2007-11-14 12:28:27 +00:00
// VisualBoyAdvance - Nintendo Gameboy/GameboyAdvance (TM) emulator.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Forgotten
// Copyright (C) 2004 Forgotten and the VBA development team
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or(at your option)
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# include "stdafx.h"
# define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 0x0700
# include <ddraw.h>
# include "../System.h"
# include "../gb/gbGlobals.h"
# include "../GBA.h"
# include "../Globals.h"
# include "../Text.h"
# include "../Util.h"
# include "VBA.h"
# include "MainWnd.h"
# include "Reg.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include "Display.h"
# ifdef _DEBUG
# define new DEBUG_NEW
# undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE [ ] = __FILE__ ;
# endif
extern int Init_2xSaI ( u32 ) ;
extern void winlog ( const char * , . . . ) ;
extern int systemSpeed ;
extern int winVideoModeSelect ( CWnd * , GUID * * ) ;
class DirectDrawDisplay : public IDisplay {
private :
int width ;
int height ;
bool failed ;
bool initializeOffscreen ( int w , int h ) ;
public :
DirectDrawDisplay ( ) ;
virtual ~ DirectDrawDisplay ( ) ;
virtual bool initialize ( ) ;
virtual void cleanup ( ) ;
virtual void render ( ) ;
virtual void checkFullScreen ( ) ;
virtual void renderMenu ( ) ;
virtual void clear ( ) ;
virtual bool changeRenderSize ( int w , int h ) ;
virtual DISPLAY_TYPE getType ( ) { return DIRECT_DRAW ; } ;
virtual void setOption ( const char * , int ) { }
virtual bool isSkinSupported ( ) { return true ; }
virtual int selectFullScreenMode ( GUID * * ) ;
} ;
static HRESULT WINAPI checkModesAvailable ( LPDDSURFACEDESC2 surf , LPVOID lpContext )
if ( surf - > dwWidth = = 320 & &
surf - > dwHeight = = 240 & &
surf - > ddpfPixelFormat . dwRGBBitCount = = 16 ) {
theApp . mode320Available = TRUE ;
if ( surf - > dwWidth = = 640 & &
surf - > dwHeight = = 480 & &
surf - > ddpfPixelFormat . dwRGBBitCount = = 16 ) {
theApp . mode640Available = TRUE ;
if ( surf - > dwWidth = = 800 & &
surf - > dwHeight = = 600 & &
surf - > ddpfPixelFormat . dwRGBBitCount = = 16 ) {
theApp . mode800Available = TRUE ;
if ( surf - > dwWidth = = 1024 & &
surf - > dwHeight = = 768 & &
surf - > ddpfPixelFormat . dwRGBBitCount = = 16 ) {
theApp . mode1024Available = TRUE ;
if ( surf - > dwWidth = = 1280 & &
surf - > dwHeight = = 1024 & &
surf - > ddpfPixelFormat . dwRGBBitCount = = 16 ) {
theApp . mode1280Available = TRUE ;
static int ffs ( UINT mask )
int m = 0 ;
if ( mask ) {
while ( ! ( mask & ( 1 < < m ) ) )
m + + ;
return ( m ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
DirectDrawDisplay : : DirectDrawDisplay ( )
pDirectDraw = NULL ;
ddsPrimary = NULL ;
ddsOffscreen = NULL ;
ddsFlip = NULL ;
ddsClipper = NULL ;
ddrawDLL = NULL ;
width = 0 ;
height = 0 ;
failed = false ;
