%mm0,%%mm2\n"
"movq %%mm1,%%mm4\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm1,%%mm2\n"
"pcmpeqw %%mm0,%%mm4\n"
"pandn %%mm3,%%mm2\n"
"pandn %%mm5,%%mm4\n"
"movq %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm4,%%mm5\n"
"pand %%mm6,%%mm2\n"
"pand %%mm6,%%mm4\n"
"pandn %%mm7,%%mm3\n"
"pandn %%mm7,%%mm5\n"
"por %%mm3,%%mm2\n"
"por %%mm5,%%mm4\n"
/* set *dst */
"movq %%mm2,%%mm3\n"
"punpcklwd %%mm4,%%mm2\n"
"punpckhwd %%mm4,%%mm3\n"
"movq %%mm2,(%3)\n"
"movq %%mm3,8(%3)\n"
: "+r" (src0), "+r" (src1), "+r" (src2), "+r" (dst), "+r" (count)
: "cc"
__asm {
mov eax, src0;
mov ebx, src1;
mov ecx, src2;
mov edx, dst;
mov esi, count;
/* first run */
/* set the current, current_pre, current_next registers */
movq mm0, qword ptr [ebx];
movq mm7, qword ptr [ebx];
movq mm1, qword ptr [ebx + 8];
psllq mm0, 48;
psllq mm1, 48;
psrlq mm0, 48;
movq mm2, mm7;
movq mm3, mm7;
psllq mm2, 16;
psrlq mm3, 16;
por mm0, mm2;
por mm1, mm3;
/* current_upper */
movq mm6, qword ptr [eax];
/* compute the upper-left pixel for dst on %%mm2 */
/* compute the upper-right pixel for dst on %%mm4 */
movq mm2, mm0;
movq mm4, mm1;
movq mm3, mm0;
movq mm5, mm1;
pcmpeqw mm2, mm6;
pcmpeqw mm4, mm6;
pcmpeqw mm3, qword ptr [ecx];
pcmpeqw mm5, qword ptr [ecx];
pandn mm3,mm2;
pandn mm5,mm4;
movq mm2,mm0;
movq mm4,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm2,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm4,mm0;
pandn mm2,mm3;
pandn mm4,mm5;
movq mm3,mm2;
movq mm5,mm4;
pand mm2,mm6;
pand mm4,mm6;
pandn mm3,mm7;
pandn mm5,mm7;
por mm2,mm3;
por mm4,mm5;
/* set *dst0 */
movq mm3,mm2;
punpcklwd mm2,mm4;
punpckhwd mm3,mm4;
movq qword ptr [edx], mm2;
movq qword ptr [edx + 8], mm3;
/* next */
add eax, 8;
add ebx, 8;
add ecx, 8;
add edx, 16;
/* central runs */
shr esi, 2;
jz label1;
align 4;
/* set the current, current_pre, current_next registers */
movq mm0, qword ptr [ebx-8];
movq mm7, qword ptr [ebx];
movq mm1, qword ptr [ebx+8];
psrlq mm0,48;
psllq mm1,48;
movq mm2,mm7;
movq mm3,mm7;
psllq mm2,16;
psrlq mm3,16;
por mm0,mm2;
por mm1,mm3;
/* current_upper */
movq mm6, qword ptr [eax];
/* compute the upper-left pixel for dst on %%mm2 */
/* compute the upper-right pixel for dst on %%mm4 */
movq mm2,mm0;
movq mm4,mm1;
movq mm3,mm0;
movq mm5,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm2,mm6;
pcmpeqw mm4,mm6;
pcmpeqw mm3, qword ptr [ecx];
pcmpeqw mm5, qword ptr [ecx];
pandn mm3,mm2;
pandn mm5,mm4;
movq mm2,mm0;
movq mm4,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm2,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm4,mm0;
pandn mm2,mm3;
pandn mm4,mm5;
movq mm3,mm2;
movq mm5,mm4;
pand mm2,mm6;
pand mm4,mm6;
pandn mm3,mm7;
pandn mm5,mm7;
por mm2,mm3;
por mm4,mm5;
/* set *dst */
movq mm3,mm2;
punpcklwd mm2,mm4;
punpckhwd mm3,mm4;
movq qword ptr [edx], mm2;
movq qword ptr [edx+8], mm3;
/* next */
add eax,8;
add ebx,8;
add ecx,8;
add edx,16;
dec esi;
jnz label0;
/* final run */
/* set the current, current_pre, current_next registers */
movq mm1, qword ptr [ebx];
movq mm7, qword ptr [ebx];
movq mm0, qword ptr [ebx-8];
psrlq mm1,48;
psrlq mm0,48;
psllq mm1,48;
movq mm2,mm7;
movq mm3,mm7;
psllq mm2,16;
psrlq mm3,16;
por mm0,mm2;
por mm1,mm3;
/* current_upper */
movq mm6, qword ptr [eax];
/* compute the upper-left pixel for dst on %%mm2 */
/* compute the upper-right pixel for dst on %%mm4 */
movq mm2,mm0;
movq mm4,mm1;
movq mm3,mm0;
movq mm5,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm2,mm6;
pcmpeqw mm4,mm6;
pcmpeqw mm3, qword ptr [ecx];
pcmpeqw mm5, qword ptr [ecx];
pandn mm3,mm2;
pandn mm5,mm4;
movq mm2,mm0;
movq mm4,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm2,mm1;
pcmpeqw mm4,mm0;
pandn mm2,mm3;
pandn mm4,mm5;
movq mm3,mm2;
movq mm5,mm4;
pand mm2,mm6;
pand mm4,mm6;
pandn mm3,mm7;
pandn mm5,mm7;
por mm2,mm3;
por mm4,mm5;
/* set *dst */
movq mm3,mm2;
punpcklwd mm2,mm4;
punpckhwd mm3,mm4;
