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if(POLICY CMP0012)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0012 NEW) # Saner if() behavior.
# Check if we are in an MSVC environment.
if($ENV{CXX} MATCHES "cl.exe$")
# Infer the architecture from the LIB folders.
foreach(LIB $ENV{LIB})
if(${LIB} MATCHES "x64$")
set(VBAM_VCPKG_PLATFORM "x64-windows")
if(${LIB} MATCHES "x86$")
set(VBAM_VCPKG_PLATFORM "x86-windows")
if(${LIB} MATCHES "ARM64$")
set(VBAM_VCPKG_PLATFORM "arm64-windows")
# If all else fails, try to use a sensible default.
set(VBAM_VCPKG_PLATFORM "x64-windows")
# No way to infer the compiler.
elseif(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} MATCHES "clang-cl.exe$" OR ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} MATCHES "clang-cl$")
# For stand-alone clang-cl, assume x64.
set(VBAM_VCPKG_PLATFORM "x64-windows")
# Probably not an MSVC environment.
set(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET ${VBAM_VCPKG_PLATFORM} CACHE STRING "Vcpkg target triplet (ex. x86-windows)" FORCE)
COMMAND cmd /c echo %TIME:~0,8%
COMMAND date +'%H:%M:%S'
string(SUBSTRING "${time}" 0 2 hours)
string(SUBSTRING "${time}" 3 2 minutes)
string(SUBSTRING "${time}" 6 2 secs)
math(EXPR seconds "(${hours} * 60 * 60) + (${minutes} * 60) + ${secs}")
set(seconds ${seconds} PARENT_SCOPE)
function(vcpkg_check_git_status git_status)
if(NOT git_status EQUAL 0)
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
message(FATAL_ERROR "Error updating vcpkg from git, please make sure git for windows is installed correctly, it can be installed from Visual Studio components")
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
function(vcpkg_get_first_upgrade vcpkg_exe)
# First get the list of upgraded ports.
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} upgrade
string(REGEX REPLACE "\r?\n" ";" upgrade_lines "${upgradable}")
foreach(line ${upgrade_lines})
if(line MATCHES "^ [* ] [^ ]*:")
string(REGEX REPLACE "^ [* ] ([^[]+).*" "\\1" pkg ${line})
string(REGEX REPLACE "^[^:]+:(.+)$" "\\1" triplet ${line})
# Prefer upgrading zlib before anything else.
if(NOT first_upgrade OR pkg MATCHES zlib)
set(first_upgrade ${pkg})
if(DEFINED first_upgrade)
set(first_upgrade ${first_upgrade} PARENT_SCOPE)
function(vcpkg_deps_fixup vcpkg_exe)
# Get installed list.
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} list
# If libvorbis is NOT installed but libogg is, remove libvorbis recursively.
if(pkg_list MATCHES libogg AND (NOT pkg_list MATCHES libvorbis))
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} remove --recurse libogg:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}
function(vcpkg_remove_optional_deps vcpkg_exe)
list(LENGTH VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL optionals_list_len)
math(EXPR optionals_list_last "${optionals_list_len} - 1")
foreach(i RANGE 0 ${optionals_list_last} 2)
list(APPEND deps ${dep}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET})
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} remove --recurse ${deps}
set(VCPKG_ROOT /vcpkg)
elseif(EXISTS c:/vcpkg)
set(VCPKG_ROOT c:/vcpkg)
get_filename_component(VCPKG_ROOT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../vcpkg ABSOLUTE)
set(VCPKG_ROOT ${VCPKG_ROOT} CACHE FILEPATH "vcpkg installation root path" FORCE)
get_filename_component(root_parent ${VCPKG_ROOT}/.. ABSOLUTE)
COMMAND git clone
WORKING_DIRECTORY ${root_parent}
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
# this is the case when we cache vcpkg/installed with the appveyor build cache
"git init"
"git remote add origin"
"git fetch --all --prune"
"git reset --hard origin/master"
"git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master"
foreach(git_command ${git_commands})
COMMAND ${git_command}
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
COMMAND git fetch origin
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
COMMAND git status
OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_status_text
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
set(git_up_to_date FALSE)
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
if(git_status_text MATCHES "Your branch is up to date with")
set(git_up_to_date TRUE)
if(NOT git_up_to_date)
COMMAND git pull --rebase
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
# build latest vcpkg, if needed
if(NOT git_up_to_date)
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
COMMAND bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