DirectDrawDisplay : : ~ DirectDrawDisplay ( )
cleanup ( ) ;
void DirectDrawDisplay : : cleanup ( )
if ( pDirectDraw ! = NULL ) {
if ( ddsClipper ! = NULL ) {
ddsClipper - > Release ( ) ;
ddsClipper = NULL ;
if ( ddsFlip ! = NULL ) {
ddsFlip - > Release ( ) ;
ddsFlip = NULL ;
if ( ddsOffscreen ! = NULL ) {
ddsOffscreen - > Release ( ) ;
ddsOffscreen = NULL ;
if ( ddsPrimary ! = NULL ) {
ddsPrimary - > Release ( ) ;
ddsPrimary = NULL ;
pDirectDraw - > Release ( ) ;
pDirectDraw = NULL ;
if ( ddrawDLL ! = NULL ) {
# ifdef _AFXDLL
AfxFreeLibrary ( ddrawDLL ) ;
# else
FreeLibrary ( ddrawDLL ) ;
# endif
ddrawDLL = NULL ;
width = 0 ;
height = 0 ;
bool DirectDrawDisplay : : initialize ( )
theApp . sizeX = 240 ;
theApp . sizeY = 160 ;
switch ( theApp . videoOption ) {
case VIDEO_1X :
theApp . surfaceSizeX = theApp . sizeX ;
theApp . surfaceSizeY = theApp . sizeY ;
break ;
case VIDEO_2X :
theApp . surfaceSizeX = theApp . sizeX * 2 ;
theApp . surfaceSizeY = theApp . sizeY * 2 ;
break ;
case VIDEO_3X :
theApp . surfaceSizeX = theApp . sizeX * 3 ;
theApp . surfaceSizeY = theApp . sizeY * 3 ;
break ;
case VIDEO_4X :
theApp . surfaceSizeX = theApp . sizeX * 4 ;
theApp . surfaceSizeY = theApp . sizeY * 4 ;
break ;
case VIDEO_320x240 :
case VIDEO_640x480 :
case VIDEO_800x600 :
case VIDEO_1024x768 :
case VIDEO_1280x1024 :
int scaleX = ( theApp . fsWidth / theApp . sizeX ) ;
int scaleY = ( theApp . fsHeight / theApp . sizeY ) ;
int min = scaleX < scaleY ? scaleX : scaleY ;
if ( theApp . fsMaxScale )
min = min > theApp . fsMaxScale ? theApp . fsMaxScale : min ;
theApp . surfaceSizeX = theApp . sizeX * min ;
theApp . surfaceSizeY = theApp . sizeY * min ;
if ( theApp . fullScreenStretch ) {
theApp . surfaceSizeX = theApp . fsWidth ;
theApp . surfaceSizeY = theApp . fsHeight ;
break ;
theApp . rect . left = 0 ;
theApp . rect . top = 0 ;
theApp . rect . right = theApp . sizeX ;
theApp . rect . bottom = theApp . sizeY ;
theApp . dest . left = 0 ;
theApp . dest . top = 0 ;
theApp . dest . right = theApp . surfaceSizeX ;
theApp . dest . bottom = theApp . surfaceSizeY ;
DWORD styleEx = 0 ;
if ( theApp . videoOption < = VIDEO_4X )
styleEx = WS_EX_TOPMOST ;
if ( theApp . videoOption < = VIDEO_4X )
AdjustWindowRectEx ( & theApp . dest , style , TRUE , styleEx ) ;
AdjustWindowRectEx ( & theApp . dest , style , FALSE , styleEx ) ;
int winSizeX = theApp . dest . right - theApp . dest . left ;
int winSizeY = theApp . dest . bottom - theApp . dest . top ;
int x = 0 ;
int y = 0 ;
if ( theApp . videoOption < = VIDEO_4X ) {
x = theApp . windowPositionX ;
y = theApp . windowPositionY ;
// Create a window
MainWnd * pWnd = new MainWnd ;
theApp . m_pMainWnd = pWnd ;
pWnd - > CreateEx ( styleEx ,
theApp . wndClass ,
" VisualBoyAdvance " ,
style ,
x , y , winSizeX , winSizeY ,
0 ) ;
if ( ! ( HWND ) * pWnd ) {
winlog ( " Error creating Window %08x \n " , GetLastError ( ) ) ;