movq qword ptr [edx], mm2;
movq qword ptr [edx+8], mm3;
mov src0, eax;
mov src1, ebx;
mov src2, ecx;
mov dst, edx;
mov count, esi;
static void internal_scale2x_32_mmx_single(u32* dst, const u32* src0, const u32* src1, const u32* src2, unsigned count) {
/* always do the first and last run */
@ -886,12 +421,6 @@ label1:
static void internal_scale2x_16_mmx(u16* dst0, u16* dst1, const u16* src0, const u16* src1, const u16* src2, unsigned count) {
// assert( count >= 2*4 );
internal_scale2x_16_mmx_single(dst0, src0, src1, src2, count);
internal_scale2x_16_mmx_single(dst1, src2, src1, src0, count);
static void internal_scale2x_32_mmx(u32* dst0, u32* dst1, const u32* src0, const u32* src1, const u32* src2, unsigned count) {
// assert( count >= 2*2 );
internal_scale2x_32_mmx_single(dst0, src0, src1, src2, count);
@ -899,59 +428,48 @@ static void internal_scale2x_32_mmx(u32* dst0, u32* dst1, const u32* src0, const
void AdMame2x(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
static void internal_scale2x_32_def(u32* dst,
const u32* src0,
const u32* src1,
const u32* src2,
unsigned count)
u16 *dst0 = (u16 *)dstPtr;
u16 *dst1 = dst0 + (dstPitch >> 1);
/* first pixel */
dst[0] = src1[0];
if (src1[1] == src0[0] && src2[0] != src0[0])
dst[1] = src0[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
dst += 2;
u16 *src0 = (u16 *)srcPtr;
u16 *src1 = src0 + (srcPitch >> 1);
u16 *src2 = src1 + (srcPitch >> 1);
#ifdef MMX
if(cpu_mmx) {
internal_scale2x_16_mmx(dst0, dst1, src0, src0, src1, width);
int count = height;
count -= 2;
while(count) {
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
internal_scale2x_16_mmx(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src2, width);
src0 = src1;
src1 = src2;
src2 += srcPitch >> 1;
/* central pixels */
count -= 2;
while (count) {
if (src0[0] != src2[0] && src1[-1] != src1[1]) {
dst[0] = src1[-1] == src0[0] ? src0[0] : src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[1] == src0[0] ? src0[0] : src1[0];
} else {
dst[0] = src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
internal_scale2x_16_mmx(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
} else {
internal_scale2x_16_def(dst0, src0, src0, src1, width);
internal_scale2x_16_def(dst1, src1, src0, src0, width);
int count = height;
count -= 2;
while(count) {
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
internal_scale2x_16_def(dst0, src0, src1, src2, width);
internal_scale2x_16_def(dst1, src2, src1, src0, width);
src0 = src1;
src1 = src2;
src2 += srcPitch >> 1;
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
internal_scale2x_16_def(dst0, src0, src1, src1, width);
internal_scale2x_16_def(dst1, src1, src1, src0, width);
#ifdef MMX
dst += 2;
/* last pixel */
if (src1[-1] == src0[0] && src2[0] != src0[0])
dst[0] = src0[0];
dst[0] = src1[0];
dst[1] = src1[0];
void AdMame2x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,

View File

@ -10,29 +10,6 @@
((g) >> 3) << systemGreenShift |\
((b) >> 3) << systemBlueShift\
static void fill_rgb_row_16(u16 *from, int src_width, u8 *row, int width)
u8 *copy_start = row + src_width*3;
u8 *all_stop = row + width*3;
while (row < copy_start) {
u16 color = *from++;
*row++ = ((color >> systemRedShift) & 0x1f) << 3;
*row++ = ((color >> systemGreenShift) & 0x1f) << 3;
*row++ = ((color >> systemBlueShift) & 0x1f) << 3;
// any remaining elements to be written to 'row' are a replica of the
// preceding pixel
u8 *p = row-3;
while (row < all_stop) {
// we're guaranteed three elements per pixel; could unroll the loop
// further, especially with a Duff's Device, but the gains would be
// probably limited (judging by profiler output)
*row++ = *p++;
*row++ = *p++;
*row++ = *p++;
static void fill_rgb_row_32(u32 *from, int src_width, u8 *row, int width)
u8 *copy_start = row + src_width*3;
@ -56,182 +33,6 @@ static void fill_rgb_row_32(u32 *from, int src_width, u8 *row, int width)
