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// SSSS tt lll lll
// SS SS tt ll ll
// SS tttttt eeee ll ll aaaa
// SSSS tt ee ee ll ll aa
// SS tt eeeeee ll ll aaaaa -- "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
// SS SS tt ee ll ll aa aa
// SSSS ttt eeeee llll llll aaaaa
// Copyright (c) 1995-2020 by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony
// and the Stella Team
// See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
// this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
#ifndef EVENT_HXX
#define EVENT_HXX
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include "bspf.hxx"
@author Stephen Anthony, Christian Speckner, Thomas Jentzsch
class Event
Enumeration of all possible events in Stella, including both
console and controller event types as well as events that aren't
technically part of the emulation core.
enum Type
NoType = 0,
ConsoleColor, ConsoleBlackWhite, ConsoleColorToggle, Console7800Pause,
ConsoleLeftDiffA, ConsoleLeftDiffB, ConsoleLeftDiffToggle,
ConsoleRightDiffA, ConsoleRightDiffB, ConsoleRightDiffToggle,
ConsoleSelect, ConsoleReset,
JoystickZeroUp, JoystickZeroDown, JoystickZeroLeft, JoystickZeroRight,
JoystickZeroFire, JoystickZeroFire5, JoystickZeroFire9,
JoystickOneUp, JoystickOneDown, JoystickOneLeft, JoystickOneRight,
JoystickOneFire, JoystickOneFire5, JoystickOneFire9,
PaddleZeroDecrease, PaddleZeroIncrease, PaddleZeroAnalog, PaddleZeroFire,
PaddleOneDecrease, PaddleOneIncrease, PaddleOneAnalog, PaddleOneFire,
PaddleTwoDecrease, PaddleTwoIncrease, PaddleTwoAnalog, PaddleTwoFire,
PaddleThreeDecrease, PaddleThreeIncrease, PaddleThreeAnalog, PaddleThreeFire,
KeyboardZero1, KeyboardZero2, KeyboardZero3,
KeyboardZero4, KeyboardZero5, KeyboardZero6,
KeyboardZero7, KeyboardZero8, KeyboardZero9,
KeyboardZeroStar, KeyboardZero0, KeyboardZeroPound,
KeyboardOne1, KeyboardOne2, KeyboardOne3,
KeyboardOne4, KeyboardOne5, KeyboardOne6,
KeyboardOne7, KeyboardOne8, KeyboardOne9,
KeyboardOneStar, KeyboardOne0, KeyboardOnePound,
CompuMateFunc, CompuMateShift,
CompuMate0, CompuMate1, CompuMate2, CompuMate3, CompuMate4,
CompuMate5, CompuMate6, CompuMate7, CompuMate8, CompuMate9,
CompuMateA, CompuMateB, CompuMateC, CompuMateD, CompuMateE,
CompuMateF, CompuMateG, CompuMateH, CompuMateI, CompuMateJ,
CompuMateK, CompuMateL, CompuMateM, CompuMateN, CompuMateO,
CompuMateP, CompuMateQ, CompuMateR, CompuMateS, CompuMateT,
CompuMateU, CompuMateV, CompuMateW, CompuMateX, CompuMateY,
CompuMateComma, CompuMatePeriod, CompuMateEnter, CompuMateSpace,
CompuMateQuestion, CompuMateLeftBracket, CompuMateRightBracket, CompuMateMinus,
CompuMateQuote, CompuMateBackspace, CompuMateEquals, CompuMatePlus,
Combo1, Combo2, Combo3, Combo4, Combo5, Combo6, Combo7, Combo8,
Combo9, Combo10, Combo11, Combo12, Combo13, Combo14, Combo15, Combo16,
UIUp, UIDown, UILeft, UIRight, UIHome, UIEnd, UIPgUp, UIPgDown,
UISelect, UINavPrev, UINavNext, UIOK, UICancel, UIPrevDir,
UITabPrev, UITabNext,
HandleMouseControl, ToggleGrabMouse,
MouseAxisXMove, MouseAxisYMove, MouseAxisXValue, MouseAxisYValue,
MouseButtonLeftValue, MouseButtonRightValue,
Quit, ReloadConsole, Fry,
TogglePauseMode, StartPauseMode,
OptionsMenuMode, CmdMenuMode, DebuggerMode, ExitMode,
TakeSnapshot, ToggleContSnapshots, ToggleContSnapshotsFrame,
NextState, PreviousState, LoadState, SaveState,
SaveAllStates, LoadAllStates,
ToggleAutoSlot, ToggleTimeMachine, TimeMachineMode,
Rewind1Menu, Rewind10Menu, RewindAllMenu,
Unwind1Menu, Unwind10Menu, UnwindAllMenu,
RewindPause, UnwindPause,
FormatDecrease, FormatIncrease, PaletteDecrease, PaletteIncrease, ToggleColorLoss,
PreviousPaletteAttribute, NextPaletteAttribute,
PaletteAttributeDecrease, PaletteAttributeIncrease,
ToggleFullScreen, VidmodeDecrease, VidmodeIncrease,
VCenterDecrease, VCenterIncrease, VSizeAdjustDecrease, VSizeAdjustIncrease,
OverscanDecrease, OverscanIncrease,
VidmodeStd, VidmodeRGB, VidmodeSVideo, VidModeComposite, VidModeBad, VidModeCustom,
PreviousVideoMode, NextVideoMode,
PreviousAttribute, NextAttribute, DecreaseAttribute, IncreaseAttribute,
ScanlinesDecrease, ScanlinesIncrease,
PhosphorDecrease, PhosphorIncrease, TogglePhosphor, ToggleInter, ToggleJitter,
VolumeDecrease, VolumeIncrease, SoundToggle,