return FALSE ;
theApp . updateMenuBar ( ) ;
theApp . adjustDestRect ( ) ;
GUID * guid = NULL ;
if ( theApp . ddrawEmulationOnly )
if ( theApp . pVideoDriverGUID )
guid = theApp . pVideoDriverGUID ;
# ifdef _AFXDLL
ddrawDLL = AfxLoadLibrary ( " ddraw.dll " ) ;
# else
ddrawDLL = LoadLibrary ( _T ( " ddraw.dll " ) ) ;
# endif
HRESULT ( WINAPI * DDrawCreateEx ) ( GUID * , LPVOID * , REFIID , IUnknown * ) ;
if ( ddrawDLL ! = NULL ) {
DDrawCreateEx = ( HRESULT ( WINAPI * ) ( GUID * , LPVOID * , REFIID , IUnknown * ) )
GetProcAddress ( ddrawDLL , " DirectDrawCreateEx " ) ;
if ( DDrawCreateEx = = NULL ) {
theApp . directXMessage ( " DirectDrawCreateEx " ) ;
return FALSE ;
} else {
theApp . directXMessage ( " DDRAW.DLL " ) ;
return FALSE ;
theApp . ddrawUsingEmulationOnly = theApp . ddrawEmulationOnly ;
HRESULT hret = DDrawCreateEx ( guid ,
( void * * ) & pDirectDraw ,
IID_IDirectDraw7 ,
NULL ) ;
if ( hret ! = DD_OK ) {
winlog ( " Error creating DirectDraw object %08x \n " , hret ) ;
if ( theApp . ddrawEmulationOnly ) {
// disable emulation only setting in case of failure
regSetDwordValue ( " ddrawEmulationOnly " , 0 ) ;
// errorMessage(myLoadString(IDS_ERROR_DISP_DRAWCREATE), hret);
return FALSE ;
if ( theApp . ddrawDebug ) {
DDCAPS driver ;
DDCAPS hel ;
ZeroMemory ( & driver , sizeof ( driver ) ) ;
ZeroMemory ( & hel , sizeof ( hel ) ) ;
driver . dwSize = sizeof ( driver ) ;
hel . dwSize = sizeof ( hel ) ;
pDirectDraw - > GetCaps ( & driver , & hel ) ;
int i ;
DWORD * p = ( DWORD * ) & driver ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( int ) driver . dwSize ; i + = 4 )
winlog ( " Driver CAPS %2d: %08x \n " , i > > 2 , * p + + ) ;
p = ( DWORD * ) & hel ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( int ) hel . dwSize ; i + = 4 )
winlog ( " HEL CAPS %2d: %08x \n " , i > > 2 , * p + + ) ;
theApp . mode320Available = false ;
theApp . mode640Available = false ;
theApp . mode800Available = false ;
theApp . mode1024Available = false ;
theApp . mode1280Available = false ;
// check for available fullscreen modes
pDirectDraw - > EnumDisplayModes ( DDEDM_STANDARDVGAMODES , NULL , NULL ,
checkModesAvailable ) ;
if ( theApp . videoOption > = VIDEO_320x240 )
hret = pDirectDraw - > SetCooperativeLevel ( pWnd - > m_hWnd ,
flags ) ;
if ( hret ! = DD_OK ) {
winlog ( " Error SetCooperativeLevel %08x \n " , hret ) ;
// errorMessage(myLoadString(IDS_ERROR_DISP_DRAWLEVEL), hret);
return FALSE ;
if ( theApp . videoOption > VIDEO_4X ) {
hret = pDirectDraw - > SetDisplayMode ( theApp . fsWidth ,
theApp . fsHeight ,
theApp . fsColorDepth ,
theApp . fsFrequency ,
0 ) ;
if ( hret ! = DD_OK ) {
winlog ( " Error SetDisplayMode %08x \n " , hret ) ;
// errorMessage(myLoadString(IDS_ERROR_DISP_DRAWSET), hret);
return FALSE ;
ZeroMemory ( & ddsd , sizeof ( ddsd ) ) ;
ddsd . dwSize = sizeof ( ddsd ) ;