void Bilinear(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 row_cur[3*322];
u8 row_next[3*322];
u8 *rgb_row_cur = row_cur;
u8 *rgb_row_next = row_next;
u16 *to = (u16 *)dstPtr;
u16 *to_odd = (u16 *)(dstPtr + dstPitch);
int from_width = width;
u16 *from = (u16 *)srcPtr;
fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_cur, width+1);
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
u16 *from_orig = from;
u16 *to_orig = to;
if (y+1 < height)
fill_rgb_row_16(from+width+2, from_width, rgb_row_next,
fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_next, width+1);
// every pixel in the src region, is extended to 4 pixels in the
// destination, arranged in a square 'quad'; if the current src
// pixel is 'a', then in what follows 'b' is the src pixel to the
// right, 'c' is the src pixel below, and 'd' is the src pixel to
// the right and down
u8 *cur_row = rgb_row_cur;
u8 *next_row = rgb_row_next;
u8 *ar = cur_row++;
u8 *ag = cur_row++;
u8 *ab = cur_row++;
u8 *cr = next_row++;
u8 *cg = next_row++;
u8 *cb = next_row++;
for(int x=0; x < width; x++) {
u8 *br = cur_row++;
u8 *bg = cur_row++;
u8 *bb = cur_row++;
u8 *dr = next_row++;
u8 *dg = next_row++;
u8 *db = next_row++;
// upper left pixel in quad: just copy it in
*to++ = RGB(*ar, *ag, *ab);
// upper right
*to++ = RGB((*ar+*br)>>1, (*ag+*bg)>>1, (*ab+*bb)>>1);
// lower left
*to_odd++ = RGB((*ar+*cr)>>1, (*ag+*cg)>>1, (*ab+*cb)>>1);
// lower right
*to_odd++ = RGB((*ar+*br+*cr+*dr)>>2,
// 'b' becomes 'a', 'd' becomes 'c'
ar = br;
ag = bg;
ab = bb;
cr = dr;
cg = dg;
cb = db;
// the "next" rgb row becomes the current; the old current rgb row is
// recycled and serves as the new "next" row
u8 *temp;
temp = rgb_row_cur;
rgb_row_cur = rgb_row_next;
rgb_row_next = temp;
// update the pointers for start of next pair of lines
from = (u16 *)((u8 *)from_orig + srcPitch);
to = (u16 *)((u8 *)to_orig + (dstPitch << 1));
to_odd = (u16 *)((u8 *)to + dstPitch);
void BilinearPlus(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 row_cur[3*322];
u8 row_next[3*322];
u8 *rgb_row_cur = row_cur;
u8 *rgb_row_next = row_next;
u16 *to = (u16 *)dstPtr;
u16 *to_odd = (u16 *)(dstPtr + dstPitch);
int from_width = width;
u16 *from = (u16 *)srcPtr;
fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_cur, width+1);
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
u16 *from_orig = from;
u16 *to_orig = to;
if (y+1 < height)
fill_rgb_row_16(from+width+2, from_width, rgb_row_next,
fill_rgb_row_16(from, from_width, rgb_row_next, width+1);
// every pixel in the src region, is extended to 4 pixels in the
// destination, arranged in a square 'quad'; if the current src
// pixel is 'a', then in what follows 'b' is the src pixel to the
// right, 'c' is the src pixel below, and 'd' is the src pixel to
// the right and down
u8 *cur_row = rgb_row_cur;
u8 *next_row = rgb_row_next;
u8 *ar = cur_row++;
u8 *ag = cur_row++;
u8 *ab = cur_row++;
u8 *cr = next_row++;
u8 *cg = next_row++;
u8 *cb = next_row++;
for(int x=0; x < width; x++) {
u8 *br = cur_row++;
u8 *bg = cur_row++;
u8 *bb = cur_row++;
u8 *dr = next_row++;
u8 *dg = next_row++;
u8 *db = next_row++;
// upper left pixel in quad: just copy it in
//*to++ = manip.rgb(*ar, *ag, *ab);
*to++ = RGB(
(((*ar)<<2) +((*ar)) + (*cr+*br+*br) )>> 3,
(((*ag)<<2) +((*ag)) + (*cg+*bg+*bg) )>> 3,
(((*ab)<<2) +((*ab)) + (*cb+*bb+*bb) )>> 3);
*to++ = RGB(
(((*ar)<<3) +((*ar)<<1) + (*cr+*br+*br+*cr) )>> 4,
(((*ag)<<3) +((*ag)<<1) + (*cg+*bg+*bg+*cg) )>> 4,
(((*ab)<<3) +((*ab)<<1) + (*cb+*bb+*bb+*cb) )>> 4);
// upper right
*to++ = RGB((*ar+*br)>>1, (*ag+*bg)>>1, (*ab+*bb)>>1);
// lower left
*to_odd++ = RGB((*ar+*cr)>>1, (*ag+*cg)>>1, (*ab+*cb)>>1);
// lower right
*to_odd++ = RGB((*ar+*br+*cr+*dr)>>2,
// 'b' becomes 'a', 'd' becomes 'c'
ar = br;
ag = bg;
ab = bb;
cr = dr;
cg = dg;
cb = db;