ToggleP0Collision, ToggleP0Bit, ToggleP1Collision, ToggleP1Bit,
ToggleM0Collision, ToggleM0Bit, ToggleM1Collision, ToggleM1Bit,
ToggleBLCollision, ToggleBLBit, TogglePFCollision, TogglePFBit,
ToggleCollisions, ToggleBits, ToggleFixedColors,
ToggleFrameStats, ToggleSAPortOrder, ExitGame,
SettingDecrease, SettingIncrease, PreviousSetting, NextSetting,
ToggleAdaptRefresh, PreviousMultiCartRom,
// add new (after Version 4) events from here to avoid that user remapped events get overwritten
PreviousSettingGroup, NextSettingGroup,
DecreaseAutoFire, IncreaseAutoFire,
DecreaseSpeed, IncreaseSpeed,
JoystickTwoUp, JoystickTwoDown, JoystickTwoLeft, JoystickTwoRight,
JoystickThreeUp, JoystickThreeDown, JoystickThreeLeft, JoystickThreeRight,
// Event categorizing groups
enum Group
Menu, Emulation,
Misc, AudioVideo, States, Console, Joystick, Paddles, Keyboard,
Debug, Combo,
// Event list version, update only if the id of existing(!) event types changed
static constexpr Int32 VERSION = 5;
using EventSet = std::set<Event::Type>;
Create a new event object.
Event() { clear(); }
Get the value associated with the event of the specified type.
Int32 get(Type type) const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(myMutex);
return myValues[type];
Set the value associated with the event of the specified type.
void set(Type type, Int32 value) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(myMutex);
myValues[type] = value;
Clears the event array (resets to initial state).
void clear()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(myMutex);
Tests if a given event represents continuous or analog values.
static bool isAnalog(Type type)
case Event::PaddleZeroAnalog:
case Event::PaddleOneAnalog:
case Event::PaddleTwoAnalog:
case Event::PaddleThreeAnalog:
return true;
return false;
// Array of values associated with each event type
std::array<Int32, LastType> myValues;
mutable std::mutex myMutex;
// Following constructors and assignment operators not supported
Event(const Event&) = delete;
Event(Event&&) = delete;
Event& operator=(const Event&) = delete;
Event& operator=(Event&&) = delete;
// Hold controller related events
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static const Event::EventSet LeftJoystickEvents = {
Event::JoystickZeroUp, Event::JoystickZeroDown, Event::JoystickZeroLeft, Event::JoystickZeroRight,
Event::JoystickZeroFire, Event::JoystickZeroFire5, Event::JoystickZeroFire9,
Event::JoystickTwoUp, Event::JoystickTwoDown, Event::JoystickTwoLeft, Event::JoystickTwoRight,
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static const Event::EventSet RightJoystickEvents = {
Event::JoystickOneUp, Event::JoystickOneDown, Event::JoystickOneLeft, Event::JoystickOneRight,
Event::JoystickOneFire, Event::JoystickOneFire5, Event::JoystickOneFire9,
Event::JoystickThreeUp, Event::JoystickThreeDown, Event::JoystickThreeLeft, Event::JoystickThreeRight,
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static const Event::EventSet LeftPaddlesEvents = {
Event::PaddleZeroDecrease, Event::PaddleZeroIncrease, Event::PaddleZeroAnalog, Event::PaddleZeroFire,
Event::PaddleOneDecrease, Event::PaddleOneIncrease, Event::PaddleOneAnalog, Event::PaddleOneFire,
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static const Event::EventSet RightPaddlesEvents = {
Event::PaddleTwoDecrease, Event::PaddleTwoIncrease, Event::PaddleTwoAnalog, Event::PaddleTwoFire,
Event::PaddleThreeDecrease, Event::PaddleThreeIncrease, Event::PaddleThreeAnalog, Event::PaddleThreeFire,
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static const Event::EventSet LeftKeypadEvents = {
Event::KeyboardZero1, Event::KeyboardZero2, Event::KeyboardZero3,
Event::KeyboardZero4, Event::KeyboardZero5, Event::KeyboardZero6,
Event::KeyboardZero7, Event::KeyboardZero8, Event::KeyboardZero9,
Event::KeyboardZeroStar, Event::KeyboardZero0, Event::KeyboardZeroPound,
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static const Event::EventSet RightKeypadEvents = {
Event::KeyboardOne1, Event::KeyboardOne2, Event::KeyboardOne3,
Event::KeyboardOne4, Event::KeyboardOne5, Event::KeyboardOne6,
Event::KeyboardOne7, Event::KeyboardOne8, Event::KeyboardOne9,
Event::KeyboardOneStar, Event::KeyboardOne0, Event::KeyboardOnePound,