ddsd . dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS ;
ddsd . ddsCaps . dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE ;
if ( theApp . videoOption > VIDEO_4X ) {
if ( theApp . tripleBuffering ) {
// setup triple buffering
ddsd . dwFlags | = DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT ;
ddsd . ddsCaps . dwCaps | = DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_FLIP ;
ddsd . dwBackBufferCount = 2 ;
hret = pDirectDraw - > CreateSurface ( & ddsd , & ddsPrimary , NULL ) ;
if ( hret ! = DD_OK ) {
winlog ( " Error primary CreateSurface %08x \n " , hret ) ;
// errorMessage(myLoadString(IDS_ERROR_DISP_DRAWSURFACE), hret);
return FALSE ;
if ( theApp . ddrawDebug ) {
DDSCAPS2 caps ;
ZeroMemory ( & caps , sizeof ( caps ) ) ;
ddsPrimary - > GetCaps ( & caps ) ;
winlog ( " Primary CAPS 1: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps ) ;
winlog ( " Primary CAPS 2: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps2 ) ;
winlog ( " Primary CAPS 3: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps3 ) ;
winlog ( " Primary CAPS 4: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps4 ) ;
if ( theApp . videoOption > VIDEO_4X & & theApp . tripleBuffering ) {
DDSCAPS2 caps ;
ZeroMemory ( & caps , sizeof ( caps ) ) ;
// this gets the third surface. The front one is the primary,
// the second is the backbuffer and the third is the flip
// surface
caps . dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER ;
hret = ddsPrimary - > GetAttachedSurface ( & caps , & ddsFlip ) ;
if ( hret ! = DD_OK ) {
winlog ( " Failed to get attached surface %08x " , hret ) ;
return FALSE ;
ddsFlip - > AddRef ( ) ;
clear ( ) ;
// create clipper in all modes to avoid paint problems
// if(videoOption <= VIDEO_4X) {
hret = pDirectDraw - > CreateClipper ( 0 , & ddsClipper , NULL ) ;
if ( hret = = DD_OK ) {
ddsClipper - > SetHWnd ( 0 , pWnd - > m_hWnd ) ;
if ( theApp . videoOption > VIDEO_4X ) {
if ( theApp . tripleBuffering )
ddsFlip - > SetClipper ( ddsClipper ) ;
ddsPrimary - > SetClipper ( ddsClipper ) ;
} else
ddsPrimary - > SetClipper ( ddsClipper ) ;
// }
px . dwSize = sizeof ( px ) ;
hret = ddsPrimary - > GetPixelFormat ( & px ) ;
switch ( px . dwRGBBitCount ) {
case 15 :
case 16 :
systemColorDepth = 16 ;
break ;
case 24 :
systemColorDepth = 24 ;
theApp . filterFunction = NULL ;
break ;
case 32 :
systemColorDepth = 32 ;
break ;
default :
systemMessage ( IDS_ERROR_DISP_COLOR , " Unsupported display setting for color depth: %d bits. \n Windows desktop must be in either 16-bit, 24-bit or 32-bit mode for this program to work in window mode. " , px . dwRGBBitCount ) ;
return FALSE ;
theApp . updateFilter ( ) ;
theApp . updateIFB ( ) ;
if ( failed )
return false ;
pWnd - > DragAcceptFiles ( TRUE ) ;
return true ;
bool DirectDrawDisplay : : changeRenderSize ( int w , int h )
if ( w ! = width | | h ! = height ) {
if ( ddsOffscreen ) {