// the "next" rgb row becomes the current; the old current rgb row is
// recycled and serves as the new "next" row
u8 *temp;
temp = rgb_row_cur;
rgb_row_cur = rgb_row_next;
rgb_row_next = temp;
// update the pointers for start of next pair of lines
from = (u16 *)((u8 *)from_orig + srcPitch);
to = (u16 *)((u8 *)to_orig + (dstPitch << 1));
to_odd = (u16 *)((u8 *)to + dstPitch);
void Bilinear32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)

View File

@ -37,116 +37,6 @@
* This effect is a rewritten implementation of the hq2x effect made by Maxim Stepin
static void hq2x_16_def(u16* dst0, u16* dst1, const u16* src0, const u16* src1, const u16* src2, unsigned count)
unsigned i;
for(i=0;i<count;++i) {
unsigned char mask;
u16 c[9];
c[1] = src0[0];
c[4] = src1[0];
c[7] = src2[0];
if (i>0) {
c[0] = src0[-1];
c[3] = src1[-1];
c[6] = src2[-1];
} else {
c[0] = c[1];
c[3] = c[4];
c[6] = c[7];
if (i<count-1) {
c[2] = src0[1];
c[5] = src1[1];
c[8] = src2[1];
} else {
c[2] = c[1];
c[5] = c[4];
c[8] = c[7];
mask = 0;
if (interp_16_diff(c[0], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 0;
if (interp_16_diff(c[1], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 1;
if (interp_16_diff(c[2], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 2;
if (interp_16_diff(c[3], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 3;
if (interp_16_diff(c[5], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 4;
if (interp_16_diff(c[6], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 5;
if (interp_16_diff(c[7], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 6;
if (interp_16_diff(c[8], c[4]))
mask |= 1 << 7;
#define P0 dst0[0]
#define P1 dst0[1]
#define P2 dst1[0]
#define P3 dst1[1]
#define MUR interp_16_diff(c[1], c[5])
#define MDR interp_16_diff(c[5], c[7])
#define MDL interp_16_diff(c[7], c[3])
#define MUL interp_16_diff(c[3], c[1])
#define IC(p0) c[p0]
#define I11(p0,p1) interp_16_11(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I211(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_211(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I31(p0,p1) interp_16_31(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I332(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_332(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I431(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_431(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I521(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_521(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I53(p0,p1) interp_16_53(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I611(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_611(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I71(p0,p1) interp_16_71(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I772(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_772(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I97(p0,p1) interp_16_97(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I1411(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_1411(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I151(p0,p1) interp_16_151(c[p0], c[p1])
switch (mask) {
#include "hq2x.h"
#undef P0
#undef P1
#undef P2
#undef P3
#undef MUR
#undef MDR
#undef MDL
#undef MUL
#undef IC
#undef I11
#undef I211
#undef I31
#undef I332
#undef I431
#undef I521
#undef I53
#undef I611
#undef I71
#undef I772
#undef I97
#undef I1411
#undef I151
src0 += 1;
src1 += 1;
src2 += 1;
dst0 += 2;
dst1 += 2;
static void hq2x_32_def(u32* dst0, u32* dst1, const u32* src0, const u32* src1, const u32* src2, unsigned count)
unsigned i;
@ -264,116 +154,6 @@ static void hq2x_32_def(u32* dst0, u32* dst1, const u32* src0, const u32* src1,
* This effect is derived from the hq2x effect made by Maxim Stepin
static void lq2x_16_def(u16* dst0, u16* dst1, const u16* src0, const u16* src1, const u16* src2, unsigned count)
unsigned i;