cmake: Visual Studio support improvements. Add support for vcpkg ffmpeg, this requires using someone's FindFFmpeg.cmake instead of relying on pkg-config, since vcpkg does not have pkg-config. Do not use the ffmpeg from vcpkg on appveyor however, because that pushes the build cache generation over the time limit for jobs. Add secur32 and bcrypt to the list of ffmpeg libs on windows, these are standard windows libraries. Change some code in ffmpeg.cpp to remove C-style casts of struct initializers, which are illegal in MSVC. Add the INT64_C and UINT64_C macros missing in MSVC's stdint.h (if not defined) to ffmpeg.h before the ffmpeg headers are included, because they rely on them. Rewrite the wxWidgets finding code for the vcpkg wxWidgets to be nicer and work correctly for debug and static builds. Remove all /W* and /w* warnings options from cmake compiler flags, and replace them with /W4 for debug builds, and /w (no warnings) for release modes. When building a static binary, remove all /MD* flags from cmake compiler flags, and use /MT for static release builds and /MTd for static debug builds. Improve the vcpkg toolchain wrapper to only rebuild the vcpkg binary if there were git updates. Redo the handling of SDL2 and SDL_main. Only link SDL2Main to the SDL binary and don't use the definitions. Update CMakeSettings.json to use Ninja and include static configurations. Use CMAKE_PROJECT_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to determine the vcpkg root, as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is sometimes set incorrectly in the 2017 GUI. Add /nodefaultlib:libcmt to the debug build link flags, as in debug builds libcmtd is used and libcmt should not be. Add /subsystem:console to debug build link flags to produce a windows console app for debug builds, like we do for mingw builds. To do this, define a WIN32_CONSOLE_APP macro and if set, define a main() that calls WinMain(). Call wxMesdsageOutput::Set() in OnInit with an instance of wxMessageOutputStderr for windows debug builds to make sure the --help text etc. goes to the console instead of a popup box. Update the Visual Studio related text in Fix dynamic debug builds by linking to the debug version of SDL2 and copying the debug version of the dll to the build dir. Fix issue in MainFrame::BindAppIcon with the function we are using not being found in a Windows DLL in debug builds by using wxDynamicLibrary::GetSymboolAorW() instead of GetSymbol(). Enable LTO for MSVC in Release modes, if the option is set. Change appveyor config to use an 8 item build matrix of x64/x86 / Release/Debug / Static/Dynamic. And test the binary in debug modes by running --help. When copying the wxrc.exe out of the build tree, copy both the release and debug versions, this is so that appveyor caching of vcpkg works, since the build trees are not cached. Add some necessary win32 libraries to the SDL binary. And enable building it on appveyor. Fix #465. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
2019-12-10 11:13:58 +00:00
foreach(pkg ${VCPKG_DEPS})
set(vcpkg_exe vcpkg)
set(vcpkg_exe ./vcpkg)
# update portfiles
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} update
# Get number of seconds since midnight (might be wrong if am/pm is in effect on Windows.)
set(began ${seconds})
# Limit total installation time to 20 minutes to not overrun CI time limit.
math(EXPR time_limit "${began} + (20 * 60)")
# Install core deps.
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} install ${VCPKG_DEPS_QUALIFIED}
# If ports have been updated, and there is time, rebuild cache one at a time to not overrun the CI time limit.
if(seconds LESS time_limit)
if(DEFINED first_upgrade)
# If we have to upgrade zlib, remove optional deps first so that
# the build doesn't overrun the CI time limit.
if(first_upgrade STREQUAL "zlib")
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} upgrade --no-dry-run "${first_upgrade}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}"
# Install optional deps, within time limit.
list(LENGTH VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL optionals_list_len)
math(EXPR optionals_list_last "${optionals_list_len} - 1")
foreach(i RANGE 0 ${optionals_list_last} 2)
math(EXPR var_idx "${i} + 1")
list(GET VCPKG_DEPS_OPTIONAL ${var_idx} var)
set(val "${${var}}")
if("${val}" OR (seconds LESS time_limit AND ("${val}" OR "${val}" STREQUAL "")))
set(dep_qualified "${dep}:${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}")
COMMAND ${vcpkg_exe} install ${dep_qualified}
set(${var} ON)
set(${var} OFF)
set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM x64 CACHE STRING "visual studio build architecture" FORCE)
if(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET MATCHES "^x[68][46]-windows-")
# set toolchain to VS for e.g. Ninja or jom
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER cl CACHE STRING "Microsoft C/C++ Compiler" FORCE)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER cl CACHE STRING "Microsoft C/C++ Compiler" FORCE)
elseif(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET MATCHES "^x[68][46]-mingw-")
# set toolchain to MinGW for e.g. Ninja or jom
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake CACHE FILEPATH "vcpkg toolchain" FORCE)
# Make vcpkg use debug libs for RelWithDebInfo
set(orig_build_type ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${orig_build_type})