ddsOffscreen - > Release ( ) ;
ddsOffscreen = NULL ;
if ( ! initializeOffscreen ( w , h ) ) {
failed = true ;
return false ;
return true ;
bool DirectDrawDisplay : : initializeOffscreen ( int w , int h )
ZeroMemory ( & ddsd , sizeof ( ddsd ) ) ;
ddsd . dwSize = sizeof ( ddsd ) ;
ddsd . ddsCaps . dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN ;
if ( theApp . ddrawUseVideoMemory )
ddsd . dwWidth = w ;
ddsd . dwHeight = h ;
HRESULT hret = pDirectDraw - > CreateSurface ( & ddsd , & ddsOffscreen , NULL ) ;
if ( hret ! = DD_OK ) {
winlog ( " Error offscreen CreateSurface %08x \n " , hret ) ;
if ( theApp . ddrawUseVideoMemory ) {
regSetDwordValue ( " ddrawUseVideoMemory " , 0 ) ;
// errorMessage(myLoadString(IDS_ERROR_DISP_DRAWSURFACE2), hret);
return false ;
if ( theApp . ddrawDebug ) {
DDSCAPS2 caps ;
ZeroMemory ( & caps , sizeof ( caps ) ) ;
ddsOffscreen - > GetCaps ( & caps ) ;
winlog ( " Offscreen CAPS 1: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps ) ;
winlog ( " Offscreen CAPS 2: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps2 ) ;
winlog ( " Offscreen CAPS 3: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps3 ) ;
winlog ( " Offscreen CAPS 4: %08x \n " , caps . dwCaps4 ) ;
px . dwSize = sizeof ( px ) ;
hret = ddsOffscreen - > GetPixelFormat ( & px ) ;
if ( theApp . ddrawDebug ) {
DWORD * pdword = ( DWORD * ) & px ;
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < 8 ; ii + + ) {
winlog ( " Pixel format %d %08x \n " , ii , pdword [ ii ] ) ;
switch ( px . dwRGBBitCount ) {
case 15 :
case 16 :
systemColorDepth = 16 ;
break ;
case 24 :
systemColorDepth = 24 ;
theApp . filterFunction = NULL ;
break ;
case 32 :
systemColorDepth = 32 ;
break ;
default :
systemMessage ( IDS_ERROR_DISP_COLOR , " Unsupported display setting for color depth: %d bits. \n Windows desktop must be in either 16-bit, 24-bit or 32-bit mode for this program to work in window mode. " , px . dwRGBBitCount ) ;
return FALSE ;
if ( theApp . ddrawDebug ) {
winlog ( " R Mask: %08x \n " , px . dwRBitMask ) ;
winlog ( " G Mask: %08x \n " , px . dwGBitMask ) ;
winlog ( " B Mask: %08x \n " , px . dwBBitMask ) ;
systemRedShift = ffs ( px . dwRBitMask ) ;
systemGreenShift = ffs ( px . dwGBitMask ) ;
systemBlueShift = ffs ( px . dwBBitMask ) ;
# ifdef MMX
if ( ! theApp . disableMMX )
cpu_mmx = theApp . detectMMX ( ) ;
cpu_mmx = 0 ;
# endif
if ( ( px . dwFlags & DDPF_RGB ) ! = 0 & &
px . dwRBitMask = = 0xF800 & &
px . dwGBitMask = = 0x07E0 & &
px . dwBBitMask = = 0x001F ) {
systemGreenShift + + ;
Init_2xSaI ( 565 ) ;
} else if ( ( px . dwFlags & DDPF_RGB ) ! = 0 & &
px . dwRBitMask = = 0x7C00 & &
px . dwGBitMask = = 0x03E0 & &
px . dwBBitMask = = 0x001F ) {
Init_2xSaI ( 555 ) ;
} else if ( ( px . dwFlags & DDPF_RGB ) ! = 0 & &
px . dwRBitMask = = 0x001F & &
px . dwGBitMask = = 0x07E0 & &
px . dwBBitMask = = 0xF800 ) {