for(i=0;i<count;++i) {
unsigned char mask;
u16 c[9];
c[1] = src0[0];
c[4] = src1[0];
c[7] = src2[0];
if (i>0) {
c[0] = src0[-1];
c[3] = src1[-1];
c[6] = src2[-1];
} else {
c[0] = c[1];
c[3] = c[4];
c[6] = c[7];
if (i<count-1) {
c[2] = src0[1];
c[5] = src1[1];
c[8] = src2[1];
} else {
c[2] = c[1];
c[5] = c[4];
c[8] = c[7];
mask = 0;
if (c[0] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 0;
if (c[1] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 1;
if (c[2] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 2;
if (c[3] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 3;
if (c[5] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 4;
if (c[6] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 5;
if (c[7] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 6;
if (c[8] != c[4])
mask |= 1 << 7;
#define P0 dst0[0]
#define P1 dst0[1]
#define P2 dst1[0]
#define P3 dst1[1]
#define MUR (c[1] != c[5])
#define MDR (c[5] != c[7])
#define MDL (c[7] != c[3])
#define MUL (c[3] != c[1])
#define IC(p0) c[p0]
#define I11(p0,p1) interp_16_11(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I211(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_211(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I31(p0,p1) interp_16_31(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I332(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_332(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I431(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_431(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I521(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_521(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I53(p0,p1) interp_16_53(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I611(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_611(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I71(p0,p1) interp_16_71(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I772(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_772(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I97(p0,p1) interp_16_97(c[p0], c[p1])
#define I1411(p0,p1,p2) interp_16_1411(c[p0], c[p1], c[p2])
#define I151(p0,p1) interp_16_151(c[p0], c[p1])
switch (mask) {
#include "lq2x.h"
#undef P0
#undef P1
#undef P2
#undef P3
#undef MUR
#undef MDR
#undef MDL
#undef MUL
#undef IC
#undef I11
#undef I211
#undef I31
#undef I332
#undef I431
#undef I521
#undef I53
#undef I611
#undef I71
#undef I772
#undef I97
#undef I1411
#undef I151
src0 += 1;
src1 += 1;
src2 += 1;
dst0 += 2;
dst1 += 2;
static void lq2x_32_def(u32* dst0, u32* dst1, const u32* src0, const u32* src1, const u32* src2, unsigned count)
unsigned i;
@ -484,35 +264,6 @@ static void lq2x_32_def(u32* dst0, u32* dst1, const u32* src0, const u32* src1,
void hq2x(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u16 *dst0 = (u16 *)dstPtr;
u16 *dst1 = dst0 + (dstPitch >> 1);
u16 *src0 = (u16 *)srcPtr;
u16 *src1 = src0 + (srcPitch >> 1);
u16 *src2 = src1 + (srcPitch >> 1);
hq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src0, src1, width);
int count = height;
count -= 2;
while(count) {
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
hq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src2, width);
src0 = src1;
src1 = src2;
src2 += srcPitch >> 1;
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
hq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
void hq2x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
@ -541,35 +292,6 @@ void hq2x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
hq2x_32_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
void lq2x(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u16 *dst0 = (u16 *)dstPtr;
u16 *dst1 = dst0 + (dstPitch >> 1);
u16 *src0 = (u16 *)srcPtr;
u16 *src1 = src0 + (srcPitch >> 1);
u16 *src2 = src1 + (srcPitch >> 1);
lq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src0, src1, width);