systemGreenShift + + ;
Init_2xSaI ( 565 ) ;
} else if ( ( px . dwFlags & DDPF_RGB ) ! = 0 & &
px . dwRBitMask = = 0x001F & &
px . dwGBitMask = = 0x03E0 & &
px . dwBBitMask = = 0x7C00 ) {
Init_2xSaI ( 555 ) ;
} else {
// 32-bit or 24-bit
if ( systemColorDepth = = 32 | | systemColorDepth = = 24 ) {
systemRedShift + = 3 ;
systemGreenShift + = 3 ;
systemBlueShift + = 3 ;
if ( systemColorDepth = = 32 )
Init_2xSaI ( 32 ) ;
if ( theApp . ddrawDebug ) {
winlog ( " R shift: %d \n " , systemRedShift ) ;
winlog ( " G shift: %d \n " , systemGreenShift ) ;
winlog ( " B shift: %d \n " , systemBlueShift ) ;
utilUpdateSystemColorMaps ( ) ;
width = w ;
height = h ;
return true ;
void DirectDrawDisplay : : clear ( )
if ( theApp . videoOption < = VIDEO_4X | | ! theApp . tripleBuffering | | ddsFlip = = NULL )
return ;
ZeroMemory ( & fx , sizeof ( fx ) ) ;
fx . dwSize = sizeof ( fx ) ;
fx . dwFillColor = 0 ;
ddsFlip - > Blt ( NULL , NULL , NULL , DDBLT_COLORFILL | DDBLT_WAIT , & fx ) ;
ddsPrimary - > Flip ( NULL , 0 ) ;
ddsFlip - > Blt ( NULL , NULL , NULL , DDBLT_COLORFILL | DDBLT_WAIT , & fx ) ;
ddsPrimary - > Flip ( NULL , 0 ) ;
ddsFlip - > Blt ( NULL , NULL , NULL , DDBLT_COLORFILL | DDBLT_WAIT , & fx ) ;
ddsPrimary - > Flip ( NULL , 0 ) ;
void DirectDrawDisplay : : renderMenu ( )
checkFullScreen ( ) ;
theApp . m_pMainWnd - > DrawMenuBar ( ) ;
void DirectDrawDisplay : : checkFullScreen ( )
if ( theApp . tripleBuffering )
pDirectDraw - > FlipToGDISurface ( ) ;
void DirectDrawDisplay : : render ( )
HRESULT hret ;
unsigned int nBytesPerPixel = systemColorDepth > > 3 ;
if ( pDirectDraw = = NULL | |
ddsOffscreen = = NULL | |
ddsPrimary = = NULL )
return ;
ZeroMemory ( & ddsDesc , sizeof ( ddsDesc ) ) ;
ddsDesc . dwSize = sizeof ( ddsDesc ) ;
hret = ddsOffscreen - > Lock ( NULL ,
& ddsDesc ,
# endif
NULL ) ;
if ( hret = = DDERR_SURFACELOST ) {
hret = ddsPrimary - > Restore ( ) ;
if ( hret = = DD_OK ) {
hret = ddsOffscreen - > Restore ( ) ;
if ( hret = = DD_OK ) {
hret = ddsOffscreen - > Lock ( NULL ,
& ddsDesc ,
# endif
NULL ) ;
if ( hret = = DD_OK ) {
if ( theApp . filterFunction ) {
if ( systemColorDepth = = 16 )
( * theApp . filterFunction ) ( pix + theApp . filterWidth * 2 + 4 ,
theApp . filterWidth * 2 + 4 ,
( u8 * ) theApp . delta ,
( u8 * ) ddsDesc . lpSurface ,
ddsDesc . lPitch ,
theApp . filterWidth ,
theApp . filterHeight ) ;
( * theApp . filterFunction ) ( pix + theApp . filterWidth * 4 + 4 ,
theApp . filterWidth * 4 + 4 ,
( u8 * ) theApp . delta ,
( u8 * ) ddsDesc . lpSurface ,
ddsDesc . lPitch ,
theApp . filterWidth ,
theApp . filterHeight ) ;
} else {
int copyX = 240 ;
int copyY = 160 ;
if ( theApp . cartridgeType = = 1 ) {
if ( gbBorderOn ) {
copyX = 256 ;
copyY = 224 ;
} else {
copyX = 160 ;
copyY = 144 ;
copyImage ( pix , ddsDesc . lpSurface , copyX , copyY , ddsDesc . lPitch , systemColorDepth ) ;