int count = height;
count -= 2;
while(count) {
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
lq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src2, width);
src0 = src1;
src1 = src2;
src2 += srcPitch >> 1;
dst0 += dstPitch;
dst1 += dstPitch;
lq2x_16_def(dst0, dst1, src0, src1, src1, width);
void lq2x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)

View File

@ -2,82 +2,6 @@
extern int RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK;
void Pixelate(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 *deltaPtr,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 *nextLine, *finish;
u32 colorMask = ~(RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK | (RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK << 16));
nextLine = dstPtr + dstPitch;
do {
u32 *bP = (u32 *) srcPtr;
u32 *xP = (u32 *) deltaPtr;
u32 *dP = (u32 *) dstPtr;
u32 *nL = (u32 *) nextLine;
u32 currentPixel;
u32 nextPixel;
u32 currentDelta;
u32 nextDelta;
finish = (u8 *) bP + ((width+2) << 1);
nextPixel = *bP++;
nextDelta = *xP++;
do {
currentPixel = nextPixel;
currentDelta = nextDelta;
nextPixel = *bP++;
nextDelta = *xP++;
if ((nextPixel != nextDelta) || (currentPixel != currentDelta)) {
u32 colorA, colorB, product;
*(xP - 2) = currentPixel;
colorA = currentPixel >> 16;
colorB = currentPixel & 0xffff;
colorA = currentPixel & 0xffff;
colorB = currentPixel >> 16;
product = (((colorA & colorMask) >> 1) & colorMask) >> 1;
*(nL) = (product << 16) | (product);
*(dP) = (colorA << 16) | product;
*(nL) = product | (product << 16);
*(dP) = colorA | (product << 16);
colorA = nextPixel >> 16;
colorA = nextPixel & 0xffff;
product = (((colorB & colorMask) >> 1) & colorMask) >> 1;
*(nL + 1) = (product << 16) | (product);
*(dP + 1) = (colorB << 16) | (product);
*(nL + 1) = (product) | (product << 16);
*(dP + 1) = (colorB) | (product << 16);
dP += 2;
nL += 2;
} while ((u8 *) bP < finish);
deltaPtr += srcPitch;
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch << 1;
nextLine += dstPitch << 1;
while (--height);
void Pixelate32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)

View File

@ -2,59 +2,6 @@
extern int RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK;
void Scanlines (u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 *,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 *nextLine, *finish;
nextLine = dstPtr + dstPitch;
do {
u32 *bP = (u32 *) srcPtr;
u32 *dP = (u32 *) dstPtr;
u32 *nL = (u32 *) nextLine;
u32 currentPixel;
u32 nextPixel;
finish = (u8 *) bP + ((width+2) << 1);
nextPixel = *bP++;
do {
currentPixel = nextPixel;
nextPixel = *bP++;
u32 colorA, colorB;
colorA = currentPixel >> 16;
colorB = currentPixel & 0xffff;
colorA = currentPixel & 0xffff;
colorB = currentPixel >> 16;
*(dP) = colorA | colorA<<16;
*(nL) = 0;
colorA = nextPixel >> 16;
colorA = nextPixel & 0xffff;
*(dP + 1) = colorB | (colorB << 16);
*(nL + 1) = 0;
dP += 2;
nL += 2;
} while ((u8 *) bP < finish);
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch << 1;
nextLine += dstPitch << 1;
while (--height);
void Scanlines32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
@ -104,64 +51,6 @@ void Scanlines32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
while (--height);
void ScanlinesTV(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 *nextLine, *finish;
u32 colorMask = ~(RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK | (RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK << 16));
nextLine = dstPtr + dstPitch;
do {
u32 *bP = (u32 *) srcPtr;
u32 *dP = (u32 *) dstPtr;
u32 *nL = (u32 *) nextLine;
u32 currentPixel;
u32 nextPixel;
finish = (u8 *) bP + ((width+2) << 1);
nextPixel = *bP++;
do {
currentPixel = nextPixel;
nextPixel = *bP++;
u32 colorA, colorB;
colorA = currentPixel >> 16;
colorB = currentPixel & 0xFFFF;
colorA = currentPixel & 0xFFFF;
colorB = currentPixel >> 16;
*(dP) = colorA = colorA | ((((colorA & colorMask) >> 1) +
((colorB & colorMask) >> 1))) << 16;
colorA = ((colorA & colorMask) >> 1);
colorA += ((colorA & colorMask) >> 1);
*(nL) = colorA;
colorA = nextPixel & 0xFFFF;
*(dP + 1) = colorB = colorB | ((((colorA & colorMask) >> 1) +
((colorB & colorMask) >> 1))) << 16;
colorB = ((colorB & colorMask) >> 1);
colorB += ((colorB & colorMask) >> 1);
*(nL + 1) = colorB;
dP += 2;
nL += 2;
} while ((u8 *) bP < finish);
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch << 1;
nextLine += dstPitch << 1;
while (--height);
void ScanlinesTV32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)

View File

@ -1,55 +1,5 @@
#include "../System.h"
void Simple2x16(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
u8 *nextLine, *finish;
nextLine = dstPtr + dstPitch;
do {
u32 *bP = (u32 *) srcPtr;
u32 *dP = (u32 *) dstPtr;
u32 *nL = (u32 *) nextLine;
u32 currentPixel;
finish = (u8 *) bP + ((width+2) << 1);
currentPixel = *bP++;
do {
u32 color = currentPixel >> 16;
u32 color = currentPixel & 0xffff;
color = color | (color << 16);
*(dP) = color;
*(nL) = color;
color = currentPixel & 0xffff;
color = currentPixel >> 16;
color = color| (color << 16);
*(dP + 1) = color;
*(nL + 1) = color;
currentPixel = *bP++;
dP += 2;
nL += 2;
} while ((u8 *) bP < finish);
srcPtr += srcPitch;
dstPtr += dstPitch << 1;
nextLine += dstPitch << 1;
while (--height);
void Simple2x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
@ -87,57 +37,6 @@ void Simple2x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
while (--height);
void Simple3x16(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
#define magnification 3
#define colorBytes 2 // 16 bit colors = 2 byte colors
// Generic Simple magnification filter
int x, y; // Source Position Counter
unsigned int dx, dy; // Destination pixel's pixels
unsigned short col; // Source color
srcPitch = (srcPitch / colorBytes) - width; // This is the part of the source pitch in pixels that is more than the source image
dstPitch = dstPitch / colorBytes;
unsigned short *src, *dst, *dst2;
src = (unsigned short *)srcPtr; // Since everything is time-critical this should be better than converting the pointers x*y times
dst = (unsigned short *)dstPtr;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) // Line
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) // Pixel in Line
col = *src;
dst2 = dst;
*dst2 = col;
for (dy = 0; dy < magnification; dy++)
for (dx = 0; dx < magnification; dx++)
*dst2 = col;
dst+=dstPitch * magnification;
dst-=width * magnification;
#undef magnification
#undef colorBytes
void Simple3x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
@ -186,56 +85,6 @@ void Simple3x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
#undef colorBytes
void Simple4x16(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
#define magnification 4
#define colorBytes 2 // 16 bit colors = 2 byte colors
// Generic Simple magnification filter
int x, y; // Source Position Counter
unsigned int dx, dy; // Destination pixel's pixels
unsigned short col; // Source color
srcPitch = (srcPitch / colorBytes) - width; // This is the part of the source pitch in pixels that is more than the source image
dstPitch = dstPitch / colorBytes;
unsigned short *src, *dst, *dst2;
src = (unsigned short *)srcPtr; // Since everything is time-critical this should be better than converting the pointers x*y times
dst = (unsigned short *)dstPtr;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) // Line
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) // Pixel in Line
col = *src;
dst2 = dst;
*dst2 = col;
for (dy = 0; dy < magnification; dy++)
for (dx = 0; dx < magnification; dx++)
*dst2 = col;
dst+=dstPitch * magnification;
dst-=width * magnification;
#undef magnification
#undef colorBytes
void Simple4x32(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)