if ( theApp . showSpeed & & ( theApp . videoOption > VIDEO_4X | | theApp . skin ! = NULL ) ) {
char buffer [ 30 ] ;
if ( theApp . showSpeed = = 1 )
sprintf ( buffer , " %3d%% " , systemSpeed ) ;
sprintf ( buffer , " %3d%%(%d, %d fps) " , systemSpeed ,
systemFrameSkip ,
theApp . showRenderedFrames ) ;
if ( theApp . showSpeedTransparent )
drawTextTransp ( ( u8 * ) ddsDesc . lpSurface ,
ddsDesc . lPitch ,
theApp . rect . left + 10 ,
theApp . rect . bottom - 10 ,
buffer ) ;
drawText ( ( u8 * ) ddsDesc . lpSurface ,
ddsDesc . lPitch ,
theApp . rect . left + 10 ,
theApp . rect . bottom - 10 ,
buffer ) ;
} else if ( theApp . ddrawDebug )
winlog ( " Error during lock: %08x \n " , hret ) ;
hret = ddsOffscreen - > Unlock ( NULL ) ;
if ( hret = = DD_OK ) {
if ( theApp . vsync & & ! ( theApp . tripleBuffering & & theApp . videoOption > VIDEO_4X ) & & ! speedup ) { // isn't the Flip() call synced unless a certain flag is passed to it?
hret = pDirectDraw - > WaitForVerticalBlank ( DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN , 0 ) ;
ddsOffscreen - > PageLock ( 0 ) ;
if ( theApp . tripleBuffering & & theApp . videoOption > VIDEO_4X ) {
hret = ddsFlip - > Blt ( & theApp . dest , ddsOffscreen , NULL , DDBLT_WAIT , NULL ) ;
if ( hret = = DD_OK ) {
if ( theApp . menuToggle | | ! theApp . active ) {
pDirectDraw - > FlipToGDISurface ( ) ;
ddsPrimary - > SetClipper ( ddsClipper ) ;
hret = ddsPrimary - > Blt ( & theApp . dest , ddsFlip , NULL , DDBLT_ASYNC , NULL ) ;
theApp . m_pMainWnd - > DrawMenuBar ( ) ;
} else
hret = ddsPrimary - > Flip ( NULL , 0 ) ;
} else {
hret = ddsPrimary - > Blt ( & theApp . dest , ddsOffscreen , NULL , DDBLT_ASYNC , NULL ) ;
if ( hret = = DDERR_SURFACELOST ) {
hret = ddsPrimary - > Restore ( ) ;
if ( hret = = DD_OK ) {
hret = ddsPrimary - > Blt ( & theApp . dest , ddsOffscreen , NULL , DDBLT_ASYNC , NULL ) ;
ddsOffscreen - > PageUnlock ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( theApp . ddrawDebug )
winlog ( " Error during unlock: %08x \n " , hret ) ;
if ( theApp . screenMessage ) {
if ( ( ( GetTickCount ( ) - theApp . screenMessageTime ) < 3000 ) & &
! theApp . disableStatusMessage ) {
ddsPrimary - > SetClipper ( ddsClipper ) ;
HDC hdc ;
ddsPrimary - > GetDC ( & hdc ) ;
SetTextColor ( hdc , RGB ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
SetBkMode ( hdc , TRANSPARENT ) ;
TextOut ( hdc , theApp . dest . left + 10 , theApp . dest . bottom - 20 , theApp . screenMessageBuffer ,
( int ) _tcslen ( theApp . screenMessageBuffer ) ) ;
ddsPrimary - > ReleaseDC ( hdc ) ;
} else {
theApp . screenMessage = false ;
if ( hret ! = DD_OK ) {
if ( theApp . ddrawDebug )
winlog ( " Error on update screen: %08x \n " , hret ) ;
int DirectDrawDisplay : : selectFullScreenMode ( GUID * * pGUID )
return winVideoModeSelect ( theApp . m_pMainWnd , pGUID ) ;
IDisplay * newDirectDrawDisplay ( )
return new DirectDrawDisplay ( ) ;